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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
If you're asking me and referring to Red Ryu, I think he's just being stupid, I won't know if it's town or scum stupid until he smartens up.
Whats your RR read now?

Why no question for Nabe?

Take care of kuz and Kary. Look, look:

Why didn't you explain it yourself?

post ++

ok, first alarm: You don't seem pleased/confident enough with your 1st response/paragraph, so it's like you felt the need to throw something more "bold", with that "Swishy town". It's obvious also that someone will ask you about it, so you have an extra post assured, but there is no real scumhunting inbetween (and no, asseverate that Swishy is town this early can barely be considered scumhunting)

Easy strategy of pursuing inactivity?

vote: Kary

dabuz do you agree with this, right?


Rajam probably town on this. @the question-because I didn't want to and I wasn't in the game lol.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
204 kantrip town.
Not a fan of Rajam based on that post alone.

Rajam, what are your thoughts on Kuz? Based on you quoting that random RVS (and humorous) post and implying that he isn't doing anything (which isn't true in the slightest), I assume it's somewhere between null and slight scum lean, but I'd like a confirmation.
Rajam not joey's mate imo.

Your points on Kary seem pretty farfetched imo.

It seems like you're saying that Kary is taking the easy route and trying to just go after inactives, but neither Red Ryu or Kantrip are inactive players (unless they've changed while I left). He also clearly states that he can read Nabe if Nabe chooses to stay active, which completely goes against your point. Kary isn't going after inactives at all. Just because they haven't posted yet doesn't mean they're automatically considered inactive (Especially considering the fact that Kary answered this question so early into the game).

I can kind of see your opposing of the way Kary showed his Swishy town read, but I don't agree with it. If anything, it seems like Kary is trying to get people involved by leaving his reads up for questioning. On the other hand, I don't like your line of logic that is connecting his post to scum play. It seems like you think that posting a lot = searching for town cred, which simply isn't true (in my opinion at least). Why do you think that it's scummy to post your reads in a way that promotes questioning during the RVS phase of the game?
Kantrip should talk to me about what this part of joey's post might mean wrt Kary's alignment.


Kary is a weird read for me. He seems defensive, yes, but in his situation, I would be defensive as well. Some of the votes on him make no sense whatsoever. Like, let's use Cheerlie for an example. Cheerlie says that Kary is suspicious because of how he answered Swishy's question, but the logic behind the accusation is all over the place. The question was basically asking "Who are the 3 people you can easily read?", and Kary answered that, but Cheerlie took that to a completely different location, saying stuff like "The people that I have the most interest in reading are the last people I would want to know that I'm reading them" when that has nothing to do with the actual question Swishy asked. Since there is no connection between the question Swishy asked and Cheerlie's logic, Kary's wtf response seems 100% dignified. I can't see his defensiveness as scummy when there are accusations like that floating around. Seriously, the scum(lean) reads on Kary are pretty crappy. Kuz reading Kary scum based on association doesn't line up with me, and Soup having a scum read on him partially for being anti-town due to not voting and not answering questions (I don't see how either is anti-town considering that the question was like "Why does my read on Kuz not influence you", which shouldn't really need an answer in the first place, and no one should HAVE to vote in order to not be anti town). I'd like actual reads and information from Kary that is serious before I actually have a read on him (aka I want him to stop trying to get votes off of him and I want him to actually start playing the game). How do you feel about Swishy now, Kary? Reads in general would be nice >_>.
This makes me think that joey=/= Kary because it reads more of "kuz kary isn't scummy cuz".

If not Rajam, I'd like to vote Cheerlie.
Acro/J =/= Joey.

All of Rajam's post is terrible, and it freaks me out that every little thing he has said either makes no sense, or is simply putting someone in the negative light for all of the wrong reasons.

I'd like to wait until Cheerie explains why he voted Kary before I state why I didn't vote him over Rajam.

I've liked what Kantrip has done outside of his crappy Kuz accusation.

Rushed post is rushed. I'll be back at around 6-7 EST to explain things :).
Can anyone tell me what his first line was referring to?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Orbo replaced kuz?
First thing's first, better check this Hero claim out. Get him to 6 votes.
He's also going to give us full reads. Especially interested in Swishy read but want all of them.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Because it was about me not being there and as such potentially being marshy who made the post you imbecile.

Some hammah.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
kinda hard when I'm not even at L1 iirc.
Also it was asking about the slot after that first post. I know marshy doesn't do the big RQS opening post.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
@ both

DH (Swiss) and Nabe (marshy) iirc

I have no interest in your claim - true or false.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
@ both

DH (Swiss) and Nabe (marshy) iirc

I have no interest in your claim - true or false.
but if I'm not hammered when I hit the lynch count that would make me town no? This ability in three man lylo would make scum unlynchable. Pretty poor balance wise no?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I'm sorry Swishy but our relationship isn't destined to ****

Agreed that Joey is legit, and I'm not understanding a Kuzscum POV or a switch from Degausser, who is still where this Day needs to g-
Why at this point exactly Nabe was joey Legit?
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