So I just got off the phone with Fishouse, and this is what's happening as of the moment:
1) They want a 128 man Brawl tournament. Definitely not impossible. Last year we hit 64 with hours of registration to spare, and with a pot bonus, we might even drag a few players out of the cities in Texas for this.
2) They also wanna run Melee and Project M. I'll probably be getting in touch with Zhea and PKT about this since it's pretty important info.
3) They want 24 full setups for the Brawl tournament. That's probably gonna be the biggest challenge here. All of Nike's TVs that he left last year were kept in storage, so Fish and his crew have access to them, so that's a good chunk, but we're gonna need plenty more to hit anywhere near that number. Again, not impossible, just tough.
4) The format for the Brawl tournament is definitely new. What they want to do is run 4 pools of 32 (perhaps bracket pools would be the best option for this) that funnel down until the top 16 (meaning top 4 in each bracket get placed into a final bracket) are left. It's a decent setup, and probably the best way to run it if we end up with the 24 full setups.
4) For Brawl, they want approximately 10 volunteers. 4 directors to control a pool of players, 4 assistants to the directors, and 2 runners (basically you just hunt down players and get them to their appropriate matches).
SJ7 isn't until July, so we have a looot of time to plan, but it'd be for the best to have anything figured out as soon as we can so that the process can be more smooth. Gonna be some work, but after last year, I think this'll actually be pretty easy to set up.