In this case it was intentional, because you weren't actually supposed to "be here" in a flavor sense, and there were enough claim shenanigans to work with. The intent was you'd realize that bulletproof is claimable and so is one-shot vig and after that it was up to your flavor skills. The roles I gave for fakeclaims I tried to make varied enough to give wiggleroom without hand feeding. (Ironically people were willing to believe Obama being bulletproof until you fed Kantrip to the wolves.)oh @Jdietz43 one more thing, if you're going to make most of the roles and abilities so strongly consistent with the flavor you need to be consistent throughout. Otherwise it reads like a fakeclaim and isn't fair to the player.
Similarly gheb should've had a fakeclaim that worked better with starting in a neighborhood with a wizard.
Recognizing a poor claim via flavor is one thing, but that should be the player's fault, not the mod's decision.
Not as bad as death note mafia's example but still.
Gheb on the other hand could never have a fakeclaim that worked because his slot chooses the player to be paired with, but the wizard was not locked to being whoever he picked in this case. I had considered that being the case at first but it seemed mildly unfair to do considering the role would behoove mafia picking a player who the mafia thinks makes poor use of outside communication/is manipulable. It just happened to be that role that RNG picked anyway for Maven.
In future games they'll likely be directly as consistent as the Town though unless I intentionally choose it to be a weakness again.
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