looool, let's all play nice :]
I think I'm gonna start being like Eric and playing to hangout a little more than playing to get better. At this point I don't think I'm gonna catch up with the pros so I'm really gonna focus on making the game fun. Have fun with your serious crews yo.
I think you should always be playing to have fun! But I don't ever think it's "too late" or anything. Dr. Peepee started this game in late 07 during m2k's era, and who would have thought that a few years later, he would be beating m2k in tournament? You can always get better if you want to, no matter how far the metagame has come.
That being said, you know I hate playing this game seriously LOL

My main goal for playing this game definitely isn't to get better, and that was a decision I made 5 years ago due to practicality (school/life johns). It definitely wasn't because I thought I wasn't good enough to "catch up", even though the skill difference between me and the top players then is probably even bigger than the skill difference between you and the top players now. You shouldn't let that stop you from trying to get better, because you're really good! I'm not just saying that to make you feel better or anything lol. I honestly really like your playstyle personally, and Zhu thinks you have a lot of potential too

"Who's the guy with the curly hair that plays like, a billion characters that was teaming with Yuta? He's pretty good." LOOOOOOOOOOL

to what Jesse said. Just play to have fun and it'll all happen by itself.
Lol Andrew, I watched your matches. They were kinda funny. I liked your set with Eddie :]
I like how this is turning into a Tristan motivational thread.
Also, Jun is good lol. I actually do like playing Jun, because it forces me to think through everything I do, and forces me to work on my approach because usually, I'm not the one approaching in matches just due to my character choice. The one thing I found while playing m2k is that approaching a really good player is the hardest **** in the world. After playing one of the best campy Foxes in the world on Pokemon Stadium, I realized that either:
a. Peach's approach is terrible
b. Peach is terrible
c. I'm terrible
d. all of the above
I'm leaning towards d. But then I watch Armada do it and think to myself, meh maybe Peach isn't so terrible. So it must be just me. So I just need to approach better and find different ways to do it. And playing Jun helps me with that