Well, I am gonna regret this question *looks back at other attempts at other character boards* Sigh, but here goes.
My question pertains to the Pit v Samus matchup. Now, I've read a bit on the Samus matchup thread that from the 3 ratios, 2 being a 55:45 Pit, and a 50:50 even with Pit. But let's skip that part, and here's what I am trying to get at *takes deep breath*
My goal is to get all of Pit's matchups done with a lot of detail and information, hopefully with not much biasedness within the matchups. All the matchups I am typing up are on a document which I will hold every Pit matchup (when it's complete).
So here's the question at last. May I talk to some of the experienced Samus players about the matchup truthfully? You see, I don't only want a Pit's point-of-view of the matchup, but I want the other character's point-of-view of the matchup as well. In this case, I want some Samus mains' point-of-view of the matchup, so I can get both sides of it.
As for how many Samus players I want to talk to about this, probably 2 or 3, so I can get different opinions and more knowledge.
You can get me easiest on AIM or PM here, so I can discuss this personally (AIM preferred since I use it more often). I'm sorry if I am wasting your times, but I just want to get this done. I'll appreciate all your help, for it can make things easier for me. Thanks in advance *shrugs*