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Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

Should King Dedede's infinite chaingrab be banned?

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
if he grabs you.
IF. IF he grabs you.


Can somebody PLEASE close this thread?

You obvously have no idea of D3s grab and those attacks if you say lol to that.

Why do we have to have a character to be only used to CP if we could just ban the infinite?

What if you never lose? You could never play the character.
AGAINST ONE OTHER CHARACTER IN THE CAST. Wow, DK is rendered helpless versus DDD's standing infinite. You have thirty-something odd other characters to choose from for the match-up against DDD. Cheese and rice, man. You have plenty of options available to you.

Smooth Criminal

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
It is impossible to avoid the grab.
>__> Since every character in Brawl kinda plays like Melee Jiggs, I would expect the DK player to make it difficult for DDD to approach. You know, like doing a psuedo wall of pain with b-airs and **** like that to KEEP THE DDD FROM GRABBING HIM. Or, you know, the DK could space-and-bait grabs deliberately so that he could capitalize on an opening. Sure it may be difficult with the Waddle-Something spam, but eh.


Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Why do we have to have a character to be only used to CP if we could just ban the infinite?
you don't have to ONLY use it for that, but it's safer to. Why would we ban a natural matchup advantage to a character? Let's ban MK's dair against fox while we're at it.

What if you never lose? You could never play the character.
Then you wouldn't need to play that character. If you never lost with the character you are playing, why would you want to play a different character anyways? this is the worst example i've ever seen.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Yeah because MKs dair makes it impossible for Fox to win... >_>

I'm against the ban of MK, because I've never met an MK that is better than me. Also, MK does not create 100:0 matchups. And he isn't my best character.

(and I don't main MK)

Smooth: Did you ever hear of shieldgrabbing and powershielding? If DK only runs away he could never win, and if D3 has at least 1 % less than DK the DK has to approach which is his death.

Also, DK doesn't play like Jiggly. If he had multiple jumps it would be easier to avoid a grab, but DK has to land sometime, and there are 2 frames in the landing where you can't do anything, and the D3 can grab you.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
you don't have to ONLY use it for that, but it's safer to. Why would we ban a natural matchup advantage to a character? Let's ban MK's dair against fox while we're at it.
You have pull, Scotu. Get that d-air banned straightaway.

'S like "you and the Captain make it happen!" Only "it's you and the Scotu, can do!"

Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Yeah because MKs dair makes it impossible for Fox to win... >_>
They make the matchup **** hard (70:30) to the point where you'll never play it if you can avoid it, which has the same effect as a 100:0 matchup.

It's just a matchup against a few characters that either don't matter, get beaten by DDD anyways, or make up for this matchup by being decent CPs in other matchups.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Smooth: Did you ever hear of shieldgrabbing and powershielding? If DK only runs away he could never win, and if D3 has at least 1 % less than DK the DK has to approach which is his death.

Also, DK doesn't play like Jiggly. If he had multiple jumps it would be easier to avoid a grab, but DK has to land sometime, and there are 2 frames in the landing where you can't do anything, and the D3 can grab you.
First off.

How do you know this? Have you actually tried going up against a good DDD, OFFLINE, and employed such a tactic? Have you tried playing intelligently and utilizing all of the options available to DK, such as his amazing air game and his ability to capitalize on even marginal errors? Because I think you're under the impression that DDD is just going to blindly charge at you, maybe throw a waddle-something, and spam grab all day. You're contradicting yourself, bud. DK's not that bad off, CG infinite aside. Plus there's this nice little thing called spacing that helps against that frame deficit you spoke of. DDD is a fatass and isn't that quick and I'm sure DK can be up before DDD gets a grab off.

Admittedly, if the DK fouls up...whoops. He just lost a stock. That sounds familiar guys, now that I think about it. Ice Climbers on the rest of the cast, much?

Secondly, yes, all of the character in Brawl are floaty and have some sort of WoP. Blame it on the game's physics. I wasn't saying he plays like Jiggs, it's just that nearly ALL of the characters have a WoP of some kind. Big difference.

Smooth Criminal

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
They make the matchup **** hard (70:30) to the point where you'll never play it if you can avoid it, which has the same effect as a 100:0 matchup.

It's just a matchup against a few characters that either don't matter, get beaten by DDD anyways, or make up for this matchup by being decent CPs in other matchups.
You can not compare an attack to a grab. 70:30 is much better than 100:0.

If I'd always knew when my enemy picks D3 I'd always CP. If I'd knew my enemy doesn't use D3 I could always use DK.

But I do not know when my enemy is choosing D3.

I can't believe people are defending this infinite...

Oh well, I guess I just have to stop playing DK. It is boring to always say the same things here. ~_~ and I guess I can't convince any of you anyway.

Have a good day guys, I hope not everyone hates me now D:


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
When an infinite is performed, how is that a competitive game?
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 happens to be one of the most Competitive fight games in the history of fighting games and it has several characters with infinites (none of which are banned).

should the people who make rules opt for a fair game? in which they drastically decide to remove unfair options out of a game?
What part of "Competitive gaming isn't fair. Life isn't fair." was confusing for you?

Unfair explotable maps is just like d3's infinite.
But you see, we ban maps which we feel imbalance and/or over-centralize the game as a whole. Also, most maps in Starcraft are user created.

In Starcraft, one race getting the shaft is huge since the game only has 3 races. In Brawl, one character is one out of 35/39. So it is nothuge.

for instance protosses(people who dont main a character infinitable) wont complain about Bluestorm in which zerg ***** terrans on.
AFAIK I know, "Bluestorm" is a user created map. It's as easy banning it as it is to create a new map that is not wholly unfair. It's an entirely different concept that banning something that was already in the game. That's like if Blizzard introduced an unfair advantage for Protoss tomorrow, the Competitive Starcraft community would ban it, like if carriers cost 150 minerals and 50 gas, Carriers would have to be banned.

Yeah, no. Too bad for you, I actually play Starcraft (not Competitively) as well. It's quite funny how when the pro-ban people try to use other games as an example in this thread, I usually have actually play them and can eviscerate their arguments because of it.

Also, no players in the whole world will have the exact same skill level.
What part of the word "roughly" is confusing you? Stop whining about this. It is irrelevent. I've been using the word "roughly" ever since you first whined about this. You're just clamoring for something to "win" over me by.

They still have a chance!!!!!!
No, they do not.

DK has no chance.
Neither does CF vs. MK.

1) Nobody plays DK anymore because of the infinite (thus you couldn't use it anyway)
2) The infinite will get banned and we will have one more character
Not all match-ups are fair. Suffer.

I choose the second.
But you also think that Captain Falcon vs. Meta Knight isn't an unwinnable match-up.

All anti-ban people seemingly don't care and choose the first...
We care about the game as a whole, not about single match-ups because we're so heavily biased we want to be able to play as our "favorite character", because, apparently, that's pretty much the only reason to play Brawl.

The same stupid arguments have been posted and disproved a million times in this thread. Pro-ban has lost, you have no good arguments.
They lost this in the first thread. And they haven't been able to come up with any new arguments since.

They make the matchup **** hard (70:30) to the point where you'll never play it if you can avoid it, which has the same effect as a 100:0 matchup.
Luigi Player believes 80-20s are winnable and not at all impossible match-ups, remember? Heck, he even thinks 90-10s are winnable.

He also believes it is impossible for DK to not get grabbed by D3 (while thinking 90-10s are winnable)!


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You can not compare an attack to a grab. 70:30 is much better than 100:0.
Better =/= Winnable

70:30 is winnable (kinda). 80-20 and 90-10? No. They aren't as bad as 95:5s or 99:1s or 100:0s, but they are unwinnable nonetheless. You are the only person who does not think this (who is currently in this thread).

Most of us who are "against you" right now have years and years and hundreds of hours of more experience with Competitive gaming and Competitive Smash than you. I've beaten Fox128 (in Melee). I've played 4 diffferent games Competitively.

If it is impossible for DK to not get grabbed (a lie/half-truth you have repeated one jillion times), then by the same logic, it is also impossible to win these match-ups.

This should tell you something. We know more than you do. You have no insight into how Competitive gaming works. 90-10s and 80-20s are unwinnable match-ups.

Now start whining about how life should be banned or come up with better arguments.

Have a good day guys, I hope not everyone hates me now D:

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Yuna, even 99-1 is (theoretically) winnable. If you think otherwise I guess you don't know enough of this world.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna, even 99-1 is winnable. If you think otherwise I guess you don't know enough of this world.
No, it is not. Because we only care what happens when two people of roughly equal skill face up at the highest level of the metagame (i.e., not with one side repeatedly suiciding or some such).

And if that happens, anything from 80-20 and "upwards/downwards" is unwinnable.

I know they are unwinnable precisely because I have enough experience with "this world". I was playing fighting games Competitively in 2002. Where were you back then? Playing as your "favorite character" in Melee with items on, all stages, no edgeguarding and Free-For-Alls, I'd wager (if you'd even heard of Smash at all).


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
99-1 is theoretically winnable. The keyword is theoretically. This would never be the case in real life, as a 99% chance of victory as compared to a 1% chance of victory is such a large margin that the 1% chance would never be the victor. Do not even try to debate anymore. You are terrible at it.

Seriously, you just look like an idiot.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
No, it is not. Because we only care what happens when two people of roughly equal skill face up at the highest level of the metagame (i.e., not with one side repeatedly suiciding or some such).

And if that happens, anything from 80-20 and "upwards/downwards" is unwinnable.
If there is a chance, it can happen.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
If there is a chance, it can happen.
And I keep telling you that by your own inane logic, DK vs. D3 is not unwinnable either!

Using your own logic, DK vs. D3 is winnable since if D3 keeps screwing up the infinite, screwing up his grabs, suiciding, not doing what he's supposed to and the DK just happens to be Bum, DK could win. Thus, DK vs. D3 isn't unwinnable.

It's the same as assuming that the Meta Knight is going to not combo, edgeguard, gimp or even play properly, SD and randomly fall for everything Captain Falcon does. It's the same inane logic.

But it doesn't happen. Especially not at the highest level of play, the only level we're concerned about when it comes to whether or not to ban.

But you just won't listen. Because, apparently, anything that refutes your ridiculous arguments goes ignored by you because then you'd have to face the reality of that your argument was ridiculous. You just think CF vs. MK is winnable because you've seen it happen. Well, I've seen DKs beat D3s too. Guess what, it doesn't matter.

Please explain to me under what circumstances Meta Knight vs. Captain Falcon is winnable.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
It could happen though.
Do you seriously not get what he's saying?

The D3 could as just say GG and suicide 3 times. But on the highest levels of play that won't happen.

Highest level. Not scrubbiest level.

The infinite could happen, or the DK could never get grabbed. Truthfully, it doesn't matter which, both are possible.

1 :mewtwo: 475


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
When will it happen?
Nothing that extreme has happened in prior games or prior tournaments, so when will it happen?

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
So could DK triumphing over D3. I've told you why. I just said it again. But you just refuse to listen.

Using your own logic, DK vs. D3 is not unwinnable. So either admit your logic is inane or admit DK vs. D3 isn't unwinnable.

It's much easier to win with Captain Falcon against MK though.

Captain Falcon could have enough mindgames.

DK only has 3 chances of mindgaming... 3 mistakes and he would be dead.

Captain Falcon could make much more mistakes =/

The difference is much bigger than you make it out to be.

If MK always 1 stocks Captain Falcon it is a big difference than if D3 always 3 stocks DK.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
people are going to avoid matchups 70:30 and worse like the plague, since they'd have to be MUCH better than the other player to win. The difference between a 100:0 and a 70:30 isn't nearly as much as you think.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino

It's much easier to win with Captain Falcon against MK though.

Captain Falcon could have enough mindgames.

DK only has 3 chances of mindgaming... 3 mistakes and he would be dead.

Captain Falcon could make much more mistakes =/

The difference is much bigger than you make it out to be.

If MK always 1 stocks Captain Falcon it is a big difference than if D3 always 3 stocks DK.
You're argument is horrible, I'd stop why you're ahead. Seriously, I just started reading your argument not to long ago and you've already been pushed aside with idiot inscribed in your forehead.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Grunt speaks the truth.

And that's all that matters to be honest.

The difference between losing by 1 stock, and losing by 3 stocks, is your opponent was either worse, or you were a bit better.

But either way, that doesn't matter because you lost.

1 :mewtwo: 474


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden

It's much easier to win with Captain Falcon against MK though.
No one has denied this. But it is still an unwinnable/impossible match-up.

Captain Falcon could have enough mindgames.
Yes, if CF is just tons better than D3, yes. But the same can be said about DK vs. D3.

DK only has 3 chances of mindgaming... 3 mistakes and he would be dead.
DK vs. D3 is harder to win, but either they are both unwinnable or they are both winnable.

Stop strawmanning yourself. Stop arguing ridiculous things and then changing your argument to less (but still) ridiculous things every time you are proven wrong (after accepting you are wrong only after getting your skull verbally bashed in for the 29th time)!

You were wrong, you are still wrong now, you can never win this because CF vs. MK is an unwinnable match-up and wow your fellow Austrian Smasher must be proud of how you're representing their country.

Captain Falcon could make much more mistakes =/
No, he really couldn't. Only a few more. Because he's that bad.

The difference is much bigger than you make it out to be.
I never said they were the same. I always said it as easier to lose as DK vs. D3 than CF vs. MK. I always said CF. vs DK is 80-20 and not 100-0 or 95-5.

It is an unwinnable match-up. You cannot win this, ever. Admit to being wrong (CF vs. MK and DK vs. D3 are both winnable) or admit to being wrong (CF vs. MK and DK vs. D3 are both unwinnable) because those are the only options you have.

If MK always 1 stocks Captain Falcon it is a big difference than if D3 always 3 stocks DK.
MK does not always 1-stock CF. What are you talking about? At roughly equal levels of skill at the highest level of play, CF gets 3-stocked by MK.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
with brawl being as easy as it is to play a bunch of characters (lack of character specific stuff), People already ***** the hell outta picking matchups in their favor and avoiding matchups that are bad for them. DDD's infinite doesn't change this at all. I will say it again: IT DOESN"T MAKE A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO THE METAGAME AND DOESN"T NEED BANNING.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
wow I didn't realize that people play Stargate? Is it anything like Starcraft. Lolz I love being a Smart ***.
I always accidentally write Stargate instead of Starcraft due to myself being an avid Stargate fan and also frequenting a forum for it while almost never having to type out the word "Starcraft". Bad habit.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Grunt speaks the truth.

And that's all that matters to be honest.

The difference between losing by 1 stock, and losing by 3 stocks, is your opponent was either worse, or you were a bit better.

But either way, that doesn't matter because you lost.

1 :mewtwo: 474
Yeah but the Captain Falcon could've won much more easy than the DK.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
with brawl being as easy as it is to play a bunch of characters (lack of character specific stuff), People already ***** the hell outta picking matchups in their favor and avoiding matchups that are bad for them. DDD's infinite doesn't change this at all. I will say it again: IT DOESN"T MAKE A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO THE METAGAME AND DOESN"T NEED BANNING.

Just don't pick the 5 characters that can be infinited, especially if your opponent is DeDeDe.

It's your choice to risk using them rather then picking a matchup in your favor, or better, Metaknight, who at the moment is basically all neutrals. That's if you don't want to get the fine art of counterpicking memorized.

EDIT @ LUIGI (who'm I cant believe has an '04 join date)

It doesn't matter if he can get it easier.

Guess what, Snake or Diddy have a much easier time against Meta Knight then Mario! Gee! I wonder why theres these things called matchups.

1 :mewtwo: 473


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Age does not guarantee wisdom. Experience does not guarantee knowledge.
No, but more often then not the later join dates are more knowledgeable, then person from the earlier join dates (unless they lurked for years, like I did) are "noobier".

This is not always true, but if it wasn't true a good amount of the time, people wouldn't be labeling '08 users.

My join date is an example of what you speak, as with a few of the later join dates I've seen. But I stereotype a lot on join date until they prove themselves otherwise.

1 :mewtwo: 471


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2008
*Sends Sundance _______________ on __________ Day,
HE could have!
But he still lost.
I think we all get the point that even in matchups, things CAN happen. There is a possibility.

But, considering that we are at the highest level of play, people take their characters and matches seriously, so you won't see suiciding D3's against DK's.

Keep remembering that this is the highest metagame and that even a 60-40 matchup could be a slaughter because they can use that advantage easily. That's why they're professionals.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
For stalling, yes. For killing, no.

Period, I'm right. The rest of this topic is garbage unless they said what I just said.


Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2007

But seriously, are we done now? I don't see how pro-ban can continue to articulate its point which has been shot down literally dozens of times.
Might as well be. There is 304 pages here of all the same thing being said over and over for both sides and nobody is getting anywhere. Plus Luigi player is not helping the pro ban cause right now...
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