Oof. Quite a lot of stuff happened. I'm glad Etika's ok.
Everybody else, relax. Take a deep breath like Red dead redeemed suggested, and take things slowly one at a time without jumping too far as you can.
The new information about what looks like Isaac's growth energy may be really about Isaac. While I think it possible it could just be an item, I'll say that Isaac is actually pretty likely too. That doesnt mean that the leak is real, since Isaac was Extremely popular in votes anyway.
It does put a few things in favor of the leak, but it could just as well be fake for sure.
I hope she's at least DLC, as a AT would kinda suck, but at the end of the day I hope she's just in the game somewhere.
For her to be completely absent would really really suck.
She could still be base. She could definitely be DLC (and personally I always thought dlc would be more likely anyway).
Relax as much as you can

It's like a show. New info at least.
I still think it's base or bust, since Sakurai doesn't ever consider DLC until development is complete for the Base Game, so it wouldn't make sense to have all of this evidence in advance.
Stop talking like that about things you dont know (not that you cant have your opinion), especially in a place where you know others wont like it.
They would secure a spot for her as soon as they can by contract if they wanted to have her in, including as dlc. Thinking that they dont think about dlc at all before the end of the development is a misinterpretation of some things they said.
I can't debunk this leak. There's nothing we can do about it. If she's in, great; if not, oh well, it'll be another 5 years before we get another shot.
Just because you cant debunk it yourself, or sooner than you'd like, doesn't mean anything. Time will tell, and it's better to be hopeful when there's hope. If you dont have the hope, take a step back and try not to put others down who want to look at the side that youre overlooking.
I've seen every single "debunk" and it looks exactly like detail nitpicking. You're making the same exact arguments that others made for the ESRB leak. Shulk was said to be Little Mac photoshopped too as well as other character portraits (i.e. Wario being too ugly).
And of course the person who took the pic is gonna deny it. As if he's gonna say, "Yeah I took a photo of the updated banner and uploaded it on the Internet so I can be the biggest news to an online videogame community." He's already identified and his career has crashed and burned.
Most of the time leaks are fake, so just because one image in the past turned out true that people were debating, doesnt mean that this is the same case. It can easily be fake, and it's worth looking into, including different possibilities. It could go either way, and there are things against it, and lots of stuff that's fishy.
There was a leak that WF is going to be bought out by WB games, so Shantae might be meeting her Ultimate demise, not just in terms of Smash Bros..
Hollywood, seriously. There's so many leaks, and most of it is fake. You should know better than to jump to something someone claimed as if it means anything at all. Even if something like that were to happen, why would it have any bearing on her in ultimate? But it's most likely fake anyway.
So now that we've been given a little bit of time to digest this leak and really think about it, I'm so super torn right now.
On one hand, no Shantae or Elma for base would suck, 100% more if any of them get AT'd.
On the other, the Grinch Leaks is probably the only possible reality where the goddamn Mach Rider could actually be a reality! Plus the possiblity of DLC for them is incredibly high in my opinion so it wouldn't even suck that much in the end I guess.
I dunno. I'm 50/50 on the leak being real or fake, and I'm 50/50 on whether or not I want it to be real. Either way, I guess I'll be happy (unless it turns out Vergeben was right all along, I hate his attention-whoring ways).
I agree with you. I think that we need more girls in the base roster. Not saying that as a reason for the leak being fake, but I just feel that way, and besides that the leak could be fake, just like it could be real. There hasn't been enough to say either way. But it's better to take unofficial claims (especially with all the fakers out there) as unproved, which it is.
On the up side, it'd be a good deal of characters, lots would be happy, and it's a good sign for things to come with dlc