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SDB NW Presents: SHS1, Bolton, 18th July.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Sorry for the short notice, but can some1 possibly tell me where to go from Manchester Piccasdilly train station? Or is it possible to get a train straight from sheffield to Bolton?


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
trio - just check trains on thetrainline.com for whether it runs sheffield to Bolton I wouldn’t be surprised if it does. also, if u get in at manc piccadily u can get a bus that takes 30 mins from there to bolton. Ring joe on 07816380025 as he knows how to do it and how much it is. He will sort you out. Get your *** there and ill have a beer or two for u lol ^_^


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
theres a train from manchester pic no buses. and its only 15-20 mins so thats your best bet, just book through to bolton.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Yeah found out how to get there, should be fine getting to Bolton train station, is some1 gonna pick me up from there, sorry for short notice i'll make it up by representing EM for MELEE lmfao.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
lol will my bad, im sure joe said u could? trio just ring will or joe, numbers a couple of pages back. quickest wway to get yourself sorted. basically, im sure that u will get picked up tonight. i have msn, cant get on tho :(


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
yea thanks for your call trio3 mate, glad your booked at such short notice glad to see some midlands support :)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
I will be in Bolton at 20:32. Where do i go from there now???

Also will there be any Brawl played at all, just a couple of friendlies. Idc if not but would like abit of Brawl.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
ring will trio again and hell sort u out mate getting to his. also yeah im sure there will be some brawl kicking bout, just stick it on a tv


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Smudge isnt coming joe. Also, unlikely that swizzy is, hasnt posted in sometime. Londoners get in at bolton, go back about 7 pages or so and charles posted their details. Its just jam and craig, dont know who u think the co is, im sure theyll post it up tho :)
Been away from home for a while Ed, no chance to post ;)

Confirmed - Me + 2

Looking forward to it guys. Got Jo3 and Coey's numbers, will ring you when I get into bolton, probably at 11:30ish but will let you know by text or whatever.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I'm back at home I enjoyed this tournament, I am defo gonna do shoutouts later but lemme tell people some of the highlights

- Last Dragon beat Swizzy, permenantely shutting up Vanity Angel on his past post stating he would put money on that Last Dragon wouldn't beat Swizzy. Matches recorded, maybe has commentary

- Fuzzyness won like a prick. The first set was 3-2 to him, the second set was 4-3 to him lol. I've had enough of these dumb close sets. Matches recorded with funny Last Dragon commentary and a lil bit of ben who spoiled buthe walked off so it was just Last Dragon mostly lol. love you ben :)

- Ben gets continously ***** by me in friendlies and still comes back for more. A true glutton for punishment..

- Jo3 has gotten alot better, perhaps second best fox in the UK??:confused:??:confused:??

- Jam beats Zeppo. Matches recorded with commentary from everyone but Ben was primarily heard since he held the mic so the commentary will be poor lol

- Jam vs Fuzzyness had epic commentary by me just continously insulting Charles

- Swizzy & Last Dragon were **** in teams, they were the only team to take a game off of me and Charles during the doubles tournament lol

- Charles...4 stocks me...but that's not really important and no1 cares. It wasn't as epic as my one as he didn't touch me for 3 stocks lol.

- Edwin flakes cos he says he could not be bothered to come which once again waste charles money.

Last Dragon beat Grayfox and could have Zeppo if he just stood near the edge and up tilted like a normal falcon but he got a bit too much in the zone and tried to run off and knee him, thus losing and having to play another game where Zeppo won. He's out of control Rafiu lol.

Placing I THINK was

1. Fuzzyness
2. Professor Pro
3. Jam
4. Zeppo
5. Last Dragon
7. Swizzy
Not really sure from there lol.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Oh yeah and I let Charles win the tournament because he told me before the tournament began that he needed to win so he could buy some new shoes, how could I win when someone gave such a heart felt point...


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
cheers for the info prof, ive been waiting for news for sum time lol

sounds like i missed a **** good tournament, london being repped well as ever

and good **** last dragon lol

Gantz ak-47

Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2009
well played last dragon....ummm....prof u got 4stocked?..........u said that would never happen. lol


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Good fest ppl and thanks for the copy of Melee Ed. Awsome BBQ too and thanks for hosting Will.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
The other fifth was Coey and the other seventh was jo3. The results after that get a bit crappy to be honest. I take back everything i said about swiss, it was really crappy and caused controversy. However, the top 8 deserved their spots imo :)


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
Cambridge/Bristol, UK
I'm starting to edit and convert the matches now. They'll be uploaded in the next couple of days. I'll do shoutouts later but this was a really fun tourney - my opinion of the North has just been enhanced :p


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
Safe L-J! ^_^


Professor Pro: good **** as always, you're getting really really solid nowadays but you still need to learn a few things.
You mainly depend on your grab game too much which is a flaw in your game and sometimes you could just get the kill easier as I told you on the way back (b air to up air). Aside the small flaws and openings in your gameplay you're still gonna piss me off for ages

Jam5: Talked to you on msn and still impressed with you beating zeppo (nothing against z), but you need more practise against marth and shiek

Zeppo: Wow, I haven't seen you play in a while and you definitely have lost some consistency from not playing. I'm sure once you start playing again you'll be back in place and shocking us with your cool wavelands and combos

Grayfox - Banter!? you're a hillarious guy and I love seeing you at smash tourneys. Hope to keep seeing you active :)

Last Dragon: I agree with prof, you're a fool! From the sounds of it you should've taken a game off zeppo but you get REALLY reckless sometimes, especially in teams ROFL. It's sick to watch but not when you knee your teammate and kill him 3 times haha. You're definitely improving, don't think you can't combo as fast as me..trust me once you keep playing you'll understnad your openings and combo situations more and do everything! I learnt from the LD books innit.

JO3: Unlucky on the bad day, I know you're a lot better and I believe in you. Don't give up just because of one day =/

Coey: Awesome luigi but you need to adapt to playstyles more, by the looks of it you depend on camping a bit too much..where when i watch a player like KAMaster they scare them more with wavelands and wavedash f tilt approaches.. or b air after wavedash/waveland. Keep improving man, I love the fact we got a UK luigi main.

Kone: Sick bbq! hope you improve at smash too ^_^ It's always great seeing you man and I hope you sort out coming to Lyon with people because I want you guys there

Trio3: Your link in melee made me laugh so hard, so brawl like and it shouldn't be played like that XD. Hope you pick up melee more seriously and try get a good placing =) WE WILL CONVERT YOU! Congrats on beating TC too, I was so proud that i kept picking on him about it >3

TC: Got ***** by ^ Looooooool. Do you feel like you're still improving btw? And thanks for sleeping on my arm on the way back tho I didn't really mind xD


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
I feel like I am but I also think I'm really inconsistent, sometimes I'll **** someone and sometimes I'll get ***** and its actually really annoying lol.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
well played last dragon....ummm....prof u got 4stocked?..........u said that would never happen. lol
....I....I...I was.....out of control.

It's because Charles needed new shoes. =/
Yeah he did need new shoes lol. And he said he needed to win for it so how could I beat him?

The other fifth was Coey and the other seventh was jo3. The results after that get a bit crappy to be honest. I take back everything i said about swiss, it was really crappy and caused controversy. However, the top 8 deserved their spots imo :)
Oh well, atleast we all know now what's best lol.

I'm starting to edit and convert the matches now. They'll be uploaded in the next couple of days. I'll do shoutouts later but this was a really fun tourney - my opinion of the North has just been enhanced :p
Thanks for that, the tournament has stepped up on the epic level due to your recording equipment and commentary so thanks ALOT lol. I only hate you about 5% because you recorded the 4 stock but that can dissappear once it isn't uploaded lol.



Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
Last Dragon beat Grayfox and could have Zeppo if he just stood near the edge and up tilted like a normal falcon but he got a bit too much in the zone and tried to run off and knee him, thus losing and having to play another game where Zeppo won. He's out of control Rafiu lol..
Yeah I enjoyed the 4 stock after that:confused: :suess: jokes lol last dragon could so easily have beaten me and in losing has ruined a long going tradition that at every tournament I must lose to an up and coming Londoner then finish them later in the bracket fur the banner!

Tournament was great, had a lot of fun. Happy with the way I played as well considering I haven't played properly in ages. Feel like a lot of my game has gotten better(combo-ing more consistantly instead of being a wuss) whilst other stuff worse(messy technically, recoverys ****e, a lot of messing up). Give me 200 hours and I'll be the best :confused: :dizzy:

Will- nice host mans. Always good company even when you're being a c*ck:laugh: good matches, loved our friendlies actually you're one of my favourite people to play lol.

Joe- Liked our friendlies too and you had definitely improved. You always seem deflated losing friendlies to me but you are constantly making progress, you breezed into the top 8 and I didn't want to play you lol. Thanks for the brew and letting us chill in your banterly nice flat! Come on MSN or something sometime lol I need to talk to you bout summit

Ed- A sound bloke all round! Cheers very much for the bbq effort and the beer:ohwell:(sorry bout that LOL) and riding us to Manchester was awesome too. Hope you're not too knacked. AND nice one on the awkwardness saturday night in Wills room, admired your dedication to that one :laugh::urg: good set too I enjoyed it and found you really hard. Swiss was sick definitely do that again:bigthumbu

Ryan- Enjoyed your company the least by far I think. Was really gutted to have to sit on a bus with you for 5 hours, I'll never get those hours back :urg: Could have used them productively but ended up talking to you. Typical ****ing :confused:.

Jam- Had a real good time playing and hanging in general with your good self, our set was awesome but I(we?) will come back stronger :mad:. Loved our friendlies actually think I improved alot just from the 10 or so games we played. You are sooo much better at smash now! And dancing my god you are good at dancing. Seems like you've been using your hours well:confused::).

Craiigg- Also enjoyed your banter and playing was fun too. Really like your Falcon as I said and your Falco. Unlucky in swiss:dizzy:

Swizzy- My god you were so much better! It was ridiculous. Think you are probably the best Ganon I've ever played, thought you were really smart. Nice guy too:chuckle:

Anthony- What a guy! such sound banter. should meet up in Scootland for sure we have a laughs

Prof Poo- The banter! Can't believe after all this time we're still f*cking saying banter :urg:. Was good though. Enjoyed our friendlies, you are too consistant at finishing me at the edge. Next time you will get poo'd on :confused:? Nice guy with a huge hair-do. Understand what you mean bout letting Charles win as well I do that myself.

Charles- Good seeing you again, enjoyed playing you even when you went Puff:confused: Nice one winning.

Last Dragon/Monrone- My god the banter! Awesome matches enjoyed every game I had with you I think lol, friendlies and tournament. Hope to play you again soon you are really good and a nice guy!

Tails Chao- Didn't speak much but you are always a good guy to have around at tournaments, enjoyed your company. And you definitely improved at smash too.

LJ/Almas/Crabman/trio/Zeke/Dacacia- It was nice meeting/seeing you all and you were all good at the game:chuckle:

Ross- Nice guy and good company. Didn't play you at that game but nonetheless we had good times.

BULLET BILLLLL- Good seeing you again, you have improved lots and I was happy to see that:chuckle:

MONTY- the mainstay of UK smash technique finally defeated by the great Smashie! Unlucky man, Dougs protége gone but not forgotten?!?! :ohwell:

Charlie(Smashie)- good seeing you again lol you're a cool guy. Sorry bout the bean bag or am I? :confused: Who knows really, sound!

Im supposed to be missing one attendee of this tournament.

also just realised my sig is still the smash mafia one ROFL! Sound.

Sorry I didnt say bye to everyone btw lol


Smash Champion
Jun 19, 2004
Anonburgh, Scotland
So shattered! Traveled for like 13 hours or something stupid like that.

Had a great time anyways. I can't be arsed doing shout outs right now but thanks to Will, his hospitable flatmates, Ed and Joe for sorting us all out with this thing. It's really appreciated, nice guys.

I can't think of anyone I didn't enjoy the company of at this event lol, great times had by all, I'm sure!! Possibly (probably?) see you guys soon, but saying that, money is so tight I just had to walk home an hour from broxden (middle of nowhere) as I couldn't afford another £1 bus lol.

Really hope it's Swiss that's on as well.

Also, wow that legend that turned up was so overwhelming. It's a shame for those who didn't go, you missed out big time.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Im thinking of hosting something end of august, not sure if it should be full blown tournament or small sdb shindig. What do people think?!! joe/ryan/z/will/jam/craig/sdb will u guys come? dont want to run a tournament and not have u guys there :( '_' ;_;

paul-what awkwadness?LOL, i lv it :) ;) also dont mess with the beast

good tournament, had alot of fun, well done will. tournamnet result for me was ****e but realised alot of areas for improvement. will come back bigger, better and badder lol maybe why ill host a tourney in august :/ ? o_O

Best bit of tourney was the bbq. mad props to me and ryan, chuckle, go the claw and spatula. also, hats of to bbq team re: alex n charlie. almas chipped in with some mean cutting of the buns unlike charlies efforts of cutting too much.

jam i hope u learned a valuable and painful lesson in doubles. u need me man x_x

thats all i got


Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Fuzzyness: Grand Finals is good as always, congratz on the win. It's gay cos I always feel like I am getting closer each time lol and the results shows how I was one game away from winning each set, as usual you always push me to my limits too and always good to get destroyed by someone in a few matches sometimes, thanks for the advice on the minor flaws is well.
Had to let you win though for the shoes lol, looking forward to seeing the matches on youtube since they got commentary, even the 4 stock lol.

Bullet Bill: Was really good playing you at the tournament, I actually really enjoy you irl for some reason lol, your just relly funny when i'm around you and a smart guy to. You are defintely getting better with doc and your falco was WAY better then I expected it would be. Just carry on at the rate you are and you will be proving everyone in the UK wrong about your reputation. Good job on beating Aiko.

Jam5: Your falco is soooo good lol. I was laughing when you were ****** last Dragon and you ***** him and he tried to look at me and tried to insult my falco and say something like 'Why the hell am I training against yor falco' loool. I think you would be sooo much **** if you were to play more often. Had really good games with you.

Zeppo: Rally enjoyed saying the banter with you lol, I dunno why that's the main thing I think of when Isee you lol, prob something to do

Grayfox: STILL HAVEN'T PLAYED YOU YET lol. Will defintely play you at the next tournament no matter what!

Last Dragon: I'm proud of you even though you are you had no control of your character lol. I think everyone liked you at the event iswell so that's good and you played really good at some points at this tournament and I don't think anyone could doubt your potential. Have you noticed every event you have gone to you have placed 5th lol.
**** everyone hader and when you go into that beast mode you go into sometimes just try to control it and you will destroy loads of people

JO3: I think you have improved **** loads. You were doing some insane platform work pressure which I found really hard to get around and you just have a really good fox in general...possibly second best in the UK :confused:

Coey: I loved your house man lol, as I said it was the BEST sleep by far I have ever had at any smash event and I just felt relly comfortable at your house, your luigi was really good but I agree with Fuzzyness advice about how you should of played. Thanks for everything, loved the event.

Kone: Your Peach was better then I expected when i played it and when I watched it, finally go to play you and you seem liked a nice guy, glad you enjoyed me with my hair out lool.

TC: Sleeping on someones shoulder again on the coach I see lol. Too bad trio3 beat you, no idea why he did lol.

Craiigg: Your falco had more of a beast aura to it then I expected lol I enjoyed playing you in the doubles we had and in friendlies, play more often PLEASE and **** lol.

Swizzy: WOW you were good when i played you, good matches in our set where you took a game off of me, you dfintely got Last Dragon scared when he hard about that lol. It's gay that I could tell you were used to playing a fox cos of VA even though you said we were completely different by it's all good anyway lol.

Aiko: I loved the black jokes you came out with lol, you need to show me this website where all of these insults are so I can insult you back for once lol. Was good playing your fox, don' think I got to play your falco, only got to see it, but I liked what I saw anyway.

LJ: Your fox wasreally good and I could see you were a really technical. Thaks so much for the recording, it helps alot with the tournament and the commentary was really good from everyone you defintely increased the epicness of the event.

Almas: I loved how you got alot better when I woke up he next day lol, it was kinda weird lol. Good job on.....constructing........brawl+:confused: Enjoyed playing it a bit for the lulz lol.
Put it L-cancel, Wavedashing/landing, JC Grabs and you will have me lol.

Trio3: Goob job on beating TC in the tournament for the Lulz lol. And I think I took a few stocks off of you in brawl+ lol.

Oh yeah btw people doubles it:

1. Professor Pro & Fuzzyness
2. Zeppo & Grayfox
3. Coey & Jo3



Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2009
Shouting Out

Coey - Good job on housing and running it, shame i didn't get to play you but nice guy

Professor Pro - Thanks for the Fox dittos, i was pretty happy to get you down to your last stock in a few this time (although you may have been distracted by a doubles match happening nexto us lol). Hopefully you can distinguish between me and L-J now

BBill and Dacacia - good to see you again and pack in the friendlies

Last Dragon - Your Falcon is a monster, only beaten by your commentary

Charles - http://www.mywii.com.au/img/gallery/full/6YBW7EJF.jpg

JO3 / Jam / Zeppo - Great to meet the legends i had heard so much about and find out you are all nice blokes

Kone - BBQ production line was swift and efficient, much appreciated

L-J - Thanks again for driving most of the way, I got stuck on the M4 for an hour on the way back haha

Monty - Chain **** is depressing

TC - The warrior

Buns/Trio/Zeke/Almas/Aiko/anyone i played - GG

Good times had by all


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
this might be long or short i dunno, we'll see how long i can last..

to everyone i played, no johns but i played WHACCKKKK in tourny so sorryz to dissapoint : ( rofl

charles - good **** on winning, you are SIIICK. real top level above anyone, come stay again soon mang!

prof - beast, ur falco is ****e LOL, sick one on the dancing too was mad impressed, i will have sex with you soon i'll come down to london for a smashfest or something =D

last dragon - maaate, youre a sicko! hahah i love your falcon our dittos were awesome. played **** against you in swiss but kind of ok in our friendlies rofl : ( but oh well, youre a real nice guy and hella funny too so was real cool meetin you!

z - thanks for the brunchbar it felt like a love momento that went straight to my stomach =D thanks for the compliments too! a bad day is a bad day but you still said some proper nice things : D gutted you didnt **** jam like i'd hoped he needs to get off his throne imo O: LOL next time eh

will/joe - thanks so much for hosting, letting us stay, for the guided tour, the getting me baked as ****, for the general chat and chill and everything else it was good to see you guys again !

joe - i know you werent playing well tournament day but we had some sick *** games
will - luigi is so horrible ROFL, think we need more games cause our last game was hella close i was just starting to work you out and get up to speed then you beatz me : ( ill have you next time bruh

ryan - your laugh is the best thing ive ever heard, and you too ***** me in tourny ;-;

swizzy - real nice ganon, you were alot better than i thought youd be. KILLEDD me in tourny but 4 sd's in two games has to be a new record for me lol, next time we play i promise you ill play my best and tear yo **** up! call this a vendetta, im coming for you ***** and youre gonna see how i really do =D!!

TC - nice meeting you too, sorry i had to play you in tourny but you've got some real potential in your falco, and youre a londoner you got that solid playstyle starting to emerge, just play more!

aiko/smashie/ben - all 3 of you was cool seeing you again and spoke to you all a little more than usual so was pretty sweet. i had some fun friendlies with both ant and charlie too! and smashie get 64 running and add me on msn! craiigg@hotmail.com

VA - where the **** were you to warm me up and get me playing good, i reckon its your fault, i played so bad and it's all your fault ;__;

anyone i missed, sorry but im nearly passing out from tiredness, GGs and nice meeting you or whatever you're real cool and are ok at smash i guess :S :S


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
LJ/Almas/Crabman/trio/Zeke/Dacacia- It was nice meeting/seeing you all and you were all good at the game:chuckle:
Lol my Link was the buisness ey Fuzz.

Trio3: Goob job on beating TC in the tournament for the Lulz lol. And I think I took a few stocks off of you in brawl+ lol.
WTF ur peach was sick, well better than average, u took 2 stocks from my Ike lol.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
u aint getting a lift int he morning when im fooking tired and cant be arsed to drive again craig ;) x

im sorry mang i literally am knackered :( i slept 14 hours last night and im still pretty much dead

you know i love you, havn't seen you in too long and got to sit there and listen to you totter on in my ear and make me laugh solid for a few hours, making me sausage sandwiches, giving me and jam a lift at 8 in the morning.. was all good times =D! pleaseeee host something soon like you were saying


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
Cambridge/Bristol, UK

Fuzz - Even though we didn't play any matches the ones i watched u were sick as always and u deserved your usual 1st places. Have fun with the new shoes :p

Prof - WE DIDN'T PLAY :( I really wanted some friendlies at this tourney but ended up not happening again oh well your fox is an absolute beast and one of these days you will beat Charles i have faith. We will play at next tournament we're both at...or else...lol.

Zeppo - Was great to finally play you. You're a really cool guy and well good at smash lol. Play more and **** Charles and Prof next event plz :D

Crabman - Fun times driving up dude, even if i was getting mega tired and pissed off at the slightest thing at the end of the return trip haha. You underrate yourself, your fox is really much better than u think and u've improved so so much since we first played at Phantom Hits. Keep it up man. Also apologies for my wack performance in teams - I call no warm up johns :p

Buns - Nice to meet you. Keep repping that ganon man.

Swizzy - The other person i really wanted to play but didn't get the chance. Your Ganon is sick dude, congrats on making the top 8 in a stacked tournament. Hope to play you next time.

Last Dragon - Really nice meeting you man; you're funny, cool and your falcon is literally the beast! Congrats at placing 5th at a stacked tourney and thanks for the friendlies they were mad fun.

Bullet Bill - As everyone says you're improving all the time and were so so close to making the final 8. Any reputation you may have had as being 'not very good' should no longer exist that's for sure. Thanks for commentating on the recorded matches saved me a job. Hopefully I'll see you soon for some kinda SW fest.

Aiko - Our tourney game was really fun even though I was pretty nervous and I know you weren't playing at your best. Was nice to see you again after a long while since the GGTs. Organise another tourney in Birmingham soon plz!

Trio - Nice to meet you and see you making an effort to play Melee even though it isn't your game...yet :p Sorry for playing gay against you but I do play fox after all - good=gay lol.

Dacacia - Your marth doth wiggle in an idiosyncratic manner! Thanks for all the friendlies, your another person who's got a lot better since I last played you.

Kone - Good seeing you, your such a nice bloke and the BBQ was 'greet success' lol. Thanks for all the effort you put into making this tourney great - both before and during.

JO3 - Don't worry about what happened in the double elim bracket, everyone knows your really good and i agree with Prof second best fox in the UK. Thanks for the friendlies and advice (don't recover into the big charging sword attack LOL).

Will - This was a great tourney, I had a lot of fun. Props for being an amazing host. As far as melee goes, what can I say: your luigi is sick and destroyed me. I blame Jo3 for giving you all that fox practice and myself having no experience...also Luigi is clearly broken and should be banned from tournament play :p

Overall this tourney was great and absolutely stacked - actually I can only think of a handful top players who didn't attend. Anyone who I played/talked to who i've missed out soz. Vids are mostly up now, the rest will be soon. Youtube account is 'lismore1'.
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