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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
I'd quite like it if Serebii posted what info he knows. I mean, he's the most trustworthy person, so i'd really like to hear what he has to say. I know it's probably mostly Pokemon info, but still, it'd be a good addition.
Theres nothin I'd like to do more, but I can't.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I still contest that Rapscouter is my man to follow. His reason for the lies makes sense and he is the only one of the three "Serebii giant axe of doom-less" leakers who has been shown to be right in the past.

And besides: they still all work together well in tandem. Just waiting for Goat to slip up, since he's the only one left talking.

Sultan is a hack, I should add. His roster, even by my standards, sucks.
True. One of his statements was claimed false by Serebii, but rapscouter's "trademark" is having three lies amidst his facts. It's hard to say, but he hasn't been officially disconfirmed just yet.

I'm torn. There are parts of Sultan's roster that make me quite happy--Claus (helmet and all) as a costume for Lucas, Pokey, Takamaru, Mike Jones, etc. Alice from Balloon Kid would actually be kinda cute, and "Rainman" would truly be a great homage to Nintendo's humble beginning AND a huge WTF character. On the other hand, I think Alex Roivas is an utterly abhorrent choice for the playable roster. Ashley seems a bit much, especially for a fledgling series like WarioWare. Dr. Lobe is another just plain bad choice, and I HATE the two other third-party characters (Pac-Man and Bomberman--especially the former!). It's also quite unfair for the Mario and Zelda series to lose representation arbitrarily, and for the Metroid series to YET AGAIN be stuck with only one rep, only to have a series like F-Zero get two reps (?!).

Don't get me wrong--there are really cool things happening here. But there are so many flaws that it's unnerving. Then again, with all the complaining this roster has sparked, it surely MUST be the actual roster! :laugh:

Exactly. Doesn't anyone remember last year's leaker? OtherSteve on IGN? He leaked some info when he was told it would be okay...but notice, he NEVER gave his source. Thus, people attacked him and didn't believe him. He ended up being right.

Revealing your source does nothing, people. Let's just say Serebii's source is Nubcake McGee, who works at a Nintendo division in Virginia. Okay...now what? How does that prove his legitimacy? We don't know if Mr. McGee even exists, and if we did we'd have no way of knowing that this guy actually told Serebii anything. So all he would accomplish by revealing his source is making this guy likely lose his job. It proves nothing.

The bottom line is, Serebii is trustworthy because he has a reputation that goes back...at least 5 years, probably longer. So why would he lose his reputation by posting fake info that could very well be false? He has no motive, and right now he's the only one we can count on to disprove fake leaks. We should be happy he's still here.
I do remember OtherSteve, and it is a similar situation. Frankly, I'm just glad to have Serebii here still, ready and willing to dispel all incorrect Poké-rumors. ;)

Also, @ Serebii: can you disconfirm Goat's claim that the Rival Trainer is a boss in SSE? And, just out of sheer curiosity, do you only have information on the Poké-aspects of Brawl, or does your information extend into other portions of the game as well?


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Well, the best thing for us is that we will get legit info on the 23rd, since it'll be the 24th quite a while before stateside in Japan


Are you able to comment on the famitsu articles legitamacy, saying SSE is 10 hours long, and the game has an assload of characters? Its been at large since the end of November, I believe.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2006
Slow Hill
They seem to think you'rwe only trustworthy if you reveal your source. They fail to realise that the sources sign Non-Disclosure Agreements and if they are caught of leaking the information, they would be fired. Why would anyone, in their right mind, do this. I'm not going to screw someone's livelihood up to just prove myself to some teen on a bloody Internet forum. People can be dumb at times ¬¬
But to be fair (nothing against you BTW) that's what all of the fakes say too.
So they're not so much dumb as rightfully skeptical.

Just saying.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
I hope thats a joke:ohwell:

If something as big as a delay doesn't happen than why take that one part as fact? Lies. . .
Actually, let me rephrase that. I'm leaning towards Nya's info being true, despite the lack of a delay. I still think it's possible that Nintendo initially planned another delay but changed it back to Feb 10th.

Did Serebii deconfirm the almight goats cred yet?
Nope. Serebii's no comment = leaker has info that does NOT contradict Serebii's own. My eye is on thealmightygoat, which means I have to remove Ray from my sig. I think it was a great idea to put rival trainer in the game, but I wish there was a way to switch between rival trainer and pokemon trainer without rival having his own character spot. That would be so badass.

But I'm confused. If Rival trainer is basically Pokemon trainer with different pokemon, does that mean Typhlosion will have a flying attack (up B) when you fight him?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2008
But I'm confused. If Rival trainer is basically Pokemon trainer with different pokemon, does that mean Typhlosion will have a flying attack (up B) when you fight him?
Being a rival doesn't necessarily mean the opposing Pokemon would be direct clones. Also, they could easily just invent an attack for Typhlosion, probably something that would look like Fox's Up+B. Just have fire surround him and make it look like it launches him upward.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Actually, let me rephrase that. I'm leaning towards Nya's info being true, despite the lack of a delay. I still think it's possible that Nintendo initially planned another delay but changed it back to Feb 10th.

Nope. Serebii's no comment = leaker has info that does NOT contradict Serebii's own. My eye is on thealmightygoat, which means I have to remove Ray from my sig. I think it was a great idea to put rival trainer in the game, but I wish there was a way to switch between rival trainer and pokemon trainer without rival having his own character spot. That would be so badass.

But I'm confused. If Rival trainer is basically Pokemon trainer with different pokemon, does that mean Typhlosion will have a flying attack (up B) when you fight him?
Well, I wouldn't try to claim Nintendo said "screw the delay" last min JUST to make one of the 100s of Sonic predicters more credable but w/e.

And from what I can gather Rival is a boss and will most likely have his own move-sets. But if he has as many attacks as PT than I will be upset with him being a NPC. IMO Bosses are best when they are too big to be a reasonable character. If he has a playstlye like a character than I hope to use a action replay to play as him (^_^)


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Typhlosion is badass. End of story

B- flamethrower
>B Fire Punch
VB- dig (maybe : \)
^B- Flame Wheel

FS- Eruption


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
What's up with the site. This site has serious server problems. Often small one, and right now it's one big ****fest.

@Serebii: No, you have it all wrong. It's not revealing your source we care about. That's irrelevant. If you said your source, it could be a lie, and still won't prove anything. You need to show us you know something.

If you are going to prove you know something, you need to tell us what the Dojo will update. If you say "Hey, there is a Pokemon update this week" and it happens, then we'll believe you. But you have just danced around the topic and misinterpreted what has been said. In that since, it's hard to believe you.

Since you have no hard evidence that you know anything, you are a prophet. And to those saying "Serebii is a reliable source" that isn't hard evidence. That's an argument. I mean hardcore facts. If those are brought to the table, then sure, I'd believe you. But that hasn't happened yet. I think people are too ready to follow someone blindly. Even some people believe these prophets, and get upset when they turn out to be BS (and they always do). Again, the one source I believe is Starmen.net, but this is only becuase they proved they had any kind of source. Serebii has not.

But that's besides the point. One thing I really wanted to say was this:

If the source does not say "Pikmin & Olimar" then it is probably false. If they truly has info, or played the game (or tester/Translator) they'd call the character by it's official name, and not "Captain Olimar"


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
North Carolina, NC
We could always pull reverse psychosis on Serebii.............

Make him deconfirm everything that's not in the game, and what he has no comment on, we'll know what's in. :chuckle:

I'll start.

Is Earthworm Jim playable? [/joke]

Although he'd be really kool....

Sure, you'll call me "dumb" and I understand that if you DO know you'd have to agree to an agreement not to say anything, but....

In doing, you still look the same as any other prophet out there, especially to those who don't know a thing about you. And when they finally do, they'll still call BS.


"It's a whole new world we live in.."


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
I dunno why people want to believe the 3-lies guy. He's already told you he's lying to you. That means his "credibility" wouldn't end next week with no 3rd party because he has a stupid safety buffer created by his lies.

Most of the stuff he says is interesting, sure but then you have to weed out the three lies or whatever, when you have no basis for what is more plausable than what other than other urmors. People should stop giving him attention until he is a bit more "honest".

And we should stop believing anyone until they can show us a screenshot we haven't seen before, of anything really, that NOONE can place. They then must be able to show us another one, on demand, of anything we ask them to in the game. Such a person you could truly trust for knowledge. Of course, probably no one but the dev team is sitting there with SSBB in their wii.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
Flip's Pad
If Rival's a boss he works like a boss--there's no "four specials, four directional A moves, etc." rhetoric for the characters. They just... fight. It'd be cool to see my fave starters of the 12 appearing (GSC FTW!), but I don't know if I can buy this. If they behaved like bosses and not playable characters (that is, Bayleef had like... two main attacks and a pattern; Totodile has two main attacks and a pattern; etc.), then it can work. But otherwise? That's just too much.

On another completely different note, Gulliver was confirmed to be a background object in Smashville today with the Olimar update. And what does that mean?

No Gulliver AT. Wasn't there a person who said there was?

Few more things:
1. forbrawlbattle is thus far ALSO not contradicting anything. We forgot to mention him. He gave the list of 50 ATs that, so far, check out.
2. I have saved 24 different Brawl Leaks :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2007
I thought Gulliver was that seagull who re-asides by the beach sometimes?


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
What's up with the site. This site has serious server problems. Often small one, and right now it's one big ****fest.

@Serebii: No, you have it all wrong. It's not revealing your source we care about. That's irrelevant. If you said your source, it could be a lie, and still won't prove anything. You need to show us you know something.

If you are going to prove you know something, you need to tell us what the Dojo will update. If you say "Hey, there is a Pokemon update this week" and it happens, then we'll believe you. But you have just danced around the topic and misinterpreted what has been said. In that since, it's hard to believe you.

Since you have no hard evidence that you know anything, you are a prophet. And to those saying "Serebii is a reliable source" that isn't hard evidence. That's an argument. I mean hardcore facts. If those are brought to the table, then sure, I'd believe you. But that hasn't happened yet. I think people are too ready to follow someone blindly. Even some people believe these prophets, and get upset when they turn out to be BS (and they always do). Again, the one source I believe is Starmen.net, but this is only becuase they proved they had any kind of source. Serebii has not.

But that's besides the point. One thing I really wanted to say was this:

If the source does not say "Pikmin & Olimar" then it is probably false. If they truly has info, or played the game (or tester/Translator) they'd call the character by it's official name, and not "Captain Olimar"
As I have already said multiple times in this thread, my source has nothing to do with the Dojo. The Dojo and its respective updaters are not the only people with smash info. I have no idea what they're going to update and when. My source is completely different.

I have also been told not to reveal anything. If I do and it gets traced back to my source, then that means bad news. I'm not trying to con anyone into anything unlike most "prophets" as you call them. I'm just trying to help you guys from wasting your time with all the fake bull**** going around. But if you do not wish for this then I'll gladly go elsewhere.

Plus, don't think that if people have the game they will def. call it by the official name. Thats not how people work.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
@Serebii: No, you have it all wrong. It's not revealing your source we care about. That's irrelevant. If you said your source, it could be a lie, and still won't prove anything. You need to show us you know something.

If you are going to prove you know something, you need to tell us what the Dojo will update. If you say "Hey, there is a Pokemon update this week" and it happens, then we'll believe you. But you have just danced around the topic and misinterpreted what has been said. In that since, it's hard to believe you.

Since you have no hard evidence that you know anything, you are a prophet. And to those saying "Serebii is a reliable source" that isn't hard evidence. That's an argument. I mean hardcore facts. If those are brought to the table, then sure, I'd believe you. But that hasn't happened yet. I think people are too ready to follow someone blindly. Even some people believe these prophets, and get upset when they turn out to be BS (and they always do). Again, the one source I believe is Starmen.net, but this is only becuase they proved they had any kind of source. Serebii has not.
It's fine, I don't believe Serebii knows anything either, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
If the source does not say "Pikmin & Olimar" then it is probably false. If they truly has info, or played the game (or tester/Translator) they'd call the character by it's official name, and not "Captain Olimar"
Well i wouldn't want to write out Pikmin & Olimar, I'd just write Olimar.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2007
If you're playing as Zero Suit Samus, you'll still call her Samus, wouldn't you? You don't always say "Mr. Game and Watch," you might refer to him simply as "Game and Watch." People shorten things, so the Pikmin and Olimar thing doesn't hold very much.

But I do agree, if the lists didn't mention Olimar, I would have reason to doubt them.


Smash Cadet
Jan 8, 2008
Inside one great big Maize Rage
What's up with the site. This site has serious server problems. Often small one, and right now it's one big ****fest.

@Serebii: No, you have it all wrong. It's not revealing your source we care about. That's irrelevant. If you said your source, it could be a lie, and still won't prove anything. You need to show us you know something.

If you are going to prove you know something, you need to tell us what the Dojo will update. If you say "Hey, there is a Pokemon update this week" and it happens, then we'll believe you. But you have just danced around the topic and misinterpreted what has been said. In that since, it's hard to believe you.

Since you have no hard evidence that you know anything, you are a prophet. And to those saying "Serebii is a reliable source" that isn't hard evidence. That's an argument. I mean hardcore facts. If those are brought to the table, then sure, I'd believe you. But that hasn't happened yet. I think people are too ready to follow someone blindly. Even some people believe these prophets, and get upset when they turn out to be BS (and they always do). Again, the one source I believe is Starmen.net, but this is only becuase they proved they had any kind of source. Serebii has not.

But that's besides the point. One thing I really wanted to say was this:

If the source does not say "Pikmin & Olimar" then it is probably false. If they truly has info, or played the game (or tester/Translator) they'd call the character by it's official name, and not "Captain Olimar"
It's fine, I don't believe Serebii knows anything either, lol.
Ok, you want proof Serebii isn't lying about knowing the Pokemon stuff?? Serebii.net. Go there and look at stuff from February, March and April of last year. Look at all of the correct information he had about Diamond and Pearl before they came out Stateside. He had all (ALL) of the english names way in advance. There is your proof.

Serebii is not a prophet, he is a credible, and reliable source of deconfirming. He's the only credible person with any information on this ****ing forum. Get over it, he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, he's earned that respect in the past.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2007
Rapscouter posted some new info:


Ok, im back with more info and three more lies. I will also have some old info mixed in with the new info.

Articuno, Scizor, Infernape, and Rampardos will be pokeball pokemon.

Shy Guy, Psycho Mantis, and Tauroneo will be ATs.

Rockface Rumble and Cavern Caprice from Donkey Kong Country 3 will be music.

Poke Floats 2, Bowser's Airship, and some level based off Dinosaur Planet (forgot where I put the piece of paper with the name written down it.)

Some ATs will stay on the field, until destroyed, like Goomba, and Koopa Troopa, you know real weak ones that don't do anything special.

There are more than 500 trophies.

Frozen Flower, Bob-omb, and Rare Candy will be items.

There will be 2 new reps for Metroid.

Third party characters will not be in Subspace Emissary.

Shiek will be back and still part of Zelda.

Around half of the characters will be newcomers.

Well there you go, I will be on tomorrow at 3:30 to give you some more info.

He also responded to a question I asked him:

can you tell us how many new reps Zelda will get? (meaning new ones... not counting Ganondorf and Shiek)
His Response:

pepiux for Zelda reps 1 or 2 depending on how you look at it.

Assuming this is true, I think he is referring to WW Link replacing Young Link, plus a complete new rep. I kinda believe this guy, seeing his past with Pokemon DP leaks, but this conflicts with FForceSultan's roster, as it had no new Zelda reps.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2007
im gonna bet the stages, metroid rep and 3td parties not in subspace are lies


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007


Smash Fan
Oct 23, 2001
He's not going to give anything away in a short interview. I'm sure Prima guide people have some sort of confidentiality clause as well, legally stating that they can't go blurting info.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Well, we know this guy is BSing...

We KNOW Sonic is involved in SSE
Or that could just be one of the lies. Honestly, it's pointless unless he decides to tell us the lies in the near future. For example, he should tell us all of the lies at the end of every week or so (of course this is assuming he's telling the truth).


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Assuming this is true, I think he is referring to WW Link replacing Young Link, plus a complete new rep. I kinda believe this guy, seeing his past with Pokemon DP leaks, but this conflicts with FForceSultan's roster, as it had no new Zelda reps.

He meant the 1 or 2 new reps part as Midna riding Wolf Link. Think about it for a second, then post.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2007
He meant the 1 or 2 new reps part as Midna riding Wolf Link. Think about it for a second, then post.
Huh? how can you be so sure...? yes, it's a possibility, but mine is also. I don't get your rudeness. And for the record, I want Midna in, in whatever form.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
Or that could just be one of the lies. Honestly, it's pointless unless he decides to tell us the lies in the near future. For example, he should tell us all of the lies at the end of every week or so (of course this is assuming he's telling the truth).
Indeed, don't you people see how FRUITLESS it is to try to extract truth from someone who TELLS you they're lying?

This person, and I'm almost 100% sure, is pulling stuff right from the netherworld, using his "three lie" thing so that the Dojo can't possibly prove any ONE of his blocks of text wrong until the game is out. Then, when most likely proven a liar, he will vanish and no one will care.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Huh? how can you be so sure...? yes, it's a possibility, but mine is also. I don't get your rudeness. And for the record, I want Midna in, in whatever form.
Exactly HOW was I rude? I just wanted whoever read my post to think about the meaning of 1 or 2 reps depending on how you look at it, then write a reply to my statement.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2007
Exactly HOW was I rude? I just wanted whoever read my post to think about the meaning of 1 or 2 reps depending on how you look at it, then write a reply to my statement.
It looked as if that was directed to me... as you were quoting my post. I get it now... <.<

Anyway, If he's telling the truth (and to be quite honest, it's common sense Zelda will be getting 1 or 2 new reps), I hope Midna is one of them.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2007
Almightygoat updated his post today. Apparently he was told false information. After people were calling it false left and right.

I think his credibility just went out the door.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
As I have already said multiple times in this thread, my source has nothing to do with the Dojo. The Dojo and its respective updaters are not the only people with smash info. I have no idea what they're going to update and when. My source is completely different.

I have also been told not to reveal anything. If I do and it gets traced back to my source, then that means bad news. I'm not trying to con anyone into anything unlike most "prophets" as you call them. I'm just trying to help you guys from wasting your time with all the fake bull**** going around. But if you do not wish for this then I'll gladly go elsewhere.

Plus, don't think that if people have the game they will def. call it by the official name. Thats not how people work.
If it keeps you here a day longer, just know that I truly appreciate all the indirect help that you offer. In fact, your disconfirmations are actually some of the most helpful insight we have here! So thanks again for being here to help dispel all of these nasty rumors. :grin:

And I, for one, will still probably call "Pikmin & Olimar" just plain "Olimar," maybe "Captain Olimar" if I feel like being slightly more specific.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2007
New York City
Has anyone seen the "roster leak" from 2CH? Some ppl are happy with this roster, while others are not at all. I'm pretty happy but I do not like Vaati, King K. Rool, and Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. Serebii...can you simply tell us if the roster is fake or not?


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Baby Bros make it fake, unless Sakurai is begging for a lawsuit.

If you don't know what I mean, then here you go:

Baby Bros+Snakes necksnap grab= Pedaphillia/Child Abuse lawsuit.

Anyone from the US (California, in particular) know what I'm talking about
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