EDIT: Of COURSE this starts a new page. Now everyone has to scroll past my monolith of text to get to anything else in the topic. >_<;
Lol, I'll keep going as long as mods don't pop in and **** me for being off-topic.
1st.] Sonic Rush wasn't THAT bad...I say if you take away the story (which BTW, Sonic, Mario, Megman...story is all the same it's the gameplay that matters.) It's pretty good.
I agree, it wasn't terrible. I own it, I liked it when I played through it, but... the level design really crippled it. Sonic, even though it looks like it, isn't about running really fast and collecting rings- that's an effect, not a cause. Take another look at Sonic 1 and 2- Sonic 1 was actually really slow, when you think about it. Both of those games required you to navigate obstacles. The faster you navigated them, the faster you got done, and the more accurately you navigated them, the more rings you ended up with. The game rewards you for being good at it with speed, which is what makes you go "**** yeah this is awesome" when you play it.
Sonic Rush was "hold right. hold right. GET A METRIC ****TON OF RINGS for holding right. Keep holding right. WHOOPS THERE WAS A MONSTER IN THE PATH YOU COULDN'T SEE. It's ok though because you can pick up 60 of your rings before they disappear. Hold right. HOLD X." I could keep going, but you get the point. There's no reward for being good at it (actually, there's no way to be good at it, outside of memorization). Hence why you play it through once, then... stop playing it, while Sonic 2/3/Knuckles you can keep coming back to.
2nd.] 2.5D is the way to go...and not only can it look good but it can play well...
I've got no problem with 2.5D in itself. I actually love it. Whenever I get pro enough to make games myself, I expect them to be 2.5D. However, the fact that Sonic Team is using these Sonic Heroes-style graphics for Sonic 4 just hints at them not knowing what they're getting themselves into. So many fans (myself included) are so fed up with the series and the poor design choices they're making, that anything that even remotely
suggests their last few games is a huge red flag. If Sonic Team were truly aware, they'd realize the jaded eye fans are looking at their game with and go back to
real Genesis-style graphics. Like, painfully so. To the point where you're almost like "I wish they'd done a little more." At least you'd know that they understand their mistakes and are accurately addressing them. But they're not. So I'm worried.
3rd.] It's Sonic Teams creation. If they wan't to add homing attacks. Let em'. I think personally that they can incorparate that very well into 2D side scrolling action...
Homing attack is an awesome concept. I live and die by it. You guys saw me play SA2:B, I use it every chance I get. However, the fact remains that Homing Attack was introduced because Sonic in 3D would be horrible without it. Imagine jumping on an enemy being the only way to kill it. Works fine in Mario (even though in Galaxy you'll notice they added the much less precise Spin Attack/Jump), but in a Sonic game where you're supposed to be moving fast, it would completely break the action. In order to reliably kill the enemy, you'd have to stop moving, then jump directly on the character, making sure not to land next to it. Homing attack may be sweet, but there's no denying it was implemented to address a problem. The fact that they're putting it in when 2D Sonic games just... don't need it... means that they're putting stuff in because it's cool, not because it makes for good gameplay. And that is very, very concerning. Look at Brawl. Why in the pancake-flipping Savior is 75m in that game? It's virtually impossible to play Smash on that level. But, it's there because Sakurai thought it would be cool. And it IS cool.. until you realize that you'd rather stab your eye out than try to play on that level again. Then you've just got wasted potential.
4th.] While I do agree that everyone who likes the Sonic name has worries that the game won't be good. If it IS good. I highly doubt it will be by accident...
You can't make a sequel without realizing what made the original game good in the first place. I haven't seen a single thing that suggests Sonic Team's figured it out yet, outside of Project Needlemouse, and even that was so mired in publicity and pageantry to where I think that
they think they've got it figured out, but they're so tragically off that I'm going to get a terrible excuse for a Sonic 4. Maybe it'll be a decent game, but it won't be a good "Sonic game".
People throw that around so much now that it's become a bit of a myth.
...Oh god, that was long. I should write an essay and stop posting on forums. <_<;