What's up with the site. This site has serious server problems. Often small one, and right now it's one big ****fest.
@Serebii: No, you have it all wrong. It's not revealing your source we care about. That's irrelevant. If you said your source, it could be a lie, and still won't prove anything. You need to show us you know something.
If you are going to prove you know something, you need to tell us what the Dojo will update. If you say "Hey, there is a Pokemon update this week" and it happens, then we'll believe you. But you have just danced around the topic and misinterpreted what has been said. In that since, it's hard to believe you.
Since you have no hard evidence that you know anything, you are a prophet. And to those saying "Serebii is a reliable source" that isn't hard evidence. That's an argument. I mean hardcore facts. If those are brought to the table, then sure, I'd believe you. But that hasn't happened yet. I think people are too ready to follow someone blindly. Even some people believe these prophets, and get upset when they turn out to be BS (and they always do). Again, the one source I believe is Starmen.net, but this is only becuase they proved they had any kind of source. Serebii has not.
But that's besides the point. One thing I really wanted to say was this:
If the source does not say "Pikmin & Olimar" then it is probably false. If they truly has info, or played the game (or tester/Translator) they'd call the character by it's official name, and not "Captain Olimar"