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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
am I really seeing Badwolf liking Swishy's posts but not posting anything? How's lurking working out for you, badbad?

oh and Ruy. your promise of later content is fascinating. I'm expecting a really good post from you round about Day 4?


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
That last part of Joey's post in #718 makes me think he had one of his mates [J (Acro)/Rajam] on the backburner; it is also consistent with my worldview of the game.

Man, **** Joey for throwing everyone's name into a blender and serving it all at once. Makes it difficult to differentiate his partners from innocents.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Fell asleep on the futon after writing a second paragraph in my catch-up post. Will finish up later.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't think Rajam is a mate.

The vote doesn't really seem to serve like an early bus, his interactions with Kuz and Degu make me irk a bit.

Joey I think is a bit easier if you know what kind of mindset he would approach as scum or town. I've hydra!s with him a lot and as town he usually does take a firm stance on something reguardless of what town or anyone thinks.

This did throw me off because I didn't see anything scummy from him. Or at least anything that is a red flag for him.

Still think Nabe is more likely town and Kantrip fits the bill better as town.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So I'm just gonna write what I can think of a the current time and just roll with that.

Joey's scum-flip and Dabuz' town-flip don't surprise me all too much since they were both nulls but Joey did lean scum during my skim-through and Dabuz did lean more townie. Neither reads of those reads I was comfortable on and weren't going to pursue to later posts but at least it knows I am looking at things on the right track so far.

The reason I disliked Joey was that his case on Rajam seemed so forced based off of nothing or like one post. He seemed to just inflate his post to seem like he had more to say than he really did which I have noticed is something scumJoey does to do as scum. It's like his town meta but his intention in his post was merely to just get Rajam lynched instead of looking at avenues and then he just hopped onto the Gausser lynch and sated Kuzi's ego to garner a bodygaurd since Kuzi then said he was town.

The main reason I am bringing up this Joey thing is the fact that because of it I am much more comfortable with Rajam because it looked like he was just pushed around a bit. Who I actually I want to go back and check are those who were indulging the RajamScum thing Joey brought up and was wanting to push it a bit more subtly with Joey. I feel a scummy may be in there. That, though, I need to continue looking at.

My opinion on the DG lynch was that it was a terrible lynch. They were town and just got HBC'd moreso lynched for anything else. I mean I am shocked Kuzi was so confident in the fact that they were scum especially near the end of it all. Plus today he really hasn't been doing much to find another scummy or say anything else. I saw a post of his saying he was playing on a phone so I am wanting more content from him regarding reads he had yesterDay and what the DG lynch did for him.

Is Potato still scum for Kuzi? Kuzi's scum-read on him seemed very knee-jerk and OMGUS. Potato for me is fine for now. A lot of my read on him will result in a Kuzi flip because if he is scum, I'll be fine with Potato till the end of the game bar an investigation. For now, I am seeing myself side with him in this argument except he could probably tone down the jumping up and down. To those who said he did not have a case, that's just incorrect because he did in fact state it profusely and if Kuzi is saying there is no case on him, it isn't doing him any favours because I believe Swishy also has one on him.

Swishy is a slot I am pretty cool with for now. Nothing has really stuck out as scummy from them. I feel strange because I have nothing to say about their slot in particular and the only thing that sticks out to me is his current alliance with Kary. In the beginning, Swishy had a hard-on for getting rid of that slot but it seems to have disappeared completely and so has all reasoning as to why.

As for me, Kary has just not been doing much of anything lately. He seems to be content to just come in with one-liners and hiding behind slots for now. He was the number one "partner" for DG based on very trivial evidence so I can understand him ignoring that case but he really hasn't done much himself which is my biggest problem with him. He's riding the Kuzi train and just there. Kary is someone I am definitely interested in looking more into due to his play in toDay's phase and near the end of yesterDay's phase. The difference between him and KevinM(who is in a similar boat) is that Kary is more of a vocal player about his opinion and this time he's just doing what KevinM is doing, being another vote/number and that's about it. KevinM hasn't done much so he is pretty much lumped in with Rajam/Nabe/BW for me as far as content goes but he's more of a null.

Nabe is also another null, but my gut says scum. It has no evidence behind it and it's a vibe from Adventure Time I am getting so it is irrational but there are none of his posts that say he is town over scum or vice-versa so he is a null with a gut scum-lean. Ruy is more of a gut town-read but I cannot read Ruy. I just can't because he confuses me too much which is why I am gonna withhold a more substantial read on him till later so I can really disect his play this game. BW on the other hand is lurking way too much for me. I was content to have him as town based on his intro post to the game because of the fact that I felt he was being honest. But my patience is beginning to dwindle because he has had one post with actual content lately.

As far as my vote goes, I am fine with not placing one right now. I need a Kuzi flip clear/condemn to help crucial reads on slots like Kary/Potato/Nabe because I have avenues for each situation. *cept Indy for now, which I doubt* However, I am not confident in KuziScum. There are enough votes there for adequate pressure and I still have more research to do regarding the slots I named but I'll give a short-cut list of my thought process at the moment.

Reads list:

Like: Swishy, Rajam, Potato
Null: BadWolf, KevinM, Nabe(scum-lean), Ruy(town-lean)
Don't Like: Kuzi, Kary

I'll be back later but for now, a tad lost for concrete scum-reads. I feel this game for me is gonna be moreso finding my town-reads and doing a PoE on the remainder of the cast. Kuzi/Kary are the two I am the most alright with losing at the current time.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
J, I was never suspicious of Karebear and have called him Town for the majority of the game even when he caught a bit of flak yesterday. Not sure where you got that my suspicion of him disappeared. The only hardon I have had is for kuzscum which I am finally going to bust today.

Kary and kuz are two slots that interest you. Do you get anything out of kuz's push on Kary yesterday?

I also am insulted that you think you can just rock an avatar of marshy and Swiss' girlfriends in bikinis but I am about spreading the love so will let it slide.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
If I recall, you said one of DG or Kary were going in the beginning of D1. Kuzi's push on Kary yesterDay could be seen as bussing or just looking for easy peg with him claiming that DG+Kary = super obv scum-team. I could see Kuzi throwing a scum-mate into the mix or even just a town kuzi just 100% solid on a read of his which he has done in the past. Kary's retaliation was justified, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Fkn, Vig on badwolf please.

Scum Left between Kuz/J/Nabe/Rajam

Rajam/Nabe can't be same squad and thus are independent of the others flip.

Badwolf start playing this ****ing game instead of being a piece of **** seriously.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
If Kuz flips town, which shouldn't happen but if he does.

I most likely die tonight.

Scum team would be Swiss/J/Nabe.

That would be the only explanation for Kuz flipping town.

Kuz flips scum then the scum team is exactly who I have in my previous post.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Swiss I expect you to follow up on our deal if we're both around tomorrow, also don't back out if I die tonight, and I'll uphold the vice versa.



Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Swiss I expect you to follow up on our deal if we're both around tomorrow, also don't back out if I die tonight, and I'll uphold the vice versa.


You can always trust me.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Hah its the weekend brotha ive just been enjoying it. Also my wifi still isnt fixed so im forced to play from my phone and ill be ****ed if im going to make detailed analyses on this piece of garbage

We have plenty of time until deadline no worries

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
so is there some kind of schedule for when you'll produce some content, kuz?

because if you're just going to stall us out, you can die already.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
it's like I left and came back, and there still wasn't a kuz case
~but I know it's a dream~
because then the wagoners also started talking about a J lynch after he made a single catch-up post
and that wouldn't happen because Acrostic was so ****ing obviously town
so naturally, now I'm waiting for the part where it gets lucid and the naked girls show up


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Here Nabe, I'll start you off with some light reading. This is a compilation of things I've already said regarding kuz during D1. Note that he insists there is no case against him and that you agree with him on that. Also note that any time I ask him a question that he can't twist for his benefit (see: most of them), he doesn't answer it. Within this wall, you'll see me calling him out for generic questions, avoiding answering other people's questions, clinging to RVS reads even when they don't make any sense (look at how he continues to believe Kary and Deg could be on a team, even when their interactions make that impossible. When I point this out he ignores me and keeps pushing for the same thing), reaching, AtE, lashing out with aggression when pressured, and probably more I can't even remember. If you reread the Day, you'll even notice all of this is true!

What I don't point out in D1 is his connection to Joey, which has not been unveiled yet. With Joey's flip, we can look at that too. I might go into more detail with that, but if you read Joey and kuz's posts about each other D1, you see it for yourself.


Oh excellent, it was soup! Degausser town, Kary town, Swishy town. Well now this is looking grim! All of kuz's scumreads are wrong and his only content is generic questions and unexplained reads!

Uh-oh, kuzi's scum.

Vote: th3kuzinator
Badwolf is adorable.

The gang war between Kary and Deg is so confusing. Kuz thinks they're both plays, while Swishy thinks one is super townie and the other is the play, but they end up on the same side. Then we have boneheads like Ruy who say "herp derp Swiss sheep me" and then start sheeping Swiss and never provide anything valuable to the game in any way ever. I really think they're both town, people need to think for themselves, and kuz is keeping his options open.
Oh yes kuzi, this was a helpful and suitable response to my content thus far. Thank you for being so cooperative and helpful.

April fools!
When did Kary say this?

I don't like this post. It doesn't serve any purpose but being a ****. If kuz thinks something needs clarification, he could ask for it. If he thinks there's a contradiction that is scummy, he could point it out. Instead, he just pushes soup's buttons because he knows he can make soup look scummy by pushing his buttons.

Also, @everyone: I actually want the questions I posed in my large posts answered, please and thank you.
Kuzi you're really going to have to elaborate. I feel like you dislike my posts merely because I am working very hard to stay composed. Also because you like to OMGUS or something, I'm not too sure.
kuz do you honestly believe Deg and Kary are scum together after their interactions on page 5?
Your radar is broken, as evidenced by your scum reads being absolute ****.

You think that Deg and Kary are on the same team. I've already said this, but look at their interactions on page 5. Hell, look at their interactions all game and tell me you honestly think they could be scum partners.
From my experience with scumkuz (read: not very much but I spent a lot of time idolizing and analyzing his play after our win in Awkward Moments), he is very good at leading mislynches. I'd almost consider that to be his strongest aspect of scum play. In Awkward Moments he rallied all of town and scum behind basically whatever lynches he wanted. That's not to say you can call him scum when he starts leading lynches, because I'm sure that's a strong suit for him as town as well. Both the large wagons right now are his top 2 scum reads, who he's made a case for being partners.

This brings me to how I would go about pinning scumkuz. Since you can expect him to lead lynches if he's invested in the game, that's what you're going to want to look at. You can look for if you agree with his reads (I don't), and you can look for if his reasoning checks out. Kuz's reads haven't really been explained much in this game, so there's really not much you can go off of there. What you can use is the fact that he thinks Kary and Deg are partners, and he's continued to cling to this even after the idea has gone from whackjob theory to downright ********. Everyone has commented on the wagons, so if he was doing this as a clever way to get reads and connections between everyone and these two players, he could have stopped it and gotten all he needed. The fact that he's still going with this craziness says to me that he buys it. In a bit I'm going to outline why I think Kary and Deg are town, why I know they cannot be scum together, and why kuz's assertions that they are are disingenuous and stupid.
Nice reach though. "You know they're not scum implies you know who scum is"? Umm... no it doesn't bro. Stop.
And you also evidently think he's wrong on me. Even if you think Kary is scum, don't you find his very strong pushes for 2/3 town slots kind of bad? And his reasoning for all of these reads in question are bad, even his Kary reasoning. I was waiting to say my kuz suspicion for some sort of "okay that connection theory was just for reads on everyone else" that never came.
Oh he's going for the snarky sarcastic AtE approach. Classic. ;)
This is gross and it's ironic he's talking about self-preservation while making this post. Kuz is lined up for execution and I'm ready to drop the guillotine.

The truth of the matter is, self-preservation for soup would have been to preemptively claim a pro-town power rather than voteblocking (which is typically scummy) someone randomly without explanation. The play was a town lash-out at a slot they don't like (dabuz). While I think the lashing out was at the wrong target, they picked someone they perceived to be a sheep and there is nothing scummy about it. I wouldn't have done it and it was probably a bad play, but I can't see the argument for it being scum desperation.
You're cute but I see you've been away for a while or something. My stances are my own, and I started your wagon. Swiss' genitalia can be wherever they want, but that's not my business.

Why the hell did you switch to Kary? Realize Degausser was towntelling too hard and defaulted to your other random scumpick you pulled out of your *** on page one?
If I'm wrong on you then it is TvT and I won't let Swishy push for the lynch. Your argument is null and void and you're just grasping at anything that can save you.
Did you seriously just ask Swishy for his read on the two slots he's said are town multiple times? Son you readin?
Explain this.

Stop evading my questions.

Explain why the way they used their voteblock screams of self-preservation, in-detail.
Failure to do so is synonymous to admitting you've got nothing.
That's what I thought.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Considering Swishy, Kev, Kary, J, Ruy and I have enough brains to carry this wagon on our own, I don't see why I need to make a case for the people who don't. We don't need them.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
it's like I left and came back, and there still wasn't a kuz case
~but I know it's a dream~
because then the wagoners also started talking about a J lynch after he made a single catch-up post
and that wouldn't happen because Acrostic was so ****ing obviously town
so naturally, now I'm waiting for the part where it gets lucid and the naked girls show up
I would just like to point out that I suggested J was scum before he made his catch-up post. I think it's an important distinction.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
it's like I left and came back, and there still wasn't a kuz case
~but I know it's a dream~
because then the wagoners also started talking about a J lynch after he made a single catch-up post
and that wouldn't happen because Acrostic was so ****ing obviously town
so naturally, now I'm waiting for the part where it gets lucid and the naked girls show up
Shhh baby, just look at my avatar and all is well. Also keep your opinion to yourself, if it doesn't match the consensus or gives another side you'll be next.

Kary said:
I would just like to point out that I suggested J was scum before he made his catch-up post. I think it's an important distinction
Saying a joke post about the word futon doesn't really count though.

I disliked his catch-up but I also didn't like Acrostic, so it wasn't a drastic read change.
What about it didn't you like? And more importantly, what about Acro did you dislike? You hadn't pointed anything out about his posts before this.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Saying a joke post about the word futon doesn't really count though.
it is almost as though I am not seriously suggesting you're scum.

since we're having this conversation though;

you're scumreading kuz and I. We're clearly not aligned. 2/3 of your townreads think I am town. Explain?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Summary of the Kuz case as received via Potassium:

- Kuz disagrees with K's reads, therefore he is scum
- Kuz didn't take the previous point seriously when it was first expressed (I can't imagine why)

- Kuz thought Deg and Kary were both good plays ("Must be keeping his options open"? "Their interactions make that impossible"?)
- "Kuz didn't do what I would have done in a situation, therefore the reasoning behind his actions must be the single scummy thing I say it is" rather than the common-sense answer (Kuz really is a ****)
I think Kantrip is individually scummy and his posts read weird and forced as fack. He'd be my third pick.
Kuzi you're really going to have to elaborate. I feel like you dislike my posts merely because I am working very hard to stay composed. Also because you like to OMGUS or something, I'm not too sure.
I agree with the assertion that this interaction reads as scummy for one of the two parties involved.
- Kuz later still didn't agree with K's reads of Deg/Kary (and vice-versa!); Kuz not changing his mind on Deg/Kary is scummy for some reason
- "I can tell you that Kuz disagreeing with my reads means he's scum, because disagreeing with my reads is inherently stupid, and I idolize Kuz so I know he's not stupid"
- Kuz took the exact wording of what K wrote in a post and applied to it a meaning he thought to be inherent in the words, and therefore must be scum because words are relative ("Nice reach")
- Kuz' reasoning on Kary is "bad"
- Kuz is snarky and sarcastic
- Kuz is scummy because he thinks Soup's "typically scummy" course of action is scummy (Kuzai such a pleb amirite)
- Kuz must die because he thinks K's sheeping Swiss
- Kuz switched to Kary without justifying the change (aka an actual relevant point of conflict not involving meta or "I would have done this" judgments)
(The switch was soft-justified at the time by Deg's read of a Kuz/Kary scumteam combined with Kuz's read of a Deg/Kary scumteam, but I'm only lauding the restraint taken in the point by not lashing out at Kuz's character)
- Kuz is scummy for voicing his thought that Swishy would push on one side of his SvT/SvS read after lynching the other side, and also scummy for trying not to get lynched (town wouldn't do that!)
- Kuz missed the statement of Swishy's reads on Kary/Kantrip and therefore is scum / Kuz is pretending not to have seen those reads and therefore is scum
- Kuz is avoiding answering a question (a question he had already answered, and K had confirmed knowing the answer to, by calling Soup's action "typically scummy")
- Kuz is scum because he leaves the thread like a 3dpd living human who likes to occasionally go out and get ****faced

Vote: Potassium
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