And in fairness, Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds is still way more fun than the forgettable fighter it's a spin-off to.
Yeah, I mean. These guys are so paranoid over losing their mascots now that their acquisition of Insomniac will make sure that they and Ratchet and Clank will never leave.
If they don't announce anything to celebrate Ape Escape's 20th anniversary with a remake, then there's no hope for them.
Heh, that's actually quite sad. I don't think that even Nintendo in the 80's was that strict. They did try to stifle the competition by having exclusives, but when the Supreme Court ruled that as bullcrap, they let them do their own thing. And obviously, they were hard at work with censorship and localizations, though what American-based extension of a Japanese company wouldn't do that with entertainment exports in general? And nowadays, Nintendo's essentially a melting pot of most things, they allow nudity with some level of censorship, and they're fairly 3rd party/Indie friendly. Sony is a money zombie of its former glory, stumbling and trying to attach itself to whatever will make it more money. It doesn't have glory, but simple instincts.
PushDustIn really is working overtime debunking stuff, huh.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate knowing the truth, but it's disheartening seeing Shantae rank so well on stuff that turns out to be void.
Oh well. At least we know Shantae is definitely not invisible (having a Spirit and being able to set your online icon to her has to count for something).
Also is anyone able to confirm? Apparently Wayforward and Matt have gone radio silent again whenever people bring up Shantae for Smash. Last time that happened it turned out Shantae was a spirit. Why avoid discourse this time?
Honestly, it'll be impossible to stop fan hype. Once it generates enough momentum, it'll drive itself forward. And heaven forbid anything, YouTubers or 4Channers, do anything to truly stop it, if only to slow it down. Only Sakurai or WayForward can stop this hype train, though even then it will never truly stop until the terminal trip has come and pass.