Ugh... I'm disgusted at the state of this thread.
First off, Mew and Dylan need to stop slagging eachother out. This is a discussion forum. Flaming has no place here.
Secondly, *****ing and insulting sakurai and writing off Brawl as **** because of ONE gameplay mechanic is totally insane. Not only has nobody tried the game out to see if it's done and balanced well, but people don't know what other things are going to happen in regards to Zero Suit Samus.
If the loss of ONE character as easily playable is that big of an issue, I suggest you reasses what's logical and what's not, because this reaction is certainly not warranted, especially when the character in question is a little-known version of samus that really, in the long run, isn't as kick-arse as the ordinary samus.
It's probably because she has boobs and a skin-tight suit, actually. This wouldn't be the reaction if it were Master Chief without his suit. Not by a long shot. People would complain about that, in fact.
Personally, I'm not begruding Sakurai for it, and I really can't blame him if that's the design choice that he's taken. Who knows? Maybe Sakurai is actually an experienced developer after all. Maybe he DOES know how to make games.
But then, I'm not a slobbering fanboy.