Smash Ace
It is just funny to me how everytime a good person loses, they have to come up with some excuse to make the other person feel like there victory wasn't really a victory.....
I never said you were better then me, or that I am the best player in GA, obviously I am not.....
But I don't understand how these excuses are legit:
"Sometimes you just realize how important winning that 16 dollars for 1st place in the 6 man video game tournament really is in the long run"
Obvious sarcaasm... I guess you are now the tournament God and decide which tournaments really count.
"so you do things like play a scrub with your Jigglypuff you picked up 9 hours ago"
I went fox, not my main, And you were bragging the whole time about how your jiggs ***** cornel all day long.... but it can't beat my fox....
"And sometimes you random the smallest stage in the game"
If this stage is really the one thing that could screw you, you couldve banned it....
And then you repicked it as your counter pick.... so.... I dont see how that works
"and sometimes you get thunders combo'd while holding left the entire time and still stand up straight. "
I guess your controller broke or something, obviously the only way you can mess up a tech, I mean
what does the game know.....
"But pretty much every time, the scrub who got luck"
1. Im assuming you mean lucky, thats kind of funny that the grammer natzi himself makes a mistake,
might want to stop correcting other people untill you have perfect grammer yourself...
2. Once again I find it funny, that whenever someone beats you its because they got lucky, not because they played better than you.
Note: Just because someone played better than you, doesnt mean they are better than you.....
"immediately runs off to talk to everyone who plays the game about how much more important winning at a video game makes him."
Yeah because thats what I did.....
I don't need confirmation from winning a video game, thats not really how I work. Or I probably wouldve quit at the first sign of your flaming.....
"People like you are the reason I can't stand being good at this game because everything is always on the line for no logical reason other than you think I am my reputation and by defeating me in one match you've somehow changed the planet."
Not a very clear statement... maybe its just me...
If your trying to say that when you are good, people want to beat you, thats life, and obviously im not the only one that doesnt "understand how actual real life circumstance functions as part of our daily lives because I live by a strict and sacred code that I learned on a video game forum."
If your trying to say that people automatically think they are better then you based on the outcome of one match, then once again your wrong, I have never said I was better then you.
All I said was I beat you, which did happen.
But apparently just saying that is an insult to you.....
"You want a reputation?"
No unlike you I don't really care about a reputation, all I really care about is winning......
"You want to cry about how I wasn't a good sport and wouldn't shake your hand for the rest of your life?"
If it was such a small tournament and you really didn't care about it, why did you cry so hard? Why didn't you shake my hand, and why did you say "f*** you" most of the time when people act that way, it means they care about the outcome in some sort of way....
"Play a different f*cking game."
Well any game I play, there will always be bullies like you, so that advice doesn't really help much
And no I really like this game, thats why I can afford to put up with you....
And I know that even though I took some time to write this, your going to avoid most of it, and take one little peice and respond to that or just correct me on my grammer or attack me personally.....
so go for it
I never said you were better then me, or that I am the best player in GA, obviously I am not.....
But I don't understand how these excuses are legit:
"Sometimes you just realize how important winning that 16 dollars for 1st place in the 6 man video game tournament really is in the long run"
Obvious sarcaasm... I guess you are now the tournament God and decide which tournaments really count.
"so you do things like play a scrub with your Jigglypuff you picked up 9 hours ago"
I went fox, not my main, And you were bragging the whole time about how your jiggs ***** cornel all day long.... but it can't beat my fox....
"And sometimes you random the smallest stage in the game"
If this stage is really the one thing that could screw you, you couldve banned it....
And then you repicked it as your counter pick.... so.... I dont see how that works
"and sometimes you get thunders combo'd while holding left the entire time and still stand up straight. "
I guess your controller broke or something, obviously the only way you can mess up a tech, I mean
what does the game know.....
"But pretty much every time, the scrub who got luck"
1. Im assuming you mean lucky, thats kind of funny that the grammer natzi himself makes a mistake,
might want to stop correcting other people untill you have perfect grammer yourself...
2. Once again I find it funny, that whenever someone beats you its because they got lucky, not because they played better than you.
Note: Just because someone played better than you, doesnt mean they are better than you.....
"immediately runs off to talk to everyone who plays the game about how much more important winning at a video game makes him."
Yeah because thats what I did.....
I don't need confirmation from winning a video game, thats not really how I work. Or I probably wouldve quit at the first sign of your flaming.....
"People like you are the reason I can't stand being good at this game because everything is always on the line for no logical reason other than you think I am my reputation and by defeating me in one match you've somehow changed the planet."
Not a very clear statement... maybe its just me...
If your trying to say that when you are good, people want to beat you, thats life, and obviously im not the only one that doesnt "understand how actual real life circumstance functions as part of our daily lives because I live by a strict and sacred code that I learned on a video game forum."
If your trying to say that people automatically think they are better then you based on the outcome of one match, then once again your wrong, I have never said I was better then you.
All I said was I beat you, which did happen.
But apparently just saying that is an insult to you.....
"You want a reputation?"
No unlike you I don't really care about a reputation, all I really care about is winning......
"You want to cry about how I wasn't a good sport and wouldn't shake your hand for the rest of your life?"
If it was such a small tournament and you really didn't care about it, why did you cry so hard? Why didn't you shake my hand, and why did you say "f*** you" most of the time when people act that way, it means they care about the outcome in some sort of way....
"Play a different f*cking game."
Well any game I play, there will always be bullies like you, so that advice doesn't really help much
And no I really like this game, thats why I can afford to put up with you....
And I know that even though I took some time to write this, your going to avoid most of it, and take one little peice and respond to that or just correct me on my grammer or attack me personally.....
so go for it