I am greatly amused at this latest exchange of fighting words.
I was going to keep my opinion to myself before, but for whatever reason people are doubting Lanstar's skill and I feel compelled to actually post. Josh is very good. There's no reason to place him lower than any of the other people in that group. Jun, I've never played him with Peach in a serious tournament setting. He beat my Zelda/Sheik in a close set although it was very obvious both of us were playing terribly (not johning for myself, both of us sucked, he just sucked less, I 100% deserved that loss). In friendlies, we go evenish with Peach Marth I believe, but we also haven't done that in a long time.
However, in the long run and the big picture, this bickering is really inconsequential and in the end, it can be concluded that we all just suck.
That being said, I think if anything, this short discussion has changed my mind about wanting to do rankings. I was somewhat against it before, but after witnessing this divisive exchange, I would like to see rankings to keep our scene from stagnating and as Charles said, I feel like it does provide motivation for a lot of people. I mean, look at how much discussion we just generated from David's one post! It definitely keeps things interesting imo.

- Eric
Yuta's #1 fan, not a fan of sunny, who else thinks Jesse needs a fan page?