I find it concerning you try to take a moral highground yet project stereotypes of your own. Do you have any examples of this racism/sexism? I admit i suspect it may not be quite so bad considering the use of buzzwords suggesting an intolerance of white culture here, but I must assure you my ears are fully open to you.
You seem to be under the impression that I couldn't substitute any of those words for it's opposite and if a place constituted that culture, while it would have different prospective you could certainly point to a set of attitudes that the average person has within that culture, and problems that are commonplace among the resulting culture.
That's because cultures are defined by average experience and most people don't have the experiences to understand the experiences of other groups, often even when they try. As such, the biases of a given group are quite easy to predict given enough contact with the specific group and you can usually get a good idea of what slight variations in group identity will cause in terms of bias by contact with social groups that have the other attributes.
Point is, these are the particular biases within this group, you want to discuss the biases of young cis white straight women, young cis asian chinese men, or young cis white gay men, enough contact will allow you to make the same conclusions about common biases, exempting majority culture in the area as expressed in public spaces because everyone's immersed in it there.
(Note: I'm a major in an Engineering field and a social science field, so I'm myself a STEM person) STEM people tend to be unconcerned about culture unless it directly affects them, they also tend to concentrate too much on figures and statistics without considering context and that there might be information you don't have yet. This causes major confirmation bias issues.
Also there tends to be a "smarter then thou" assumption, essentially the idea that because a field is soft and because the person (especially if they're math, physics, engineering, or computers) is smarter then people in the arts, humanities, and social sciences fields then all they need to do is plug in the relevant data and they'll be able to understand any field, again ignoring context, reliable methods of analysis, etc.
Finally (and this is unfortunately common among every field) you get a lot of hero worship of personalities relevant in STEM fields, which is great when they're speaking in their fields, but a problem when say, an astrophysicist is talking about history.
SRS is A MASSIVE conglomeration of other subreddits and other sites (Something Awful forums, NeoGaf, etc) dedicated to criticizing reddit and whining over the most trivial stuff. SRS is not the general state of reddit, but neither is /pol/ to 4chan. Hence why I related them originally. /pol/ is disliked by many of the other boards on 4chan, especially /a/ parts of /v/ (though /lgbt/ isn't as disgusted with them as you might think for reasons unknown to me)
They're just as racist, sexist if not more, and even raid/brigade like /pol/. They're truly bizarro /pol/
My point wasn't that /pol/ is representative of 4chan, my point was that by every expirience I've had with /pol/ tells me that it's a particular ****hole of the biases that are most common in majority culture in america but generally if people express them they're considered assholes, and rightfully so. The thing is sites like this act like it's politically correct because racism is right and nobody wants to ruffle the SJW's feathers, when in reality it's all confirmation bias and poor context.
Not much experience with SRS, but plenty of tumblr experience, blackwashing is extremely racist in that it's eurocentric but no less racist then factual falcon.
Uh, we were already honest. I've been gauging this for a while now, especially with gamergate. Extremely visible corruption censorship there.
I think you're misunderstanding my point which is "never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity". The adminship of reddit is not feminist and falls along the same demographics as reddit in general, if there's anything I'd expect to be censored on purpose it's the anti-gamersgate crowd.
Speaking of which, that entire thing was bull****.