well guess i have selective memory or something
first 2 matches though i didn't know were being recorded and it SEEMS like gg7 was trying a little bit. what went through my head was dam it's just friendlies, this guys trying a little too hard. then i realize these matches are being recorded
i tried harder for matches after that once i figured matches were being recorded. i obviously thought my win streak was longer than 5 matches. im a doosche
he pwned me at the end too though. we both did some cool things and he's definitely top 3 in hardest falcon dittos i've faced. i think i did a dash attack drop zone
Every weak hit I do if I space incorrectly he grabs me everytime by crouch cancelling. even if i jab him to gentlemen he will crouch the jabs so that by the time the gentleman comes out he'll block and grab me
chris says he wasn't trying though so he'd probably **** me then if he tries
there is also a falco vs fox match we play right after our set so including our secondary pride match the true set count should be 6-5 looooooool
Looking at the matches he beat me twice, and not 3 times after my streak, so falcon dittos only its 5-4