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serious thread


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
are black people jokes funny? I mean, we're in atl south for christs sake. I think they should be allowed here.

oh and *****es too.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
No. Its ****ing ********.
I'm 100% sure your not in middle school bro(Actually. I'm not 100% sure. But if you are then maybe its more acceptable).
But your probably not. So no, racist jokes are as ******** as the people who make them are.
They are not funny.
There is nothing funny about them.
I don't know what you smashers think is so funny about making fun of a specific race for humor, even if its not serious at all, but all it does is shows how ignorant you are.
You may honestly believe that you are not racists at all, that you really are just saying it for humor.
But it does'nt change the fact that its ****ing stupid and it makes you look ****ing stupid.
Is it right to make jokes about someone's dead mom? Would that really be funny, knowing your friend's mom just died and going up to him and being like "Hey bro. I just ****ed your mom". Would that be funny? No.
Its the same thing.
It makes you look like an idiot.


edit(more stuff):
So if you walked up in your place of work and started making racists jokes. Do you really think that is good thing to do? Going up to your black co worker and being like "man **** them ******s". If its not cool there, then why would it be acceptable anywhere else?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
No. Its ****ing ********.
I'm 100% sure your not in middle school bro(Actually. I'm not 100% sure. But if you are then maybe its more acceptable).
But your probably not. So no, racist jokes are as ******** as the people who make them are.
They are not funny.
There is nothing funny about them.
I don't know what you smashers think is so funny about making fun of a specific race for humor, even if its not serious at all, but all it does is shows how ignorant you are.
You may honestly believe that you are not racists at all, that you really are just saying it for humor.
But it does'nt change the fact that its ****ing stupid and it makes you look ****ing stupid.
Is it right to make jokes about someone's dead mom? Would that really be funny, knowing your friend's mom just died and going up to him and being like "Hey bro. I just ****ed your mom". Would that be funny? No.
Its the same thing.
It makes you look like an idiot.


edit(more stuff):
So if you walked up in your place of work and started making racists jokes. Do you really think that is good thing to do? Going up to your black co worker and being like "man **** them ******s". If its not cool there, then why would it be acceptable anywhere else?
I walked straight up to a black co-worker of mine and asked him why Beyonce' says "To the left to the left." And what the most confusing day in Harlem was.

We laughed, it was good times.

so shut up, frog ****er




Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
My grandfather is genuinely racist, and I can say that I hate his guts because of it. He once told me that the ugly-*** Santa Claus thing he had would stay in the basement to ward off ******s from trying to rob him. True story. Ever since then, the only thing I've ever even bothered speaking to him about is free plane tickets.

But yeah, Hungrybox is right. A lot of black people live up to their stereotypes (To me it look like a leprechaun to me). It's funny as balls, though, to just laugh with someone about it. Obviously everyone can attest to that.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Man. I was hoping for at least a decent debate with another smasher. :|

well it looks like you came to the wrong place, boy.

welcome to the south.....didn't we discuss this on aim already, laijin lol?

but seriously, sometimes i wonder myself.....society.....jokes....heh


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7dzLZrqMvCA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7dzLZrqMvCA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
No. Its ****ing ********.
I'm 100% sure your not in middle school bro(Actually. I'm not 100% sure. But if you are then maybe its more acceptable).
But your probably not. So no, racist jokes are as ******** as the people who make them are.
They are not funny.
There is nothing funny about them.
I don't know what you smashers think is so funny about making fun of a specific race for humor, even if its not serious at all, but all it does is shows how ignorant you are.
You may honestly believe that you are not racists at all, that you really are just saying it for humor.
But it does'nt change the fact that its ****ing stupid and it makes you look ****ing stupid.
Is it right to make jokes about someone's dead mom? Would that really be funny, knowing your friend's mom just died and going up to him and being like "Hey bro. I just ****ed your mom". Would that be funny? No.
Its the same thing.
It makes you look like an idiot.


edit(more stuff):
So if you walked up in your place of work and started making racists jokes. Do you really think that is good thing to do? Going up to your black co worker and being like "man **** them ******s". If its not cool there, then why would it be acceptable anywhere else?

1) I'm in College
2) I'm an Immature Nutsack.

But do you realize where we are? We're in the South. We are ****ing known for racists. You don't like racist jokes, you don't think they're funny. That's cool. I like them, i laugh. I have a good time with people are malicious, because honestly we smashers don't know way too much about each other to really go off and trash talk each other about our personal lives, and even if we did, we're not going to put someone on blast like that out of no where in the middle of a tournament.

During Golden China, i was the only black guy there and there. One of the guy's said out of random "can you read?". And i thought it was funny as hell.

Granted that's just me. But i mean jokes are jokes. If i was to call Rayku an Irish beer guzzlin mother****er, that would be different than "i'm going to kill you because you're white".

If you don't like racist jokes, you don't think their funny. That's cool, but a good deal of the time people here have enough sense to say jokes to people they know they can say it with. And when they step across the line they know when to stop.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs

1) I'm in College
2) I'm an Immature Nutsack.

But do you realize where we are? We're in the South. We are ****ing known for racists. You don't like racist jokes, you don't think they're funny. That's cool. I like them, i laugh. I have a good time with people are malicious, because honestly we smashers don't know way too much about each other to really go off and trash talk each other about our personal lives, and even if we did, we're not going to put someone on blast like that out of no where in the middle of a tournament.

During Golden China, i was the only black guy there and there. One of the guy's said out of random "can you read?". And i thought it was funny as hell.

Granted that's just me. But i mean jokes are jokes. If i was to call Rayku an Irish beer guzzlin mother****er, that would be different than "i'm going to kill you because you're white".

i'm with him on this.

i want to here black peoples jokes about white people cus all my black friends refuse to tell me so i think they are lying.

i'm not a very serious person so i love jokes even if its making fun of me.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I think most stereotypes of any race are pretty funny. To me it's really more like I'm making fun of the ignorance of the stereotype itself (not the race at which the joke is directed) when I bring it up. It kinda reminds me of Dave Chappelle's first episode on season 1 with the KKK and Clayton Bigsby (the blind, african-american white supremist) lol... he might have said the N word quite a bit but he was obviously making fun of how insanely ignorant the KKK is. I don't think I'm the only person that thinks of it this way. It sucks when someone gets offended solely because their sarcasm detector needs replacing.

It's still 4/20, right?


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Now I don't even feel like arguing anymore.
But yes, we are in the south. If you do go in "certain areas", segregation and racism is still extremely apparent. If you just happen to be on a road trip, better hope your car does'nt break down in these certain areas and your of a different ethnic race than majority of people.
Most of you probably live in near a city or a well populated area. Most places even out in the country are not like this, but there are indeed some. Trust me, I've actually had to deal with stuff like that personally when I was younger and I've heard enough stories from people to be fully aware that its still out there and its very apparent.

Even more so common are people who are raised to be against interracial dating. This is extremely common as parents don't want their kids to date anyone outside their race, so their kids grow up thinking like this too usually and so they only tend to like one specific race. If you have a preference over one race, thats fine, its natural to go with what you like. But if you just flat out say "I will never date a person of this race because I don't find people of that race datable or attractive" or whatever bull**** excuse you have, then that complete bull****.

Anyways. My point is.
You really have to be careful about racist jokes. Just because you THINK someone is okay with it, does'nt mean they really are. Especially if your posting on a completely 100% public forum like swf and your saying racist jokes all over the place. You'd assume everyone who reads it is gonna laugh and be alright with it, but you don't know that cause literally anyone can read it. Its the internet, sure.
But you don't expect to find some things in certain places on the internet.
People come to smash boards to talk about smash bros, not get offended because of their race, see random borderline almost NSFW porn, or any other bull**** like that. Thats what mods are for, and for the most part..most of them do their jobs pretty well(Some of them are kind of *******s..but thats just my opinion).


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
Even more so common are people who are raised to be against interracial dating. This is extremely common as parents don't want their kids to date anyone outside their race, so their kids grow up thinking like this too usually and so they only tend to like one specific race. If you have a preference over one race, thats fine, its natural to go with what you like. But if you just flat out say "I will never date a person of this race because I don't find people of that race datable or attractive" or whatever bull**** excuse you have, then that complete bull****.
did you get rejected by that japanese girl


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Man asian girls are my favorite, then second is girls that are red heads, although thats not a race. ;3


Jan 3, 2006
I was talking with FIU last Gigs, made some black jokes, and then later that day I see a group of four black guys (not sure their names, they weren't in my pool) talking and pointing at me and glaring... It's kinda scary. O_O How could a smasher be for-realsies racist? We hang out with other races all the time, (Hell, in FIU there's Galeon, Izzy, and 8-bit all in one!) :(


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Maybe they are REALLY anti-racist so they probaly don't care if you were joking or not.

But, I don't think you can take life seriously. When it comes to jokes and ****.

About getting that job and passing the state test, you can't joke about that.


Smash Ace
Jun 2, 2008
Gainesville, Florida
racial jokes are funny.
<1% of the time people are actually trying to condemn another race.
people only get offended because they think other people are actually being offended by the joke lol.

i wish all this were fact.....

F Zero

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Ok, so we all know different races have traits the race is known for. This is fact: Japanese/Chinese have skin over the eyes, Black people have wider noses, Redheads have freckles...etc. etc. Now alot of people refer to white people as "white people", just because their skin is a light color. They don't say "Irish" or "British" or "French" people, they just call em white. (Not everyone, but i see it alot). Like, you can't call someone black if they're jamaican, cause they'll say "I'm not black im jamaican".


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Ok, so we all know different races have traits the race is known for. This is fact: Japanese/Chinese have skin over the eyes, Black people have wider noses, Redheads have freckles...etc. etc. Now alot of people refer to white people as "white people", just because their skin is a light color. They don't say "Irish" or "British" or "French" people, they just call em white. (Not everyone, but i see it alot). Like, you can't call someone black if they're jamaican, cause they'll say "I'm not black im jamaican".
thank you.

And Teh Albino wonders why I call him White :rolleyes:

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
I find it funny how people get all mad over people discriminating over race because of the "they're no different from whites" argument. The straight reality is, a good 85% of them act like *******es all the time.
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