There is definitely some serious debate going on here, but I think it's ultimately futile. There are many things we could consider for our rankings and I'm not sure how we could sort through all those factors cleanly. The simplest thing would be to look at collective tournament performance, but some of us haven't been here long enough to have established a legitimate tournament record.
Also, It is going to be really problematic if we are going to base our rankings on how well we do against each other in friendlies. We have a certain familiarity with each other and that can determine a lot despite there being an evident difference in ability. For example, I do reasonably well against Eric in friendlies. However, I think he has a better understanding of the game than I do and he has consistently performed equal to me or better in tournaments for which we both signed up. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am certain he placed above me in both the Triweekly and Winter Game Fest. Given that, I would comfortably say he is better than me overall even though I can beat him regularly.
Anyway, the only concrete thing I have to contribute to this is an uncertain record of individuals that I have either beaten or lost to in tournament. More elaboration can be found below.
This is a list of UCSD/SD players that I've beaten in tournaments within the last full year (January 2010 - January 2011) "Tournament" here is an all-inclusive term and so should be understood to mean one of the following: Free/Smashfest/Ballroom tournaments, Triweeklies, Warren Game Extravaganza, WGF, etc. Some of these might not have been "important" to you, but a tournament is a tournament and for the sake of simplicity I am making all victories and losses carry equal weight. Please feel free to indicate any errors you see in the following.
1. George
2. Ilija
3. Sunny
4. Eric D.
5. Marco
6. Jun
7. Josh
8. Kevin
9. Andrew B.
10. Andrew W.
11. Boss(?)
12. Deth (?)
This isa list of UCSD/SD players that have beaten me in tournaments within the last full year. Again, "tournament" here is an all-inclusive term and so should be understood to mean one of the following: Free/Smashfest/Ballroom tournaments, Triweeklies, Warren Game Extravaganza, WGF, etc. Some of these might not have been "important" to you, but a tournament is a tournament and for the sake of simplicity I am making all victories and losses carry equal weight. Please feel free to indicate any errors you see in the following. I might be forgetting some here so please let me know if I can add someone.
1. George
2. Tristan
3. Pat (Too many damn times.)
4. Richard
Interpret the above as you wish. My opinion is that I'm only really better than 2 or 3 of the players listed above and I think so only because of their lack of experience. Everyone else is either at my skill level or above with really small particulars and in-game variables determining the winner of any given set we play.
One last thing,
you all suck.
-Jesse, SNG Sucks, Ewjfasjmaster Sucks, Everybody Sucks,