I just...
I don't understand why the argument of Shantae having far too much potential in her moveset to be relegated to an assist cannot also apply to Risky, just because she's seen as less likely for other reasons. Any which way you look at it (Shantae & The Pirate's Curse or Pirate Queen's Quest), she has almost as much of it. It wouldn't be quite as exotic as Shantae's dancing and shape-shifting, but we don't really have a swordswoman with a gun, cannons and henchmen, now do we?
Risky would make such an easy fighter, goodness.
Up B- Cannon Jump
Neutral B- Flintlock Pistol (can select seekers, scattershot and regular bullets like in HGH's Risky mode)
Side B- Scimitar charge (that dash Shantae does in PC)
Down B- Tinkerbat summon
Mix that up with things like her hat as a uair, various kicking, sword and gun moves and bam you have a character ripe for Smash. If Shantae gets in I'd love to rally for Risky next because she'd be a painfully easy addition and the two of them rep Shantae as a franchise perfectly, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
The Isaac thread's pace has been pretty high. We're not going to catch up to them again
Yeah they're probably riding the high of both being in the leak and having whatever that sprout item is. Regardless of whether the Grinch leak is real or not, Isaac is looking like a safe bet.
Wish we could say the same :')
Actually now that I think about it, if we could have a single item from the Shantae games, what would it be? I say it should be the Pike Ball. Basically Mega Man's Leaf Shield minus the ability to be thrown.