First of all I really didn't mind the venue, places like this make me feel good (?), it smelled like *** after I came back from McDonalds.
Second. ****. I'm sorry for placing so low...A lot of people expected me to do good. I'm sorry. I got really nervous I don't know why. I think it's expeirience I plan to change that by getting more practice. I'm sorry to all that I dissapointed.
3: Atomsk - Forward B, Down Titlt (2x) F-Smash = Sex
5: Inui - Friendlies were fun, but I want to play Snake.
5: ADHD - Partner next time with me. Falco + Diddy = Techni-****
7: Black Waltz- MM was fun, you taught me good stuff with Olimar.
9: DMBrandon- Drill Rush more often please. "WTF is he 11!?"
9: Ksizzle- You got really good, good. Represent iCarly for everyone.
9: Eazy- You are one of my new favorite smashers, I need to go practice with you, I'll Aim you later.
17: Kid- Falco's gotta take over NJ.
17: Izumi- Applesauce Matches have to be done.
17: Keitaro- 12356467 Tournaments I've yet to play you in.
25: Dapuffster- I watched you play, ****ing amazing.
25: umbra- didn't see you much?
25: Alzurel- Amazing friend, your Peach is wow.
33: Monk- Munk? Dissidia will be mine.
33: Paper Towels- That girl in the candy shop was HOT!
33: MrDC- Where were you!
33: Kai- MM me next time.
33: Peirce- I didn't see you as much too, like umbra
33: J.G Wentworth- Never again will I lose to you.
33: Gunblade- GANBLADE!! We need to plat more often.
33: Bnzaaa- CG's for the win.
33: iKon- You suck, step it up. I will help though.
49: Blue- Azul! We need to play more often.
49: Bleachigo- Wtf happened soooo many people believed you had it to make it to the top, stop getting nervous and ****, STICK TO FALCO.
49: Crismas- Melee was good(Random knee, spike on yoshi's). You ***** me hardcore though, I like the Falco sticker, but I will ask for a Lucario one next time we meet.