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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
1: This is all speculation, but evidence points in that direction.
What evidence? Care to present it?

2: They're most likely being protective of the IP. If it isn't deemed worth it, from a business standpoint, they can just say "No. We're not letting her in".
And why would they not want to see her in other indie-crossovers? Why would these fighting games be "not worth it"?

3: I'm not sure, but they have shown reluctance to put her in crossovers in the past, such as Runbow, so it wouldn't be anywhere near out of the question.
Runbow isn't a fighting game though. And in the end, she made it into this game.
So once again, why is she excluded from all these fighting games, but other genres are fine?


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
I have not given up hope nor will I until i see from sakurai himself



Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
1. Do you know that for sure?
2. Why would they?
3. Why are all indie-crossovers she doesn't appear in, fighting games?
(Unless I missed some that aren't...)
As Wayforward grows as a company and becomes more business orientated, I would have thought that they'd want developers to give them more and more money for her to appear in their games, money most indie developers just don't have.
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
As Wayforward grows as a company and becomes more business orientated, I would have thought that they'd want the developers to give them more and more money for her to appear in their games, money most indie developers just don't have.
So basically it's no longer about the art, but only about the money?
Do you really believe that all of the love and passion they once had, is gone now?


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
So basically it's no longer about the art, but only about the money?
Do you really believe that all of the love and passion they once had, is gone now?
Nope. I don't really believe that theory, that's the only reasoning for her absence in fighting games that I could come up with. I still believe that it has to be an NDA. I'm still holding out hope, I'm never giving up on her!
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2018
I'm so confused. Lmao. An NDA means you can't say anything about the subject. That's it. Retweeting and Liking pictures isn't breaking anything. They literally haven't responded to ONE Shantae for Smash Tweet since the ballot ended. She's been absent as playable from every fighting game (which she is heavily requested for too!).

There's no "different froms of NDA." Companies and people handle NDA differently.

If WayForward sees worthwhile art or a meaningful Tweet, they're going to show love to that Tweet despite the # that's in it. Again, not one Tweet that they've liked has been a #ShantaeforSmash exclsuive Tweet. There was always art or a kind message attached to that hashtag.

That's not breaking NDA at all because it's not confirming or denying anything. Directly saying anything about Shantae having any type of appearance in Smash automatically breaks it. They're more than fine and I'm certain assist trophy NDA is the same as playable character NDA. And if not, WayForward has shown no signs of breaking either so whatever she is in Smash is still up in the air.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
So I (not so sure about anyone else) have given up hope on her being a fighter in order to prepare for when she is (most likely inevitably) revealed as an Assist Trophy, and I recommend most of us do too, in order to let other fans (especially ones who would end up taking this to a Waluigi level) down easy.
Good that you've found you're way about this, but imma keep on supporting. That's the point of this thread anyway, never understood spreading negativity when all anyone here wants is to just see a favorite character of theirs in Smash. As for being disappointed, it's really up to each their own and how much they decide to invest in a character. It's completely possible to hope and support for a character to get in, and be just "oh well, bummer" if they don't make it - instead of taking it to either extreme.
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Banned via Administration
Aug 10, 2014
I would like to say that I haven't given up on our girl. It's mostly that I've been disappointed a bit lately and don't want to tempt fate. Plus, some days I just wake up with a general malaise about me...


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Nope. I don't really believe that theory, that's the only reasoning for her absence in fighting games that I could come up with. I still believe that it has to be an NDA. I'm still holding out hope, I'm never giving up on her!
Alright then. Good to know.
Sorry if I made anyone here feeling uncomfortable.
But asking questions like these, is me trying to understand what people think.

As for my own opinion on all this:
I still think Shantae has a chance to be playable in Smash.

She seemed to have considerable presence in the Smash 4 Ballot. So her popularity is nothing to scoff at.
Not to mention she is more popular in Japan, than Shovel Knight.
And since we have seen that selfie of Sakurai and that one WayForward employee (forgot his name), we know that Sakurai has met with at least one of the people of WayForward. So that would've been a good time for him to get to know Shantae.

Then we have her history, which frankly, she has more than Shovel Knight.
As popular as Shovel Knight is, he has just one game!

Shantae has four. And for the most part she was a Nintendo exclusive, before she branched out with HGH.

Not to menion the suspicious behavior of WayForward that we have talked about to heavens and back now.
And the absence of Shantae in crossover-fighters...

Honestly, I was just waiting for someone to make the claim "Maybe WayForward doesn't want her in fighting games", to which I would have responded with...
"Then why in the world did WayForward push Shantae so much, during the Smash Ballot, if they didn't want her to be in any fighting games?!"
Seriously, they can't be ignorant to the fact that Smash Bros is a Fighter!

I agree with the suspicion, that WayForward is under an NDA and possibly Non Compete Clause, given their Radio Silence, after the vocal support they gave during the Smash 4 Ballot.
It's just odd.

Do people actually think it's a coincidence, that indie-crossovers Shantae doesn't appear in, are all fighting games?!

As for the people being adament and trying to force us to think Shantae is not playable...
Honestly, I get being pessimistic and not wanting to have your heart broken, if Shantae doesn't make it in.
Or perhaps there are people in this thread who actually don't want her in...?

Either way, I get when people have doubts.
But I implore you to stop being so forceful about them.

Being doubtful and/or pessimistic is one thing.
But projecting and shoving your viewpoints down others throats is another.
You are free to think what you want. But stop forcing others to think the same way, please. :(
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Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
Well, those past few pages were disappointing to read. People suddenly giving up hope and jumping ship just because WayForward and Matt liked a few tweets?

This changes nothing, people. There are still many hints in her favor and there is a huge difference between liking and replying to a tweet. They still flat out avoid responding to any Smash tweets and it's very likely they just want to share fan art (which they've always done) rather than pay attention to the hashtags. They could still be under an NDA. Liking tweets means nothing in terms of her inclusion or not. I have also seen people tweet Shantae Smash art at them that they haven't liked or responded to.

I understand keeping expectations low, but the passion and energy this thread has seems to have disappeared overnight. That is extremely disappointing. Shantae would never give up hope.
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Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
So I (not so sure about anyone else) have given up hope on her being a fighter in order to prepare for when she is (most likely inevitably) revealed as an Assist Trophy, and I recommend most of us do too, in order to let other fans (especially ones who would end up taking this to a Waluigi level) down easy.
Don't try to take people down with you under the guise of "helping". People are going to act like that regardless of what happens, so I don't understand your point.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2018
I was in doubt for awhile on her inclusion. But in the long run, I'm not giving up on her being a playable character.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2018
It's kinda funny because I thought people knew about this already. It's kinda silly to believe that Retweeting artwork that has a #ShantaeforSmash hashtag would be breaking an NDA. That's way too strict.

Also, when you consider how Yacht Club Games directly responded to Shovel Knight for Smash Tweets and no one cared, but Matt Retweeted a really good artwork that happened to have a Shantae for Smash hashtag and eveyone loses it, idk. It's funny to me.

I will say, I do love that most of you are still carrying that optimism and confidence that the Shantae fan base needs. She's in Smash and she's booty bumping with Daisy. That's my confident prediction. Lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
Shantae rotty.gif

These two aren't giving up and you shouldn't either!

it isn't over til it's over!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2018
I don't know what all this hoopla is about... Literally nothing changes with this info. By the logic of these likes on twitter the whole jammies mode theory would be much more of a violation of this theoretical NDA.
And on top of that I highly doubt that the NDA for a playable character is any different from a NDA for an assist trophy character. The only difference a playable character would probably have is a non-compete clause (seeing how Sakurai likes to call dibs on them for sake of exclusivity).

That's just my two cents on it though.


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
What evidence? Care to present it?

And why would they not want to see her in other indie-crossovers? Why would these fighting games be "not worth it"?

Runbow isn't a fighting game though. And in the end, she made it into this game.
So once again, why is she excluded from all these fighting games, but other genres are fine?
1: There's the possibility that they don't want to throw the name around as much as they do with Shovel Knight.

2: Simply put, the sales figures could have not been as high as WF would have liked, despite the chances Shantae would have had to increase them.

3: They've been avoiding crossovers as a whole since the ballot ended. The only exceptions are Blaster Master Zero, done out of comradery with Inti, and Rainbow could have been viewed as a financial success.

I'm so confused. Lmao. An NDA means you can't say anything about the subject. That's it. Retweeting and Liking pictures isn't breaking anything. They literally haven't responded to ONE Shantae for Smash Tweet since the ballot ended. She's been absent as playable from every fighting game (which she is heavily requested for too!).

There's no "different froms of NDA." Companies and people handle NDA differently.

If WayForward sees worthwhile art or a meaningful Tweet, they're going to show love to that Tweet despite the # that's in it. Again, not one Tweet that they've liked has been a #ShantaeforSmash exclsuive Tweet. There was always art or a kind message attached to that hashtag.

That's not breaking NDA at all because it's not confirming or denying anything. Directly saying anything about Shantae having any type of appearance in Smash automatically breaks it. They're more than fine and I'm certain assist trophy NDA is the same as playable character NDA. And if not, WayForward has shown no signs of breaking either so whatever she is in Smash is still up in the air.
Yes they have. There was a tweet that was something on the lines of "If SK is an AT, I hope Shantae and Lilac can be in the game, too" (https://twitter.com/dragonflame771/status/1028823600504221696) There's also an artpeice that is not about Shantae, but about Smash, that just simply has her in it (https://twitter.com/TaylorSwitch64/status/1018306990668419072)

I apologize for the repeated negativity, and I'll be just as happy as you guys (if not more) if she is a fighter. I have said some things that are a bit extreme, like saying everyone else should give up, and I apologize for that, too. I'm sorry, but I just don't see it happening.

Just so we have a better idea of where we stand, can we try to compile a list of all the evidence working in her favor, VS what's going against her?
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
I don't know what all this hoopla is about... Literally nothing changes with this info. By the logic of these likes on twitter the whole jammies mode theory would be much more of a violation of this theoretical NDA.
And on top of that I highly doubt that the NDA for a playable character is any different from a NDA for an assist trophy character. The only difference a playable character would probably have is a non-compete clause (seeing how Sakurai likes to call dibs on them for sake of exclusivity).

That's just my two cents on it though.
I agree.

Heck if the rumor of this topic is true, Retro Studios once wanted to bring K Rool back in an additional mini campaign in "Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze", but they were stopped in their tracks by Nintendo without a clear reason.
And Sakurai supposedly wanted to be the man to bring back K Rool and it ended up happening in Smash Bros Ultimate.

As much as I like Nintendo and their games, I am not ignorant about their faults either.
Nintendo can be very... stingy in some areas.
And exclusivity (probably for the sake of maximum profit) seems to be one of em...

A good explanation, as to why Shantae may not appear in any other fighting games.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
As much as Sony probably wanted Snake in Playstation All-Stars, because of exclusivity rights they had to settle with Raiden instead. So, I'd say if she's appearing Smash, she won't be appearing in any other fighting game.
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Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
I know and I am glad someone stated the best defense that destroys the notion of "they don't like her in fighting games". If WayForward was so against her in fighting games then they would not have pushed as much as they have during the Smash Ballot. Going so far as created her 8 different pallets. That is too much "wanted her in fighting games" as you can get.

We should focus on the None Compete Clause rather than the NDA. So base on how Shantae is missing plenty of CROSSOVER FIGHTING GAMES that fans wanted her to be apart. It means that the NONE COMPETE CLAUSE is for games of the CROSSOVER FIGHTING genre.

Come on people do not give up. We still have to wait and see.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2018
1: There's the possibility that they don't want to throw the name around as much as they do with Shovel Knight.

2: Simply put, the sales figures could have not been as high as WF would have liked, despite the chances Shantae would have had to increase them.

3: They've been avoiding crossovers as a whole since the ballot ended. The only exceptions are Blaster Master Zero, done out of comradery with Inti, and Rainbow could have been viewed as a financial success.

Yes they have. There was a tweet that was something on the lines of "If SK is an AT, I hope Shantae and Lilac can be in the game, too" (https://twitter.com/dragonflame771/status/1028823600504221696) There's also an artpeice that is not about Shantae, but about Smash, that just simply has her in it (https://twitter.com/TaylorSwitch64/status/1018306990668419072)

I apologize for the repeated negativity, and I'll be just as happy as you guys (if not more) if she is a fighter. I have said some things that are a bit extreme, like saying everyone else should give up, and I apologize for that, too. I'm sorry, but I just don't see it happening.

Just so we have a better idea of where we stand, can we try to compile a list of all the evidence working in her favor, VS what's going against her?
Lol. Okay, look man. You're only further proving my point.

1. They liked the Tweet. And I'm pretty sure they liked it mainly for Lilac because WayForward loves that game and supports the company that made it. In fact, I'm almost certain that if it just said "I hope Shantae is in Smash too!" it would've been ignored. Because there has already been various posts about her getting in Smash after Shovel Knight was revealed an assist trophy.
2. Is artwork. Damn good artwork. If I were them, I'd like that picture too! Lol.

The pessimists mentality isn't common in the Shantae fan base which is why most of us don't react to pessimism well. I think it is needed from time to time in moderation. But the things people are being pessimistic about are very small and inconsequential.

No NDA is being broken in those two Tweets. Or an any Tweet that they like or rewteet mentioning Smash. If they straight up reply to a Shantae for Smash Tweet, then we can freak out. Right now, we are clean as a whistle.
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
1: There's the possibility that they don't want to throw the name around as much as they do with Shovel Knight.

2: Simply put, the sales figures could have not been as high as WF would have liked, despite the chances Shantae would have had to increase them.

3: They've been avoiding crossovers as a whole since the ballot ended. The only exceptions are Blaster Master Zero, done out of comradery with Inti, and Rainbow could have been viewed as a financial success.

Yes they have. There was a tweet that was something on the lines of "If SK is an AT, I hope Shantae and Lilac can be in the game, too" (https://twitter.com/dragonflame771/status/1028823600504221696) There's also an artpeice that is not about Shantae, but about Smash, that just simply has her in it (https://twitter.com/TaylorSwitch64/status/1018306990668419072)

I apologize for the repeated negativity, and I'll be just as happy as you guys (if not more) if she is a fighter. I have said some things that are a bit extreme, like saying everyone else should give up, and I apologize for that, too. I'm sorry, but I just don't see it happening.

Just so we have a better idea of where we stand, can we try to compile a list of all the evidence working in her favor, VS what's going against her?
Honestly, at this point, I suggest you should just stop with the negativity altogether.
Because, no offense, I am starting to get the feeling that you don't want Shantae to be playable and want everyone here to think she is 100% confirmed to be not playable.

So like I said before, stop projecting and forcing your views down others throats.

Like I said, I understand being pessimistic or doubtful to soften the blow of a possible disappointment.
But seeing how forceful you are with your points, makes me believe there is more to your posts than that...

Also, I have yet to see conclusive evidence, as to why Shantae CAN'T be in Smash as a playable character.
A few likes on Twitter are anything but that.
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Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
On a random side note, gonna be streaming more half-genie hero today, really loving the game so far, looks like i'll be going to the races with rotty. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2018
Honestly, at this point, I suggest you should just stop with the negativity altogether.
Because, no offense, I am starting to get the feeling that you don't want Shantae to be playable and want everyone here to think she is 100% confirmed to be not playable.

So like I said before, stop projecting and forcing your views down others throats.

Like I said, I understand being pessimistic or doubtful to soften the blow of a possible disappointment.
But seeing how forceful you are with your points, makes me believe there is more to your posts than that...

Also, I have yet to see conclusive evidence, as to why Shantae CAN'T be in Smash as a playable characters.
A few likes on Twitter are anything but that.
Now hold on. I think this person is still a supporter. Negativity doesn't equal disdain.

It's okay for them to not believe that Shantae may not be palyable. I do agree that the whole "Eveyone is better off giving up" is much and a little funny. Mostly because; let's be honest, we ain't giving up.

My biggest issue is that Liking and Retweeting a certain hashtag is no reason to give up at all. Why would Sakurai ban that? We don't even know if Konami or Square or Capcom liked and retweeted anything. No one has checked. And if they didn't, we have to keep in mind that those are big comapnies. They may not even notice the Tweet.

Idk. This seems like the weirdest thing to give up hope on.
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Now hold on. I think this person is still a supporter. Negativity doesn't equal disdain.

It's okay for them to not believe that Shantae may not be palyable. I do agree that the whole "Eveyone is better off giving up" is much and a little funny. Mostly because; let's be honest, we ain't giving up.

My biggest issue is that Liking and Retweeting a certain hashtag is no reason to give up at all.
Like I said, the pessimism is not the problem.
But rather how adamant and forceful they are about their points.
it just contradicts with the notion of being a supporter, if you ask me. oO

I mean you apparently like Shantae and would love her being in Smash, but you don't have the highest of hopes (which is understandable by itself).
But then you go out of your way and present every possible little thing, that could mean she's not in, and try to make people feel negative about the whole thing.
I'm sorry, but that's not what a supporter does. But that's just me...
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Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
Btw Hollywoodrok12 Hollywoodrok12 , this negative reaction to your posts aren't personal. Really, I think it's just because there's so much Shantae hate(or whatever you want to call it) everywhere else online that seeing it here just makes people want to purge it. IMO this is the only place you can have a positive and fun discussion about Shantae whenever you want, and I think people want to preserve that.


Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2018
ON, Canada
Interesting how the Smash blog hasn't updated last night... It's likely they just held the post off because of the earthquake (they might have done the same for SSBB's Smash Dojo or SSB4 on previous disasters, but don't quote my memory on this), or maybe because a new fighter likely would've been announced during the delayed Direct.

In any case, we know for sure that we'll be anticipating anywhere between 51 to 59 Assist Trophies. 40 have been confirmed so far. It's possible Shantae might be relegated to AT status, but we definitely won't know that for sure until the final release.

Knowing that Ultimate is built off of Smash 4, however, there still are several more ATs from that game that haven't been shown off yet with no discernible reason as to why they wouldn't be in aside from a playable upgrade or being given a brand new role. Plus, with Gray Fox, while he'd naturally return with Snake at the helm, there's no reason to believe that other Brawl ATs wouldn't be returning either.

That still gives us a pool of up to 23 other AT candidates from the series' past right there, going by the math I did based on the SSB wiki. I'll be spoilering because of the length as I'll be adding blurbs to a few standouts to narrow it down further, but they are the following:

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U

  • Devil: While the Squid Sisters mess with the blast zone by narrowing the camera, Devil messes with the platform, so he's not wholly redundant. Also he plain looks cool and funny.

  • Infantry and Tanks

  • Kat and Ana

  • Lakitu and Spinies

  • Saki Amamiya: Protagonist from N64 cult classic Sin and Punishment. There's a slight chance that Saki might be upgraded to playable status, but it's unknown if there was even much buzz surrounding the character during the period of the Smash Ballot. Still a standout for a possible dormant IP candidate, as Smash is known to do, but from what I can see, his odds pale in comparison to Isaac (and possibly Felix as an Echo to him) from the Golden Sun series when it comes to fan demand.

  • Shadow the Hedgehog: Let's be honest, we're all seeing this one coming. The last Direct proved that the term "Echo Fighter" is a lot more loose than we were initially led to believe and that third party characters can get reasonable Echoes, and Knuckles has taken on the role of a more active AT under the Sonic banner. Shadow, like Dark Samus before him, will get the upgrade from AT to playable character, fittingly as Sonic's foil, thanks to Ultimate's emphasis on clones. We've already got the Stopwatch item for slowing down time.

  • Tingle: We already have a few AoE Assists, and Tingle is present in the returning Great Bay stage from Melee. Granted, so is Termina's Moon and it's an Assist Trophy now, so I don't see why he'd be taken out seeing as he brings a few effects of his own.

  • Chain Chomp

  • Dillon: Some see him becoming playable, but we've already got one spinning gimmick fighter on the roster with Sonic, possibly two now if Shadow's on the way.

  • Elec Man: It's possible he's left alone, but this might be a rare case of replacement, given that Zero is a far more prominent figure in the wider Mega Man mythos. I don't see Elec being playable to make up for it, and if Capcom's getting a third character, it's most definitely going to be Ken Masters as an Echo Fighter for Ryu. It doesn't help that we also have another shocker among remaining ATs.

  • Isabelle: An interesting case, as she has yet to appear in any of the promos and we now have Kap'n as an Animal Crossing AT, and other ATs have a similar functionality to her own in health restoration through food. With her rise in popularity, it's possible she's been quickly put together as an Echo Fighter for the Villager to give this series another playable rep.

  • Magnus

  • Nightmare: With Knuckle Joe returning and now Chef Kawasaki as a new Kirby AT, I do wonder if Nightmare might become a boss...

  • Phosphora: The aforementioned other shocker, which further lessens Elec Man's chances of a return with Zero on top of that. Kid Icarus is still missing its two Assist Trophies from the last game anyway.

  • Sablé Prince: I've a funny feeling there are some who want him playable just so Shantae wouldn't be, as the two possess similar abilities in animal-centric transformations. As I stated before, however, Sablé Prince is a great big unknown in the West, much like Takamaru before him, while Shantae has the better brand recognition. I don't see any reason why she would replace him or join the AT lineup while Smash 4 data was wholly carried over into Ultimate, plus Sablé is still a fun relic of Nintendo's past in Japan like the previously mentioned Takamaru and now Sukapon. He's in.

  • Skull Kid: This trickster is in an interesting position. He's a popular character among Zelda fans, and it helps that Majora's Mask 3D released in the same year Ultimate was in pre-production and that Hyrule Warriors boosted his prominence further, giving him both popularity and relevance in his corner. It's also speculated that the Moon replaced him as a Majora's Mask AT. Whether he becomes playable, he joins Young Link's Final Smash, or Majora becomes a Zelda boss character is still unknown, but I feel that Skull Kid has moved on to greener pastures either way.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl-only

  • Barbara: Functionally, she operated similarly to Donkey Kong's old Final Smash, Konga Beat, which has since been replaced with the more spectacular flurry of punches. Given that Chef Kawasaki is in as an AT this time around and operates similarly to Kirby's Chef Kirby Final Smash from Brawl, I wouldn't be surprised to see Barbara return to Ultimate in a similar capacity.

  • Excitebikes

  • Helirin

  • Isaac: Missing in action in Smash 4, Isaac has been a popular name in the time of the Smash Ballot. It's almost a certainty he might return to Ultimate, but will it be back to his well worn role as an Assist Trophy, or could the Golden Sun name shine again with a revived series representative? Who knows...

  • Jill

  • Mr. Resetti

  • Ray MKIII
If anything, we've got at least 10 incredibly likely ATs from the Smash 4 lineup alone, bringing us up to an ideal 50.

Of course, this doesn't discount the possibility that we'll be seeing some surprise Assist Trophies as well among the remaining third that have yet to be shown off, but hopefully this list helps narrow down some of the brouhaha and doubt surrounding Shantae's own speculated roles in Ultimate.

EDIT: Minor vocabulary tweaks
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2018
Western Australia
I leave town for two days and this thread freakin EXPLODES! AAAAAAAA!

I'm gonna keep going with my hopes, 'cause honestly I'm hoping she's in, and I'm hoping she's not an AT. I made up my mind a while ago that I wasn't gonna give up hope until she's either revealed or until I hear someone from Nintendo say "Last DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate". Plus out of my 4 most wanted characters, she's both my most wanted AND the most likely to get in.

And maybe she's an AT, there is that chance, but there's also the chance she's a fighter, and that's the one I wanna speculate for!


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
I just want to make clear: Nobody here is saying that it's confirmed that Shantae will be a playable character!

We have strong hints and teases speaking for her inclusion, but she could still be deconfirmed despite her strong case.
We get that!

Only thing we can do, is wait and see for all the final content to be revealed and hope for the best, until the time comes.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2018
I just want to make clear: Nobody here is saying that it's confirmed that Shantae will be a playable character!

We have strong hints and teases speaking for her inclusion, but she could still be deconfirmed despite her strong case.
We get that!

Only thing we can do, is wait and see for all the final content to be revealed and hope for the best, until the time comes.

Damn, the confidence and energy you guys have is so contagious. I was just laying in ny bed scrolling through the thread and now I wanna jump around and ****!

I want Shantae playable in Smash so badly!


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
From everything that happened when I went to bed, you guys are giving up hope too fast because of a bunch of bloody fanart. I'm sorry, but really? We've survived far worse than just some a company and a guy sharing fanart around! I don't see a reason why we should back down, in fact, I see a reason why we should push forward into the future and outside of this self-made darkness!
We'll make it. We'll do what people could think we could never do. We have that power to persevere, even in the face of the atomic fireball. And boy, that's one strong will to have.
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Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
Shantae will be playable because I said so. Now wait and see. xD
I think she has never been that likely to be playable in smash ever, let's keep it positive guys
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Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
Like I said, the pessimism is not the problem.
But rather how adamant and forceful they are about their points.
it just contradicts with the notion of being a supporter, if you ask me. oO

I mean you apparently like Shantae and would love her being in Smash, but you don't have the highest of hopes (which is understandable by itself).
But then you go out of your way and present every possible little thing, that could mean she's not in, and try to make people feel negative about the whole thing.
I'm sorry, but that's not what a supporter does. But that's just me...
I apologize for that. In my mind, I was trying to add to the debate, while trying to highlight the possibility of an AT. I apologize for coming off as trying to present it as fact, but it was kind of the first major evidence we have that works against her.

I have tried to bring something positive to the thread, such as the part about Cristina Vee having more Nintendo roles after the ballot ended, but ended up providing more and more pessimism.

Only thing we can do, is wait and see for all the final content to be revealed and hope for the best, until the time comes.
Pretty much.
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018

Damn, the confidence and energy you guys have is so contagious. I was just laying in ny bed scrolling through the thread and now I wanna jump around and ****!

I want Shantae playable in Smash so badly!
I am actually rather calm.
But I admit, that on the day where the Direct was supposed to air, I was really anxious.
Having both feelings of hope and doubt.

I will probably feel the same way, when the Direct finally comes...

From everything that happened when I went to bed, you guys are giving up hope too fast because of a bunch of bloody fanart. I'm sorry, but really? We've survived far worse than just some a company and a guy sharing fanart around! I don't see a reason why we should back down, in fact, I see a reason why we should push forward into the future and outside of this self-made darkness!
We'll make it. We'll do what people could think we could never do. We have that power to persevere, even in the face of the atomic fireball. And boy, that's one strong will to have.
Hey I didn't lose hope.
I really saw nothing there, that deconfirms her as playable character.
So no worries over here. ;)

Everyone's talking about reasons she not going to be included in the Shantae "SUPPORT" thread. So if you are, can you just like:
Thank you.

Again, I completely understand pessimism and doubt. You don't want your heart broken too much.
But going out of your way to try and make people lose hope, before we even have anything conclusive, is the exact opposite of support, if you ask me.

Shantae will be playable because I said so. Now wait and see. xD
I think she has never been that likely to be playable in smash ever, let's keep it positive guys
I too hope for the best.
Her case is pretty strong as this point.
It would be quite a bummer if it would amount to nothing in the end.

Oh well, it wouldn't be the end of the world.
After all, I still have Ridley, K Rool and Inklings.
And Snake, Yoshi, Ganondorf, Dark Samus...


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
So where are we placed based on unconfirmed character goes on Smash Boards?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
Switch FC
6524 3241 3725
Just finished the Main Game in Half Genie Hero 100%, was pretty fun. There were a few sections I did not like, like whenever an auto-scrolling type part of a stage would show, in particular at the end, but all and all it was a pretty fun game. I like how powerful collecting every dance and abilities makes you feel. :p

Also, Im sold on Shantaes personality, with how she interacts with both her friends and what I assume are reoccurring villains. Casually, and consistently wholesomely. I could have mistaken it for a Nintendo property if I did not know ahead of time it is an indie title( though that credit list was HUGE for that).


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2015
For anyone who doesn't believe that WayForward is not under an NDA, this Tweet and the replies are all you need to see.


Wow yea there's definitely some sort of NDA, it's rapidfire responses from WF until smash comes up and then dead silence, at least that's how it looks. To be completely honest there's no way any of us are going to be able to figure out the truth by speculating over tweets. Personally I think there's a good chance she's a fighter and I don't think WF liking or retweeting some Shantae4Smash tweets changes anything.

I know for me the direct getting delayed has been weirdly painful just because I spent so much time looking forward to getting some new information only to have it disappear back into smoke so it makes sense that people are a little high strung. All this waiting around is excruciating
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