- Applicable counter video to that ridiculous street harassment feminist propaganda video you clearly bought into.
You ever hear about the "yes all women" campaign? The difference between that guy and the woman in the other video is that the woman in the other video basically has to think, "****, any one of these guys could try to **** me". This guy? Probably doesn't have to worry quite as much. And then there are the cultural norms which paint men approaching women as inherently more predatorial than the opposite - not exactly sexist against women, but something feminists are trying to change.
And of course, given the examples cited in the respective videos, I find it hard to believe you actually watched both of them. I mean, for reference,
here's the video he's talking about. Perhaps the most telling part was how several people actually
followed her around, even after she was completely non-responsive. For minutes. If I was a woman in that situation, I'd be
terrified. That one guy who walked next to her for 5 minutes without saying anything - I'd be scared he was going to drag me into an alleyway and **** me. By comparison, one of the listed examples he almost certainly didn't even notice until he got around to editing the video.
It's really not a valid analogy on multiple levels.
And what about it, exactly, would be "propaganda"? The point being made is, this is what women wearing extremely modest clothing walking downtown in a major American city end up going through multiple times on a daily basis. I wouldn't want that happening to me. I don't think you would either. Men have a real gripe too? Well ****, then we all have problems! Let's try to fix them, instead of pretending that this makes it go away somehow.
Sexism applies to both sexes. And honestly in a modern climate, in our first world nation of America, I only ever really see discrimination against men, and it is mainly from the mouth of feminists.
This is probably because you're not looking, and because it's moved down from "Honey, don't speak unless spoken to" to far more subtle forms. This doesn't mean they don't exist, and it doesn't mean there isn't a problem. And it is
really easy to miss this stuff. It's easy to just not notice when these kinds of things occur until someone brings them up, and then suddenly it clicks - "Wait a minute, you're right - nobody ever addresses my girlfriend when we're out in public either, it's always me!" These kinds of casual sexism that have just sort of sunk into society with nobody really paying much attention to them. It became normal to expect women to be more reserved and polite; for women not to act like they're in charge in most situations. It became normal to assume that the man was the dominant part of the relationship.
And if you seriously believe there is sexism against women in games or in the gaming community you need a reality check.
With all due respect:
**** your reality check. I already mentioned my girlfriend being afraid of going on stream because of the harassment she's seen others in the community faced with; I could also tell you about Sui-Aqua, one of the only female members of the German Smash community, and you can damn well bet she was treated differently, in ways that in retrospect were pretty ****ing creepy.
Looking for something a little closer to home?
Try this. Notice how approximately 2% of female smashers interviewed never experienced sexism.
Now compare that to the number who were stalked, threatened, or sexually assaulted by their fellow smashers. And didn't we just have a major kerfluffle where the TO of the largest smash tournament ever stepped down because of sexual harassment issues?
As said: **** your reality check. This is a real problem and no amount of hand-waving "but we're nice to bronies" is gonna make that go away.
The fact that this community is so accepting of weebs, furrys, and bronies goes to show that you will not be discriminated against if you are a women. If you seriously believe you are less likely to be accepted as a women vs. being a Furry you're just being delusional. Stop playing the victim.
Well, tell you what - find some data on harassment of furries in the Smash community, and we can talk. But that would do nothing to minimize or decrease the harassment women face. What is this, "
oppression olympics"?
"Hey, we've got issues with a group being harassed and abused!"
"Yeah, so what, they don't have it as bad as this other group, let's not care."
It's like the people who don't care about female-on-male **** because it's so much rarer. Yeah, it's rare;
that doesn't make it not an issue.
As for bronies, I'm going to throw this out there - fundamentally, we're both "nerd" groups. We obsess over our hobbies in a way that makes us kindred spirits. There's no reason whatsoever to think that bronies would get a particularly large amount of **** from the Smash community. I'm a brony. I have never once gotten **** about it. Neither has the other member of the Munich FGC who is. Neither, to my knowledge, has Stiv64, another Brony in the German Smash scene. Maybe you guys have it worse, I dunno. Somehow, I doubt that Bronies in the smash community are getting sexually harassed in large numbers.
If you want to support feminism as a cause that is not toxic and harmful to everybody go to Saudi Arabia. They actually need it there, and not third wave, the actually useful type.
Take that up with Melee It On Me; I'm sure those guys would love to hear about how little sexism matters in the Smash community. You know, given that a good 20% of female smashers either have quit or have considered quitting over the sexist treatment they receive. I can't do **** about Saudi Arabia. What I can do is try to reduce the sexism in play in my own community. I don't pretend that it's not a problem. You seem to think that there isn't an issue of sexism in the Smash community or in gaming in general. You're just wrong.