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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
holy crap wtf. that means you were at rex's bonfire at the beginning of summer? crazy stuff. we should play sometime.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2006
San Diego, CA
Oh, by the way Headache.. theres supposed to be this really good Ganon player in San Diego, if not the best. His name is Giza, you should look him up and maybe ask to play with him. He's supposed to be one of the best if not the best Sonic the Fighter players in the world. Am I right guys? The videos are on youtube to prove it.
LAAAAAWWWWWWL. I can't believe you forgot to mention that he's possibly one of the best smashers in the world. That makes me laugh so hard. How could you forget?<3
:o Oh you guys quit hating on my favorite #1 sexy baby boo Giza.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
I'm interested in a tourney around sd before august 20 (school starts). Is there any tourney coming soon?

I'm not really that good and I play sheik/peach =)

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Drive down the 5 south Wayland.

Oh, by the way Headache.. theres supposed to be this really good Ganon player in San Diego, if not the best. His name is Giza, you should look him up and maybe ask to play with him. He's supposed to be one of the best if not the best Sonic the Fighter players in the world. Am I right guys? The videos are on youtube to prove it.
wtf. I go away from San Diego for 2 weeks after not going to tournaments for a few months and already I face tons of incredible sarcasm. When have I been a good Ganon player? I play DK! 3 stock, Items on. Handicap on 9, everyone else's on 3.

But I am probably the best Sonic the Fighters player in San Diego at the least, not that the game has too much depth besides knowing the match ups. I am really the only one who knows how to use. I have not meant enough person how has understood the NLD and LL system in the game before I showed it to them. I am the best cause I am the only one who plays it, I understand that. But I enjoy the game and I do this for fun.

When did I ever brag about my Ganon to deserve such sarcasm towards me? I know I suck at the game. I missed Evo because I was out of state, not because I thought I sucked to much and couldn't live up to my nonexistent word. I still have an money match with Patrick going, and I really wanted to get him his money at Evo but unfortunately I had to be far away at the time. I never thought I would be able to beat Patrick in this money match, but I wanted to make sure I had a serious match with him so I could learn something from a Ganon that was better than me.

Are people still sore over the whole Dudley thing or something? Sorry I went over the edge about the whole wobbling thing. Yes it causes more turtling matches but... what is wrong with that? I don't get it. Is it so wrong when Smash starts having more tactics in common with traditional fighting games?

Edit- By the way, anyone here play Bloody Roar Primal Fury or Extreme? I really like this game but really am not very good at it and was wondering if anyone could help me out in it. Thanks.

Amon Amarth

Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2007
Vista, CA
Hey guys, me and a friend are really bored and want to go to someones place to smash. We have pizza :D

But serously, where hella bored.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2006
San Diego, CA
Not having a venue suXX0rz... =(

Just wondering: who here is going to Super Champ Combo at the end of September?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
Disregard this post:

-_- i lost to PChris in a bet, and thats why i have this bozo the clown avatar, as part of the bet that I lost, i am required to post at least once a week.......and tell why I have the gayest avatar....

Anyone wanna play pokemon? or street fighter.....

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
You want to meet up somewhere so you can own me in Street Fighter or just play over Killara or GGPO?

Well, I lost in the rematch against PC Chris, now I have this stupid *** bozo the clown... the sad thing is Giza used to use this one -_-
lol, whats so sad about that? I only had it for a very short time. I love that gay clown avatar, good times. Its best to rant about meaningless stuff when you got that avatar on. Thats how I used it. =P Fun stuff.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Disregard this post:

-_- i lost to PChris in a bet, and thats why i have this bozo the clown avatar, as part of the bet that I lost, i am required to post at least once a week.......and tell why I have the gayest avatar....

Anyone wanna play pokemon? or street fighter.....

SA3Tony = ****tyAss3Tony

why don't you play smash you homo


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2007
I still have an money match with Patrick going, and I really wanted to get him his money at Evo but unfortunately I had to be far away at the time. I never thought I would be able to beat Patrick in this money match, but I wanted to make sure I had a serious match with him so I could learn something from a Ganon that was better than me.
Are you kidding? I have the whole entire conversation of you talking to me on aim telling me that you could beat him & how offended you were when he said he was the best Ganon in SoCal. The only reason why you asked to money match him was because you thought you were better. You sound ridiculous. Cynic to Sympathy...

Ittss okay Giza, we all still love you. San Diego (858 - 619 - Harmony) would be sooo... different without you. .. really.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
lol Thats close. I'd like to see this convo. It wasn't that he said he was the best in SoCal. I was weirded out by the fact that he said he was the only Ganon main in San Diego. It was a misunderstand cause of a comment that followed the phrase, cannot remember the comment but I thought it was directed at me for not showing up to the money match I made with him but the comment ended up being about someone else in Harmony. BTW, the money match was made before he stated he was the only Ganon main in San Diego... I believe it was at least a month or two before. I made the money match with him in April, check the date on your convo, there is no way its before April. Patrick thought I had changed my main to Sheik cause of how I used him at the Winter Fest.

My first money match with Patrick wasn't even made by me, I was set up by NwordTim for it. You act as if I have something against Patrick, he is my third favorite person to ever be matched up amongst, right under Forward and Chaotic. I was a bit mad when he said that he was the only ganon main followed by a weird comment but it all ended up being a misunderstanding.

I know I give nothing to the community except money and an extra TV for tournaments. Heck, my tv ended up breaking cause I was moving it around to tournaments so much. I know I'm not even in the scene anymore since I haven't went to any Melee tournaments with wobbling banned and you know what? I don't plan to. Last tournament I went to was the small one at Jon's place a few months back and there all I did was DK gimp for the most part.

I never stated that I was good while I wasn't joking. I have complained about some things on Rick's best in San Diego list, because I had ranked higher in all tournaments than darkmagic at the time yet somehow he was above me all the list? That doesn't make any sense. Now darkmagic deserves higher than me since he was ranked higher in the last few tournaments I have been too. I have been cocky toward Viet before, cause he fluked out when playing against me at Pandatration.

And Micheal, you are the one who brought this up. I don't think I have ever even played against you so wtf are you talking about? You bring me up, for the second time, after I am absent for several months just to sarcastically insult me. Remember what happened last time you did this? The triweekly topic was locked. Seriously all this hate stemming from a misunderstand over something that, when misunderstood could be very insult, and my statement against wobbling. I did leave the community after wobbling was banned, like many of you recommended. So I don't see why there is a need to bring me up every now and then, for no reason, just to insult me the way you did. Does it razz your berries to get one of my long winded reaction to you just out of nowhere insulting me? I don't need the royal shaft from you nor anyone else just because I left the community. What's you tale, nightingale? Why you dislike me so much anyway to randomly insult me?

To the rest of you; shoot low, they're riding Shetlands.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Giza, if you're gone from this community then I don't see why you care what anyone here thinks of you. Your logic doesn't follow. Why would you type a 5 paragraph essay to the people who are least likely to listen to you?

Just curious.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Regardless of me not being in the community at the moment does not mean I am not gonna react when someone is insulting me. It is what I do, if someone insults me, I will defend myself. I still go to the tournies that allow Wobbling, and many of the players there are the same as the ones that are in the triweeklies. Which means I am gonna see these people again. Generally I am a rage based person, or I used to be so I still have some of my old qualities, if I don't get stuff out now, I am more likely to physically attack the person if they insult me in person instead of just brushing it off like I would if I do stuff like this now. I with hold anger and its best to just solve things on the spot. If they aren't gonna read well thats too bad for them, I am just saying what I must and they can think what they please after it. If they shout out about it I am gonna shout back.

Plus Brawl is coming, and I do intend to play it. I am hoping that this time around items will be customizable enough to make them be usable in tournament play. I like the system that Smash Bros use and how the game fields and I like playing it competitively, it is very fun so I stick with it. Brawl has the potential to be better than Melee in many aspects (doesn't mean it will be though), and I am still looking forward to doing the Brawl tournaments so I do still care what people say.

Short Answer: I left the Melee Triweekly community (no wobble community), not the competitive smash community as a whole. Plus I am an angry person.

btw, if you want to discuss this further, I feel it would be best to give me an instant message or a PM. This has taken up enough room in the topic.

Gayest Smashers:------------------------ Giza
I'm glad somebody noticed. ^^


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
Harmony and me
We're pretty good company
Looking for an island
In our boat upon the sea
Harmony, gee I really love you
And I want to love you forever
And dream of the never, never, never leaving harmony

I needed today. I feel in love with the smash community again.

I love Team Harmony.


*Looks at Giza-Bone drama*

Life is too good to stay mad and fight.

I would comment on the long-winded responses, but I'm guilty of that myself :-P
But I will say that Darkmagic was never on "the list".

Speaking of "the List", Bone and I made a final list of SD rankings, one which reflects everything for our generation of the SD smash scene.

Triweekly I-VI, OC2, Triweekly VII-XVII, OC3

The list was made before the quits, and it will be the last one until Azn_Lep runs the triweeklies.


Saint Patrick

Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
San Diego, CA
Harmony and me
We're pretty good company
Looking for an island
In our boat upon the sea
Harmony, gee I really love you
And I want to love you forever
And dream of the never, never, never leaving harmony

I needed today. I feel in love with the smash community again.

I love Team Harmony.


*Looks at Giza-Bone drama*

Life is too good to stay mad and fight.

I would comment on the long-winded responses, but I'm guilty of that myself :-P
But I will say that Darkmagic was never on "the list".

Speaking of "the List", Bone and I made a final list of SD rankings, one which reflects everything for our generation of the SD smash scene.

Triweekly I-VI, OC2, Triweekly VII-XVII, OC3

The list was made before the quits, and it will be the last one until Azn_Lep runs the triweeklies.

Glad I could help you fall in love with the smash scene again =P That was some good smash yesterday. Also, are you gonna post the list? =P


Peace and Love
Nov 2, 2003
San Diego Love! ♥
The list for triweekly seeding was, as you know, always kept private to avoid controversy. But ever since Game II referenced it on his website, and since we've had so much imput from other SD players, let's just make it public! Let's go out in style :]


Congrats to everyone!


Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
This was spam. But just having a post that is editing that post to say it was spam is still spam. So it pretty much just as pointless, eh? ... oh well this one is longer.

lmao. pm after this. because i cant take you seriously anymore.
What do you mean you cannot take me seriously anymore? You never took me seriously in the first place. Plus I'm Giza... I was never meant to be taken seriously in the first place.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2007
lol tony whyyy.

Giza.. not to burst your bubble but, this is Bone... . and Rick & I won that title. We are both clearly the gayest people in San Diego... Rick being Happiest & Me for being literally a gaylord.. :laugh: Stop trying to steal our title because you lose there buddy...lol trust me. Rick & I are clearly people who have respected opinions here within our community. You only got one vote and come on, who the hells going to take that seriously but..., you? LOL. Tony. :rolleyes:

Your post is so ridiculous, its making me laugh. lol. Im really laughing. ****. hahaha. ****. you crack me up so much!!! Why the hell are you spamming this thread with how you want tournament play to be like when brawl comes... items? are you guys hearing this? Oh my god. lol.. ni66a!! You dont even go to any of our tournaments so stop whining about how you left. Jon's didn't count because you brought Sonic the Fighters.:confused:

Giza, do you see this face? :mad: just picture the face brown instead.. aand guesss who's face it will be? grrrrwwahhhr..!!! >:D

no one is going to forget that you were talking **** about us on another fourm,
(let alone all the aim conversations we all have saved which we pull out from time to time just to have a good laugh)

lmao. pm after this. because i cant take you seriously anymore.

jon said he likes halo more than smash.
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