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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
leaker FForceSultan: new post:

"By the way, I was choosen to play Brawl at my college.

Thank heavens I am Nintendo Nerd to recognize the characters.

I wasn't the only one to play the game from what I heard.

I was also able to play it all day.

Uhhhh.. ok.

No playable Pichu - Obvious? yes. But Pichu is also a trophy.. just like the rest of the cut characters.

Holy ****! Look at all the trophies. It is jaw dropping and it was something THEY took note of.

Two words - DEAD BOOK
Dead Book? Confusing. What are they talking about?

No Belmont. No vampires.

Pay attention to the red doors in Adventure Mode. You have seen them before.
Super Mario World?

Old Man Assist Trophy. (pixelated.)
That sounds good. But what does he do?

Excite Truck trophy

Metal Combat music. Sounded like it came from a cheesy Ninja/Asian techno song.
Never played that game.

Prime trophies- Weavel and Gandrayda

Someone loves Yo-Yos and Alien looking scifi guns.
Mike Jones.

There was actually a "Uniracers" trophy AND music.
Odd. but ok.

3 New Metroid stages + 2 classics.

Wario's Woods Versus song."
Odd.. but cool.

Not sure.. lol

EDIT: i just realized this guy is an idiot. i'll wait for an almightygoat post
Well it sounds ok. The college thing makes me not want to believe in him even more. But like I said before about the Dr. Mario leak before Melee came out.. you never know.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I cant seem to find the post where are these speculations are coming from, but I thought i would throw in my 2 cents anyway.

I have no idea what else was mentioned about the character that attacks with his head, but was it stated whether or not he/she was a 3rd party character? I immediately thought of Earthworm Jim (one of my favorite yet short-lived sega games). Again, dont flame me because he stated it was a first party character and therefor cannot be Earthworm Jim, because I looked and wasnt able to find the original post or link displaying this "prophets" claims. Just some food for thought i figured i'd share.
Actually the attack with head guy was ONLY speculated as Earthworm Jim SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE he said it was a 3rd party character

Doesn't matter, it's fake anyway


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Personally I think it'll be about a week before we hear anything REAL. The game comes out in Japan the 24th right? So the 14th or 15th sounds logical for everything to be spoiled.
I agree..
The game itself could be leaked out early in Japan.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
@chronobound: You never specified worldwide or Japan. Unless you say other wise, total (or worldwide) is default. Also, the last 4 FE games are so far the only ones getting hard references. We have Ike, and Lyn and Sothe as assist. As you can tell, FE has broken ground in America and that is why we are getyting stuff from those games over the older ones.

Also, FE 1 and 2 are not recorded on my source (VGChartz) so it's possible that those game could have sold worse.


Smash Cadet
Jan 8, 2008
Inside one great big Maize Rage
I agree..
The game itself could be leaked out early in Japan.
Exactly which is why I don't think any of us should believe anything unless it comes from Japan. But that of course is just my opinion. For all I know some of these "prophets" *rolls eyes at name* could be right. Most of them probably have at least one thing right just by luck and guessing. Oh well, such is life.

Also, ever since it was "leaked" the idea of Vaati has grown on me.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
No, Sable is female. Wikipedia got it wrong.
Dude...how on EARTH did you come up with that?


Note the first character listed under キャラクター: it's サブレ王国王子, literally translated as "Prince of Sablé Kingdom" (SABURE OOKOKU OOJI). The kanji 王子 means "prince"--NOT princess.

leaker FForceSultan: new post:

EDIT: i just realized this guy is an idiot. i'll wait for an almightygoat post
Yep! Playing Brawl at his college? Nope. Bye-bye, FForceSultan!


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Is it more likely that Japanese people will leak the game first? I find it hard to believe that NO Japanese people have leaked the game (that we know of), but supposedly many Americans have.

Hurry up dammit. LEAK.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
im sure if we were following the japanese forums closely there are lots of fake leaks there 2.

however i'm sure just like the "leaks" we're getting here, there has yet to be one leak that really stands out above the rest.

once a leak like that happens in japan we'll probably hear about it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
so i asked almightygoat where todays post is and he responded that hes having a hard time putting a blog entry so its going on the gamespot forums, i'll post it up here soon


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Thinking about it, it is much more likely that the leak will be in Japanese rather than in English. There still is over a mont until we get it. >_>

But anyways, for my thoughts on this FE thing, it wouldn't surprise me at all that it's Tellius stuff only. If the oter games sold better in the past, then that's that, but the primarty goal is to keep existing fans in first. Now we already have Ike, so we may indeed have the go ahead for someone like Marth. (And I remind you that Brawl was probably done with its roster before the remake was announced.) Of course, that's no sure sign that Marth is, as we don't know how Nintendo fully works, and he very well could have been scrapped.


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2007
found some other guy who claims to have 50 ATs told to him by some source.

his name is...forbrawlbattle


My name may not be very convincing for a leaker but I'm about to show you some very good information.

As the title says, my source which I wish to leave secret has given me almost the whole batch of Assist Trophies in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii (duh)

so i'm going to let you in on 50 Assist Trophies that are in this game, many which may be odd and possibly predicted I will not post information on what all the Assist Trophies do as I want you to think of what they can do

lets start.

1.Samurai Goroh
2.Dr. Wright
3. Hammer Bro.
4. Nintendog
5. Devil
6.Knuckle Joe
7. Stafy

8.Drill Dozer - I don't know the name of the girl whos in the Drill machine but I know it's from the game Drill Dozer, apparently she basically runs around the stage attacking with the Drill. Pretty plain.

10.Lyn- Lyn is really powerful for an AT she is one of the rarer ones to appear.
11.Mr. Resestii
12.Saki Amamiya
13.Little Mac
15.Gray Fox

16. Metroid- The thing is really simple, it flies in a pattern and if anything comes in contact with it, the thing sucks HP out of them, it's a pest to get off.


18.Bullet Bills- They're basically what Beedrill did in the original Smash bros. They come from the side of the screen and high speeds, however these ones explode if contact comes and theres large ones that look like the ones from SSBM.

19.Chain Chomp

20.Taganta- The Alien from Super Mario land is back! It does what Staryu the Pokemon does kinda, he drives his ship to the side of the screen and starts randomly firing up and down.

21.Birdo- Birdo appears in 3-D this time and shoots eggs out of here mouth, nothing much.

22.Mouser- The SMB2 boss the mouse throws an unlimited supply of bombs randomly around the stage, my source says that sometimes he throws Electrodes.

23.Re-Dead- they're in their Twilight Princess form, basically if you get close to one of them they'll scream and you'll be stunned for a moment then they attack you.

24.Tingle- Tingle is the Goldeen of AT's he doesn't do anything other than shout some words, he appears in his Wind Waker form.

25.Stalflos- I think this is what they're called, they're skeleton's from twilight princess that carry swords and sheilds. What's interesting about it is that you can attack it and it will turn into a mash of bones, but it will regenerate again. My source also says they can be permantely killed if you throw a bomb at them.

27.Sir Kibble
28.Snap/Todd (The Pokemon Snap guy from the game or something)
29.Prof. Oak
30.Theres this one character I think from Mother 3 who has pink hair and a blue and white dress I don't know her name sadly.
31. Another Mother 3 character who has a large nose, he uses a Snake as one of his moves.
32.Pig Mask

33.Claus- I heard this kid was a populor character in Mother 3 and is the final Boss I think.
He uses a Sword that summons lightning or something, he's pretty quick.

34.Arwings- These are from Starfox I belive they just fly around the stage and shoot their lasers at people

35. F-Zero Machines- yeah, you heard me. When you get the F-Zero machines they scatter around the stage and attack players, there's alot of them.

36.Advance Wars- They appear in the sameway Lakitu and the Excitebiker's, they don't do much other than run in a direction.

37.Sothe- A friend of mine told me he's from a FE game, he somersaults around the stage and attacks.

38.Tails- This guy is from Sonic, he doesn't do anything offensively but he is a big help. If you fall off the stage he will pick you up and put you back on it.

39. Fiery Blowhog- I think it's his name, it's a Pikmin enemy that uses a fire attack from it's mouth or something, it walks around the stage while doing it too.

40.Windy Blowhog- This one floats in the air and will try to blow your opponents off the stage, nifty.

41. Pak. E. Derm- this one is clever, instead of attacking he blocks you off from getting to you. No matter how high you jump his sign will extend and will not let you pass.


44.Doshin the giant- this is one of the more powerful and rarer AT's he first appears in his yellow form and doesn't do anything, however if you hit him once, he goes on a killing spree in his Devil form, the chance of being KO'd are high, he's pretty big so it's hard not to hit him.

45.Metroid Prime Hunter- I never played MPH sadly but this guy is a giant rock monster with these orange spikes appearing out of him, he shoots with his weapon and transforms into his morph-ball form and slithers around the stage attacking anyone.

46.Another Prime Hunter- I think his name is Jalux or something he's red and looks really weird.
he doesn't do to much and does almost like the spike rock hunter does but he's more quicker and does something different in his morph ball form.

47.Baby Mario and Baby Luigi

48.Eggplant Wizard- This one is cool, he throws Eggplants around the stage and temporaily transforms anyone who touches his eggplants into eggplants.

49.Magikoopa- there's a magikoopa who disappears and re-appearings around the stage shooting magic, pretty basic.

50.Thwomp- Thwomp is cool, one will appear and go off the screen, then suddenly a bunch of them will appear and THWOMP! anyone who comes in contact with them.

and there you have it.
there are many more AT's in the game that yet to be seen and i've only showed a portion of them.
when SSBB goes on sale, you'll all know the rest of them


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
found some other guy who claims to have 50 ATs told to him by some source.

his name is...forbrawlbattle

Okay... some of his ATs match up with thealmightygoat and Rapscouter (if I recall correctly, rapscouter also mentioned Todd from Pokemon Snap). I am seriously considering that these people have a lot in common and if any one of these ATs are confirmed soon we'll know for sure who are the real "leakers"...

One thing is for sure, these "leakers" have too much in common to be ignored and tossed aside like in the past.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
It's almost like a compendium of ATs that have been said before by other people, even that old Tails thing where he saves you...wasn't that said to be fake? Oddly, it's missing Roselina and the Pegasus Troop. >_>

EDIT: It's actually better for fake leakers to agree with each other. If they do that, the all look like they are telling the truth, instead of saying that the others are fake. (Which kinda proves that someone, or everyone's lying)

Jenkins: Spy Monkey

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2006
hmmm....goat's recent update regarding captain falcon really put him in an interesting position. If Captain Falcon is updated before the game comes out, that's all that's really needed to prove him utterly wrong. This is getting fun!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York

It's about **** time they used another SMB2 boss besides Birdo! Geez!

Also, Kracko to my opinion looked like boss material. If this is true, they might use Dynablade or Nightmare as a Kirby rep boss. Or maybe even Daroach!


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Thinking about it, it is much more likely that the leak will be in Japanese rather than in English. There still is over a mont until we get it. >_>

But anyways, for my thoughts on this FE thing, it wouldn't surprise me at all that it's Tellius stuff only. If the oter games sold better in the past, then that's that, but the primarty goal is to keep existing fans in first. Now we already have Ike, so we may indeed have the go ahead for someone like Marth. (And I remind you that Brawl was probably done with its roster before the remake was announced.) Of course, that's no sure sign that Marth is, as we don't know how Nintendo fully works, and he very well could have been scraped. >_>
I agree. I never really got why people called Marth a shoe in myself. Thats probly cause I am not a FE nut and know nothing of the series. But, IMO, if they can scrap Mew2 (Who had on of the most unique move-sets in melee) in favor of Lucario than I see no reason why Marth's move-set changes anything.

So yeah, I do think it's possible that both FE boys are scrapped in favor of the newer, world wide, FE chars.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
the almighty goat has his new update, found here: http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=m-1-928518&topic_id=m-1-40660789

---------- transcript -------

It won't let me do blog posts. I created another account separately, and it still wouldn't work. When it works, I'll officially post this to my blog, but for now, I'll give you what I intended to update.

Good afternoon,

Sorry about the late update, I've been scrambling for good information for a triple update and I've got some good stuff, I think. I had other info I was planning to reveal, but I'm going to save it for a later date. Of course, how could it be possible to beat the Fighting Alloy Team? (sarcasm.) I suppose it's got Captain Falcon supporters scrambling to convince everyone that he's been confirmed because of the Red Alloy's shape. Well, I can confirm this piece of information as of last night: Captain Falcon will not be revealed on the Dojo. He's a hidden character. In fact....

I've been told that the hidden characters from Super Smash Bros. 64, if returing, will all be hidden in this game to honor the original. That includes Captain Falcon and Ness if they are to be returning. I don't know the full roster, so hopefully this sheds some new light on Ness fans. How? Well think about it. Why would they keep all those characters hidden on purpose to honor the original if not all of them are returning?

And let's move on to the rest...

With this assist trophy, it's apparent that not just characters from the specific 3rd Party Characters' games will appear. No, rather, the whole company's range of characters will as well! NiGHTS will fly around the stage and place rings around the stage. If you pass through all the rings first, NiGHTS will reward you with a free Final Smash. He is pretty rare, but it's worth it when you get him.

There has been much speculation as to what Charizard's Up-B will be. Well, I'm here to end that speculation. It is not fly, but instead it's Air Slash from the Diamond and Pearl games. Charizard slashes upward with incredible force into the air, knocking opponents in the process. He then glides through the air. It's a pretty powerful move, I've been told. It's similar to Fox's Up-B.

That should be good for the first triple update! Once again, I apologize for the delay. But maybe this preview will make up for it...

PREVIEW: Everyone loves Subspace info, so I'll provide a little more tomorrow! It'll be a single update, of course, but it provides a wealth of info on an important Subspace boss. Pokemon fans, rejoice! What do I mean by that? You'll see....


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
Onett, Eagleland
36.Advance Wars- They appear in the sameway Lakitu and the Excitebiker's, they don't do much other than run in a direction.
Call me crazy, but this one sorta sticks out to me as labelling this assist trophy leaker as a potential fake.

While I do know that there is an actual Advance Wars assist trophy and it was revealed in a special gameplay video, but that very same video sorta showed the Advance Wars trophies do more than just walk around... the infantries shoot tiny bullets and the tanks shoot big ones. I'd say that's a pretty big detail, especially since this information has been around for ages now.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
forbrawlbattle...I'm calling shenanigans. Half of his list has already been revealed! The rest are just safe or "understandable" choices. Falsehoods, I say!


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Great.. we get more from FForceSultan.. :ohwell:

FForceSultan said:

Hmm, I like your **** So far you haven't said anything we can disprove yet. I think you should post more. I believe I'll ask a question: How many more japanese-only characters take their playable place in brawl?

There are 2 more.

One is old nearly forgotten character who is a secret character.

The other is the last unlockable secret character who I mentioned before is VERY VERY old and I fear many wont even know who or what it is.

I know people are going to doubt me, so even if I am lieing about everything. It would be pretty scary if I was correct about most things.

So yeah other fun stuff..

When I said Dead Book before I was relating it to a character who uses it as her Final Smash.

The girl with the tire pump- Her character was like Mei Kusakabe from anime movie "Totoro" I found this humorous and ANNOYING. WAY WAAAAY WORSE THEN KIRBY. Her taunts involved sticking her tongue out and jumping for joy etc.

The Tetris stage has nothing to do with Tetrisphere. Just TETRIS themed with the blocks as platforms.

There are 2 playable F-Zero characters. Captain Falcon of course returns. He has a alternate cotume with spikes. The other character looked "pretty" evil.

One of the playable characters had a mustache, and it isn't Mario or Luigi. His Final Smash involved another character from a completely different game.

Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff are actually unlocked their ****c way they were in the 64 version. This means one thing, there are 3 playable Mother series characters.


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2008
Looks like FForceSultan has another post on his blog -

what's this 2 characters from F-Zerooooo?????

And other than mario/luigi - who else who looks could be a potential PC would have a mustache?

Answering a question

Hmm, I like your **** So far you haven't said anything we can disprove yet. I think you should post more. I believe I'll ask a question: How many more japanese-only characters take their playable place in brawl?

There are 2 more.

One is old nearly forgotten character who is a secret character.

The other is the last unlockable secret character who I mentioned before is VERY VERY old and I fear many wont even know who or what it is.

I know people are going to doubt me, so even if I am lieing about everything. It would be pretty scary if I was correct about most things.

So yeah other fun stuff..

When I said Dead Book before I was relating it to a character who uses it as her Final Smash.

The girl with the tire pump- Her character was like Mei Kusakabe from anime movie "Totoro" I found this humorous and ANNOYING. WAY WAAAAY WORSE THEN KIRBY. Her taunts involved sticking her tongue out and jumping for joy etc.

The Tetris stage has nothing to do with Tetrisphere. Just TETRIS themed with the blocks as platforms.

There are 2 playable F-Zero characters. Captain Falcon of course returns. He has a alternate cotume with spikes. The other character looked "pretty" evil.

One of the playable characters had a mustache, and it isn't Mario or Luigi. His Final Smash involved another character from a completely different game.

Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff are actually unlocked their ****c way they were in the 64 version. This means one thing, there are 3 playable Mother series characters.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
3 playable MOTHER series characters?! Hellz yeah! Claus, my love, you still have a chance! :bigthumbu

(...was FForceSultan the one who said Claus was an AT? I can't remember.)


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2007
I wonder if the secret character nobody knows is Muddy Mole.

I mean Sakurai did hint that he could be in the roaster.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2003
Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff are actually unlocked their ****c way they were in the 64 version. This means one thing, there are 3 playable Mother series characters.
Strange, thealmightygoat hinted to that as well.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
everyone is either copying off each other or they all have the same legitimate info


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
FForcesultan doesn't feel too credible. Or I dunno. I refuse to give potential jerks the pleasure of riling me up in any way. Has rapscouter said anything new btw?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
everyone is either copying off each other or they all have the same legitimate info
Thats what I said, it's too common to be ignored and brushed off as "SHENANIGANS!!!" or "FAKKE!!!!" It points more to being fake but, we can't assume that until everything or one thing about these sources of either are confirmed or deconfirmed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2006
The guy who said he had the entire roster copied and pasted the BS one that that guy said was from Prima


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I wonder if the secret character nobody knows is Muddy Mole.

I mean Sakurai did hint that he could be in the roaster.
Ok, that was the most hilarious typo ever! Muddy Mole is in the roaster! He must recover!

I'm guessing the other "pretty evil" F-Zero character is Black Shadow.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2007
Whee, He answered my question.

I'm sure now that the "old Japanese character" is Sukapon. Splee. I'll bet 5 cookies >:O

The "'pretty' evil" thing was a strange choice of words. I'm betting Black Shadow. "Pretty" for being kind of ugly and "evil" because he's evil.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I wonder if the secret character nobody knows is Muddy Mole.

I mean Sakurai did hint that he could be in the roaster.
I thought about that, and I expect to see him in some form (either playable or AT), but I don't think that Mole Mania was Japan-only.

My guess is that Sukapon or Takamaru is one of the two...perhaps both of them are the two Japan-only characters of which he speaks! Then again, if only two more Japan-only characters are playable, and the MOTHER series has three characters...either EB gets another rep or he contradicted himself (because M3 seems to be the title most represented in Brawl).

everyone is either copying off each other or they all have the same legitimate info
The copying thing seems to be the best bet. :ohwell: Kinda disappointing, if you ask me.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
new rapscouter
"My apologies, that I did not post up any info yesterday at 3:30 like I promised, but now that im back I will not go over any of the info I already announced. If anybody that hasn't seen my topics wants to see it, ask somebody else who already saw one of my topics. Now back to the usual and remember, there will be 3 lies in the following bits of info.

Fire Rods and Ice Rods will be items.

Rundas, Daisy, Chain Chomp, and Agahnim will be ATs.

Gateway Galaxy, and Chozo Ruins will be levels.

Ridley is in Subspace Emissary.

Final Destination is back.

Metal Gear Solid will also have a item in SSBB, Magazine throw on the floor and if a fighter walks over it they will become distracted by it.

Regirock, Registeel, and Regice will be pokeball pokemon.

Supspace Emissary will take around 2-5 hours to beat depending on your skill level and how many worlds you wanna beat.

Ness is back and playable, he has NOT been removed.

Captain Falcon is back with a new moveset.

There will be around 65-75 levels.

Now remember you can choose to believe this or you can choose not to believe this, it your choice and im not telling you what to do.

p.s. I personally think these lies have been the easiest ones to point out. "


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2007
"I know people are going to doubt me, so even if I am lieing about everything. It would be pretty scary if I was correct about most things."

Wait...what does this mean? I don't understand.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
"I know people are going to doubt me, so even if I am lieing about everything. It would be pretty scary if I was correct about most things."

Wait...what does this mean? I don't understand.
I think he is trying to say if he/she was fibbing to us it would be shocking if their lies came true.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Here is what I think...

My apologies, that I did not post up any info yesterday at 3:30 like I promised, but now that im back I will not go over any of the info I already announced. If anybody that hasn't seen my topics wants to see it, ask somebody else who already saw one of my topics. Now back to the usual and remember, there will be 3 lies in the following bits of info.

Fire Rods and Ice Rods will be items.

(What are these, by the way? Sounds like something from Legend of Zelda)

Rundas, Daisy, Chain Chomp, and Agahnim will be ATs.

(Daisy I'm not so sure of, but with Waluigi as an AT, it could be true. I think I heard of a Chain Chomp AT somewhere and I don't know who Rundas is.)

Gateway Galaxy, and Chozo Ruins will be levels.

(Not so sure)

Ridley is in Subspace Emissary.


Final Destination is back.


Metal Gear Solid will also have a item in SSBB, Magazine throw on the floor and if a fighter walks over it they will become distracted by it.

(Sounds a bit strange...what kind of magazine is it??? :dizzy:)

Regirock, Registeel, and Regice will be pokeball pokemon.

(This seems so awesome I dunno what to say!)

Supspace Emissary will take around 2-5 hours to beat depending on your skill level and how many worlds you wanna beat.

(I heard the average was 10 hours)

Ness is back and playable, he has NOT been removed.

(Hoping so.)

Captain Falcon is back with a new moveset.

(Hey, now don't take out the FALCON PUNCH!)

There will be around 65-75 levels.

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