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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.

Mango The Magician

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2018
I think we'll get the direct date on Monday, and it'll air on Tuesday. I mean the country was just struck by an earthquake so I think Nintendo would probably want to at least give the people there the whole weekend to recoup and they need at least a day for it to be announced for people to get hyped for it. What I worry about is information leaking as Directs aren't fun to watch if you know what's in them.

You know, here is an old question with a twist. What character would want to see Shantae interact with that is not in the game, but could be a potential newcomer? Characters like Geno, Isaac, Dixie, etc.
I don't know...I guess Isabelle. I'm a huge AC fan and there's not many characters "speculated" to come to ultimate that I want or really care about besides Shantae and Isabelle.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Maybe I am a tad biased(Then again the question is begging for a biased answer, and that's not a bad thing here btw, it's nice to have people gush about the characters they love), but I would love to see how she would interact with Geno. I never realized just how good of foils they are until it was brought up not to long ago, but they are both wish related defenders who use magic and a plethora of tool's at there disposal. Meanwhile, I could easily see how both there personalities can play off each other with Geno's stoic nature and Shantae's quirkiness, as well as both sharing that ret-2-go spirit and determination.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2018
Western Australia
I'd really think we'll get a date for the direct during a weekday, but I guess part of me just thinks it's weird to announce these things on weekends and junk. The carrot has been dangled though, so I get that people would get a little antsy. Then again if they announce it in Japan on Monday, then you folks in America will get that announcement on Sunday. Timezones are weird.
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Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
I think we'll get the Direct on Tuesday. I thought it would have been Thursday, but then someone brought up Famitsu. If there's one thing Nintendo hates, it's leaks. They want that Direct out before anyone can leak it.

You know, here is an old question with a twist. What character would want to see Shantae interact with that is not in the game, but could be a potential newcomer? Characters like Geno, Isaac, Dixie, etc.
Call me biased (seriously, 90% of people would say their most wanted newcomer that isn't Shantae), but I have to say Bandana Dee. They are both guardian-like figures for their respective homelands, and she could get her PC attire so they could be Bandana Buddies. In addition, Shantae is the type of character who receives help from friends very often (Examples include Travel from Sky and literally all of F2tE), and holds her friends in high regard. Bandana Dee is a character who is known for being Kirby's best friend and is always ready to help his friends, no matter what. (1: He appears in Rainbow Curse to help Kirby, even though Meta Knight and King Dedede don't. 2: Even though he couldn't fight in Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot, he still helped by giving Kirby food. 3: He fought for King Dedede in Super Star Ultra, even though Dedede spared Bandana Dee after he pleaded for him not to send him to fight Kirby). Because of all that, I could see Shantae and Bandana Dee working together really well.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
Maybe I am a tad biased(Then again the question is begging for a biased answer, and that's not a bad thing here btw, it's nice to have people gush about the characters they love), but I would love to see how she would interact with Geno. I never realized just how good of foils they are until it was brought up not to long ago, but they are both wish related defenders who use magic and a plethora of tool's at there disposal. Meanwhile, I could easily see how both there personalities can play off each other with Geno's stoic nature and Shantae's quirkiness, as well as both sharing that ret-2-go spirit and determination.
I swear to the Gods, you all have more genius ideas than I do sometimes with this stuff! Then again, maybe if I stopped focusing on Shantae so much, then I could see more of that picture. You know what usually gets me a bit more calm?


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
How about Shantae and wii fit trainer. wft would be showing shantae some yoga or somethin' ;p

Oh right you said someone unconfirmed right? Then I dunno i could think about it.. ;)
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Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
3 weeks or not, there's a high likelihood of Famitsu leaking on Wednesday anyway.
Yeah I don't think there's any getting around the Famitsu problem. All I hope is the Direct is set to be before it goes out. Either way we will know pretty much the biggest details of the Direct--including Smash news--on that day at the latest.


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
Yeah I don't think there's any getting around the Famitsu problem. All I hope is the Direct is set to be before it goes out. Either way we will know pretty much the biggest details of the Direct--including Smash news--on that day at the latest.
If they REALLY can't get the Direct out before Famitsu leaks, I could see Sakurai holding a standalone reveal a la Robin and Lucina to stop the biggest part of the Famitsu leak.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
You know, here is an old question with a twist. What character would want to see Shantae interact with that is not in the game, but could be a potential newcomer? Characters like Geno, Isaac, Dixie, etc.
Shantae and Lip! I can see Lip having somthing of a celebrity crush or big sister/little sister relationship with Shantae. Kind of how I imagined Ashley would view Bayonetta, actually.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
If they REALLY can't get the Direct out before Famitsu leaks, I could see Sakurai holding a standalone reveal a la Robin and Lucina to stop the biggest part of the Famitsu leak.
He's gonna be outside the Famitsu building wearing Mario's attire. Hey leakers, it's a meeeeeeeeeee


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2018
Switch FC
SW 4398 2362 0516
Oh boy, I believe I'm pretty late, but I wholeheartedly support this! Shantae for Smash! :bee:


Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
Our girl's out here getting her moves ready for smash.

Aerial Reversal:

Reverse Ledge-Cancel:

Dodge Cancel (into Power Kick):

Dash Dancing:

Abusing Terrain for Infinite Combos (like Fox :D) (~60 dmg btw):

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Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
It is real. Dodging just before falling from the ledge will still initiate the dodge, but it will still let you fall from the ledge. Pretty easy to perform since I found it by accident.

You forgot the technique that allows you to do that dash charge move in a small area by holding in one direction and while holding it pressing in the other direction with the stick.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Well, if Shovel Knight's an Assist Trophy, let's just hope there could be an Indie rep as a fighter. Shantae seemed about as popular as Shovel Knight, so maybe Sakurai decided to pick one over the other. And Wayforward had already thought of a moveset idea for Shantae, right? They'd might as well let Shantae in.


Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
You forgot the technique that allows you to do that dash charge move in a small area by holding in one direction and while holding it pressing in the other direction with the stick.

I was trying my entire playthough to figure out how to charge that from standstill! That's so cool; I didn't even think to use the pad and the stick in opposite directions.
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Smash Rookie
Sep 9, 2018
Deepest darkest Peru
Hey everyone, long-time lurker here. Just created an account because I've been reading this forum for some (*actually several*) days and I love the good vibes in this support thread :love:. I've loved the Shantae series since I first played the GBC game some years ago (on the 3DS Virtual Console), and I wholeheartedly support Shantae for Smash!!!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Hey everyone, long-time lurker here. Just created an account because I've been reading this forum for some (*actually several*) days and I love the good vibes in this support thread :love:. I've loved the Shantae series since I first played the GBC game some years ago (on the 3DS Virtual Console), and I wholeheartedly support Shantae for Smash!!!
Welcome to Smashboards!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Our girl's out here getting her moves ready for smash.

Aerial Reversal:

Reverse Ledge-Cancel:

Dodge Cancel (into Power Kick):

Dash Dancing:

Abusing Terrain for Infinite Combos (like Fox :D) (~60 dmg btw):

Wtf. She's not just ready for Smash, she's ready for Melee.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
Wtf. She's not just ready for Smash, she's ready for Melee.
It turns out she doesn't make it into Ultimate, but at the same time they announce Melee HD and she is the guest star


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2018
Switch FC
SW 3649 6707 8868
Hey everyone, long-time lurker here. Just created an account because I've been reading this forum for some (*actually several*) days and I love the good vibes in this support thread :love:. I've loved the Shantae series since I first played the GBC game some years ago (on the 3DS Virtual Console), and I wholeheartedly support Shantae for Smash!!!
Welcome to the hype zone, friendo


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Everyone getting anxious about the Direct, leaks, Twitter-likes and stuff.
While I am here like:

Seriously people, you need to learn to relax and be patient.
There is a time for everything.
Let's not lose our heads over it. ;)

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
I'm feeling pretty enthusiastic today so I feel like going over a few observations I've had recently. Strap in bois and gois because this is going to be a long one.~

Firstly, let's just establish that WayForward (hereafter referred to as "WF") is most likely under an NDA and get that bit out of here.

Anyone that stalks follows WF on any of their social media knows that they're a company that's heavy into fan communication. And also, they were behind the idea of getting Shantae into Smash Bros..

But those two points together, so what? Who cares? Well, ever since the ballot ended, they stopped communicating about the latter whenever fans bring it up. Obviously, this is out-of-character for them because they both supported Shantae for Smash and they make the effort to communicate with their fans.

So the only two solutions to this conundrum are: 1) they're being jerks, 2) they're under an NDA. Or at least, these are the only two reasonable solutions (that don't involve say, alien mind control replacing their capacity to respond to Smash questions with crippling paralysis). The previously linked tweet (literally thanking their fans), creation of Jammies mode (to thank their fans) and constant re-tweeting and liking of fanart make it highly unlikely that the former is true. So it follows that the latter must be true. (Or else, WF will have a lot to answer for.)

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, let's assume they're under a non-disclosure agreement.

So right off the bat, if we are to accept that WF being under an NDA is true, this means that Shantae has representation in Smash Bros. in some capacity. Which logically implies that Sakurai has examined her character.

Recently, I conceded that Shantae could be in the game in as low of a capacity as a regular trophy (or sticker, if they return). However, in lieu of Jammies mode, I no longer think that this is a reasonable expectation. Before you get your panties twisted though, I do still think that an AT is possible as her highest level of representation, because ATs do still carry a lot of weight to them. Mainly, what I want to argue here is that it's unreasonable to try and justify that she's in the game as just a regular trophy (and outlandish to suggest she's absent altogether).

Keep in mind, we're working under the assumption that WF is under an NDA in regards to Smash Bros. Since I can't find the blasted image I'll let our friendly neighborhood WreckitRyan WreckitRyan explain the Jammies "hint":

In case the timestamp doesn't work, skip to 10:04.

And for a little more oomph since I didn't see certain parts included: moar correlations.

Frankly, I believe there are too many coincidences here to dismiss all of these as mere coincidence. As they say, where there's smoke there's fire. To me, it's pretty clear that they're referring to Smash Bros with these nods. And while I won't be so outlandish as to suggest that they programmed this entire mode just as a love letter to Smash Bros., the inclusion of said "hints" feel too prominent for her to be relegated to a "mere" regular trophy in Smash.

So I'm thinking now, at minimum, she would have to be an AT. Otherwise, what's the point of dropping so many "hints" in regards to Jammies mode (a mode that was made to thank the fans and was given away for free) if she'll only appear as a regular trophy? Some would argue that it's justification enough to say she's playable because otherwise why would she be a "mere" AT, using the same logic. But... sorry, I just think it's a really big deal to get in even as an AT. >_>

Anyways, her inclusion, and in particular her inclusion at the level of (in my mind) at minimum an AT would imply she did alright on the ballot. Well... how well is "alright" anyways?

Apparently, the Smash Ballot garnered 1.8 million votes worldwide.

Well that's neat.~

If a character were to garner one percent of that total, it would be impossible for more than 100 characters to be above them (as each character would only garner one percent; this obviously wouldn't be the case but we'll keep it simple). That would effectively make that character a Top 100, which is a pretty big deal considering Goku there are thousands of potential votes.

One percent of 1.8 million is... 18,000.


It would be unreasonable to assume that all of Shantae's Kickstarter backers voted for her one time in the ballot so I'll disregard that it had 18,000+ backers. However, it would not be unreasonable to assume that she's capable of garnering those numbers. Since... ya know... voting is free.~


Here's an underrated point to chew on:

Promotion around the ballot was a pretty big deal. I would argue that being in the mouth of a popular youtuber, such as Etika, could capture a few votes. "But J-Dawg, just because Etika talked about her doesn't mean his fans are going to vote for her". Yeah, except uh...

Funny thing, Sakurai is actually aware of Etika's existence...


She probably did alright on the ballot.

stuff that doesn't matter


Standard for Selecting Characters:
・The character must display personality in their game
・It’s important to have something only that character can do.
・Potential development issues, and game balance is also taken into some consideration
・ Distribution among the franchises is also taken into consideration
Source: Gaming

Oh hey, she does this stuff.

It all means something, I swear!



Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Might’ve been posted here already as I’m late with catching up, but WatchMojo made a top 10 wanted Smash characters:

Shantae is at #8 (Goku at #3, what?) but with how big that channel is, the bigger the public it reaches, and more publicity for our girl is always good.
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Whats this, I wake up not having to go through 5 pages?!

Might’ve been posted here already as I’m late with catching up, but WatchMojo made a top 10 wanted Smash characters:

Shantae is at #8 (Goku at #3, what?) but with how big that channel is, the bigger the public it reaches, and more publicity for our girl is always good.
I know that channel gets a lot of flack at times, but still enjoy it. Seeing shantae there is cool, and there are some other nice choices. And while I too want Waluigi one day(he could pull a lot from his sport and kart games), hes not my number 1 choice. Still, he does deserve to get in eventually

Mango The Magician

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2018
So, thinking about it, one potential issue I can see with Shantae being playable is that the transition times between her dancing to her turning into a transformation like an elephant does not lend itself well to fighting games like Smash, and frankly I would imagine the team would have trouble feeling like they've represented Shantae to her fullest potential considering she has too many potential moves between all of her transformations as well as her regular attacks and extras like the weapons in Pirates Curse and her standard magic spells.

That said I can think of a potential fix to these issues. Firstly, the Shantae games allow you to rapidly switch between transformations, so it's not out of the question that Smash would do the same, and you put a bit of a smash twist on it, by having the transformation attacks do more damage if Shantae has been allowed to finish her dance, similar to other charge attacks in Smash. Secondly, her base A moveset could be basic attacks and magic spells, and her B moveset would be transformations, with Pirate Curse weapons filling in the gaps...this might feel little clunky but I think it would probably be the best solution.
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
So, thinking about it, one potential issue I can see with Shantae being playable is that the transition times between her dancing to her turning into a transformation like an elephant does not lend itself well to fighting games like Smash, and frankly I would imagine the team would have trouble feeling like they've represented Shantae to her fullest potential considering she has too many potential moves between all of her transformations as well as her regular attacks and extras like the weapons in Pirates Curse and her standard magic spells.

That said I can think of a potential fix to these issues. Firstly, the Shantae games allow you to rapidly switch between transformations, so it's not out of the question that Smash would do the same, and you put a bit of a smash twist on it, by having the transformation attacks do more damage if Shantae has been allowed to finish her attack, similar other charge attacks in Smash. Secondly, her base A moveset could be basic attacks and magic spells, and her B moveset would be transformations, with Pirate Curse weapons filling in the gaps...this might feel little clunky but I think it would probably be the best solution.
Yeah the best soloution is one of her B moves being a few transformations, working like Shulks Manodo, and the other B moves being pirate gear.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
I don't see the transformations being an issue and I'm sure Sakurai could find a way to make them work. If the transformations are in the game, and the transformations are something that's fairly unique to Shantae, I thought that it would work similar to Shulk's Monado Arts and that works just fine for him.

As I've said, the only thing preventing Shantae from getting in is if Sakurai wants her in or not. She has probably the most moveset potential out of almost any requested character aside from maybe Geno.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
I don't see the transformations being an issue and I'm sure Sakurai could find a way to make them work. If the transformations are in the game, and the transformations are something that's fairly unique to Shantae, I thought that it would work similar to Shulk's Monado Arts and that works just fine for him.

As I've said, the only thing preventing Shantae from getting in is if Sakurai wants her in or not. She has probably the most moveset potential out of almost any requested character aside from maybe Geno.
I would say Banjo and Kazooie probaly have the most moveset potential. just from their 2 games on the N64 you could make a near full moveset from


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
I would say Banjo and Kazooie probaly have the most moveset potential. just from their 2 games on the N64 you could make a near full moveset from
They do, but I don't think they're getting into the base roster. They are very likely to be DLC characters.

I've also said that if Shantae isn't in the base roster or isn't deconfirmed, then she'll also be a DLC character.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
Well the official Smash Bros Ultimate discussion just got closed, i'll hang around in here for some time.
I don't see the transformations being an issue and I'm sure Sakurai could find a way to make them work. If the transformations are in the game, and the transformations are something that's fairly unique to Shantae, I thought that it would work similar to Shulk's Monado Arts and that works just fine for him.

As I've said, the only thing preventing Shantae from getting in is if Sakurai wants her in or not. She has probably the most moveset potential out of almost any requested character aside from maybe Geno.
IMO i think they'll use her Pirate's Curse moveset, it takes less development resources and it'd be more fun overall.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
They do, but I don't think they're getting into the base roster. They are very likely to be DLC characters.

I've also said that if Shantae isn't in the base roster or isn't deconfirmed, then she'll also be a DLC character.
I could see both as DLC, though Banjo is possible, if they truely were near the top of the ballot, and Nintendo and Sakurai made something happen.

Sakurai wanted Banjo and Kazooie in Melee. As everyone is here is his motto, I can see him trying to get Banjo in. Same with geno, and why a Rythem Heaven character is kinda likely.

Moderately obsessed

Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2018
So, thinking about it, one potential issue I can see with Shantae being playable is that the transition times between her dancing to her turning into a transformation like an elephant does not lend itself well to fighting games like Smash, and frankly I would imagine the team would have trouble feeling like they've represented Shantae to her fullest potential considering she has too many potential moves between all of her transformations as well as her regular attacks and extras like the weapons in Pirates Curse and her standard magic spells.

That said I can think of a potential fix to these issues. Firstly, the Shantae games allow you to rapidly switch between transformations, so it's not out of the question that Smash would do the same, and you put a bit of a smash twist on it, by having the transformation attacks do more damage if Shantae has been allowed to finish her dance, similar to other charge attacks in Smash. Secondly, her base A moveset could be basic attacks and magic spells, and her B moveset would be transformations, with Pirate Curse weapons filling in the gaps...this might feel little clunky but I think it would probably be the best solution.
I think her transformative abilities would, from a game designer standpoint, work better as smash attacks and her specials come from pirates curse. If the transformations did exist they'd be relegated to the B button obviously, right? Wrong. That would be awful for a fight between her and Kirby. Down B could work, but it seems like a lot of work when you think about it as they would have to technically create 3 additional characters, at least, to represent the popular transformations. If she's in, I don't think she'll get her transformations to their fullest extent.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
So, thinking about it, one potential issue I can see with Shantae being playable is that the transition times between her dancing to her turning into a transformation like an elephant does not lend itself well to fighting games like Smash, and frankly I would imagine the team would have trouble feeling like they've represented Shantae to her fullest potential considering she has too many potential moves between all of her transformations as well as her regular attacks and extras like the weapons in Pirates Curse and her standard magic spells.

That said I can think of a potential fix to these issues. Firstly, the Shantae games allow you to rapidly switch between transformations, so it's not out of the question that Smash would do the same, and you put a bit of a smash twist on it, by having the transformation attacks do more damage if Shantae has been allowed to finish her attack, similar other charge attacks in Smash. Secondly, her base A moveset could be basic attacks and magic spells, and her B moveset would be transformations, with Pirate Curse weapons filling in the gaps...this might feel little clunky but I think it would probably be the best solution.
Human Shantae has a lot of moves. The animals? Not so much. Two at the most. It would not be much of a stretch to have them incorporated as normals or a single-use specials. Smashes in particular, have the charging wind-up be a dance.

Pirate gear is a huge grey area as far as representation goes. On one hand Pirate's Curse is pretty much the Bowser's Inside Story of the Shantae series in terms of popularity so it pretty much HAS to be represented in some form... but on the other, is that it is simply not in character for Shantae to use them when she has her magic. Doing so would imply she stole them from Risky, something she'd never do, even to her enemies, for the heck of it.

The only way I see this truly being resolved is to have Shantae use her normal magic dancing skills and have Risky be the one using the the Pirate's Curse-inspired moveset. It's how Wayforward implemented it in Half-Genie Hero, and it demonstrates how the two are foils of each other. Magic vs. technology.
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