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SCSA West Coast Circuit 5 (1/30/10) Results on first page and THANKS FOR COMING


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
Glendale CA (818)
ok so i'm talking to bizzarro convincing him to come to this. He says......

bizzarro flame: train at his house => giant tournament => ??? => Profit!!!
bizzarro flame: nice I love the idea
vahagisthe1: what the heck
vahagisthe1: thats exactly what it says on the thread
vahagisthe1: did you copy that from the thread?
bizzarro flame: ???
bizzarro flame: i got it from my econ class
bizzarro flame: wtf
vahagisthe1: with exactly
vahagisthe1: 3 exclamation marks
bizzarro flame: you should post the IM on the tournament thread
bizzarro flame: ****
bizzarro flame: oh yeah
bizzarro flame: the first sentence of my islamic book reads
bizzarro flame: "Prophecy is a rare phenomenon"
bizzarro flame: ****

lol what the hell!!?

thats exactly what it says on the front page after "schedule"

edit: he then says

bizzarro flame: islamic societies textbook*
bizzarro flame: oh yeah
bizzarro flame: the game

dam it


Smash Lord
May 2, 2008
Inside the hitbox of Falco's Up-Tilt.
ok so i'm talking to bizzarro convincing him to come to this. He says......

bizzarro flame: train at his house => giant tournament => ??? => Profit!!!
bizzarro flame: nice I love the idea
vahagisthe1: what the heck
vahagisthe1: thats exactly what it says on the thread
vahagisthe1: did you copy that from the thread?
bizzarro flame: ???
bizzarro flame: i got it from my econ class
bizzarro flame: wtf
vahagisthe1: with exactly
vahagisthe1: 3 exclamation marks
bizzarro flame: you should post the IM on the tournament thread
bizzarro flame: ****
bizzarro flame: oh yeah
bizzarro flame: the first sentence of my islamic book reads
bizzarro flame: "Prophecy is a rare phenomenon"
bizzarro flame: ****

lol what the hell!!?

thats exactly what it says on the front page after "schedule"

edit: he then says

bizzarro flame: islamic societies textbook*
bizzarro flame: oh yeah
bizzarro flame: the game

dam it

lol, I hope he goes :)

Long ago, Mew2King was called Chew2Dicks by one Azen Zagenite.
Lolol n_n


Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2007
Glendale CA (818)
lol i wish u did

i love credit cards man

i have never carried cash on me since i got my credit card

its the greatest invention. smash tournaments should take credit


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2007
I really wanna go to this shierdan you got space in your car?
If i do go anybody wanna do one of those big time Money matches 20 or more?

Deleted member

i would like to money match any norcaler (DOCTOR MARIO BANNED) for 20
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