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Shadow the Hedgehog


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
He's basically a darker hedgehog version of ViewtifulJoe, IMO. Both oin a mission to find they're girlfriend, just that Shadow uses guns.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
He's basically a darker hedgehog version of ViewtifulJoe, IMO. Both oin a mission to find they're girlfriend, just that Shadow uses guns.
Ehh....uhh.....wha...? You have to be kidding me?! He is nothing likle viewtiful Joe. That is the single most redundant statement I have seen since "tumble for brawl". That's the same as saying he's a darker version of Mario, or Luke Skywalker, or Arthur, or Spider-Man, or Superman, or........... get a grip. Guy chasing girl (aka. damsel in distress) is the oldest story driver in the book, it's been done in every form of media, with every medium, in practically every language since story telling began. Which further proves my point that SHADOW IS UNORIGINAL AND SUCKS.


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
Yeah i realized after i posted that that it was crap. But still sonic didn't have a dark character until shadow came along and gave thje game a more realistic edge instead of just a hedgehog rounding around looking for coins or emeralds(which only shadow can control properly i might add)


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Yeah, the Chaos Emeralds weren't good enough when they only changed Sonic to Super Sonic. I'm glad Shadow can use them to TOTALLY turn the Sonic the Hedgehog series into Dragonball Z. That's way cool and totally awesome.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006

And so they will always exist to be, these carbon-copy, two-dimensional characters. They are usually based on the the protagonist, they are essentially the same in form and design, albeit with spikey hair, or an "extreme" look. They normally have darker colours, red and black, dark blues or purples, and they always have bad attitudes. Their story usually involves them being "created" from some part of the main character, or they had some horrible background (emo) that scars them for life and sends them into a downward spiral of crime and hatred for all humanity. Boo...Frickin'....Hoo. Shadow sucks, his game sucks, his dialogue sucks, he sucks.
Thats a poor arguement. You might as well put Wario and MetaKnight in those pics because there carbon-copy clone of Mario and Kirby. And no, Shadow's more than that, if you were a true fan of him you would know Shadow has been created 50 years before SOnic or Amy was even born. Shadow is techinaly the first hedgehog
in the Sonic Universe, cannon wise. And His story is not a cliche, when he came out his story was more in depht and intresting. He wanted to get revenge on the humans for killing his best friend plus, your opinion is crap and biased because, Shadow was intentionally crated to protect the humans, but since Maria was killed he went bat **** crazy and vowed vengence on Humankind so Gerald could finally be avenged. The Ark, The Biolizard, and Shadow are more Original than those piss poor pics you used to prove yourself ********.
Shadow's i8s one of the coolest video game characters of all time. You have to admit, that Shadow's gameplay debut was the coolest ever. Air Skating at ninja like speeds is so **** cool, if you think otherwise, your mentally challenged or a Brit.

Shadow rocks, his shoes rock,his attitude rock,his game kinda rocked, he rocks. Period.
Shadow Pwns Sonic in Coolness and Ability. Chaos Control can not be stoped by Sonic. Never.

However, you hate him, I hate you. Don't bash my favorite video game character without evidence, or you'll get pwned.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
Ehh....uhh.....wha...? You have to be kidding me?! He is nothing likle viewtiful Joe. That is the single most redundant statement I have seen since "tumble for brawl". That's the same as saying he's a darker version of Mario, or Luke Skywalker, or Arthur, or Spider-Man, or Superman, or........... get a grip. Guy chasing girl (aka. damsel in distress) is the oldest story driver in the book, it's been done in every form of media, with every medium, in practically every language since story telling began. Which further proves my point that SHADOW IScarbon-copy.
By your logic, Sonic is ripping of every Comic and Shonen Hero ever created. Flash, Spiderman, Luffy, Goku, and much more. Therefore Sonic is UNoriginal and SUCKS.

Your so simple minded.:laugh:


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
MarioWario, you're cute. Other than the fact that your grammar is an atrocity, we do in fact know that shadow will not be in brawl, common sense....use it. The quad post is a nice touch though, really helps get your point across.
No, your just biased and bittersweet. Thats why your arguing with me. To prove to me how screwed you are.

Get a life........it's brownie points Times 100.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Alright MarioWario1712, nowm your just spam and flaming. You really should have taken the warning seriously.

Big cat >>>>>>>>>>> Shadow


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.

And anyone who likes Shadow did not grow up with good Sonic games, and have only had the lackluster 3D efforts to proclaim as the games of their generation. Sorry, but the 3D Sonic games suck, and I mean all of them. Anyone who's ever played the 2D ones could tell you that.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
Shadow was unoriginal in the Sonic series. Shadow would be unoriginal in Brawl, too. If Shadow gets in, Sonic gets in, too, and what the hell is Shadow going to do different? They have the exact same structure, and it's on that is really rather limited. Good luck coming up with enough things Shadow can do that Sonic can't to make a real move set.

Shadow is pretty widely disliked. Some people play the games, true enough. Some people support Pap Buchannon. Nintendo probably knows that the Shadow games are widely regaurded as failures, and that less people would want him in than people who would want, well, good characters.
Um, Chaos Control, Magic, Blast, Eagle,Spear, Nightmare, Shadow Rifle and Dark Tornado ring any bells? And the fact that he can do all this without an emerald, makes him more a original than anything.

Shadow is pretty much loved by every Sonic Fan and Video game fan in Japan and China. Do some reserch before you make such asinine false claims. (see Sonic Channel and Deviant Art). Nintendo doesn't care, period.

You are a Mere Mouse in this opinion. Fact.:laugh:


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006

And anyone who likes Shadow did not grow up with good Sonic games, and have only had the lackluster 3D efforts to proclaim as the games of their generation. Sorry, but the 3D Sonic games suck, and I mean all of them. Anyone who's ever played the 2D ones could tell you that.
Who cares?

Sonic Adventue 1 and 2 pwned. I'd put you in the category of 2d Sonic purist. The most hated Sonic Fans of all time. I'd played all the the games to Sonic 3 to Sonic Bean Machine. But none of them are as enjoyable as Shadow's SA3 gameplay. Air Skating>>>>>>>>Everything else. IMO.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
MarioWario1712 said:
Shadow is pretty much loved by every Sonic Fan and Video game fan in Japan and China. Do some reserch before you make such asinine false claims.
So that means you asked every video game fan in Japan and China? How long did it take to go door to door like that? Did you include borderline people as liking him, or was everybody 100%? How much did it cost to stay in those countries for that long? Did you only go to major cities, or did you head to rural areas too? Did you ask people with only official video game products, or did you also include the opinions of people who had bootleg material? Did you include people who liked Sonic more than Shadow in your poll, or was "Shadow is cool" enough to count them?

Oh wait, you didn't do any of that. So maybe you should shut up and do some research before you make such asinine false claims.

MarioWario1712 said:
I'd put you in the category of 2d Sonic purist. The most hated Sonic Fans of all time.
Another one of your polls I see. I don't hate to say it, but I could care less what the opinions of someone who likes Shadow thinks of me anyway. Since they like Shadow, it's obvious that they suck, so I'm actually flattered that you hate me. Thank you. :)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2006
I'm sorry but Sonic Adventure 2 was a really bad game (I presume the Dreamcast version wasn't about 8x better than the Gamecube version). The Robotnik and Tails levels were bad, the 'hot - cold' scavenger levels were bad and very few of the Sonic and Shadow levels were any fun, at all. SA2 pretty much scared me off the other 3D Sonic games (although I ventured into Sonic Heroes for about ten minutes once....).

Shadow is a really bad character and if any Sonic character got into Brawl it would be Sonic and Sonic alone.

Also have to give you a clap for the racist comment a page back.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
Jesus christ, proof that only morons enjoy bad videogames (that ****fest SA2 and his own self-titled game) is right here in this thread. Ever notice how everyone saying Shadow shouldn't have a shot at being in Brawl are making rational, coherent posts, while the Shadow supporters are spewing garbage about "SHADOW IS TEH STRONGEST HE IS DARK AND COOLA ND SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG WAS TEH GREAT GAMEST EVER IN 3D AND HE HAS THE POWER TO GO SUPERRR SAIGHIYNGAHAJAN LIKE DBZ AND THAT IS MY FAVORITE SHOW ON TV HALLO IM 12 YEARS OLD!!1" Even my 10 year old brother agrees that the new sonic games blow. Then again, he likes Smash and Morrowind so he's a smart kid ;)

Sonic is a classic character in video gaming, and thus has a decent chance of being included if we assume that more 3rd party characters will be added.

Shadow is a minor character in Sonic's series, and stars in a couple of the series WORST games (I'm not the only one who thinks so - )http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps2/shadowthehedgehog?q=shadow. For him to make it in, not only would Sonic have to make it in (still unknown at this point), but other more famous and well-respected characters from the series would have to make it in first, such as Tails, Dr. Robotnik, or Knuckles.
Wrong, the worst Sonic game was Heroes and Lybrith(sp).

Shadow's a Major and Main Character if you look at the Sonic Channel Characters Page.
The one's who are saying Shadow shouldn't be in the brawl are no better than the ones who are supporting him. Fact.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
MarioWario1712 said:
The one's who are saying Shadow shouldn't be in the brawl are no better than the ones who are supporting him. Fact.
That is true. However, they are smarter than the ones supporting Shadow. Shadow will absolutely not make it into Brawl, I guaruntee it.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
I'm sorry but Sonic Adventure 2 was a really bad game (I presume the Dreamcast version wasn't about 8x better than the Gamecube version). The Robotnik and Tails levels were bad, the 'hot - cold' scavenger levels were bad and very few of the Sonic and Shadow levels were any fun, at all. SA2 pretty much scared me off the other 3D Sonic games (although I ventured into Sonic Heroes for about ten minutes once....).

Shadow is a really bad character and if any Sonic character got into Brawl it would be Sonic and Sonic alone.
SHadow is not a bad character he is cool and straight forward. Your not being serious. When you have no proof on how he is bad.

And the fact your saying SA2 sucks, proves that you have no idea what your saying.

But your opinion.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
So that means you asked every video game fan in Japan and China? How long did it take to go door to door like that? Did you include borderline people as liking him, or was everybody 100%? How much did it cost to stay in those countries for that long? Did you only go to major cities, or did you head to rural areas too? Did you ask people with only official video game products, or did you also include the opinions of people who had bootleg material? Did you include people who liked Sonic more than Shadow in your poll, or was "Shadow is cool" enough to count them?

Oh wait, you didn't do any of that. So maybe you should shut up and do some research before you make such asinine false claims.

Another one of your polls I see. I don't hate to say it, but I could care less what the opinions of someone who likes Shadow thinks of me anyway. Since they like Shadow, it's obvious that they suck, so I'm actually flattered that you hate me. Thank you. :)
It's really obvious, Sonic Channel and Every Sonic Fan Site on the Net. Go to the polls and see.
And Yes I did a Sonic Servey once and the only Characters people liked the most are Sonic and Shadow.
Try Again.

Okay, Thank you.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
This is your absolute last warning. Double post again and I am banning your account. I've told you four times to cut it out, and it's in our rules. Double post one more time and you're banned.

Also, I've never heard of Sonic Channel in my life, and I'm a Sonic fan, putting a flaw in your bulletproof defense. Not every person who likes Sonic subscribes to this Sonic Channel, whatever the hell it is. Don't be stupid.

And I seriously doubt the validity of your survey. Mostly I doubt it because I think it's fictional.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2006
SHadow is not a bad character he is cool and straight forward. Your not being serious. When you have no proof on how he is bad.

And the fact your saying SA2 sucks, proves that you have no idea what your saying.

But your opinion.

Is that your cat?

Where is your house?


You're an idiot.

You have no idea what you're saying.

Now that that's over I'll start.

Ok, I'll admit that to a certain degree opinion comes into it but unfortunately for you I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to SA2. I played the 2D Sonic games, they were great. I played SA2. It was horrible. I went back to the 2D games to see if I was just looking at the past games with rose-tinted glasses. I wasn't. SA2 is average at best and nowhere near as good as the old Sonic games.

So again if a Sonic character made by Sonic team will be added to represent Sega it will be Sonic and not Shadow.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006
I LOLed alot when i read this. I have nothing against you supporting Shadow but.... I am a DIE HARD Sonic fan. I have played EVERY game that Sonic was in where I got to mainly play as him and he was running. (Seriously man.. screw Sonic riders... and I didn't like Sonic Pinball).

Shadow to me was nothing but an annoying rip-off character that only got in the way of me playing the TRUE HERO of the games i enjoyed playing.

Also, please answer this... at what point was Shadow ever stronger than Sonic in the story lines? No I did not play Shadow the Hedghog... why? Because he is not Sonic THE Hedghog. Use guns in a sonic based game? Why? To me it made no sense, it wasn't a sonic game at that point. It was STUPID for shadow (in the trailer) to even BE ON A MOTORCYCLE. PLEASE TELL ME WHY HE WAS ON A MOTORCYCLE WHEN HE CAN RUN SO MUCH FASTER?!

That was pure idiocy.

Some people say: Sonic does not use Chaos Control...
The reply to that is... he doesn't need to, and in ONLY TWO INSTANCES where he NEEDED to use it, and guess what? He did. Sonic has his style of doing things and doesn't rely on tricks such as those to get the job done.

Shadow uses the Chaos Emerald better than Sonic:
Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Robotnik all know what the Chaos Emeralds can do, and Sonic has only used the chaos emerald when he needs them, not just because he can.

Sonic does HIS thing and HIS way of doing things have not often failed, and he's been at it for the past 15 years while Shadow is only labled as Sonics cheap counterpart.

To me, Shadow is not Sonic, just his equal in different ways. I haven't seen Shadow over power Sonic, especially not in SA2, when at the end you had to run up against Shadow and take him down, they were completely even.

Though one thing I have noticed that i have played, Shadow take longer to get up to speed than sonic, but only by a bit.

Shadow by no means is superior to Sonic, as Sonic is not superior to Shadow. Yet Sonic is MUCH more respected and well known.

Actually, if you want to go by who is the strongest, Sonic has progressed the furthest with the Emeralds, reaching Hyper Sonic form (which i loved man, gawd it was awsome).
Wait What?

How is Shadow more Annoying than Sonic?

Sonic is the most annoying hero of all time. His One liners and Cheap Br0ken Speed makes no better than.....well Mario.

No Sonic just can't use CC, because he isn't as powerful as Shadow.

SHadow does his own thing so what?

Shadow is labeled a Sonic Clone but when he came out, People found him Cooler than Sonic.

I think I need to LOL to, because Sonic is not respected nowadays. Well known, but not well respected.

You know why Sonic Team Gave Shadow Guns and Vechcles, because Fanboys like you complain about Shadow being as identical as Sonic in every way. Serioulsy, now you want him to ditch the only thing that made him different from Sonic?


I need a drink.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2006

Is that your cat?

Where is your house?


You're an idiot.

You have no idea what you're saying.

Now that that's over I'll start.

Ok, I'll admit that to a certain degree opinion comes into it but unfortunately for you I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to SA2. I played the 2D Sonic games, they were great. I played SA2. It was horrible. I went back to the 2D games to see if I was just looking at the past games with rose-tinted glasses. I wasn't. SA2 is average at best and nowhere near as good as the old Sonic games.

So again if a Sonic character made by Sonic team will be added to represent Sega it will be Sonic and not Shadow.
Wow, now your flaming me. Your in Denial.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Ha, he needs a drink he says. He's 17 years old.

Anyway, it's a shame I had to ban MarioWario for being an idiot. To be fair, I gave him four warnings to stop double posting. That's more than enough. He's been banned for one week.

I just wonder if there's anyone who thinks Shadow is cool who's NOT an idiot. I'm starting to think there's not...

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
McFox, don't kid yourself. Every Shadow fan (at least the ones that have posted on here) have always been immature and horrendously belligerent. You disagree with them and they flame, and goes on and on and on. Btw, sorry for taking up so much room with those pics.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
In your house
Words cannot describe how much joy this thread has brought me. I was just sitting at my computer lmao reading that guy's posts. I bet he'll just comeback in a week and start the whole thing over again. He has single-handedly made me hate Shadow. So now some of my responses are going to like this: Sonic>Shadow any day.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
And anyone who likes Shadow did not grow up with good Sonic games, and have only had the lackluster 3D efforts to proclaim as the games of their generation. Sorry, but the 3D Sonic games suck, and I mean all of them. Anyone who's ever played the 2D ones could tell you that.
I grew up with the Sonic 2-D and I like Shadow. His character got very well developed in his first game. I also enjoyed SA, SA2, and Shadow to an extent. (Not very much but it was faster than the other 3-D's and I felt like that was a step in the right direction.)

I just wonder if there's anyone who thinks Shadow is cool who's NOT an idiot. I'm starting to think there's not...
McFox, don't kid yourself. Every Shadow fan (at least the ones that have posted on here) have always been immature and horrendously belligerent. You disagree with them and they flame, and goes on and on and on. Btw, sorry for taking up so much room with those pics.
I'm not an idiot. At least I like to think I'm not. I don't plan on flaming anyone. Insulting someone for not having your interests is stupid.

I am a Shadow fan. I am at least able to admit he will NOT be in Brawl. There are limited spots for 3rd party and Snake is taking up one. Sonic would be in well before Shadow and I don't think they want clones in this time. Honestly Cloud has a better chance of getting into Brawl.

There. I am a Shadow fan and I made my opinion clear. You can't blame me for not liking the character as a reason for saying he won't be in. (Popularity isn't a good reason for picking a character anyway.)


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Well, thank you. You have proved that there are some rational human beings that also like Shadow.

Anyway, you said what I was saying before, that Shadow was good in SA2. However, I disagree that it was a good game, considering more than 2/3rds of it were boring collect-the-emerald missions or boring shoot-random-robots missions. I avoided Shadow's game, and SA1 was okay.

Shadow has still been way overused. He should have stayed dead after SA2. If he had, I'd like him much better.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Oh man, I cannot tell you how funny the last few pages were to me. This MarioWario guy seems to be the living incarnation of every negative statement made against Shadow-supporters. But I have to say that the best part of it was this:

He has single-handedly made me hate Shadow. So now some of my responses are going to like this: Sonic>Shadow any day.
He's being so terrible in his support for Shadow he's actually starting to change supporte's minds about Shadow :laugh: Maybe we should let him continue a little longer, so we can all reach a mutual agreement.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Peeze you said Diddy would be a clone at least he is 100% different from everyone esle in SSBM and the newcomers in SSBB there is no way Shadow wouldn't be a clone they have banned real gus remember there goes his unique moveset.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
Well, thank you. You have proved that there are some rational human beings that also like Shadow.

Anyway, you said what I was saying before, that Shadow was good in SA2. However, I disagree that it was a good game, considering more than 2/3rds of it were boring collect-the-emerald missions or boring shoot-random-robots missions. I avoided Shadow's game, and SA1 was okay.

Shadow has still been way overused. He should have stayed dead after SA2. If he had, I'd like him much better.

Thank you! ^_^

I only ever play the speed stages unless I'm going for emblems so ya. The other four characters sucked.

Yes he is overused. He never technically died though. Bringing him back did ruin the sacrifice.

Ryuuseiken Marth

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2006
McFox, don't kid yourself. Every Shadow fan (at least the ones that have posted on here) have always been immature and horrendously belligerent. You disagree with them and they flame, and goes on and on and on. Btw, sorry for taking up so much room with those pics.
Not only that, but they give the impression of being psychologically wounded little boys with an Oedipal Complex, :laugh: . They keep on praddling on about how "cool" Shadow is, and doesn't even stop to think which characters are better than an emo semi-copy. The characters that I have in mind that would be wind up better than Shadow are Knuckles, NiGHTs, Megaman, Zero, and Alex Kidd.

Knuckles would be a far better combatant than Shadow, due to huge raw power and gliding/climbing abilities, both of which play great gameplay additions to Brawl, especially the gliding/climbing ability, which no other characters that are competing to be in Brawl possess. He's been a rival and friend of Sonic since the Genesis days, and his games that he started in, Sonic 3 and Sonic&Knuckles, are of better gameplay than Shadow's games, and innovated. Oh, and don't give me that "his coolness died down" crak; since his rugged personality wins over Shadow's emo personality any day of the week.

Hmm... NiGHTs... Another aspect of what makes Shadow different from Sonic is his Chaos control, and low traction with his airshoes... However, NiGHTs screws over both. He's a far more unique creation of Yuji Naka(Shadow sorta reminds me of Sonic+Waluigi+EmoCool^10), and his dream based Ideya attacks have a remarkingly great similarity with Shadow's Chaos Control, if not better. His inclusion will also prompt Sega to create a NiGHTs game for the Nintendo Wii, which every single NiGHTs fan has always wanted a NiGHTs sequel, and the Wii will be perfect for it, with it's unique controller.

Megaman's simple. Sakurai said "I dunno, 2-3 characters maybe" right? Well, Megaman's heavily likely, and Sonic, Megaman, and Simon Belmonts far better than having Shadow replace one of them. He made it into the Toukouken. He's enormously popular in Japan, and is a retro character. Also, many people want the Blue Blur go up against the Blue Bomber, like an old Sonic vs Blue Robot showdown. I even emailed Sonic team after they made Sonic Heroes for a Sonic/Megaman crossover, that wound up as an Astroboy game(I feel guilty...). Strange how gamers can have so much power, We resurrected Shadow!

Well, People want Shadow as a supporting character alongside Sonic in Brawl right? But what if Megaman had a supporting character instead of Shadow being a supporting character of Sonic? Zero's the most likely choice, and is a top-tier character in both Onimusha Blade Warriors and SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom, one of which, Blade Warriors, has a great similarity to Smashbros, which I'm not mistaken, will follow suit into Brawl as a Foxslayer, with his excellent ZSaber skills. He also has a unique backstory, and was first intended to be Megaman X instead of X, and got his own series with 4 GBA games, which beats out Shadow's only gunslinging game, Shadow the Hedgehog. Zero will definitely be a far better combatant than Shadow in Brawl.

Although Alex Kidd is among the least likely of competitors to enter Brawl, he's able to get games on the Virtual Console, and still has contempt for Sonic taking his spotlight as Sega's Mascot(He wants REVENGE!). He's a Retro Sega character, and been to various worlds, all of them having differing gameplay, in one of them, he's a Ninja, another has him in Miracle world. His appearance in Shenmue bears a huge similarity to AiAi from Super Monkey Ball, and Sora can build off that appearance. His only competition is other characters, Shadow, and Diddy Kong.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Not only that, but they give the impression of being psychologically wounded little boys with an Oedipal Complex, :laugh: . They keep on praddling on about how "cool" Shadow is, and doesn't even stop to think which characters are better than an emo semi-copy. The characters that I have in mind that would be wind up better than Shadow are Knuckles, NiGHTs, Megaman, Zero, and Alex Kidd.

Knuckles would be a far better combatant than Shadow, due to huge raw power and gliding/climbing abilities, both of which play great gameplay additions to Brawl, especially the gliding/climbing ability, which no other characters that are competing to be in Brawl possess. He's been a rival and friend of Sonic since the Genesis days, and his games that he started in, Sonic 3 and Sonic&Knuckles, are of better gameplay than Shadow's games, and innovated. Oh, and don't give me that "his coolness died down" crak; since his rugged personality wins over Shadow's emo personality any day of the week.

Hmm... NiGHTs... Another aspect of what makes Shadow different from Sonic is his Chaos control, and low traction with his airshoes... However, NiGHTs screws over both. He's a far more unique creation of Yuji Naka(Shadow sorta reminds me of Sonic+Waluigi+EmoCool^10), and his dream based Ideya attacks have a remarkingly great similarity with Shadow's Chaos Control, if not better. His inclusion will also prompt Sega to create a NiGHTs game for the Nintendo Wii, which every single NiGHTs fan has always wanted a NiGHTs sequel, and the Wii will be perfect for it, with it's unique controller.

Megaman's simple. Sakurai said "I dunno, 2-3 characters maybe" right? Well, Megaman's heavily likely, and Sonic, Megaman, and Simon Belmonts far better than having Shadow replace one of them. He made it into the Toukouken. He's enormously popular in Japan, and is a retro character. Also, many people want the Blue Blur go up against the Blue Bomber, like an old Sonic vs Blue Robot showdown. I even emailed Sonic team after they made Sonic Heroes for a Sonic/Megaman crossover, that wound up as an Astroboy game(I feel guilty...). Strange how gamers can have so much power, We resurrected Shadow!

Well, People want Shadow as a supporting character alongside Sonic in Brawl right? But what if Megaman had a supporting character instead of Shadow being a supporting character of Sonic? Zero's the most likely choice, and is a top-tier character in both Onimusha Blade Warriors and SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom, one of which, Blade Warriors, has a great similarity to Smashbros, which I'm not mistaken, will follow suit into Brawl as a Foxslayer, with his excellent ZSaber skills. He also has a unique backstory, and was first intended to be Megaman X instead of X, and got his own series with 4 GBA games, which beats out Shadow's only gunslinging game, Shadow the Hedgehog. Zero will definitely be a far better combatant than Shadow in Brawl.

Although Alex Kidd is among the least likely of competitors to enter Brawl, he's able to get games on the Virtual Console, and still has contempt for Sonic taking his spotlight as Sega's Mascot(He wants REVENGE!). He's a Retro Sega character, and been to various worlds, all of them having differing gameplay, in one of them, he's a Ninja, another has him in Miracle world. His appearance in Shenmue bears a huge similarity to AiAi from Super Monkey Ball, and Sora can build off that appearance. His only competition is other characters, Shadow, and Diddy Kong.
Ahhh Knights, now THAT takes me back. I remember the first time I played that was in Target, Jesus I was young. One of the many great games that never caught on. Oh well, Knight sequel on the way. Knights FTW.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
Not only that, but they give the impression of being psychologically wounded little boys with an Oedipal Complex, :laugh: . They keep on praddling on about how "cool" Shadow is, and doesn't even stop to think which characters are better than an emo semi-copy. The characters that I have in mind that would be wind up better than Shadow are Knuckles, NiGHTs, Megaman, Zero, and Alex Kidd.
I am not a little boy. T_T

Shadow isn't emo. Emo's cry about stuff they can't change, Shadow just had a memory failure. I don't see how having amnesia makes you an emo. Plus instead of crying to himself he went out and did something about it. And his music is Crush 40 and Powerman 5000. If anything he is goth/metal.

Knuckles probably won't get in because of the same reason as Shadow. Limited space, Sonic would probably have to get in first. He would still be really awesome though.

NiGHTS.... Oh god yes. He hasn't had a Nintendo appearance but if he gets one on the Wii....

Megaman. I agree with you in full on this. He'd be great. Capcom's best choice. (Was Dante in Shin Megami Tensei for whatever handheld it was on? He would be fun too.)

Zero. Probably wouldn't get in. Megaman in first yada yada.

Alex Kidd.... Does Virtual Console count? If so he would be pretty cool.

Ryuuseiken Marth

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2006
I am not a little boy. T_T

Shadow isn't emo. Emo's cry about stuff they can't change, Shadow just had a memory failure. I don't see how having amnesia makes you an emo. Plus instead of crying to himself he went out and did something about it. And his music is Crush 40 and Powerman 5000. If anything he is goth/metal.

Knuckles probably won't get in because of the same reason as Shadow. Limited space, Sonic would probably have to get in first. He would still be really awesome though.

NiGHTS.... Oh god yes. He hasn't had a Nintendo appearance but if he gets one on the Wii....

Megaman. I agree with you in full on this. He'd be great. Capcom's best choice. (Was Dante in Shin Megami Tensei for whatever handheld it was on? He would be fun too.)

Zero. Probably wouldn't get in. Megaman in first yada yada.

Alex Kidd.... Does Virtual Console count? If so he would be pretty cool.
I meant the "wounded little boys" in the context of Fernando Martinez from the GTA radio stations, and modified it to sum up the annoyingness of Shadow fanboys. (Inside every man is a wounded little boy. Full of fire, fire from his ***, blowing up frogs, beating up slow classmates).

O RLY? Well, both tend to dwell on the past, and this sums up Shadow very well...

I tend to want Knuckles more than Shadow, due to his traits/power, and lack of space is just plain BS. They can extend Brawl's release date all the way to Christmas 2007 if they want. Sakurai said so himself. http://wii.ign.com/articles/737/737632p1.html He wouldn't commit to a more specific timeframe.

NiGHTs is probably Shadow's greatest threat, seeing how there's no real world guns being used in Smashbros(with the exception of explosives), and the similarities with NiGHTs's Ideya attacks, and Shadow's Chaos attacks. Both tend to have low traction as well, and NiGHTs often crosses over into Sonic very often(Riders, and the Casinopolis pinball table are the first things that come to mind) Shadow is to Sonic as Luigi is to Mario. They're both similar, but have a few things that separate them. However, both the "twins", ie Shadow and Luigi, to the main characters are greatly popular, but have a few detractions, as well as their own games.

Zero has just as much of a chance as Shadow.
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