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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.

Red Dead Redeemed

Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2018
'Murica-land Baybeee!
Man it took me a while to catch up with like 8 or 7 pages that popped up after I left for just a little bit. This thread just spontaneously combusted for a while there.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Not sure if this has been posted yet

but have you guys considered the possibility that Shantae could share a special or two that involves her hair with a hypothetical Dixie Kong Echo? Hear me out. Diddy's only tail-using move was removed in Ultimate, and Dixie has always been very similar to Diddy in her home games aside from the prehensile hair. Chrom showed us you can be an Echo of one fighter but borrow a move or two from someone else.

If Dixie is a Diddy Echo but uses a Shantae move or two (prehensile hair attack/spin), that would explain why she was not shown alongside King K. Rool as to not spoil Shantae in advance. I'm not the first one to come up with this theory, but I thought it was sound enough to share here.

Given Diddy's tail attack removal and pink palette removal, and all of the stuff with WayForward, do you guys thing a Shantae could be revealed alongside Dixie Kong?
While I don't think Shantae can be a Dixie echo (or vice versa), it would be cool to see them both revealed in the same trailer.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
Not sure if this has been posted yet

but have you guys considered the possibility that Shantae could share a special or two that involves her hair with a hypothetical Dixie Kong Echo? Hear me out. Diddy's only tail-using move was removed in Ultimate, and Dixie has always been very similar to Diddy in her home games aside from the prehensile hair. Chrom showed us you can be an Echo of one fighter but borrow a move or two from someone else.

If Dixie is a Diddy Echo but uses a Shantae move or two (prehensile hair attack/spin), that would explain why she was not shown alongside King K. Rool as to not spoil Shantae in advance. I'm not the first one to come up with this theory, but I thought it was sound enough to share here.

Given Diddy's tail attack removal and pink palette removal, and all of the stuff with WayForward, do you guys thing a Shantae could be revealed alongside Dixie Kong?
...Holy bloody crap, you are actually so smart! I can't believe I didn't think about that! One problem, though, and that's that I don't remember Dixie Kong ever using her hair as an attack, nor do I remember Shantae using her hair like a helicopter propeller.

Deleted member

Not exactly evidence of her being in smash, but while I was looking up which indie games she had guest starred in to make sure none of them were fighting games, I found that Matt Bozon made a Shantae micro game for WarioWare D.I.Y.

which also might be why one f the artists for WarioWare made this fanart of her...

Again, not evidence of recent times, but it does show that even back in the DS days people at Nintendo were aware of our girl.
What's more fun is a more fun is the switch port of Pirates Curse has a nod to that Wario Ware game. And by nod i mean a straight remake called super shantae nab


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
While I don't think Shantae can be a Dixie echo (or vice versa), it would be cool to see them both revealed in the same trailer.
No, I mean, Dixie would be a Diddy Echo, but like Chrom used Ike's Up B instead of Roy's Up B (when he's technically a Roy Echo), Dixie would use a Shantae move instead of one of Diddy's specials. Chrom proved that an Echo can take a move from another fighter besides the one they are based off of.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2018
What's more fun is a more fun is the switch port of Pirates Curse has a nod to that Wario Ware game. And by nod i mean a straight remake called super shantae nab
That's pretty cool. Do you know if it's only in the Switch version? I have the game on 3DS and WiiU but haven't bought it on switch as i am holding out for either a really good sale or maybe a physical release. (like a physical release of the first three all together would be a dream come true)

Freelance Spy

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2013
but have you guys considered the possibility that Shantae could share a special or two that involves her hair with a hypothetical Dixie Kong Echo?
I had entertained that thought before, but quickly reminded myself that Shantae is a different model and size so you'd still have to separately animate the attacks. Also DIxie's Ponytail is different, so no. Just because Marth has a sword does not mean Metaknight can share attacks, for instance.

Coincidentally, does anyone think that Shantae may not be considered because animating 3d hair attacks would be hard?
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Deleted member

That's pretty cool. Do you know if it's only in the Switch version? I have the game on 3DS and WiiU but haven't bought it on switch as i am holding out for either a really good sale or maybe a physical release. (like a physical release of the first three all together would be a dream come true)
Super Shantae Nab is only on the Switch port.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Given Diddy's tail attack removal and pink palette removal, and all of the stuff with WayForward, do you guys thing a Shantae could be revealed alongside Dixie Kong?
I knew the following would come to good use eventually:
The Counterpoint Collection
Here's some things to keep in mind regarding the recent events of Smash Ultimate. As time passes more things to consider will be added. Let's begin:

  • With the overhaul of Final Smashes and some attacks, fans spotted changes to Diddy Kong, one of those being an altered jab. His original sequence in Brawl was a set of 2 slaps, a kick and then an Infinite Jab that has him wag his tail. However in SSB4, Diddy was able to perform the first 3 hits (Slap, Slap, Kick) without transitioning to his Infinite if you held the A Button. In SSBU, we're seeing him do a new kick after the same slaps. Some say this points to a Dixie Echo, because his tail attack is removed and it brings cohesion between him and a potential Echo, but some things are being overlooked:
    • 1) Because we haven't seen the tail attack, many assume it's gone. We have no gameplay vids to go off of, so we don't know what its fate is. It may be there and we just haven't seen it, or it may be gone.
    • 2) Diddy withholding his Infinite Jab was present in Smash 4, along with other Infinite Jabbers such as Captain Falcon. The video could be easily showing off his Gentleman Jab and not the Infinite.
    • 3) There's currently as of 8/31/2018 no gameplay footage of Diddy fighting besides the Character Showcase. Not at E3, the recent Directs nor the Tournament videos recently uploaded to YouTube. We're looking at inconclusive videos and trying to guess what Dixie's fate is. Sadly, when it comes to whether or not Diddy has an Infinite, nobody can say until we get gameplay footage of him or at least an account of someone who's played as him. Why's his kick different? We currently don't know; the animation's different but it serves the same purpose as the old one. We need more data.
tl;dr we have no reason to assume Diddy's tail attack is gone.

And what are you even talking about with the supposed removal of his pink palette? He's not been in the demos so we've only seen, like, three of his palettes.

Regardless of those issues, I don't think this is something that would happen given the size difference between the two and coming from completely different franchises.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
I had entertained that thought before, but quickly reminded myself that Shantae is a different model and size so you'd still have to separately animate the attacks. Also DIxie's Ponytail is different, so no.

Coincidentally, does anyone think that Shantae may not be considered because animating 3d hair attacks would be hard?
Err... I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to try stuff he didn't try before. Technically, the whip would be the same as Shantae's hair, though they did a good job with it.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
I had entertained that thought before, but quickly reminded myself that Shantae is a different model and size so you'd still have to separately animate the attacks. Also DIxie's Ponytail is different, so no.

Coincidentally, does anyone think that Shantae may not be considered because animating 3d hair attacks would be hard?
True, but animations are already drastically different in the case of Dark Samus. It's a long shot but it's still a possibility.

Freelance Spy

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2013
True, but animations are already drastically different in the case of Dark Samus. It's a long shot but it's still a possibility.
But then it's not borrowing from Dixie or visa versa. Your point is invalid sorry. Otherwise It'd be a comforting thought.
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Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2018
I had entertained that thought before, but quickly reminded myself that Shantae is a different model and size so you'd still have to separately animate the attacks. Also DIxie's Ponytail is different, so no.

Coincidentally, does anyone think that Shantae may not be considered because animating 3d hair attacks would be hard?
I doubt that would be a big hurdle for the smash team. they already have whip physics in the game so if they were having trouble making several strands (or clumps more likely) of hair work together in that motion they would probably just have the ponytail built as one solid limb and then texture it to look like individual hairs


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
But then it's not borrowing from Dixie or visa versa. Your point is invalid sorry. Otherwise It'd be a comforting thought.
What helps cut down dev time with Echos and actually make the whole conecpt work is that moves are mechanically similar or identical, with animation changes made to spice things up.

But I'll just bow out since you're being antagonistic.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Not sure if this has been posted yet

but have you guys considered the possibility that Shantae could share a special or two that involves her hair with a hypothetical Dixie Kong Echo? Hear me out. Diddy's only tail-using move was removed in Ultimate, and Dixie has always been very similar to Diddy in her home games aside from the prehensile hair. Chrom showed us you can be an Echo of one fighter but borrow a move or two from someone else.

If Dixie is a Diddy Echo but uses a Shantae move or two (prehensile hair attack/spin), that would explain why she was not shown alongside King K. Rool as to not spoil Shantae in advance. I'm not the first one to come up with this theory, but I thought it was sound enough to share here.

Given Diddy's tail attack removal and pink palette removal, and all of the stuff with WayForward, do you guys thing a Shantae could be revealed alongside Dixie Kong?
We had someone pose the exact same thing earlier, and I'm surprised a second person is saying this. What's this Dixie-shantae hair movement lol?

Dixie doesn't whip with her hair, she spins with it. It's different and it'd take Sakurai to invent a new way of attacking with dixie. She doesn't control her hair like Shantae, she only uses it.

But again, they could be hair friends :)


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Not exactly evidence of her being in smash, but while I was looking up which indie games she had guest starred in to make sure none of them were fighting games, I found that Matt Bozon made a Shantae micro game for WarioWare D.I.Y.

which also might be why one f the artists for WarioWare made this fanart of her...

Again, not evidence of recent times, but it does show that even back in the DS days people at Nintendo were aware of our girl.
I’d think it’d be cool if that microgame got referenced in some way if she makes it in, i have it referenced in one of my victory animations for her

I had entertained that thought before, but quickly reminded myself that Shantae is a different model and size so you'd still have to separately animate the attacks. Also DIxie's Ponytail is different, so no. Just because Marth has a sword does not mean Metaknight can share attacks, for instance.

Coincidentally, does anyone think that Shantae may not be considered because animating 3d hair attacks would be hard?
I mean considering:


I don’t think it’d be that much of a problem, plus I think one of the hurdles that Sakurai had with Ridley aside from the obvious was how his tail would work, so I don’t see it being a problem if they got that to work out

Freelance Spy

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2013
What helps cut down dev time with Echos and actually make the whole conecpt work is that moves are mechanically similar or identical, with animation changes made to spice things up.

But I'll just bow out since you're being antagonistic.
Not my intention, sorry again.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Well, if you enter the mushroom through a relatively large hole, the police (or anyone for that matter) will have no trouble just barging in there and arresting you.
just gonna say, I'm not sure rottytops would call police on someone.
Goin to bed soon, but have fun.

new news soon hopefully. smash or shantae or otherwise.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2018
Well, if you enter the mushroom through a hole, the police (or anyone for that matter) will have no trouble just barging in to your house and arresting you.
But they will never find me, they are too busy looking for a door to knock on.

And for your information, there is no hole. There was a small one, but I let it grow over. And if you think it would be kind of cramped in here, I would like you to know that there is plenty of room to live comfortably. Mush room, if you will. You can't say I'm not a fun gi ;)
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Don't worry, my Mushroom house is bio-luminescent. Just follow the gentle glow!
The gentle glow? They're is still light in this world? There is still hope? But it all seems so bleak. there is nothing to live for anymore. I just wanna sleep and have nsfw dreams about Rotty. Maybe then I'll feel better.

also if you live in a giant mushroom, then the glow probably wouldn't be that gentle
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Sorry, I can't read what you just said because of the overwhelming amount of tears pouring down from my eyes.

Is that easier to understand?
I'm just saying don't cry, party instead. Party yourself to sleep. dream of shantae & friends, or w/e. or cry, that's hot too sometimes.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2018
Switch FC
For people that are still wondering when the Rate Their Chances thread is doing Shantae again I went and found that it should be somewhere around 5 days from now. So expect to go show support there on Wednesday or so (assuming the Direct doesn't happen before then and she gets confirmed).

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
I've septuple dipped Pirates Curse.

Worth every penny.
Glad to see I'm not the only one double dipping her games. >_>

I bought Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse twice. Was thinking about buying all available Shantae games again whenever I get around to buying a Switch. Now I don't feel as crazy for trying to show more support. xD

I also think it's worthwhile to rate every game that you can 5 stars. I'm sure it helps somehow.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2014
Glad to see I'm not the only one double dipping her games. >_>

I bought Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse twice. Was thinking about buying all available Shantae games again whenever I get around to buying a Switch. Now I don't feel as crazy for trying to show more support. xD

I also think it's worthwhile to rate every game that you can 5 stars. I'm sure it helps somehow.
Yeah same, but I never bought HGH since I was a backer (though I was at least a $60 tier.) Although if Shantae does get in playable I will no doubt have to buy both available Shantae games again on the Switch to celebrate

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
^ I got HGH for free as well but I admit that I really want a physical copy so I was looking into getting one anyways. >_>

Incidentally, you can find my username in the credits. I'll be in the third row from the left.~


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2018
^ I got HGH for free as well but I admit that I really want a physical copy so I was looking into getting one anyways. >_>

Incidentally, you can find my username in the credits. I'll be in the third row from the left.~
I backed the game too and that's why i have it on my Wii U, but when it got a physical Switch release I couldn't turn down the Day One Edition.

I wish I had had more money when the kickstarter was going on. I had only enough to really just back at the "digital copy tier" but I really wish I had that Lenticular Poster and that coin.

But if she gets in Smash then I can at least get an amiibo to have some physical Shantae swag

Tybalt: Herbal One

Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2018
I have been playing the Mighty Switchforce DLC costume mode and sure can be fun. All fun till you get crushed by a cube.
just gonna say, I'm not sure rottytops would call police on someone.
Goin to bed soon, but have fun.

new news soon hopefully. smash or shantae or otherwisre.
I mean she might if coffee was involved. And maybe if it gets in shantae's good books.

And I'm sure we'll get some idea of the re-schedule in the next day or two.
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