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sHell's Wario Guide*UPDATED*AUG17 More Matchup changes

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Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
How in the hell does wario beat diddy?

bananas are still annoying as hell because you have to land sometime. Eating them lags you enough for him to run and grab you and just camp with bananas all day. He's hard to approach because his reach is slightly better and his priority is stupid. Dash attack hits wierd and seems to not only beat bite but it eats your shield and has no lag and then goes into whatever he wants such as a grab. Diddy just spams bananas and it's really dumb. His forward b grabs you off your bike, and if he throws the banana at your body you fall off of it. He also live pretty long with his good recovery despite his weight and he's not that bad at killing especially when you consider how stupidly good he is at getting damage.

Bananas have a huge hitbox and are hard to grab because warios dash attack sucks, and you can't really air dodge or aerial grab them if they're on the ground, meanwhile diddys dash grabs it through most of his animation and has no lag.

I really don't see it because wario can't really approach between his priority and his bananas limiting his already bad ground movement, maybe im just messing it up though and i certainly hope this is the case because i ****ing hate diddy.

Warp$tar Lover

Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2008
I'm not sure if you guys knew this but...Wario can eat enemy projectiles as well. Like Link's bombs, Snakes grenades, Diddy's peanuts (From popgun), Waddle Dees and Doos, etc. Though he can't eat 'em all...

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
How in the hell does wario beat diddy bananas?
Shield the bananas, airdodge-catch them or grab them with a dash attack or aerial. Once you've caught one, just make good use of it. Glide throw it if you need to. If you want to go toe to toe with Diddy you're going to have to be as good at using bananas as he is, if not better. Sometimes when I play Diddy Kongs they just stop throwing bananas altogether :) I haven't tried this yet, but maybe you can camp behind a bike to block bananas. give it a try!

If for some odd reason they decided to shoot a peanut, you can airdodge-catch that too. :)

Edgeguarding diddy is a very important part of the matchup. GIMP DIDDY AT ALL COSTS. He's very easy to gimp. Heck, you might even be able to throw a banana at him if you see one lying around. Or a tire if you have one. Otherwise, just jump out there and intercept him, or go for a last-second edgehog.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
If worse comes to worse, you can always eat the bananas... but in all honesty, I find catching and using them to be more worth my time.

Generally if I get the chance I enjoy eating the bananas as they toss them out, it's pretty funny.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Can Wario Boost Smash and grab a banana in the process? Like if he does a dash attack right near a banana and immediately cancels it into Upsmash, does he keep the banana or does he throw it or what? I could see this helping Wario deal with bananas, but only if he slides and keeps it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
soemtimes banana goes through shield,my brother, i can safely say is probably in the top 5 diddys, diddy is absolutely ridiculous, admit it, if ur not gettin locked down by a diddy then ur playign a bad diddy, no matter how much pressure u put on a diddy he will always have reach and u should b tripping at least 40% of the match


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Seriously, you need to talk less PUDGE... the more you write, the more I'm convinced that you're not a very proficient Wario :\


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
Really though, PhantomX, saying that shows you're a very arrogant person and how inexperienced you really are. I'm going to tell you this now, not everyone in your area and every person you face in your area is the best in the world, don't assume I'm a terrible player when i could be playing someone who's better than you and to NoobCake, how is this paragraph for spelling? I also capitalized everything that should be capitalized.

I am also sorry for playing online video games because short abbreviations like "ur" "b" "np" in an MMORPG saved time during "raids" if you know what those are.

On a more serious note, I'm not trying to be an A**, I'm simply saying those things about Diddy because I've experienced them, I have never seen an amazing Diddy enter a tourney, there are probably videos out there where its just WOW. Ok just think of it like this, you play Wario, if someone just showed up with Diddy and "3-0"ed you in a tourney, what would you have to say for yourself, you act like Wario is God.
I am simply saying that Diddy has great combo potential against Wario and its not too hard to pull it off, and on a different post i did agree with blueshell that the scale is tipped in Warios favor but still, even with 56k saying you can air dodge grab bananas chances are Diddy might have another banana right in front of him, thats all.

Edit: Sorry, just wanted to throw out there that using Diddy's bananas against him is wise but Diddy can pick up the bananas through most of his attacks in awkward ways. What I mean is, the time it takes for his attack to finish, during that the grab timing on a thrown item seems a little bit longer than other characters, believe it or not.


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2008
Suspiciously close to Toronto, Canada
Thank you for the better post PUDGE, much appreciated. Also, I do know what a "raid" is, however, this is not an MMO raid, and you do not need to be pressed for time, so taking a moment to review your post to make sure it can be easily understood would be great.

As well, I'm pretty sure PhantomX got that impression from the fact that you seemed to be making somewhat outrageous claims, especially in such a scathing manner, such as "if ur not gettin locked down by a diddy then ur playign a bad diddy", where you seem to be implying any Diddy player who cannot lock down a player with bananas to be bad, which is certainly not true.

If indeed a Diddy came out of nowhere and 3-stocked me, I would be very impressed, however I see no mention of when we acted like "Wario is God", we simply recognize Wario as an above-average character, and enjoy playing as him. I also don't quite understand what you meant when you said that bananas can go through shields, as I have never heard of such a thing.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
as hard as it is to stop a good Diddy from using his bananas, it's essential to try as hard as you can because it's the best way to stop his momentum


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2008
Suspiciously close to Toronto, Canada
as hard as it is to stop a good Diddy from using his bananas, it's essential to try as hard as you can because it's the best way to stop his momentum
Yeah, I believe they said in the weekly update that Diddy was sort of a "momentum" player, so trying to stop the bananas right from the start seems like the best way to control the match.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
Thank you for the better post PUDGE, much appreciated. Also, I do know what a "raid" is, however, this is not an MMO raid, and you do not need to be pressed for time, so taking a moment to review your post to make sure it can be easily understood would be great.

As well, I'm pretty sure PhantomX got that impression from the fact that you seemed to be making somewhat outrageous claims, especially in such a scathing manner, such as "if ur not gettin locked down by a diddy then ur playign a bad diddy", where you seem to be implying any Diddy player who cannot lock down a player with bananas to be bad, which is certainly not true.

If indeed a Diddy came out of nowhere and 3-stocked me, I would be very impressed, however I see no mention of when we acted like "Wario is God", we simply recognize Wario as an above-average character, and enjoy playing as him. I also don't quite understand what you meant when you said that bananas can go through shields, as I have never heard of such a thing.
Ok, sorry about the typing, habit, so I will keep in mind I am not pressured for time.

Sorry about being aggressive about Diddy, theres just a lot that's stressful about him. :mad:

Now about bananas going through shields, i don't know why but when i play sometimes I'm pressure shielding and out of no where i get hit by a banana, which means i slipped, while i was shielded. So a tip against a Diddy who spams peanuts and bananas could be useful. :)


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Peanuts aren't really a threat at all.
Most uncharged peanuts won't even make you flinch, and I think they're somewhere in the market of 4%-6%. You can let them hit you, catch them with an airdodge, catch them with an aerial. You're choice, but whatever is safest given the situation you're in.
Learn the timing to powershield both the projectiles, this will help a lot. It's five frames, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I remember when Falco gave me trouble with his lazer spam so I learned to powershield on reflex by the sound. Basically gave me a reflector. :) But that's melee, this is brawl.
Learn the spacing for his throws and know his options out of them.
Don't let him just pick out a banana whenever. If he's too close and he tries to pull one out, punish him for it. The reason you got hit by the banana I'm guessing is because you got shield stabbed with it because your shield wasn't fully covering your body. Moving the shield in front of your character's vulnerable parts should prevent this.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Ok, sorry about the typing, habit, so I will keep in mind I am not pressured for time.

Sorry about being aggressive about Diddy, theres just a lot that's stressful about him. :mad:

Now about bananas going through shields, i don't know why but when i play sometimes I'm pressure shielding and out of no where i get hit by a banana, which means i slipped, while i was shielded. So a tip against a Diddy who spams peanuts and bananas could be useful. :)
NoobCake pretty much summed up my whole standpoint on the thing. And I never claimed that I was a great Wario or anything of the sort (thus not arrogant), it's just that the way you were posting and postulating your claims made it seem like perhaps you were not that experienced.

I think the slipping happens when the banana hits a certain part of the shield (probably the upper or lower part) and it falls right at your feet... whereas if it hits right in the center it will fall too far away to affect you.

Peanuts generally haven't been an issue for me b/c all of Wario's aerials just stampede through them... as for shutting down the banana game... I alt Diddy so maybe that's why I don't have much trouble w/ them.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Phantom makes a good point.
If you ever have trouble with a character, you should play as them for a day.
Gives you some insight on their strengths, what you can punish, etc.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
with peanuts theres a small flinch that doesn't really get in the way but its quite annoying
peanut banana banana roll upsmash banana keep going lol, momentum yes.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I have an interesting note to bring up about Wario's U-Smash.

I'm convinced that it either has ridiculous priority or a misleading hitbox.

I've stuffed G&W's D-Air with U-Smash before.

This could be a really good anti-air. More testing is needed.


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2008
Suspiciously close to Toronto, Canada
I have an interesting note to bring up about Wario's U-Smash.

I'm convinced that it either has ridiculous priority or a misleading hitbox.

I've stuffed G&W's D-Air with U-Smash before.

This could be a really good anti-air. More testing is needed.
On the a related note, I rarely ever use the Usmash, but when I do, it seems to have a very odd hitbox. More testing is probably needed.

Blue sHell

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Spread across toast
I've only played Paxz in one 2 out of 3 match. Where he won the first, I won the second, and also won the third.

I've also played Futile in just one 2 out of 3 match and the exact same pattern happened where he won first then I won the last two.

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Dittos, ever since Melee haven't been too reliable to see who is the better player. Dittos are basically who could do things faster and who has slightly more knowledge about what to do in certain instances. Skill in dittos sits backseat to speed and knowledge. I'm also not saying that I'm more knowledgable either though because those matches were so insanely close that it was ridiculous.

At one point me and Paxz literally exchanged like 5 or 6 fsmashes at each other, both not flinching. It was epic. and sexy, and it made me want to touch myself. Honestly.

EDIT: Also, wifi lag sucks o_O


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
I dont know if this already has been mentioned but when Wario eats an explosive he creates a small shockwave that blows away the opponent, doing like 13 damage.

Looks pretty impractical for actual use, but I managed to KO Mario when he was at 80-100%, somewhat near the edge of the screen


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
On a couple of stages with a slant, like on Corneria or Pirate Ship when the ship got caught on a rock, I'm close to positive I did an f-tilt in the air, right after jumping. I have no idea how that worked.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Hey shell, I've got a problem with my friend's fox. A typical match will have us both down to one stock, with 100% on him and 0% on me. Then he ledge camps like a motherf***er. I've tried tossing tires down at him, but he can manuver around them pretty well. If I try to jump down and hit him, he either shines or bairs me, usually ending in my death. And if I stand near the ledge, I risk eating several uairs. What should I do?

Blue sHell

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Spread across toast
If I understand the situation well enough, you have tons of options actually.

You could just end his crap all together and just quickly go in for a ledge-hug when he's not on it, forcing him to go back onto the field.

You could be a jerk and jump off while biting, if he's not invulurable he will inevitably be sucked in.

You could wait by the ledge with your mouth open(because Fox will most likely do something shortranged)

You could wait by the ledge with your shield up(to shieldgrab him after he tries Uairing or w/e)

A good way to trick him is to full jump over where he is and while slowly descending fast fall a dair in an attempt to stage spike him. You could start fast falling anytime during a normal fall so just mix it up and trick him into reacting early.

Theres a ton of other stuff you could do, just know that in that positiion he isn't safe at all against Wario.

zoo the animal

Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
welcome to the zoo
any info that u wanna take go ahead

With DDD's do not get grabed stay air mobile. Many DDD's in florida love to chaingrab and space and there favorite thing to do, spot dodge. One of the best spot dodges followed by what other then a grab. They try not to be predictable by changing up there movement and spamming, soo play more mind games then them. I like to just jump out there with no attack to DI back from where u jumped and make DDD 'sspot dodge a couple times then i air dodge go in and boom from the air didge bite and follow dash attack cancel. JAB. You must grab because DDD loves to spot dodge and u need to hit him before he grabs you. Its a hard match-up because there alot of good DDD's in florida soo i know its difficult but where there is a wario there is a way.
i play a couple good snakes. FL has alot soo hears what i got.
play calm and smart. If u see snake pulling out a nade go for him cause he will mostly likey try to take out another and it takes time for him to pull out another one soo take the damage from when he throws nades atchu. Take adavage of the super armor, when snakes pull out two nades and sheilds f-smash at the right time and u will break his sheild. Because of the nades and f-smash, and u wont go anywhere because of the super-armor. Dont be scared of grounded nades. it takes about 4 seconds to blow up soo dont let that stop your game.

zoo the animal

Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2008
welcome to the zoo

iight soo ive been fighting mk's such as Gmoney and in FL they spam tornado slike crazy
not like the mk's in cali vs. futile because i rely on watching his match-ups. i couldnt find vids of mk's who spam the tornado like fl mk's. sooo i need help on what to do on mk's.

i have vids save of me and Gmoney
soo u can see the spam
if u want
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