Well, things have started moving along nicely again. Hellow new faces, welcome and good to see you
Soooooo the Shantae reveal for the 9th was fake... I mean, I knew it was fake but... I kinda... hoped ?
Now I understand why people tend to believe "leaks" easily, because it gives them hope ( when their favorites are included) !
The same way I refuse to believe any leak not involving playable Shantae.
I'm not loosing hope, on contrary, but I just understood something about leaks. I must be the only one who wasn't aware of it.
Oh well, whatever xD
Hey that's better than most people looking at leaks

It's good to realize at any point.
Not only do leakers look to have impact on people (and will pull stops to sound believable in many cases), but people who pay attention to them do so because either they dont know better or there's an interest in there for them. It sucks because sometimes it's at the price of others, and also at the price of keeping an open mind (rather than believing claims).
There can still be some legit info, but the leaks around smash has gone wayy overboard and it's just so oversaturated, I hope more people get tired of them.
Also, the Zeraora one is a prime example of taking advantage of info known (the health holiday) to make something sound believable.
@Connorb0t2 , it's an opportunity to see there's no reason to believe leaks even when someone makes them sound believable. It's better to just consider them, and only believe Nintendo themselves. (imo)
And while I'm at it, how about a little Heart-to-Heart?
Honestly, I joined these forums and this support-group specifically, because....
1. I want Shantae in Smash (Duh)
and 2. It seemed like a nice group with no stress or toxicity to fear.
Full Disclosure: I have a social phobia. And I can't handle any sort of aggression or toxicity.
Which is why I tend to submit, when I feel really pressured (you may have seen me doing this a couple times here).
Anyway, back to talking about this group:
It seems that recently, it has become an emotional rollercoaster.
People got hyped over little things and lost hope over little things, that really don't matter much.
And people got really defensive and aggressive over various subjects (Shantae Moveset, Shantae Animated series concepts, Steve's potential deconfirmation, etc.).
Not gonna lie, it has become a really stressful experience lately. Especially when people turn on me and essentially tell me I am a piece of garbage for believing or feeling a certain way.
Heck, in one instance, I had someone constantly twisting my words and overall being toxic.
And they even said something along the lines of "if you want the bashing to stop, GTFO!".
Talk about extortion...
(To be fair, that only happened once. But still...)
Now I do get that people get nervous, since the game gets closer and closer to release, and we have seen no signs of Shantae in the game yet.
We have clues, but no clear confirmation. And it seems some people break under the pressure...
But don't let it get the best of you.
Because all of this infighting I've seen really made me feel uncomfortable and sometimes even stressed me out...
Not saying it's anyones fault. But i wanted to let you guys know... if you even care.
Rant over.
You can now get back to what you've been doing.
It's surprising to me how many sensitive people we have here. (myself included, but maybe a little differently)
The thing is we're still human, and this is the internet. There's bound to be ups and downs. If you look around there's arguments everywhere, people feel aggressions and stuff, and sometimes you can't do much about it besides not take it too personally. It's also easier when you dont expect things to be super smooth, though appreciate when it is, and contribute to it whenever you can.
I dont think anyone was tyring to beat anyone down, I think that's actually a perception (maybe from being sensitive to certain things), because many people are used to the ways of the internet and argue almost naturally, even when there isn't bad intent behind it. So it's actually not great to call these people toxic, because they don't even really know how they're being taken (hurtfully?) by some people who aren't used to it.
That said, I do think it's better when people are nice to each other, and I definitely wish for that to grow, in general as well as here. We're somewhat lucky for the amount of people here that're able to be nice and bring fresh takes, and I'm surprised also by the Isaac thread for them to have so many and a lot of them are nice. Cherish what you can of the kindness there is, because sometimes it's actually rare.
I have more insights about some things Ive seen around, but I'll leave it at that for now, and I might go into more if I can actually bring to something the table..
In whatever case, let's enjoy the company and the journey to Shantae in smash as much as we can