Also, want to know disappointment?
The stupidity of Sakurai.
- Instead of refreshing characters with new entities, like replacing Ness with Lucas, Marth with Ike, he puts in both and makes them too similar.
- He says Animal Crosser wouldn't fit because he's not a "fighter", but he puts in a stupid robot. He made Peach into a fighter, why not Animal Crosser?
- Instead of fixing the clones, with the past 2+ years he's had to develop this game, when Melee had much less time, he leaves them as is, and just adds gimmicks to the game, rather than worrying about the most important aspect of the game: the characters.
- Instead of making Lucario completely different from Mewtwo, like he should be, he's basically a reincarnation of Mewtwo.
- Mewtwo could have been kept and improved, like Metal Mewtwo or something, if needed. He was after all, one of the most unique characters.
- Instead of adding Krystal, a unique Starfox representative, he puts in Wolf, another cloney furry with a gun. Thanks.
- Falco's FS is almost the same as Fox's. In 2+ years you couldn't think of something better?
- Jigglypuff's FS has nothing to do with something she's known for, like singing and drawing on people's faces angrily. Instead, she clones Gigabowser. Great.
- Clones are still vaguely the same.
- Toon Link, who had so much potential, is a Young Link reincarnation. Instead of bombchus and wind powers, he basically replicates TP Link.
- He creates a poll and collects the results of the most wanted characters in the game. He completely disregards half of the top-wanted characters, and replace their roster positions with Melee clones and ROB.
- No voice chat. DS has it but not Brawl? Tis a sad world we live in.
- Ganon doesn't use his sword? What the hell?
- Gimmicks and game features galore! But the roster is weak, and full of uninteresting and unimaginative movesets. Is this how you want to be remembered for possibly your last entry in the Smash series, Sakurai? Two Links, almost exactly the same, four Zelda representatives, MORE Mario representatives, but only one F-Zero and Metroid rep? There are many more characters that deserved a place in Brawl more than pathetic attempts to "surprise" us, like ROB.
- Remind me. What was that **** 3 month delay for? What exactly were you doing? ROB? Who in bloody hell at your office approved the creation of a character who isn't even a real character? Who doesn't do anything?
You disappoint beyond anything possible, Sakurai.
And to think, this is possibly your last Smash game.
You wanted to impress people so badly. You added so many gimmicks and features of things to add to Brawl, things that perhaps weren't even necessary, but just added to the experience. You were so caught up in things like stickers and sandbags, that you forgot what was most important. Refining, perfecting, honing, and creating an All-star roster, each character unique to the next, that would be remembered through the ages. Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of awesome characters, but alot of the characters ,movesets, stats, and clones, could have been mightily improved, and I think many would have rather you spent your time focusing on that than silly gimmicks. It's sad when your own fanbase can design, imagine, and create characters better than you can sometimes.
Consider me slightly disappointed...
In 2+ years of
It's a clone war with ROB thrown in for ****s and giggles.
And furries with guns.