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Very interesting. So Nintendo feels confident in Wayforward to showcase a third party game off on the treehouse.
So it has to be Nintendo exclusive or first on nintendo I feel. It not being a first party game doesn't change how big this is for wayforward.
No Idea what it could be, but I feel its tied to Nintendo and is a revitalization of an old property. By tied to Nintendo I mean the series started on a Nintendo system, like NES or SNES.
I am not sure its another ArkSys game, but it could be. Part of me feels it could be another Capcom series. Wayforward did Redo the Ducktales game. Maybe its another old Capcom series. Ghost n Goblins?
Or could be a Namco or Konami series.
Honestly I think this could also show how close Wayforward has been getting with Japanese developers, and it shows Nintendo knows and is fine working with Wayforward. One big hurdle a lot of people say about shantae is because they are western it would be hard for Sakurai and team to communicate but this obviously is not the case