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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Well, Nabe, unfortunately I'm too lazy to recap. Either come along for the ride or don't, your vote is appreciated but not needed but I hope to see you on the winning side.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Oh yeah I want to hear what J has to say as well. It's always nice to have a slot that you can read 100% of the time.

Yes, kuz, you are so utterly vital to my master plan that I started off the game with killing you as my main strategy and definitely told Joey to be your sidekick so you could be incriminated on a scumflip.
why do you think scum joey would openly defend/support scum kuz? particularly when joey apparently had a powerful PR?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Not gonna post anymore until ive read the thread and actually done something, no need to keep cluttering thread. Don't keep throwing votes around. It's not that im afraid of a quickhammer but more than i dont want anyone getting tempted with ideas. We have time, lets use it.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
And call mefor fence sitting but i truely dont know what to make of your slot. Im getting indy vibes from your actions but i honestly dont think joey would have made those posts the way he did as scum without someone holding his hand through it
Man this **** is ridiculous. If you are Town, you need to stop underestimating the utter **** out of everyone off experiences you had with them in games over a year ago. You did this **** in Hardbody with J and Joey here; I know you think you're hot **** due to some good games from whenever you were prominent (I'm not saying this in a snarky way but in a genuinely I don't know way because I, marshy, was largely inactive when you were at your most active) but you need to wake the **** up and realize that players change. Ignore this paragraph if you're scum like I think you are.

Karebear, I think Joey was riding the momentum that kuz had going against me to throw more dirt on my slot. I left A LOT of room for kuz to argue back with me due to not posting reasoning in the thread so he latched onto that; it's easy to make me look like a lazy, closeminded asshole (even though that's what I am) and adding skepticism towards my slot would make townies hesitate in my kuz push since I was the main one screaming how badly he needed to die.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Merely extending an invitation. It doesn't really matter to me if you accept it or not.
Well, no. Since you're asking me to tag along on a whim on a player I read as town without even a brief recap of your evidence against them, and telling me the evidence speaks for itself, this invitation is really #HBC, except without any added incentive images like muscles, flags or bald eagles


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Man this **** is ridiculous. If you are Town, you need to stop underestimating the utter **** out of everyone off experiences you had with them in games over a year ago. You did this **** in Hardbody with J and Joey here; I know you think you're hot **** due to some good games from whenever you were prominent (I'm not saying this in a snarky way but in a genuinely I don't know way because I, marshy, was largely inactive when you were at your most active) but you need to wake the **** up and realize that players change. Ignore this paragraph if you're scum like I think you are.
Im not reading players off meta or how they played years ago, I'm reading them off their thread actions. I had Joey as 100% town no question because his thought process matched mine completely. The fact that I'm wrong either just means Joey played like a baller or he had help and I largely think its the latter, not because I don't see Joey being able to do it himself due to lack of ability, but because I don't think in that situation he himself would have chosen that route as scum. It's a dangerous stance to take and I think it was largely played out via a group decision.

I've been putting almost zero stock in meta in my play in HBC or in this game. If you're saying I lynched Deausser incorrectly off meta you're completely mistaken as he was playing 100% awful and I stand by that.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
How is him playing in sync with you a dangerous stance for him to take? He gets to latch onto a player who had some pull in the thread pushing in directions that was beneficial to his win condition. I don't think Joey was high on anyone's scumlist. And don't get me wrong, I am beyond happy to be in a Degausserless game.

Sorry Nabe, but I am actually hetero can't break the hydra's tone like that.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Cuz my lynch was gaining momentum at that time and, from a scum PoV, a townKuz lynch D1 is hella optimal so stepping in there to back me up stopped the momentum and helped turn the lynch around. I would expect a scumJoey to ride a defense of me to get town points when i flipped or to shed bad light on me when he flipped but I wouldn't expect him to do it during a period where doing do helped save my lynch. There would have been too much to gain by just playing the inactivate card, seeing where my wagon went, and then making an educated decision as to when to lay a stance after that. Thats why I was reading him as townie because it was simply disadvantageous as scum to do what he did. Risky in retrospect as it clearly didnt pay off the way he wanted now that hes dead (or maybe it did idk)

@Nabe: No there isn't. Just the compound of my stance on Degausser and Joey's relation with me post-flip. There was stuff directed at me yesterDay by Kantrip and Kary but none of it is worth addressing knowing the info we have now.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
No case? No case?!?

Consider me offended. My spark to lay out why kuz should be the play is renewed. Consider it done by the end of the day.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hey I'm at work right now but I'll post when I get home. As tempting as HBC'ing Kuzi out of the game is, I'd like to do a more detailed read then my skim-through I did while waiting to replace in.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I'll hammer when it comes up, I'm not about to pull punches.

Is Rajam still even in this game?

Hrm, crunchin numbers brb


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
none of it is worth addressing knowing the info we have now.
Definitely elaborate on this. What new info have we gained that invalidates problems from yesterDay?

Also did you ever elaborate on why you had that really early townread on Nabe?

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 2

Deadline will end at Midnight MT on 8/12/2013

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[3] th3kuzinator: Swishy, Potassium, Kary,
[0] KevinM:
[0] Kary:
[0] Nabe:
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[0] Rajam:
[0] J:

[7] Not voting: th3kuzinator, KevinM, Nabe, BadWolf28738, Red Ryu, Rajam, J,

[collapse=Vote Log Day 2]Swishy: Votes th3kuzinator
Potassium: Votes th3kuzinator
Kary: Votes th3kuzinator[/collapse]

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
K so here are something I thought while rereading.

Why was Dabuz shot? Scum has a reason for it and I didn't catch any PR crumbs from Dabuz. Either they thought he was a threat or they wanted a safe kill.

Why did Joey make the play that he did? Instead of the inactive card, something Joey actually can pull off pretty well, he went for a more direct stance in that lynching Degu was better over Kuz. I'm not gonna jump on the Kuz is mafia train even though I do see merit to why, how Kuz approach Degu and others is something I was turned off from yesterday.

Joey is a flip and something I'm still reading on his stances and his posts. I'll get more later.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Oh the stuff he posted in twilight, when I was at a wedding.
Sure, though I was talking about me alluding to those posts a few above yours on the same page.

Swiss let me know what's good in the qt. I will be online for a few hours if now's a good time to hash things out.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Makes more sense with that in mind.

Trying to think more about who would act on it or more likely to read into that and not think of bomb.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Scumteam got very unlucky.

Catching up from page 14 Swiss style. Apologies for inactivity, I'll be most active at weekends and will try to read up as much as I can during the week, I can comment early morning GMT and after 8PM GMT, questions for me specifically need to be at the top of walls as I tend to skim longer posts.

back to 13

Kuz is a scumread to both slots before this catchup, will point out imo scummy posts as I go but some are pre-13, will reach as I can.

I know there can be town rbers. What im saying is that the fashion in which he used his role block screams self preservation. Not to mention blatantly crumbing other abilities.
Which abilities, where. Quote and verify.

Huge towntell that they used their power. Especially knowing it was soup.
Degausser is not a play toDay.
Although much later, please clarify id DeGau was a town tell or simply a null/not the play tell and why.

Do you actually believe what you're saying or are Swiss' genetalia in your mouth for a lord and vassal contract?

Can we lynch Kantrip, actually?
Reasoning? Don't fish

Potass VS Kuz interesting

Potass pushing Kuz, Kuz ignores him completely to antagonise. Push itself was average

#498 town potass

#499 - this guy has changed

his play or his needless posturing?

being a **** to joey doesn't really do him any favours or get him closer to achieving his goal, unles he just wants to shut joey up and not have an argument about why you're scum.

he's trying to swag through to the lynch he wants. that could be laziness, it could be scum bravado, or it could be not wanting to let his target wriggle out by getting bogged down in an argument.

but what do i think of Swishy? I find it reassuring that they're townreading myself and Kantrip. If we both end up dead in a ditch before Swishy, then I might have something to worry about. Beyond that I haven't seen enough to be able to say. town lean.
Marshy I hate you.

I mostly re-read dgsr, and decided I didn't want to vote for them. at least, not now.
and having made that decision, the time looked ripe for a kuz vote. I'm not entirely convinced of anything, but it looks like a good place for my vote.
Too honest to be scum, the genuine "i'm not sure" and honsty as to why he voted. town

kuz jumping on me like this is making me doubt my read on him now.
Still solid on Deg town, it's Kary I need to review
Ignore question above

Potas town, thought the same and disregarded the result

I'm sorry Swishy but our relationship isn't destined to ****

Agreed that Joey is legit,
In light of his flip please discuss this comment more as well as the surrounding context

If kuz was lashing out in desperation to get a lynch other than his, he would go for a wagon he's already set in motion. Going for me as the first vote in the fashion he did is not logical in such a situation and looks more like legit frustration.
Kary, I don't like how you've been so very fine with my slot, and as soon as I say something negative about you I get phrases like "i'm told you have a solid townread on dgsr (that i'm still not sure the reasoning for)" when before, to my knowledge, you did not have a problem with that because I was also townreading you without reasoning.

It bugs me that you immediately act differently towards me when I show the slightest sliver of question and doubt. It's jumping the gun a little because all I did was ask you for elaboration and your demeanor instantly shifts to a much more feral, vicious Kary.

kuz has bugged me because he has latched onto a silly connection case he made in RvS phase and has continued to push for it. He calls you and Deg scum, and says you are scum independently from each other, yet his case revolves around some sort of bussing/distancing connection that, frankly, is utter crap. I will not be swayed from my belief that at least one of the two of you is town.

I was totally content with trucking along with my Kary and Deg townreads and lynching kuz, but now I think Kary got too hasty and revealed himself as a little scummy in the confusion of the shift of power. Kary was riding the Deg train along with Swishy and kuz. Kuz was spouting that Kary and Deg were both scum. I came in and called them both town and called kuz scum (in part cuz his theory was bad, in part cuz I didn't like how all his reads were wrong). Swishy catches the scent of a new wagon and hops on kuz instead of Deg. Kary swaps over to the new kuz wagon while keeping the option to switch back to Deg open, and using very non-committed wording as shown in his #504. Kary's reasoning for switching is something about "rereading Deg" but I'm really not satisfied with his answer and when I asked for more I didn't get a whole lot. Instead, Kary started acting more hostile towards me when he hadn't had a problem with me all game.

Vote: Kary

Read that guys, it's good for you. And give me thoughts. My mind is still very open to kuz but that move by Kary bugs me a lot more.
The most effective way to play scum is by playing protown. A real scum player doesnt play survivalist, because all they need do is scumhunt with reasons people will buy. There are a handful of people that play scum properly and as such cannot be guaranteed to be town short of death - Kuz is one of these, as am I. Someone was called out for townreading me after 1 post, by the same logic (though diluted) you should not relieve pressure of Kuz because he does not react to a situation as you would expect him, as scum, to do so.

I also do not follow your Kary scum read, and see the opposite.

This 180 of opinion just because Kuz drew fangs and back lashed on Potassium is a bit weird considering that he is almost instinctively backing down on Kuz. I don't like it. I haven't properly read the thread, but I don't see reason for Potassium to completely drop his Kuz vote and go after Kary.
Show Kuz' lashing back, I saw the opposite and as such this reasoning is hollow. Pottass reconsideirng his reads is an inherently town trait, especially based off the fact he started reconsider before Kuz attacked him and only that Kuz did NOT react.

Soup is Degaus....

#527 imp

#527 potential scum manip

Pfftttt hahaha, right. No.
Who were you referring to in this?

This made me giggle.

Don't care much. Why do you think I would?

.... MLP referred to the game. My Little Pony game. It was newbie 23 I think?

Because I'm salty? It's kinda not a choice as to scummy/townie. It's annoyed/happy.

I love your new icon.

Getting real tired of this ****.

In other news: The 130's smell like backpedaling.

Was pretty sure both of you hate me.....

Not quite sure how you got there but ok.

I dislike marshy in the way that I dislike having bamboo shoots shoved under my fingernails.

Finally someone sees it .-.

Getting really ****ing annoyed with this question over and over. I SAID THIS CAUSE SOMEONE ASKED FOR ME TO EXPLAIN! /caps
It's really not that hard guys.

Was skimming for my name really. Didn't really read until tonight.

Depends on your definition of normal.

Serious question time: Why is everyone so intent on me speaking?

I know this is only addressed to him but Imma gonna answer it anyway.

Um.... Explain?

Good with this.

Wow I forgot how much I hated Soup in game. Dude, do what everyone's telling you to do and cool the **** off.

This almost had me off my chair. Oh the places you'll go.

Oh it was.

SO this is the end is it?

Feels good.

After that wonderfully long reading of the entire damn game, I've come to the conclusion of this: Either Kuz or Degusser can die. I could care less which atm, both will give me the information that I want from a lynch.

Swiss, lead me.

Marshy, die.

This post makes me think you are likely Scum.

You have the mentality of Joan Bud from Oddworld, almost exactly mirroring him. You insult marshy yet cower behind my name for safety, ask for me to lead when you know me to be inactive and take no firm stance in the lynch - you also fail to clarify what you will infer from either lynch. As to the weakness I could attribute this to the fact you are scared to buddy or bus Kuz - adding no content no reads to vigour and no stamina to the game you have commented on lots and effected nothing.

Please clarify.

RR talk to me as to why you liked BW's post.

Kary is too cocky, too "duh you're an idiot" to be scum. I want to see him in LyLo.

wtf i haven't even been here, ease of the discredit jesus

Forgot Kuz was doing this

Unvote; Vote: Deg

I would stake my entire mafia reputation on them being scum after their 527.
Take notes

Not moving my vote for the rest of the day.
Stop coasting pls

Had to Like for the Pilgrim clip.

I guess that's hammer? Someone kill kuz toNight. Don't take your eyes off Swishy or Nabe. Don't get hung up on Kary too much (deserves attention, but I foresee other players flying under the radar due to too much time spent on Karebear).

Aaaaand, I think that's all I have to say, unless my other head would like to add anything.

Anyways, IF Deguasser flips town like he has stated we vig Kuz

Doc shouldn't listen to any of this ****, do you dude I don't think you should be on Swissy or Kary for what's it worth since everyone wants to chime in on DOC ON ME BECAUSE **** MY TIGHT *** I'M THE SECOND COMING OF MAFIA CHRIST.

Going to assume Kuz is scum and reread.
OK so off the top of my head we have Swiss, Marshy, Kev, BW, Potassium all behind a Kuz lynch.
And jesus christ Soup play better as town who the **** says they dont mind being lynched as the wagon is already transitioning off them thats the grimiest AtE ive ever seen im conpletly justified in my lynch choice and everyone that were supporting the wagon all Day and the immedietly switched stances when twilight hit is complete bull****

Im looking at you kevin like wtf is that about id expect it from scumSwiss but
For the last goddamned time I am Swiss, I have hardly posted all game.

You can tell it's Swiss because for no reason everyone once in a while I Swissaiiiiiii

And no if im the lynch at the end of toDay, well then that blows cuz im way to valuable to be lynched, but regardless we're gonna have ample discussion toDay so we can analyze D1 from the prospective of a scum flip dont let Swiss try and rush the Day hes obvScum
What happened to IndySwiss?

I also like how you;re calling the slot Swiss, not Swishy or marshy, in order to resonate with my reputation as one of the better scum players further - instead of bringing forth content and reasoning you're repeating that I'm Scum/Indy and trying to subtly push people against me.

Yes, kuz, you are so utterly vital to my master plan that I started off the game with killing you as my main strategy and definitely told Joey to be your sidekick so you could be incriminated on a scumflip.

No but really dude, get over yourself. I guess this is you transitioning your read from SwishySK to SwishyMafia now that it's fallen flat on its face. Boring and predictable. You're trying to play to Town's terrible "More discussion = innately protown" mindset but I'll make sure they don't lose sight of the proper play this time. Tunneling you until one of us dies.

What's the Joey/Kuz connection? Someone link me. Am yet to ISO Joey.

Dabuz shot was fair game - clearly shot called by someone with a brain, though. Safe, clean shot - Kuz/Swishy/Kev should be dead before LyLo.

Swiss' reads:

[3] th3kuzinator: scum
[0] KevinM: nulltown
[0] Kary: town
[0] Nabe: void
[0] BadWolf28738: scumlean
[0] Potassium: town
[0] Red Ryu: inactive
[0] Rajam: inactive
[0] J: do not recall

May have missed content pre p13 but will catch it later.

Kuz toDay I want pressure on BW toMorrow, if Kuz flips scum track BW, if indie/town idk


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Makes more sense with that in mind.

Trying to think more about who would act on it or more likely to read into that and not think of bomb.

No way would anyone read bomb from that - he crumbed a PR in order to attract the scumkill. Played his role perfectly.

If you mean who would pick up on the crumb and as such act on it - you should look at those I just mentioned - a team of 3 scum newbies would chunk a bullet into the big names and hope.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
The figure lurched.

Breath rattled though his dry lungs, ribs cracked and bent.

Let it be over soon, he prayed.

The figure lurched.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
No way would anyone read bomb from that - he crumbed a PR in order to attract the scumkill. Played his role perfectly.

If you mean who would pick up on the crumb and as such act on it - you should look at those I just mentioned - a team of 3 scum newbies would chunk a bullet into the big names and hope.
Baits are a thing. As scum I consider them.

"I love your new icon."

Is why I liked Badwolf's post, Balto nostalgia.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Not a fan of Rajam based on that post alone.

Rajam, what are your thoughts on Kuz? Based on you quoting that random RVS (and humorous) post and implying that he isn't doing anything (which isn't true in the slightest), I assume it's somewhere between null and slight scum lean, but I'd like a confirmation.

Your points on Kary seem pretty farfetched imo.

It seems like you're saying that Kary is taking the easy route and trying to just go after inactives, but neither Red Ryu or Kantrip are inactive players (unless they've changed while I left). He also clearly states that he can read Nabe if Nabe chooses to stay active, which completely goes against your point. Kary isn't going after inactives at all. Just because they haven't posted yet doesn't mean they're automatically considered inactive (Especially considering the fact that Kary answered this question so early into the game).

I can kind of see your opposing of the way Kary showed his Swishy town read, but I don't agree with it. If anything, it seems like Kary is trying to get people involved by leaving his reads up for questioning. On the other hand, I don't like your line of logic that is connecting his post to scum play. It seems like you think that posting a lot = searching for town cred, which simply isn't true (in my opinion at least). Why do you think that it's scummy to post your reads in a way that promotes questioning during the RVS phase of the game?


Kuz, what are you suspicious of Degausser for? I see a couple things so far, one of which is very understandable (his wishy-washy logical professor statement on Kary), but the alt thing seems 100% null tell for me and I'm not sure why you're trying to use that to enhance your read at all. The connection between Degausser & Kary and Soup/Circus & Bardull in a different game being part of your reasoning kind of throws me off as well. Explain to me please ;_;.

Kary is a weird read for me. He seems defensive, yes, but in his situation, I would be defensive as well. Some of the votes on him make no sense whatsoever. Like, let's use Cheerlie for an example. Cheerlie says that Kary is suspicious because of how he answered Swishy's question, but the logic behind the accusation is all over the place. The question was basically asking "Who are the 3 people you can easily read?", and Kary answered that, but Cheerlie took that to a completely different location, saying stuff like "The people that I have the most interest in reading are the last people I would want to know that I'm reading them" when that has nothing to do with the actual question Swishy asked. Since there is no connection between the question Swishy asked and Cheerlie's logic, Kary's wtf response seems 100% dignified. I can't see his defensiveness as scummy when there are accusations like that floating around. Seriously, the scum(lean) reads on Kary are pretty crappy. Kuz reading Kary scum based on association doesn't line up with me, and Soup having a scum read on him partially for being anti-town due to not voting and not answering questions (I don't see how either is anti-town considering that the question was like "Why does my read on Kuz not influence you", which shouldn't really need an answer in the first place, and no one should HAVE to vote in order to not be anti town). I'd like actual reads and information from Kary that is serious before I actually have a read on him (aka I want him to stop trying to get votes off of him and I want him to actually start playing the game). How do you feel about Swishy now, Kary? Reads in general would be nice >_>.

Cheerlie, explain your vote on Kary please. It doesn't make much sense to me honestly, and I can't tell if you made a jump in your logic or if you really feel that him answering Swishy's question the way he did is scummy. Outside of that, what are your thoughts on things in general? :|

Degausser is eh. His reaction to Kuz was honestly pretty good imo, but his "answer my questions stop being anti-town" push on Kary is pretty (read: very) weak. I loved the reaction to Kuz where he took a step back and explained why he thought Kary's behavior was scummy compared to regular anti-town play from a player such as Badwolf, regardless of if I disagree with it or not. Seemed really revolved around meta, though. Do you have any other scum reads?

Kantrip, where did Swishy say that he read Kary as town? I read it as "Kary may be scummy, but the play is Degausser first. We can worry about Kary tomorrow", not as "Kary is town what are you all doing vote scum". Correct me if I'm wrong, Swishy. I don't like your accusation on Kuz. He obviously wasn't explaining too much prior to the game starting, but once it started, he went pretty in depth. You pushing Kuz because he has three scum reads (does he even scum read Swishy? I think it's just a "never assume Swiss is town this early" read, not an actual scum read) that you think are townie doesn't fit well with me personally. Do you have any other reasoning behind Kuz scum?

Vote: Rajam

If not Rajam, I'd like to vote Cheerlie.
Bolding the last part to read into later.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
No big post from me obv. Just here to say that my v/la is to midday wednesday. Elongated vacation yay!

Kary, what is your read on degausser? I thought he was a scum lean for you, but I could be remembering wrong.

Not a fan of Swishy framing Kuz with "all of the people voting you are your scumreads" when considering that Kuz disliked 2 out of 3 prior to them having Kuz suspicion, and Kantrip's early Kuz logic was really cruddy. :|
Noting this.
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