jun's points are pretty good except his main point is completely false. Some SD guy told me you guys had two smashfests a week during summer so not playing enough is completely wrong
it was expensive yep
lack of hype... mexico, norcal, vegas came, amazing matches happened too
Irvine >>> SD
Irvine can totally be better then sd... >____> so now what.
Honestly, I still don't get the point of your frustration. Look, whoever told you about the smashfests this summer was not entirely correct. Many of Ucsd's players were out of town because classes weren't in session. The people that were around for the most part went. Lanstar cmame consistently, pat came every once in a while. Otherwise, boss and deth moved, and two of our other more consistent attendants go to school in another state and left. Many of us have jobs or are entering our final year as engineers/pre-med/etc. leaving about 3-4 people that might have been able to go that didn't.
So there you have it, yes a few more people could have gone but it is true that most of Ucsd was not prepared.
I think the fact that people were willing to go to several smashfests in the summer but not a tournament further supports the point that the tournament failed in some way, shape, or form. Gameclucks said it himself, the tournament should have been big but it wasn't for several reasons.
Again, I don't think it was our fault that we weren't interested in going to this. If you want to be mad at the fact that not everyone has limitless support for the smash community than that's fine but I don't think it's a bad thing that people want to have fun and seek out opportunities to have fun. In supporting great events and avoiding potentially poor events we insure a standard for tournaments. If everyone went to every tournament then the quality of tournaments would diminish.
I honestly did not think this was going to be a fun(well put together, well organized, well attended) tournament, and several of my peers that decided not to go probably felt the same.