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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kary instant town? While Kuz was auto scum. I don't see at all how you could see that being the case. Yoor posts on Kuz and responding to them was **** on day 2.

Nabe is 100% right that you have some ok reasoning to look at kuz and some really bad reasoning to look at hiim on day 2. I've stated this before.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kary instant town? While Kuz was auto scum. I don't see at all how you could see that being the case. Yoor posts on Kuz and responding to them was **** on day 2.

Nabe is 100% right that you have some ok reasoning to look at kuz and some really bad reasoning to look at hiim on day 2. I've stated this before.
I really don't know what you're talking about. I didn't add any reasoning on Day 2. You know what I did on Day 2? I literally quoted my posts from Day 1 regarding kuz. So how the hell are you getting that it was different reasoning, never mind that it was better or worse?

And yeah I got an instant town read on Kary. I got one on Deg too. Do you have a problem with it simply because you're not good enough to see what I saw?

Anyways, I've since changed my read on the kuz slot after seeing Orbo play a bit, and that's not a direction I want to go at this time.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I really don't know what you're talking about. I didn't add any reasoning on Day 2. You know what I did on Day 2? I literally quoted my posts from Day 1 regarding kuz. So how the hell are you getting that it was different reasoning, never mind that it was better or worse?

And yeah I got an instant town read on Kary. I got one on Deg too. Do you have a problem with it simply because you're not good enough to see what I saw?

Anyways, I've since changed my read on the kuz slot after seeing Orbo play a bit, and that's not a direction I want to go at this time.
No you quoted a lot that honestly was trying to show Nabe something even if it wasn't a true "case" you still were trying to use it to convince him, and others, to stick to him and go through with a lynch.

Kary I can give leeway, but **** you if you think Degu was playing as a strong town read and **** you if you think everyone should have done the same. If you're town post game and stick to degu lynch being awful I will go back post for post showing why his lynch was 100% warranted. Seriously go to hell on that point.

Now as for Orbo, his role makes a little more sense with a hated role in the game, but also Nabe has ways I could see him picking up on that kind of stuff. Double voter + Voteblocker + Beloved + Hated? Don't think I would see that all in the same game, mostly I see how Nabe could have interpreted Voteblocker with a hated and Beloved in the same game and how Double voter was more or less sort of outruled on Day 1 when no one on Degu lynch showed the had that kind of thing. That doesn't rule out the others being that but with the known flips it makes some sense I could see him picking up on that info.

As much as Marshy goes **** claims, really you can find out from NAs and flips what is more or less likely to be in the game and who is more or less confirmed or not off this as well. Flips make the info more cemented as well since then you learn the true intent of the player with their aligned out.

Anyways I'm still rereading Kary atm and working on rereading J a tad more, but right now I'm sticking to my paranoid vote since that slot is bugging the **** out of me and I can't put it into words outside of my personal rules on some players I have a harder time reading sometimes. Marshy I feel like I can read better, but here something is...off, aspects are the same but something about it still is making go back and double take a few times.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Hm, nevermind. Ruy's paranoia is full ****** but full ****** in a town fueled way that reminds me of Toad losing his mind near OS All-Stars. So that's me, Nabe, Ruy, Kev, and Rajam who are town with J/Orbo/Potato on the outskirts.

Ruy, I already told you why J is my play 1045.

J, feel free to share what's going on in your head. I remember you having me, Rajam, and Potato as Town with a Nabe gutscum feel. But it seemed like you were coming around to Potatoscum yesterday when Nabe and him had a bit of a back and forth. Have your reads progressed at all?

OK, someone tell me when we're ready to lynch J and be done with this dayphase. Sometimes I regret the HBC cuz really the HBC is nothing more than a standard wagon that's healthy for dayphases but it has a stigma to it (**** the HBC they were wrong before!) that cockblocks the utter **** out of it getting done. At any rate have a good weekend in the meantime everyone.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Out of curiosity Kevin, who of Nabe/Rajam would you lynch first if forced to choose?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hm, nevermind. Ruy's paranoia is full ****** but full ****** in a town fueled way that reminds me of Toad losing his mind near OS All-Stars. So that's me, Nabe, Ruy, Kev, and Rajam who are town with J/Orbo/Potato on the outskirts.

Ruy, I already told you why J is my play 1045.

J, feel free to share what's going on in your head. I remember you having me, Rajam, and Potato as Town with a Nabe gutscum feel. But it seemed like you were coming around to Potatoscum yesterday when Nabe and him had a bit of a back and forth. Have your reads progressed at all?

OK, someone tell me when we're ready to lynch J and be done with this dayphase. Sometimes I regret the HBC cuz really the HBC is nothing more than a standard wagon that's healthy for dayphases but it has a stigma to it (**** the HBC they were wrong before!) that cockblocks the utter **** out of it getting done. At any rate have a good weekend in the meantime everyone.
The bolded is where my paranoia stems from.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
HBC lynched Badwolf for no reason whatsoever when he was obvtown in his first post of the gog damn game.

The only reason I am being pushed to lynch at the current time is because I am against the HBC this game because nothing about it has been correct. *looks at past lynches* Another reason that I am being pushed is because I had a difference of opinion from the majority. I'm not gonna just shut up and be lynched but there is literally no case on me.
Badwolf then proceeded to do **** all for the rest of the game. also look at Rajam's evaluation of your interactions with Joey. That's a solid place to start.

Sorry guys, inactivity is v. Poor from me. Will have to reread this game. In meetings all tomorrow and just hired a new guy to come into my team. Bw town surprises.
Will update asap, we on 1 atcost of 3?

Marshy will log into qt tomorrow lunch I hope.

Who replaced kuz slot?
I did.

I'm paranoid, deal with it Marshy.

Give me a reason to lynch J, I don't care for I case what did he do to warrant it?

I'd rather have Kantrip.
Rajam's interactions post helped. Also acro did nothing.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Red Ryu, the Deg slot was playing really badly but it was sooooo easy to notice that it wasn't scummy badly. Everyone on DGames seems to be ****ing terrible at differentiating the two. Bad play does not make someone scum. In fact, scum usually play pretty well and won't say blatantly scummy things. I don't get how people can't make the distinction, but the Deg slot's anger from soup was so townsoup and the sarcastic jabs while refusing to cooperate was so obviously an angry townie thing from both of them. Scum would do their best to get out of the bad spot they started in.

So yes, Deg was playing badly. But the lynch was terrible and they were obvtown.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
It's the same problem people have when my mind takes a jump off the deep end and I start spouting a bunch of reads and stances that are pretty stupid. They jump at that and shout "scum!" when the truth of the matter is I wouldn't spout crazy theories as scum because that's risky. The fact that I suddenly jump off of a kuz wagon to say "whoa wait I think Kary and Swishy are scum" with a bunch of crazy reasoning speaks volumes for me being town. It's proof that I'm thinking about things. If I were scum I would probably sit on kuz or make a more logical transition to a different push. Again, bad play doesn't mean scum. It usually means the opposite.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Also your aggressive **** you's are unnecessary, Ruy. I townread Kary and Deg early and that's that. Deal with it and don't be so bitter.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Red Ryu, the Deg slot was playing really badly but it was sooooo easy to notice that it wasn't scummy badly. Everyone on DGames seems to be ****ing terrible at differentiating the two. Bad play does not make someone scum. In fact, scum usually play pretty well and won't say blatantly scummy things. I don't get how people can't make the distinction, but the Deg slot's anger from soup was so townsoup and the sarcastic jabs while refusing to cooperate was so obviously an angry townie thing from both of them. Scum would do their best to get out of the bad spot they started in.

So yes, Deg was playing badly. But the lynch was terrible and they were obvtown.
Not buying you had a good reason for this.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Then don't. And when you don't improve as a player and find out in post game I was right and town, that'll be your loss.
Dealing with pretentious attitudes like your's always pisses me off.

This is why I hate movies like Avatar and 2012, they think they know better so they talk down to everyone around them spreading bull**** that makes me want a refund.

Don't feed me this garbage that he flipped town so your reasoning holds true after the fact, that's a huge fallacy. Yes I could call someone out as scum right now on the scum team off bull****, my conclusion could be true but my fact could be false.

I will still hold, that Degu's play did not warrant a strong town read that you got out of it. And more so your Day 2 responses to me and Nabe were very poor in actually refuting any kind of problem we brought up with you. Instead you flipped the bird at us and plugged your ears to anything we said.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Process of elimination + playing like scum. Are you onboard with the new age HBC? Anyone besides Potato you're interested in? I'm assuming a 3-man team.
"PoE... and btw he is playing scummy"
Oddly ordered priorities?
I am not on board the HBC, but glad you had the balls to actually label it HBC

This is the moment where you ignore the flaws in my play, my lack of interest in other players, and my dodging of your scumteam question, and just believe in me which given your FOS: Potato should not be hard anyway

whereas convincing me Acro was scum will be harder than my **** for Circus

Mash dat Potato

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hey remember that post where Nabe goes over play by play what you did with Kuz, yeah then you said "**** you nabe"

Yeah that post.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
"PoE... and btw he is playing scummy"
Oddly ordered priorities?
Man, is this 110% horse****. Order != priority. This actually angered me.

Stickin' to J and waiting to see if others are down to get rid of him (if not I'll join Potato). Slot needs to go and your unwillingness to consider the slot actually makes me want to kill him more before scum kill someone besides you and I'm left with less people willing to off him. Lol @ J liking all the posts revolving around Potato hate when calling him Town yesterday.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Hey remember that post where Nabe goes over play by play what you did with Kuz, yeah then you said "**** you nabe"

Yeah that post.
That wasn't a case.

J stop liking posts if you're not going to add any. We get it, you hate me all of a sudden

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, feel free to share what's going on in your head. I remember you having me, Rajam, and Potato as Town with a Nabe gutscum feel. But it seemed like you were coming around to Potatoscum yesterday when Nabe and him had a bit of a back and forth. Have your reads progressed at all?.
You didn't really read my posts did you? You skimmed them? Why? I have Rajam as town, his vote makes sense with his train of thought and reasoning. With you, you have no reasoning and are grasping to call me scum just because you lost your Kuzi steam and have dropped that, you were wrong on DG and then you were wrong on BW. So I have little faith in your reads as a slot based on this. Anyways, as for my read on you with Kuzi's role being more favorable to town over scum because we had a hated townie and mafia had a mafia ninja hammer which seemed to have given them another vote that is secret which would counter-act the Hero role if the mafia member (a.k.a. Joey) had a second vote. That means Kuzi's slot is more likely to be town. I said in my read's post that I like Kanty based on Kuzi being more scum. I was wrong on Kary cuz I had a Kary-Kuzi connection that went out the door. I didn't have time to post before flip cuz life sucks, but eh.

Kary flipping town also helps my Kuzi read to become town. I would doubt Mafia had a hammer+hero role because that's kiiiiiindof broken. Potato had a very huge blustery case on Kuzi. I mentioned that I didn't like most of the points and agreed with Nabe on the fact that he was blowing way too many things out of proportion to make his case better (gog dammit what's that mafia term for that). So with Kuzi being more town in my book, that makes Kanty look worse to me and shows that I don't like him more. I said this in my catch-up post. I also you have note that I was beginning to have a change of heart from the flow of posts happening yesterDay where Nabe was coming to be the most logical person in this town and now Ruy is even up there (besides this paranoia bologna that's going but nitpicking).

Bottom line: After flips, Kanty is looking like the most likely candidate to be scum. I can't really find connections to Joey but I have a hard time with connections unless they are blatant to me in my reads.

Oh, shocking note, KevinM is probably more town than scum. Weirdest read feel ever. Simply because I only have KevinM as town when he is being....obnoxousish? I know his scum-game and he's not really scumming up the thread lately and a big step towards him being town is the fact that he gave, your slot, pause. ScumKevinM would just go along with whatever your slot wanted and ya know the rest. I mean, yeah, that's meta but that's KevinMscum to me. Him actually trying to look at the puzzle instead of just mashing pieces together (aka, you and Potato) make me think he is more likely town.

That wasn't a case.

J stop liking posts if you're not going to add any. We get it, you hate me all of a sudden

Bull to your first line. He point by point outlined where he felt you were scummy and showed where your logic was failing. That is a case. It doesn't have to have quotes to be a case so you need to respond and quit trying to find any other way around it.

Also, I will like posts whenever I want. Stop having problems with that? Plus, my dislike to your slot isn't sudden at all. It's completley justified if you took a second to just even glance at what I've posted in this game. Sure, I haven't posted a lot but when i do, I make sure to try and answer everything I can. Liking posts helps show where my thoughts are and also shows who I agree with without having to quote them later or even bring it up later. I'm not gonna stop and saying I don't add anything is once again...wrong.

I am behind the Kanty wagon because it makes sense, he is avoiding major points of the case and also my town-reads are backing it up as well so I am content to see Kanty go toDay.

Vote: Potato


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Ensuring the day ends faster. Ruy wants Potato as well and his vote would have him at -1 which is closer to your wagon which is still at -2.

Why do you ask?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm still interested in this game and don't want to replace out, but life is too hectic at the moment and I'm gonna be V/LA for a couple days.

I'll be here to claim if it comes to that.

Vote: Nabe

Throwing my vote on the slot I like least


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
K actually I'll do it it's whatever.

Dissidia Sephiroth, Town JOAT.

My crumb was this post where I randomly quoted kuz talking about claiming JoaT with no context and said I'm not a play: http://smashboards.com/threads/seph...ght-mt-8-14-2013.339045/page-15#post-15733466

I have 3 one-shot abilities. I have used an Investigate and a Track. The third ability shall remain unnamed, as shall my Track target and result in case I can use it during a mass-claim later to catch my target in a lie. I copped Swishy N1 and got an innocent result.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 3

Deadline will end at Midnight MT on 8/24/2013

With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch!

[1] Swishy: Red Ryu,
[0] Orboknown:
[0] KevinM:
[1] Nabe: Potassium,
[3] Potassium: Nabe, J, Swishy,
[0] Red Ryu:
[0] Rajam:
[2] J: Rajam, Orboknown,

[1] Not voting: KevinM,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 3]Swishy: Votes J > Votes Potassium
Rajam: Votes J
Orboknown: Votes J
Nabe: Votes Potassium
Red Ryu: Votes Swishy
J: Votes Potassium
Potassium: Votes Nabe[/collapse]
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