I like lvl 1 Bowser with its handicap set to 9 and mine to 1. Pillaring and waveshining galore. Just don't get hit.
I will tell you a Peach secret, because I see from your character thing that you play Peach. Level 1 Bowser w/ 8 handicap and you on 1 + set damage ratio to .5 = best way to practice fc nairs with Peach. Hitting Bowser under that setting is almost the exact same timing as hitting a shield, so it's useful for practicing Peach pillars
Also, a few days ago, I was talking to George on AIM and we were talking about how sometimes, you have the dumbest patterns that are painfully obvious to everyone else but you never really notice yourself. We decided that the best way to deal with that and improve would be to play seriouslies and after each one, we tell each other what the other did wrong, how to fix it, etc. I'd appreciate it if everyone'd tell me anything stupid I'm doing, and suggestions and stuff after our matches (ex/ things like my dumb spot dodge spamming when I'm nervous). Of course, I'd be glad to do the same. I want to do well at WGF, with this year's actual competition haha. And I want all of SD to do well too
It'd also be cool to sit down with someone for a while and figure out my problem match ups (anything that doesn't fall quickly LOL). If you need help with the Peach, Zelda, or Sheik match ups, just grab me at a smashfest. I'd be down to discuss/practice/play with you. I play a very standard Zelda and Sheik, although my Peach is kinda weird, so I'm not sure how much that would help.

Yaaaay hype