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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
... but I don't know if San Diego is ready to risk losing a lot of the fun solely for getting better.
I may not speak for all of San Diego but, I am willing to sacrifice a little bit of fun especially if it's a tournament where there is money (not saying that I would win a tournament anytime soon). All I am saying when you want this tournament to be for fun don't put a price tag on it. Granted majority of the time you’ll pay do to something fun but, if there a chance you can win back your money and even make a little profit out of it you just might take it a little bit more seriously. That all and remember I got mad love for SD I just trying to help us out holmes


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
wow SD is mean. taj and forward decide to come to a tournament and you try to ban their friend wobbles.

LOL wobbles has to read deep in to threads just to find out if its him that is banned.....or the IC infinite.

dont ban it. arnold will call you girly men.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2006
You know, in all honesty, banning wobbles could make Ice Climbers even stronger. There's so many de-sync moves and combinations that I figure anybody who tries playing Ice Climbers without Wobbling will get better because they aren't relying on it.

Plus, if your opponent is picking ICs and you're afraid of wobbling, just counter-pick Marth. As far as I've seen, Marth (especially the one in the white robes) ***** Ice Climbers like the children they are.


<3 Ricky


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006



This is uncute, SD. Arguing amongst yourselves over a single tech is not the way to enjoy a game.

Speaking of Goldenmuffin. Wobbling made him a better player from what I can see. And I see the picture.
...I'm confuzzled...

But anyway, I'm not gonna waste my post arguing about wobbling. No more flames of hatred. =/ I'll just say this, though, and it'll sound very vietgamer-ish.

Wobbling makes the game unbelievably BORING. You just sit there in the grab and die. How fun is that? To me, smash is about having fun, not winning or losing. Die, infinite, die.

Oh, and for those of you who are gonna point fingers at me because I'm a Fox player, look at how I play. ;)

ANYWAYS, do you still want to team, PH? I promise I'll be at this one on time. XD

Also, I'll be taking Up-smash only fox ditto MM's. You'll allowed to use no offensive move other than grabs and up-smashes. Up-smash should be banned. It's that good.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Hmmm I think I have a solution. Wobbling obviously takes fun out for a lot of people who don't care about finding ways around an instant kill technique (we'll call these people "wusses"). However, at the same time there is another faction of players who thrive on competitiveness at any cost, and to these people, wobbling is just another part of the game (we'll call these people "dirties") Unfortunately by banning wobbling you upset all the dirties who would do anything to win, and by allowing it you upset all the wusses who complain about everything. (I'm obviously not trying to make any friends here ^^) Anywayz, my proposal is when player 'A' ends up playing an IC player, player 'A' should be able to decide whether or not he will allow wobbling. This way all the wusses get their way, and the dirties get to be covered in filth. Let banning the technique vary from match to match.

EDIT: I'll take fox ditto MMs: Tony, Zephyr, ASP (lol).


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2006
sDeeZy, chula vista
how about me pat

and if i play any ICs they can wobble if they want cuzz i dont give a **** bro'

edit: oh yeah and if anyone wants to team MM me and st patrickkkkkkkk let us know

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Hmmm I think I have a solution. Wobbling obviously takes fun out for a lot of people who don't care about finding ways around an instant kill technique (we'll call these people "wusses"). However, at the same time there is another faction of players who thrive on competitiveness at any cost, and to these people, wobbling is just another part of the game (we'll call these people "dirties") Unfortunately by banning wobbling you upset all the dirties who would do anything to win, and by allowing it you upset all the wusses who complain about everything. (I'm obviously not trying to make any friends here ^^) Anywayz, my proposal is when player 'A' ends up playing an IC player, player 'A' should be able to decide whether or not he will allow wobbling. This way all the wusses get their way, and the dirties get to be covered in filth. Let banning the technique vary from match to match.

EDIT: I'll take fox ditto MMs: Tony, Zephyr, ASP (lol).
That is still pretty horrible since if you Wuss Out it just makes it so you dont have to go through all the hard training the rest of us had to... but I would much rather have this than a hard ban. I suppose I can accept it.

Saint Patrick

Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
San Diego, CA
Hmmm I think I have a solution. Wobbling obviously takes fun out for a lot of people who don't care about finding ways around an instant kill technique (we'll call these people "wusses"). However, at the same time there is another faction of players who thrive on competitiveness at any cost, and to these people, wobbling is just another part of the game (we'll call these people "dirties") Unfortunately by banning wobbling you upset all the dirties who would do anything to win, and by allowing it you upset all the wusses who complain about everything. (I'm obviously not trying to make any friends here ^^) Anywayz, my proposal is when player 'A' ends up playing an IC player, player 'A' should be able to decide whether or not he will allow wobbling. This way all the wusses get their way, and the dirties get to be covered in filth. Let banning the technique vary from match to match.

EDIT: I'll take fox ditto MMs: Tony, Zephyr, ASP (lol).
I think that's a good idea. At first I was completely for banning Wobbling, but after reading Neal's post, I think this is a good idea.

Giza, you really gotta learn how to argue a bit better. You're presenting the case as if it only affects you, and how would you get people on your side if you're trying to vie for your own gain? Also, I've never seen you wobbled in a tournament. So I don't see HOW this would even affect you. <_<


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2006
San Diego, CA
^^That's the coolest gif ever.

Whoa, what happened on this thread? I'm gonna ignore it....

I will MM match you Pat. $1 fox ditto.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Giza, you really gotta learn how to argue a bit better. You're presenting the case as if it only affects you, and how would you get people on your side if you're trying to vie for your own gain? Also, I've never seen you wobbled in a tournament. So I don't see HOW this would even affect you. <_<
Well Im expessing my own personal anger towards the whole thing. Im still just suprised by all this, it all just kinda came out of left field since I've never heard any talk of banning it at any of the triweeklies or in this topic and now suddenly its banned.

Money matches anyone?


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Hey Boss, I dunno if i can make it this saturday. I'm gonna try to get out of it, but it doesn't seem too likely at this point... anyway just letting you know. if i can make it we'll team for sure though.

I'll $.01 money match any matchup anybody wants. Be sure to bring pennies.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2006
SD 619
I think the suggestion Azn_Lep made was pretty good as it gives the choice to the players directly and offers a decent compromise.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
OK, so that's

$0.25 MM against Tony
$1.00 against Pat
$0.01 against Shmooguy. I have no idea who you are. I'll be the blonde kid in the green sweatshirt.

Wait, is that you, Kira?

Meh, the MM stays. I'll play any character you have, I need practice against EVERYONE. @_@


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2006
SD 619
OK, so that's

$0.25 MM against Tony
$1.00 against Pat
$0.01 against Shmooguy. I have no idea who you are. I'll be the blonde kid in the green sweatshirt.

Wait, is that you, Kira?

Meh, the MM stays. I'll play any character you have, I need practice against EVERYONE. @_@
ill MM you zephyr. say. fox dittos? $1

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
I never recieved my check -_-
How much were you supposed to win? You at deserve some money for being there and winning. Sorry I didnt pull in some money matches with ya man but I was broke that day. Lets see how much money I have after next week, maybe I could try and send you some money to make up for the loss.


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
<3 Will

wow SD is mean. taj and forward decide to come to a tournament and you try to ban their friend wobbles.

LOL wobbles has to read deep in to threads just to find out if its him that is banned.....or the IC infinite.

dont ban it. arnold will call you girly men.

Hmmm I think I have a solution... my proposal is when player 'A' ends up playing an IC player, player 'A' should be able to decide whether or not he will allow wobbling. This way all the wusses get their way, and the dirties get to be covered in filth. Let banning the technique vary from match to match.
That sounds interesting! :]

where exactly is the lodge? i live on campus and the directions dont help me.
The Lodge refers to the Sixth College Lodge. :]


Wow! What a lot of posts! I passed out at 5 o'clock, and barely woke up now to check the thread :-P

I defended the ban because it was a majority kind of thing, not because I was is favor of a ban (ask Saint Patrick, I always told him how I didn't mind it, and in the long run it would force us to get better) However, I can see that many of us are undecided/indifferent/or having a change of heart on the issue. I was never pro-ban to begin with, so I don't care too much about it as a gameply mechanic. However, I wish that people were more educated on the pros and cons of a wobbles ban, since people like Saint Patrick seem to be swayed with every new post that comes out. I also wonder why this was never a big deal at the UCLA monthlies but it exploded here . :-P

All in all, I for one favor Azn Lep's idea to let the opponent decide if the Ice Climber player they are playing should be allowed to Wooble or not. Those who want the practice and experience of fighting against Wobblers will get their wish, and those who prefer to fight without it will be happy as well, so wussies like me can be happy :]

All in all, I think this is the best compromise. How does everyone feel about this?

Keep it Harmonious, San Diego! We ain't called San Diego Love for nothing <3



Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Neal, I disagree with your arguement that playing against a wobbling playing makes you better at it. You can still practice just as hard avoiding grabs against an IC who isn't wobbling, and once you are stuck in it, you stuck in it, no amount of practice will get you out of it. Wiggling is common sense and practicing wiggling won't get you much better at it, not only that but you can practice wiggling everytime you are grabbed by any character. I just don't see how people will lack the practice. IC can chain grab you, or do some costly kills out of grab (like against Peach, if I'm grabbed at 110% im dead, whereas i can survive for awhile at that percentage and beyond when I'm not grabbed, this is all regardless of the Wobble) so you'll try to avoid the grab either way and get practice for that already. Personally whether an IC is going to wobble me or not makes no impact on how hard I try not to get grabbed.

The most valuable experience I personally get from playing Chu Dat, Wobbles and Azn lep is their tactics ifor getting a grab. That's the experience I need, and those tactics remain constant whether the Inifinite is banned or not.

By the way Chu the checks are coming, the school is just insanely slow.

I don't mind the idea of letting the player have power over it. If we do that we need this footnote:

If you forget to ban it that's your problem. No complaints or re'dos.

Personally I like Zephyr's thinking, well along the same lines, of the Wobble not being fun. But instead of fun i'd use the word interactivity. I love Smash more than any game because you're always interacting with your opponent. ALWAYS. In Halo you're opponent could be gone for awhile and you don't interact. Or for a few seconds in fighting games you're doing an infinite so regardless what youre opponent does, it's all up to you. I love smash because EVEN WITH CHAIN GRABBING it's 100% interaction, you have to follow youre opponents DI to chain grab, even if that's easy to do, it's intereaction. Wobbles takes away interaction because a stock is taken away at the cost of lack of gameplay. You're no longer playing the game but watching it. For this reason I don't think it's a good thing for Smash, just in general.

If you notice all the banned tactics they drastically reduce interactivity. Like Peach bombing. The other player is reduced to watching. Freeze glitch freezes the game, you cannot interact. Chain grabbing still has 100% interaction between players, so it's not banned. See the trend?


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
i was actually gonna write what edrees just said..

how about we ban wobbles, but every time the IC player grabs you and nana is nearby, you break out and kill yourself once. that way, nobody would be bored, and ICs still effectively get the same result.

but maybe that's just wishful thinking....
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