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Shadow Games Mafia Over: Dgames Doomed


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013

I ALSO HAVE A LEAN ON ADUM, FOR REASONS STATED EARLIER. Also, I wouldn't say I have a LEAN on everyone who is completely inactive, but I am very concerned by them.

FINALLY, Jay was really hard for me to read last game, and I ended up reading him wrong, so I definitely think I need to see more posts from him.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
sorry guys but my brother asked if i was down for chipotle, and if you know what chipotle is you know you cant just turn down an opportunity to go to chipotle

-posting in real time-

up to pg 4 i generally get good vibes from the likes of kantrip zalak and soup. karys actively posting but i feel like theres not much pushing going on with his end, which is concerning. if it continues ill probz be voting em but up to pg 4 its noteworthy at most.

Just so we're clear, Orbo seemed kinda defensive in the very early posts of the game, and now Rake has come in hyperposting a bunch, but without any clear agenda, and what seems like a lot of fluff. None of their responses to being called scum fill me with confidence either.

Vote: FullMetalLynch
and in an ironic twist it turns out i really dig this post. as i was reading pg 5 i was wondering where fml's head was at, but i didnt think much of it till rakes flurry of posts.

good. help me lynch kantrip y/n ?
this seems fabricated
why. what danger dost it pose to your credibility to continue. unless you knew iy would bear no fruit
do you feel like soup isnt worth buddying or like kary's trying to take him under wing.

What do you feel like his motivation would be
like these are perfect examples of me being left wondering where fml can possibly be going with this, and in fact im sure they dont go anywhere up to the present. so why bother make the posts?

It can NOT be that easy for one to get people to towntell them. Because I'm relatively inexperienced, you're assuming I couldn't pull that off as scum? The key to being a good scum player is acting naturally, and of course someone in my position is going to question such a swift towntell.
aaaaaaaaactually, im probably gonna have to side with adum on this. there are certain... organic quirks that are very easy to discern from somebody who doesnt have a whole lot of experience. being so comfortable that you can acknowledge wanting credibility and dropping a lead that you knew was going nowhere in real time is NOT easy to do as scum. **** i wouldnt have batted an eye if you tried pursuing the lead you dropped in the first place and then, over time, came to the conclusion that it wasnt worth pursuing. its a super town tell to publicly drop a stupid lead with the intent of gaining credibility down the road, and then TELL THE THREAD that thats what you did. its way more believable than thinking you did that as scum. im sure that if hardcore evidence of you being scum comes around that adum and i will drop the towntell and lynch you, but as it stands thats a strong tell.

first off yea he has but for real no matter what i probably agree with gheb here especially cuz from my count zalak doesnt have a post 57 adum ?_?
yea let me take this opportunity to recant this statement. i definitely wont be on a zalak wagon toDay.

as it stands im diggin zalak and kary play thus far, and aside from fml, the rest of the cast either falls into the "they seem fine for what theyve been posting thus far" category or the "they havent posted enough content to form a solid opinion on" category :|.

My problem with goading Kantrip is pretty much the same as the reason I gave adum before, though I suppose that's self-doubt. I really don't like Kantrip on the surface, but I'm giving him leeway due to my experiences with him. I seriously can recall all the times I thought Kantrip was scum and he ended up flipping town. It gets to the point where you have to stand back a little or give them a chance to breathe. My town-read on Kantrip is preemptive and the more I think about it, the more it dissipates.
stealing this quote and using it as my opinion on kantrip.

I've personally chosen to move beyond that point and - despite all the flak I got for it in recent games - just push for the lynch of such players. You should lynch him if you think he's scummy.

do you think kantrip is scummy so far or just not playing very well? if this was about a year or so ago, id probably say scummy, but hindsight is 20/20 and its telling me that its likely a matter of just not playing all that well.

also bardull do you have any content to offer, cuz both of your catch up flurries seem really ****in shallow.

vote fml

would be down to lynch fml, bardull if he keeps playing the way he has, and any inactives that i may have forgotten exist at all. the rest of the cast falls into the categorizations i mentioned above.


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
I'm not too worried about the inactives, they'll be posting soon, I imagine.
I don't have much to say right now other I town lean adum and zalak, and don't like gheb or kary. Gorf is kinda null, his post didn't look as bad as gheb's.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm confused because I totally don't get what you're saying. But from skimming through the thread it seems like Zalak and you have kind of talked it out so I'll probably understand what the deal is once I've read up.

So did you figure it out? What are your reads on Zalak and myself now?
eyy @ Kantrip Kantrip what do you think of young Jay ?
I have a slight town lean based on his initial reaction to Zalak, but if he's any good as a player then it would have been a very easy reaction to fake seeing as Zalak's accusation was not at all convincing. His game so far has been very safe so I could easily see him being either alignment. However, based on what I've seen so far I'm erring to the side of he's still pretty green to mafia and his calmness is indicative of town.
Just so we're clear, Orbo seemed kinda defensive in the very early posts of the game, and now Rake has come in hyperposting a bunch, but without any clear agenda, and what seems like a lot of fluff. None of their responses to being called scum fill me with confidence either.

Vote: FullMetalLynch
Since when has Rake ever had an agenda when he's town? I remember him being a crapshoot due to his style of throwing out questions left or right with no real purpose.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
alright. i haven't read yet, but i'm here now.

lez do this

^real footage of what my keyboard is about to look like
When I saw this post I thought Bard would actually post something of substance. Very underwhelming entrance to the game.
People are too quick to draw conclusions from Zalak's play ... iirc he hasn't even been scum yet, none of you should be that confident to have a solid take on him.

Classic Gheb, telling people they're doing things wrong and doing his best to slow the progression of the game.
What game was that?

I don't have an opinion on him yet.

Oh even better, he doesn't even have an opinion on the person he was indirectly calling out.

Vote: Gheb


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
to elaborate, I don't like Gheb, but what I've seen of him so far this game has been exactly like his play in every game I've seen, in which I suspected him, only for him to be town.
So I'm waiting for now.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm not too worried about the inactives, they'll be posting soon, I imagine.
I don't have much to say right now other I town lean adum and zalak, and don't like gheb or kary. Gorf is kinda null, his post didn't look as bad as gheb's.
then whatd you agree with, regarding adums post calling gheb and i out?

When I saw this post I thought Bard would actually post something of substance. Very underwhelming entrance to the game.

Classic Gheb, telling people they're doing things wrong and doing his best to slow the progression of the game.

Oh even better, he doesn't even have an opinion on the person he was indirectly calling out.

Vote: Gheb
this post actually makes me :)


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Don't like kary, gheb.

undecided on kantrip.

liking soup, Zalek.

You planning on saying anything substantial? Disagreeing with people's mafia theory is a nice aside but doesn't contribute to killing scum unless it's about somebody on the chopping block.

What do you think of kary and kantrip?
I'd put Kary in the undecided slot and throw FML in Kary's place and then this would be my read list.
On the subject of Kantrip, this one line seems really gross to me:

I feel like there's something spooky going on between the Jay / Zalak / Kantrip votes in the very early game, but I can't really put my finger on it.
I asked it that way because Jay had made a comment about there not being any facts to base a vote on yet. I wanted to see if he would agree that out of the pushes made, mine contained the most facts and if he would sheep me or not.


Jun 7, 2012
all my questions have ssome purpose. my purposse in kicking around zalak should have been relatively obvious so im sssurpisssed gorf ssseesss it differently.

really dislike the line "wont be on a zalak wagon today" implying he's sssomehow going to be be sscummier by comparison tomorrow sssomehow when it'sss spretty obvious zalak doesnt need to be anywhere near the table


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
then whatd you agree with, regarding adums post calling gheb and i out?

this post actually makes me :)
I agree that it was incorrect of you and Gheb to not like people forming opinions on Zalak quickly, especially on Gheb's part who was the more aggressive.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip's reasoning is so far-fetched and shallow that I refuse to believe for his own credential that he would make it as town.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Vote: Zalak

By saying he just wants to get people talking shortly after making his accusation, Zalak basically tells Jay (and everyone else) that they don't need to respond to the accusation because it's baseless. He acknowledges that it seems weird to drop a push so suddenly which means he understands this, but he still makes the informed decision to worry about his appearance over getting people to talk.
Jay already responded to Zalak's push here:

That's because I wasn't quite sure how to reply to a question that seemed to expect a rational answer when it was the beginning of the game, when no facts were present.
Why would he keep a facade up if he feels that his accusation has been accounted for and dealt with? I personally see it as more of a "I'm done here, so I'm moving off of this before people pointlessly accuse me of still being associated with any Jay push."

tfw Bardull reads the thread and doesn't post anything
That said, I agree with Kary that Bardull coming in to read and like a post or two without posting is annoying.
Can we not?

At this point, I'm more interested in Kary, but that's probably only because he's the one who started the game up, and did so in a bold manner that caught my eye. ( That's not scum, just eye catching for me. )
Why do you want to look at Kary more just because of the fact that he started the game off in a bold way? Why is this specifically not scummy, but still worth pointing out?

Well..you could've just let the two talk it out. That's the only point I wanted to make.
I don't know... I think Zalak made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to take it any further when he posted "I just want to get people talking", so I don't understand why you're pointing this out as Kantrip stopping discussion.

Slow down. The game has been going on for a day and a half and you're already haphazardly throwing suspicion around. I asked Zalak because I thought it'd be a good thing to ask, which doesn't include your opinion of it.

the notable difference between me and you is that Zalak quoted me and I responded, you threw yourself onto him :)
At this point one fourth of the deadline has passed. I'm not sure why you're trying to tell Kantrip to slow down, especially with the small amount of posts that have been generated so far.

My problem is I can think of only one reason you would jump in as a townie, and it seems unlikely. If you favor breadth over depth, then I suppose it makes sense for you to begin questioning me, but it doesn't seem characteristic for someone of your skill level to be prematurely ending a push on someone. If we were locked in an argument for pages, going around in circles, ignoring everyone else, then I could agree with what you did, but the Jay discussion had JUST STARTED. That mafia icon tells me you're not a rookie, so that doesn't seem like a likely scenario to me.

Now I'll briefly describe my PRIMARY mafia!Kantrip theories.

1. You were trying to keep up appearances. This is always the first thing that pops into my head when people do things that seem counter-productive to me. You don't want people to think you're hiding in the shadows, so you make a post questioning me. You want people to think you intend to move the game forward.

2. You could have been diverting attention away from yourself, or anyone involved in the Jay discussion.

Jay and I were not the only ones involved in that discussion though, but I suppose questioning me doesn't directly stop them from continuing their part in the discussion. Still, it moves the spotlight away from them.

Lastly, I'm not saying I read you as mafia or anything. I'm just trying to describe how your posts seemed off to me.
This post is really weird to me.

Normally when you have a discussion with someone, you keep it going yourself. You left yourself open to have other people jump into the discussion when you stated that you were just trying to get people to post on top of not responding to Jay's response to you.

I don't understand where you personally made it obvious that the discussion was still going, especially to someone that realized you were just wanting to get discussion going prior to you stating it yourself. With this point in mind, I don't understand why you're trying to put a possible Kantrip scum route as an option (regardless of how you feel about pursuing that route yourself).

oh man classic scumRake
man, remember Fire Emblem (Circus') when I scumread you and no-one else saw it? Good times.
Just so we're clear, Orbo seemed kinda defensive in the very early posts of the game, and now Rake has come in hyperposting a bunch, but without any clear agenda, and what seems like a lot of fluff. None of their responses to being called scum fill me with confidence either.

Vote: FullMetalLynch
I have no idea why you stated either of the first two posts, expected FML to take them seriously in the slightest, and then voted him (partially) for it.

Vote: FullMetalLynch

btw Kary, what are your thoughts on my comments about you?
I'm keeping my eye on you. This is a really weird vote in comparison with your other votes.

There's a problem I'm going to have with this game and it's that some people (without showing too much bias) really are easy lynch scapegoats based on their playstyle alone. What FML is doing right now is teetering between dumbtown or scum and it's hard to exactly pin it if you've played with Rake before. If you take it at face value: Rake's scummy. Kary's vote is fine. That's why I unvoted him because I think it's a good push but there's also this thing called the Rake effect which I really don't want to see happen in this game because it's a waste of time, and I can see it coming into full force if FML becomes the main target. FML aren't strong scum players, they will become obvious by day two at best.

Without sounding like a broken record, I'm worried more about the inactive right now.
Why is Kary's FML vote understandable? I understand that FML said some... questionable things, but at least one third of Kary's vote (probably two thirds... the whole Rake being aggressive and having fluff thing doesn't really make sense to me as a scum read) is poorly constructed and suspicious.

Yes, we should all sit on our hands and offer absolutely no reads or analysis, as per your example.
I fail to see the reasoning behind stating this, as this has no correlation with the thoughts Gheb has presented. That is unless you feel that him saying something along the lines of "I fail to see why people are giving Zalak a get out of jail town card without passing go" equates to "we should not form opinions on anyone." or that you feel that he has no right to say these types of things without showing his own hand, something you shouldn't be expecting from Gheb at this point honestly.

Vote: Gorf

These two posts massively stink, it would be fine if they were asserting that zalak was scum, but saying people shouldn't have an opinion of him is discouraging the creation of information town needs to scumhunt because even if a read is wrong and based on poor mafia theory it still provides information and a paper trail. Pair that with the fact that they're making 0 content of their own and it's obvious one of these two should die toDay.

Out of the two gorf's worse because at least with gheb the thought was original, gorf just sheeped it.
I feel that you're misunderstanding what they're stating. From my perspective, it seems that they're presenting the following idea: "People need to wait for Zalak to present more information that we can get a solid read off of before throwing him into an auto-town pile. The stuff he has stated so far would generally be fine for a semi-baseless new player town read, but considering Zalak's play in past games, reading him so strongly so early is a mistake." instead of attempting to halt the discussion of Zalak altogether.

I also fail to see how it's sheeping. If I recall correctly, this is not the first time that this ideal has been presented by Gorf, and he seems to be strongly for this idea regardless of who stated it first.

Do you fail to see this, or do you just not consider these things a possibility? If the latter, would you care to explain?


Hi guys. I apologize for my lack of content in the game so far. I honestly failed to realize I was in this game for a while, and then could not remember the password to the account. I will try my best to be more active in the future. Weekends will be hit and miss for me, but other than that I should have no problems with being active.

I know that I have posted a lot of words above, so I suppose I should summarize what I have stated. I will do so below.

Adumbrodeus: I feel that he is misunderstanding Gheb and Gord's thought process in this game. My read on this slot depends on how the conversation between them develops. I, however, was leaning town prior to this debate.

Gorf: Null. He hasn't posted much, and warning us about throwing Zalak into a town pile isn't really... town-read worthy? He is not a scum read based on what has presented against him, though. Waiting for him to get into the game further before developing a read.

Gheb: Same as Gorf.

Kary: Probably the closest thing I have to a scum read to be honest. His responses to Zalak and how he handles the slot as a whole is very weird to me considering the fact that Zalak has been following his vote with no explanation the entire game. His FML vote is... subpar to say the least. Kary expecting FML to properly respond to his suspicions prior to his vote is off, and using that as part of his reasoning for voting him is suspicious.

Zalak: I don't understand why people are strongly town reading him for early content considering his voting pattern and how he is playing the game. I understand slightly town (or scum) reading him, but having a strong read on him based on his play so far is far fetched to me. A lot of his reads seem like he's riding coat tails of other players (to the point where he is literally voting with Kary). He posted a huge thing on Kantrip based on an ideal that was presented by Soup (the idea that Zalak had more to say on Jay when Zalak pretty much concluded that discussion himself) was the biggest weird one to me.

The interaction between Zalak and Kary as a whole is really weird to me. I can't say with confidence that they're scum partners, but I would like further clarification from either side of this interaction. Specifically on why Kary is choosing to ignore the person that has been following his voting entirely and Zalak on why he's following Kary's vote when he has actual opinions now.

Kantrip: After the post I initially commented on, I was on Kantrip's side the whole time during the Zalak/Soup v Kantrip debate. I fail to see how him "interrupting" something that was already concluded by Zalak is suspicious or anything worth scum reading. Inactivity over a weekend is nothing suspicious, as we're part of a smash brothers community. Anyone pushing him (or anyone) for being inactive over a weekend should reconsider their thought process regarding mafia. Town reading?

Jay: Null. I can't read him yet. He seemed really on the fence with his reads earlier, but that was very early, so it was understandable. I would like to see more content from this slot before I further develop my read.

FML: I don't like his Kantrip read, but he hasn't done anything actually suspicious. Very slight town read, I'd like more reads or more developed thoughts from the slot before committing to a stronger read.

Bardull: Hi, Bardull! I posted something just for you! ;) Null read.

If I forgot anyone, they're null to me I suppose. Looking forward to playing this game with you guys!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
My problem with goading Kantrip is pretty much the same as the reason I gave adum before, though I suppose that's self-doubt. I really don't like Kantrip on the surface, but I'm giving him leeway due to my experiences with him. I seriously can recall all the times I thought Kantrip was scum and he ended up flipping town. It gets to the point where you have to stand back a little or give them a chance to breathe. My town-read on Kantrip is preemptive and the more I think about it, the more it dissipates.

There's something in my head that says Zalak/Kantrip has one scum, not both. Their interaction didn't seem partner-esque or preplanned. Zalak's responses just seemed too natural for that to be the case. Anyone agree?
Feel free to goad me, I don't intend on pulling my old flailing under pressure crap anymore. I'm curious what about my interaction with Zalak makes you think SvT.


Jun 7, 2012
So.. Gorf/Kantrip/Bardull team? Maybe?
adumb and zalak is tvt, i think you mentioned thisss. the circle jerk isss jusst too circular.

gorf is...i dunno, what did you think of hiss svote on me ? i thought it was obviouss i was kicking he tiressss to get zalaksss perspective to initiate him to town tell like madd but i feel like sscum gorf doessnt hop on my wagon when their'ss sliterally 0 momentum to even ssee me lynched seeing as kary issssnt invested and zalak more interessted in biting every ankle he deemsss worthy than pursssuing me doggedly.

Bardull isss kind alike thiss as sscum but the lasst time i saw him he at least posted albeit jusst badly as sscum.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
So I'm pretty sure adum vs Zalak is TvT. I like Zalak's initiative in making the push but I disagree that adum having a hasty read and failing to consider that Zalak might be better than he's giving him credit for is scummy.

Looks like it's time to read Ruy wall

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
In what way of 'classic Gheb' is somehow telling of Gheb to be scum in your eyes? There was no thought process put behind your words, and I don't understand how he was 'slowing the game down' by stating his opinion on Zalak. It really seemed to me like you were bull****ting for that reason alone because I felt like I was just reading baseless conjecture in that whole post. You didn't even try to reason with Gheb, nor question him. You instantly made a call one two lines and that's just shoddy play on your part as either alignment because it shows to me that you don't care of figuring out his intentions, rather you just wanted a poor excuse to vote.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Town Lean - zalak, adum, soup, ruy, jay
Null - kary, bard, people i forgot
Scum Lean - fml, gheb

Also soup when I say I'm curious why you think me vs Zalak is SvT I mean could you please tell me why you think me vs Zalak is SvT? Thank you.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Literally, 'classic Gheb' doesn't say anything, and that's the only reason I could see for you voting him, which isn't anything. You're bad at this.


Jun 7, 2012
alsos apologoiess for any extra or missing s's in my posts. orange juice on my kb means the s key is forked


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
Why do you want to look at Kary more just because of the fact that he started the game off in a bold way? Why is this specifically not scummy, but still worth pointing out?
It was more than that in hindsight, probably. He acted very forthcoming, asking me who to vote, and very soon after rubbed the wrong way when talking too FML.
I feel that you're misunderstanding what they're stating. From my perspective, it seems that they're presenting the following idea: "People need to wait for Zalak to present more information that we can get a solid read off of before throwing him into an auto-town pile. The stuff he has stated so far would generally be fine for a semi-baseless new player town read, but considering Zalak's play in past games, reading him so strongly so early is a mistake." instead of attempting to halt the discussion of Zalak altogether.

I also fail to see how it's sheeping. If I recall correctly, this is not the first time that this ideal has been presented by Gorf, and he seems to be strongly for this idea regardless of who stated it first.

Do you fail to see this, or do you just not consider these things a possibility? If the latter, would you care to explain?
It's somewhat blown out of proportion, though, to say that Zalak was getting a free town card. Adum said flatly that he would retract his read if something came up.

But yeah, I don't get what people hate about Kantrip.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
In what way of 'classic Gheb' is somehow telling of Gheb to be scum in your eyes? There was no thought process put behind your words, and I don't understand how he was 'slowing the game down' by stating his opinion on Zalak. It really seemed to me like you were bull****ting for that reason alone because I felt like I was just reading baseless conjecture in that whole post. You didn't even try to reason with Gheb, nor question him. You instantly made a call one two lines and that's just shoddy play on your part as either alignment because it shows to me that you don't care of figuring out his intentions, rather you just wanted a poor excuse to vote.
I'm not interested in asking Gheb why he was doing what he was doing because 1. others were already doing it and 2. I didn't have any questions about it

I feel Gheb was telling people (mainly adum) that their opinions of Zalak were bad and basically saying that they shouldn't have any opinion of him. Then he claims he doesn't even have an opinion on the primary offender of having a read on Zalak, adum. So basically he's sitting back playing armchair critic and telling people they're wrong for the sake of telling people they're wrong. I didn't feel there was any reason to ask his intentions in doing so because I didn't need any help seeing why he was doing it.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
all my questions have ssome purpose. my purposse in kicking around zalak should have been relatively obvious so im sssurpisssed gorf ssseesss it differently.

really dislike the line "wont be on a zalak wagon today" implying he's sssomehow going to be be sscummier by comparison tomorrow sssomehow when it'sss spretty obvious zalak doesnt need to be anywhere near the table
but it didnt gooooo anywhere cuz the questions were ssssstupid.

also fantastic job giving yourself zero opportunity to develop a read on me based on that second paragraph. exposing the fact that i may do that completely makes it null if i DONT do it, rather than it being a town tell. but hey maybe i just dont get it idk.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also soup when I say I'm curious why you think me vs Zalak is SvT I mean could you please tell me why you think me vs Zalak is SvT? Thank you.
This goes to show me that you're not reading the thread. I'll give you a freebie so you can look like an even bigger idiot. #241.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
So.. Gorf/Kantrip/Bardull team? Maybe?
How did you come to this conclusion?

Do you thing Gorf is scum? I would like to see the reasoning for this, especially if there is a connection between reading Gorf and reading Bardull/Kantrip that we are failing to see.

It was more than that in hindsight, probably. He acted very forthcoming, asking me who to vote, and very soon after rubbed the wrong way when talking too FML.
Thank you for the explanation!

It's somewhat blown out of proportion, though, to say that Zalak was getting a free town card. Adum said flatly that he would retract his read if something came up.
I exaggerated with the statement saying that he was getting a free town card, but the idea still stands from my perspective (although Gorf changed his stance recently).


Jun 7, 2012
ryu i think you're overthinking on zalak but i'll think abpout what you ssaid.

also ryu's town

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm not interested in asking Gheb why he was doing what he was doing because 1. others were already doing it and 2. I didn't have any questions about it

I feel Gheb was telling people (mainly adum) that their opinions of Zalak were bad and basically saying that they shouldn't have any opinion of him. Then he claims he doesn't even have an opinion on the primary offender of having a read on Zalak, adum. So basically he's sitting back playing armchair critic and telling people they're wrong for the sake of telling people they're wrong. I didn't feel there was any reason to ask his intentions in doing so because I didn't need any help seeing why he was doing it.
Why does all of this come to light until you're instigated about it. How is armchair critic scumtelling? Telling people they're wrong? You're not giving any reasons as to why this is scum behavior.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
How did you come to this conclusion?
Small hunch I have. Gorf's post didn't wow me and his lurking has been bothering me. I'm much more confident in Kantrip being one for now than the others.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EBWOP: Definitely not a connection thing just yet. We'll see once I get a flip out of Kantrip.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Why does all of this come to light until you're instigated about it. How is armchair critic scumtelling? Telling people they're wrong? You're not giving any reasons as to why this is scum behavior.

It's not coming to light because I was instigated about it. I'm elaborating because you were obviously confused about my reasoning since I didn't clearly state it. Rather than asking me about it you voted me, kind of like what I did to Gheb! I'm seeing a trend of you calling me out for something and then doing the exact same thing, soup.

One sec, I'll write a proper post on why Gheb is scum so you can't tell me I have no/weak/shallow reasoning.


Jun 7, 2012
It was more than that in hindsight, probably. He acted very forthcoming, asking me who to vote, and very soon after rubbed the wrong way when talking too FML.

It's somewhat blown out of proportion, though, to say that Zalak was getting a free town card. Adum said flatly that he would retract his read if something came up.

But yeah, I don't get what people hate about Kantrip.
how so wrt to mine and his interaction

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
I forgot to vote Kary in my bigger post. My apologies.

Vote: Kary

@ FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch I also feel that I may be over thinking Zalak (especially with Gorf's recent insightful contribution), however I would like Zalak and Kary's thoughts on my points before re-evaluating them altogether.


Jun 7, 2012
kantrip is soup dogging you to goad you or do you see his perspective on you and his proposed scum team

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Literally, 'classic Gheb' doesn't say anything, and that's the only reason I could see for you voting him, which isn't anything. You're bad at this.
Can I request that you do not make the environment hostile for other participants in this game? Considering the history between how you and Kantrip react to these types of things, it would be highly preferred if this were put to a stop sooner later than later.

Multiple people are reading Gheb this way for "classic Gheb" reasons. I fail to see why this is specific to Kantrip.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

It's not coming to light because I was instigated about it. I'm elaborating because you were obviously confused about my reasoning since I didn't clearly state it. Rather than asking me about it you voted me, kind of like what I did to Gheb! I'm seeing a trend of you calling me out for something and then doing the exact same thing, soup.

One sec, I'll write a proper post on why Gheb is scum so you can't tell me I have no/weak/shallow reasoning.
If it mattered to you, you wouldn't have been needed to be instigated.Try again. You don't need my or anyone else's approval to elaborate on something. I'd like to think if you felt it was a good reaction you would have done this in the first place, but you didn't. I'm not going in circles with you. Nothing you say will change my mind.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EBWOP: reaction is supposed to be reasoning*

Kantrip dead yet?
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