I was so confused at Kary because I couldn't understand why he said I was so bad LOL! Was like "either this dude is ACTUALLY resorting to ad hominem, or he's actually that confident in himself."
So, trying to understand Kary's line of approach from a town perspective, I looked over ENTER THE HARDBODY mafia, since that seems to be where he's drawing a lot of his meta analysis about me being obvscum apparently?
I actually wasn't obvscum in that game; Kuzi, among others, felt I was Town that game. The only person, literally the ONLY person who thought I was scum that game was Kataefi, who was also the vig, who also shot me N1.
So I literally do not understand his meta analysis and I don't understand how me trying to be transparent with Joey is scummy. How are Orbo and Joey in favor of Kary, wtf??