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Ruler of The Land

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Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Mackeral? Oh yeah, well I've got a Tuna!
Cube: Nooooo!
Ace: Mwah ha hah ahhhhh! Now who has the last evil laugh.

I am ruler of the land. (These are getting to be too easy!)


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Back at the old castle a familiar person has mysteriously been revived, and he travels over too the new location where Ace is the ruler.

Ace: These are getting to be too easy!
???: All your base are belongs too me.
Ace: Mwah ha hah ahhhhh! do you know how silly that sounds?
???: Not as much as your deathcry.
Ace: You mean "Blargh I died"? *allmost wets himself as he sees who he has been talking too* What? I thought you where destroyed by the mackeral?
Uiq: Nope, I got smithed by a lot of anvil popups.
Ace: Then why are you alive again?
Uiq: Dunno, guess Metal UltimaIQ did something *looks around* exept going on a killing spree.
Ace: Anyhoooo, please leave now, it's time for my royal nap.
Uiq: Here catch!
Ace: *catches a round object* Huh whats this?
Uiq: A sleeping pill;) .
Ace: Thanks *eats it and falls asleep instantly*
Uiq: Now too dispose of him <_< >_> *dumps Ace into a friken pool filled with friken sharks with friken lasers attaches too they're friken heads*

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
tribute to IRC:
*Quetzalcoatl slaps ultimaiq2 around with a large trout

(these fish seem unusually effective), severely bashed, ultimaiq2's body is a bloody heap , he stood no chance against the wrath of the trout.

P.S I am immune to fish and pencils and other meaningless objects such as lamps and coat hangers, and i emit EMP pulses so machinery doesn't work near me, and i am made of diamond, and i don't need to breathe or eat or drink, i am immortal, my castle has a huge barrier around it in which no-one can get through if you are inside the barrier you will disintegrate, no-one exists in the castle before the barrier appears, the barriers are indestructable. I cannot be fooled by any mind tricks or distractions, i do not love or care for anything, I will not move from the seat of the throne for any reason. Anything that looks me in the eye dies. My body consists of eyes, I can't kill myself and my reflection can still kill you, so don't try the medusa mirror trick on me. I'll stress that i cannot die once more and.. hmmm....
I think that just about covered everything. Oh wait. I control the earth so you can't remove the ground or relocate my castle in space or dig underneath the barrier or something like that.

I am now the ruler of the land: Quetzalcoatl

Do your worst... if you can....


Smash Cadet
Dec 28, 2003


*I post them on MSN*

Q: WHY!!!

*I make him watch baby videos*

Q: No, the throne's mine!

ME: May I have a drink?

Q: Ok.

*Q leaves*

*I sit on throne*



Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
CK: (sees that helpful1 is a noob) hey, the battle system is up!
Hf1: really? (goes to check computer) hey! its not up!
CK: yah it hasnt been up for a LONG TIME. and you left the throne.
Hf1: guards!( guards begins closing in on CK)
CK: (sits on throne) Guards! (guards close in on Hf1)
Hf1: ahhhhh(guards close in completely)*screaming, slicing and one of hte oddest screams ever known to man*
CK: I am ruler of hte Land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Qua.... um what was his name.... whatever, the trout deal was funny. I must remember that fish are his ultimate weakness.

Ace: As for you CK, I seem to escape these traps like the aren't really happening, but wait they aren't... I am just typing on a keyboard. Well, either way regular traps do not work against me.
CK: Okay.... well it wouldn't really matter.
Ace: You are right... a while ago we had an agreement to share the throne, and I never got my turn. Well, it is me turn then.... muevate. (That is spanish for move.)

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Fear me for I am soon to be a smash lord!
Ace: What do you want?
Uiq: Huh Cloud gone allready?
Ace: Yeah, now run before I use my trout at you.
Uiq: Oh im sooo scared!
Ace: *picks up the trout*
Uiq: Eeeeeeek!
Ace: You realy are weak against fish aren't you?
Uiq: Not realy, I just don't like the smell.
Ace: Thats my colonge.
Uiq: :o Oh my bad.
Ace: Now leave before I grow angry.
Uiq: Hey thats Yuris line!
Ace: Yuri who?
Uiq: *waves at someone* Hey Yuri come over here.
Yuri: Why yes, ofcourse.
Uiq: Yuri could you mindcontroll Ace for me.
Yuri: His mind is weak.
Ace: I-am-at-your-command-master-Yuri.
Uiq: Now make him do funny stuff.
Ace: *starts too do the monkey dance very close too the edge of the mysterycliff*
Yuri: ...
Uiq: Hey watch out he will fall!! *sees Ace fall over the cliff*
Yuri: I can't hear myself think, his mind was too,,, empty.
Uiq: Thanks Yuri, heres your 20'000 credits, now slughter Romanov.
Yuri: Distract him, while I sabotage our enemy.
Uiq: You can stop quoting the game.
Yuri: Nevah!! mfahahahahahaha!!

I am the ruler of the land!


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
You fool Ultimaiq2, you didnt guard yourself against fish products.

C64: Now to rid you from the throne with my codfish!!!!
Uq2: nooooo, **** these fish aand my weakness against them,
C64: take this
*throws codfish at ultimaiq2 and it slaps him on the face, effectivly stunning him*
C64: god, why the h*** is he so weak when slapped by fish?? anyway now i am once again the ruler of the land.

But this post hasnt finished. I drink a potion that makes me immune to everyting that could kill me. I drink another potion that makes me heavy as lead, so no-one can throw me off the throne. I shoot anyone that walks into the throne room and i have a machine that emmits EMP pulses every 3 second so no machine can work in the throne room. I have no emotions so i wont move for anything. I repeat: I HAVE NO EMOTIONS!!!!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!! I AM AS HEAVY AS LEAD!!!!! THE NEXT POSTER HAS TO TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
(I am falling.... falling.... and falling.)

Ace: ( in deep thought) Man this cliff really is bottomless and mysterious. And That Yuri chick thinks she was controlling my mind and that it was empty. Geez, it's called spacing out on command. People really are gullible. Oh yeah I am still falling! (Snaps out of it and flies up to the top of the cliff, but I don't reveal myseld to Cube who is on the throne and seemingly INVINCIBLE.

Cube: (singing) I am so smart... I am so smart... s.m.r.t... I am so smart.
Ace: (Thinking) He thinks he has fooled me... an angel, hah! (Which reminds me, how can an angel be weak minded?) (I reveal myself)
Cube: What, you can fly?
Ace: Aparently you were not part of this game so I'll just fill you in... I am an angel.
Cube: Um thats not good... but wait I am invincible and unmovable. It is unpossible for you to beat me.
Ace: Well, since your like lead, and I supposedly CAN"T move lead. I'll just open a hole to the fire from below and let you fall in, and there is nothing you can do about it! Mwha ha hah ahhhhh!

Now I need a new throne.... Um..... Uhhhh.... There is no throne, however, I am still ruler of the land. (How can you take the land from me if there is no throne to claim? HA!)

Edit: Ha! I beat Mic to it... happy Cubed!


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
This is too easy. After someone killed me for no good reason, I came back to life. Amazing the stuff that happens in this land. Anyway, I walk up to cubed.
C64: Muhahahahaha! I cannot die! I will easily kill you now. After all, I drank a potion that makes me immune to everyting that could kill me. I drank another potion that makes me heavy as lead, so no-one can throw me off the throne. I have a machine that emmits EMP pulses every 3 second so no machine can work in the throne room. I have no emotions so i wont move for anything.
Me: But, you are heavy, right? *I push c64*
C64: Oof. Wha?!?
Unfortunately being as heavy as c64 was, he fell straight through the earth, into the liquid Mag-ma and melts into nothing.
Me: Boooring. *Goes and gets a ninja-custard tart that DOES like being eaten, eats it and rules the land.*


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
OMG!!! you guys, pay attention!!!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!! I AM AS HEAVY AS LEAD!!! I AM NOT ACTUALLY LEAD!!!!
At least you took the emotions thing into consideration. So, anyway:

I am still invincible, ill start from Ace(Fox)'s post:

C64: All i have to do is find an opening in the earths crust, ah here's one. *back on solid ground* Now to kill Ace! Actually, i kill two birds with one stone.

Ace(Fox): yay, i beat Mic, lalalalalalalaa
C64: Immmmm backkkkkkkkkk!!!!1
Ace(Fox): oh, thats right, you were invincible, dang
C64: Well, according to the Holy Document of Vactican law, angels have no bad qualities so God must take your powers away!
Ace: nnnnoooooooo!!!
C64: and now, i will beat you to death with....
Ace: not another fish :rolleyes:
C64: no, with MIC!!!!!
*i beat Ace to death with mic as a weapon*
C64: hehehehehehehe, now they are both dead. Ill just inflate this insta-throne, there, now i am the RULER OF THE LAND


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
i keep the $20 that CloudKid2k4 gave me when he thought i died when i really didn't Because i'm an angel!
then i go back the the throne room and i see Cubed64 on the throne again!

Sakura: Man why is it that you are still here?
Cubed64: because i want to rull the land and nothing that you do can make me leave this time.
Sakura: how abouy $20?
Cubed64: No.
Sakura: the new $20?
Cubed64: there's new one?
Sakura: Yep.

i give the new $20 to Cubed64 and he jumps up and down with glee and runs to go spend it.

Sakura: well iguess he doesnt get money that much...

i am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: I-can't-mooove. Must-talk-like-thiiis!
Sak: Hey a UltimaIQ statue with colors an real life movement and sound, dosen't move much though.
Uiq: Im-not-a-statue!
Sak: Aw, you would have made a nice paperweight.
Uiq: I'll give you a 2dollar coin if you cure me.
Sak: Cool! *casts Esuna* There, now gimme, gimme!
Uiq: Here *hands over a Danish 2Kr coin*
Sak: Weeeeee, im going too the bank!!! *leaves*

But then Cubed64 returns.

c64: I am back and I am invincible and unmovable. It is inpossible for you to beat me. Go ahead and try little man.
Uiq: *Looks down on Cubed64* I think im higher than you.
c64: *stands ontop of a chair* not anymore! Now take your best shot.
Uiq: *picks up the Chrono-gun that Chrono Legionare uses* I shall earse you out of time *no need to explain*

I am the ruler of the land!

Note to Ace(Fox): This is Yuri



Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
CK: hey wheres aCe?
utlimaiq: when you gave him your turn he couldnt keep the throne.
CK: that fool! i told him ot keep it till i got back.
ultimaiq: actually anybody couldve stopped him hes not a fool.
CK: ok....but now ill paly a game iwth you for the throne.
Ultimaiq: watch your spelling man.....and do you think i will do that? whats in it for me.
CK: imaginary computer robot girls!
Ultimaiq: no way! i havent had a gf in 3 years! (no offense but its part of hte post. DO NOT take it personally.) okay whats the game.
CK: rock paper scissors....
UltimaIq: you fool! i mastrered this at the age of seven!
CK/ULtimaiq: (play rock paper scissor 10 times and ultim wins all EVERY tiem)
UltimaIQ: the fembots! now!
CK: ummm no. (pulls out pencil) ha! (throws pencil and kills ultimaIQ) there. i should have done that first. (stis on throne) I am ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
- Quetzalcoatl hovers silently behind CloudKid and pokes him in certain pressure points that cause him to be paralysed. He then wraps tape around CloudKid's mouth so the screams are silenced, as Quetzalcoatl whips out his scalpel.
Quetzalcoatl moves in front of CloudKid, wondering where to begin.

*Scene Missing*

- Quetzalcoatl, the Sadist as he is now known by commoners, sits on the throne grinning psychotically with CloudKid's heart in a jar on the shelf nearby.

I am now the ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*SoSh walks into the throne room.*

Quetzalcoatl: What are you doing here?! Guards!
SoSh: I believe if you look out the window over yonder...
Quetzalcoatl: Wow, that's a big pile!
SoSh: I have my katana to thank for that.
Quetzalcoatl: Amazing. Wanna be my personal bodyguard? Pays lots. And look, you brought delivery pizza!
SoSh: What?! You idiot! It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno®!

*SoSh takes out pistol and takes a shot at Quetzalcoatl. He moves his head at a super speed and just watches the bullet go by as a minor sonic boom moves through the room. Quetzalcoatl turns around to do an evil laugh of invincibility, but is caught off guard as he feels SoSh's katana. He was not cut, but rather the katana was placed right by his neck, almost to the point of a mortal wound.*

Quetzalcoatl: Alright, I suppose I'll just take the pizza and go.
SoSh: That'll be $50.
Quetzalcoatl: What?! That's crazy...

*Light is bounced off the katana.*

Quetzalcoatl: Ok!

*He pays and leaves. Then SoSh moves in and takes the throne.*

SoSh: Hahahahahummmm! I am ruler of the Land!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2004
I slowly enter the room.
I see all the carcasses, then say you must be a great ruler.
sonicshift: yes i am, why have you entered my kingdom?
apocslypse13579: for control
i then throw my grenade at sonicshift, but he ducks it.
sonicshift: you didn't think this would be this easy...
apocslypse13579:actually i did
then run and roll under a table as it detonates
I am the ruler of the land!


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
C64: Hey apocslypse, im back
apoc: You again, dont you ever give up?
C64: Nope, i will never cease going after the throne, now to rid you from this land
*i pull out 2 chainguns and mow down apocslypse legs so he cant walk, blast off his arms so he can't fight, so basiclly he is a torso with a head*
C64: Now for the ultimate pain
*i pull out salt and lemons and rub the salt all over the wounds and squeze lemon juice all over the wounds*

aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh scream's apocslypse as he feels his stumps of what used to be limbs exploded in pain. It is so immense that he begins to cry blood.

apoc: *sob*, just kill me now
C64: nah, im going to hang you outside the castle as a warning to all others!!!!!

After doing that i re-claim the throne and i am once again the RULER OF THE LAND andthe people of my kingdom rejoice as i am the best leader of them all. I issue a law that all pencils are to be snapped and burnt. I then kill Mic_128 before he can do anything to me.:chuckle:

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
The walls explode in a burst of firey energy, lightning snaps while I emerge, shrouded in electricity. Cubed 64's jaw hangs open for a while before he faints in shock. Iwalk over to the thronebut trip over Cubed 64 and fall flat on my face. Ouch. I then get up and sit on the throne.

I am the (embarrased) ruler of the land!


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
pfft, you think that is a good entrance. Wait till you see mine.

Realising that i am am lying on the floor, i begin to rise. As i do my memory starts to come back and i remember lighting snake's impressive entrance. Anger begins to flow through my mind and adreniline begins to pump through my veins. As i rise, fury takes over. My power reaches astronomical proportions and pure energy begins taking over my bloodstream. Soon, i am standing and my power is too great to stay inside my body. Around me a huge whirlwind of energy and magic starts, it is so strong that the wall begin to be ripped apart and everything that isnt bolted to the ground is flying around the room. As i open my eyes there is a strange glow behind them. A white glow. I look around and my eyes rest on you, on the throne, on my throne. My fury increases ten times and a huge pulse of energy is emmitted from my mind. WHAM, you are slammed against the wall and i speak to you in a strange voice, quite unlike my own:
C64: you have stolen what is rightfully mine, you will now leave this place and move on to the next world

I concentrate all of my power on one focus point, your head. As i do light is given off by my eyes in a huge beam, illuminating you. Now you can see it. Death is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. White light so immense is covering you and you hear the sound of you death.

(sung to the tune of One Winged Angel)
Burning inside
With violent anger

Burning inside
With violent anger

Fate - monsterous
And empty

Burning inside
With violent anger


Then you see him, death. As he gets closer the light from my eyes becomes pure white and you are disintergrated into nothingness. You have been removed from this world and arrived in the next, purgatory. Where you will spend the rest of you days.

As you are removed. I begin to calm down, however the power and energy of pure light still remains flowing through my veins. I point at a tree and it burst's into flame and then dissapears. I have become a Light Being. None can remove me and i can remove all.

As an added bonus i am the RULER OF THE LAND.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Seeing all that garbage from the courtyard, SabreAnt finishes his popcorn and remembers that he was about to take the throne himself. Running up to the throne room, SabreAnt see the illuminated Cubed64 talking on his phone, trying to convince his mum about how cool he is.

SabreAnt grabs a nearby frying pan and bonks Cubed over the head! HA! Take that you jerkwad! Cubed64 faints from the blow and SabreAnt boots his sorry unconcious butt out the window, and down into the giant empty fishtank. Again. *McPWAF!*

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: No powers.... how can this be. What bad quality was he talking about...?....... wait I don't have any bad qualities, and God never took my powers away, I was caught in a lie. And that would explain why I am still alive.

I walk into the throne room.

Ace: I'm goona kill you Cube...
SA: Too, late...
Ace: Awwww ****. Well I want the throne.
SA: you gotta go through me.
Ace: Remember you said it. (In an flash I have boared my body right the the stomach of SA and landed on the throne)

I am ruler of the land!


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
That fool Sabreant thought a fryingpan would stop a Light Being. I am just temporarly stunned from the blow. Now it is time to re-claim my throne. As i rise out of the tank my powers return. I rise to the throne room and float through the wall. I see the fallen angel, Ace(fox) sitting where i should be. That is a mistake that i will have to correct.

C64: Ace(fox), you are using your angelic powers for your own selfish purposes. This is unlike an angel. God should be angry with you
Ace: Well he let me keep my powers because he knew i was doing the right thing.
C64: well if He does truly love you, he will protect you from me
Ace: He will, protect me O Lord!
*nothing happens*
C64: 'Thou shalt not test thy Lord', one of the first passages in the bible. Now you shall die
Ace: No, i wont go away that easy. I still have my powers.....yyaaaahhhh!!!
*Ace fires a huge blast of holy energy at myself, which i deflect with a wave of my hand*
Ace: no, how?
C64: on earth light rules everything. Everything needs light to live and so here i am ultimate.
*I shoot the white light out of my eyes and Ace is dissolved for this world and goes on to the next. Because he is an angel he goes to limbo instead of purgatory*

Once again i am the RULER OF THE LAND


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
SabreAnt quickly removes the Boar from his stomach and eats it. What a strange fellow that Ace guy is. Attacking me with an animal. Bah. Standing upright from the corner of the room, SabreAnt spots the elusive Cubed64 telling his mum about his latest ploy to take the throne:

C64:"...and you shoulda seen how I deflected this holy blast thing! It was sooo cool mum!"

Groaning to himself SabreAnt sees his trusty frying pan in the opposite corner of the throne room. Hmm, no way to get to it without distracting ruler boy over there. Thinking quickly, SabreAnt whips up a pinata, sticks a photo of Cubed on it, rushes oustide, and gets a bunch of kids to start hitting it in the marketplace outside. SabreAnt alerts the local authorities about some kids challenging their sovereigns dignity and right to rule, and this is quickly passed all the way back to the ruler himself. Enraged by such juvenile usurption, and unwilling to slaughter innocent children, Cubed trys to plea with the children to stop hitting his pinata. Unsuccessful, he hangs around trying to reason with them while Sabre sneaks off back to the throne, with some of the candy from the pinata!

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.

*munch munch*


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
W00t? My post number 1000!!! im so great! im so great!!

Uiq: *Enters the throne room* <_< >_> Huh isen't anyone here? and where is my 1000 post cake?
SA: *turns his chair around* Munch munch, I ate it.
Uiq: What? how could you?
SA: 1. I lifted a pice of cake and shoved it into my mouth 2. I chewed it 20 times and swallowed it 3 then I reapeated it 50 more times.
Uiq: :rolleyes: Uh, not that way, It was my cake!!
SA: Im the ruler, I have the right too over rule any rules and laws in the land, and therefor I can do whatever I wish.
Uiq: You wanna buy me a new cake.
SA: Nope.
Uiq: *picks up 'his' cellphone* Hello ebay? do you have any SWF post number 1000 cakes on sale?
ebay person: Ah we do have one, but its rather expensive.
Uiq: Money is not option, just send the bill to the owner of this cellphone.
ebay person: Will do mr SabreAnt, the cake will be delivered in apox 1 minute and 53 seconds.
SA: *thinking* That sure looks like my own cell phone *puts his hans into his pocket* WTF? its gone? Who could have taken it?
Uiq: I bet it was Cubed64, maybe you should ask him.
SA: You bet I'll do!! *jumps out of the window and into the not-so-empty-fishtank and faints after landing on his head*

I am the ruler of the land!
Delivery: We got your cake mr SabreAnt.
Uiq: Exellent.
Delivery: Hey! the computerscreen says your name is UltimaIQ!
Uiq: So? you did get paid.
Delivery: *hold his hand out, hoping for a tip*
Uiq: Here have this new 2 dollar coin.
Messenger: *leaves*
Uiq: Anyone that wants cake must not dethrone me the next 1000 hours!

Edit: Yay my post nr 1000!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I am in some "limbo" place in deep thought.... again. (What the **** is Limbo?)

Ace: He is right. I have taken everything for granted. But as for that being the first verse of the bible.... Yeah Right! Anywas I need to stop taking everything for granted. Okay then, it is time for me to get out of here and start making things right.

I break away from this strange "Limbo" place and appear in front of the castle..... Then I proceed to enter the castle.

Ace: Hi! there Ult.
Ult: Buzz off, can't you see I am eating.
Ace: Yeah, I can see that. And since you have done nothing wrong, I have no need to dethrone you. So I will take some cake.... we cool?
Ult: As long as you don't take my throne... we cool!
Ace: Well then, I guess we are on good terms then.... as long as you don't do anything wrong! Just remember that.

(I take some cake and decide to leave Ult as ruler of the land!)


Smash Cadet
Dec 28, 2003
CR: The castle has a EXPIREMENT DATE!? WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN? Wait, today's the day.

*castle turns to dust, all items fling at everyone*

Me: Now, three times three, easy! NINE!

*stuff falls down*

Me: A chair, I need a break!

*I sit on the chair, which is really the throne*

Me: I am ruler of the land? What's this?

*The chair and I warp into a spot unreachable, in a different time, the 5th space-time area, and a different universe*

Me: Can you get me?


I have a idea, instead of the ruler's name, we could use CR, standing for current ruler. It's on top, by the way.


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
As a light being, i warp through the dimensions by turning into energy and flowing through a wormhole, arriving in your 5th time space-time area and this different universe.

C64: idiot, you cannot escape my infinite power

*Helpful1 gets vaporised and sent to purgatory*

C64: now to take the throne back to its rightful place, Earth

*I turn the throne into energy and we both flow through a wormhole back to this time and place*

C64: hmmm, it appears that we need a new castle

*I place the throne in a caravan*

C64: this will have to do, someone else can build the castle in another post


I dont like your idea Helpful, but thats just my opinion.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
The burning inferno of rage is blazing in UltimaIQ' eyes as his castle was turned into dust. He decides too behead Cubed64, and then revive Helpful1 only too behead him too. Later our anti hero travels to an mysteriously land called Australia where he finds some natives who he forces too build an supreeme castle located ontop of the Ayers Rock. The new castle looks like an dark and evil version of Peaches castle, but the large painting in front is changed to a picture of UltimaIQ our allmight ruler!

Uiq: Hmmmm, looks pretty nice too me.
Native Slave: Huff puff! Sir your castle is ready, may my people go?
Uiq: Nah, you will serve as my loyal slaves FOREVER! and my new invention (yeah right), the Slave Crown will make sure no one can disobey me, Muahahahahahahahahahachoughhahahahahahaha!!!

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2004
CK: well no one can DIS-obey him. so ummm ill just like not let him give me an order.
UltimaiQ: im unstoppable!
CK: (sneaks up behind UltimaIQ)....ha!smacks him over the head with a bottle of wine.
UltimaIQ: (still alive and well) ha! im unstoppable you fool! now stop moving.
CK: (was jumping and is now frozen in midair) i dont have choice now do i?
UltimaIQ: silence!
CK: (the world is now in silence) makes gesture for "now what?"
UltimaIQ: well.....I want you to kill yourself iwth a pencil! NOW!
CK: (not disobeying casts auto-life and then kills himself with a pencil.)
UltimaIQ: well.. ill just....tell you to....(cut off by a pencil flying down his throat) aghghggh *choking but can still live* (points to pliers on table clearly gesturing to use them to get hte pencil out of his throat)
CK: what? you want me to kill you with the plier? i have to obey....
UltimaIQ: (begins to gesture head for no but its too late)
CK: (slams the pliers to the temples making UltimaIq lifeless)
UltimaIQ: *dies*
CK: (sits on throne) I am ruler of the land. (sets up booby traps, laser sensors, Pencil Warriors for protection and casts auto-life on himself. oh yah, and theres land mines and automatic shotguns pointed at every place in case somebody trips a laser)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
At entrance of the castle, mines, lasers, and pencils separate us.

Ace: Well, well! You made a big mistake CK.
Ck: What are you talking about?
Ace: Look man, you didn't have to kill him. And even if you did, must you do it so painfully. You made him suffer for no reason. You are my freind and all, but I cannot let you get away with this. You are lucky to be my freind... I will not kill you and send you to to the underworld. But I must take the throne.
CK: well then, I am onliged to ask you to... TRY IT!
Ace: You asked for it, I will not show you mercy.
( In a flash I apear in front of CK. I bypassed all the traps)
CK: What the ****!?!? How can you do that, the traps weren't even set off!?!?
Ace: I warned you, and I don't want to have to kill you... so give up NOW!
CK: All right, you win I am sorry. Here... take it.

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2004
On planet Earth
Tyco: Hey Ace!
Ace: What?
Tyco: CK is tresspassing and trying to break into the castle and reclaim the throne!
Ace: Your dead CK! *runs through corridor and dies from booby trap.
Tyco: Hah I am now...

Ruler of the Land!


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Me: Ok Tyco, time to get my throne back...WTF? E3! *everyone on the planet goes to net to see E3 stuff*

Since no one is around....E3 is the ruler of the Land! (All hail E3....)


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2004
On planet Earth
The throne turns out to really be a remote-controlled nuclear rocket.

I, Tyco, push the UP button and send the throne into space and it explodes. The throne pieces drift down and I glue them back together.

Yeah! I am now Ruler of the Land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
I walk in

Tyco:Hmm..i don't beleive i have met you kind sir
Tyco:Oh, how did it go
Cha:Ya know..went sight seeing, partying, well ya know.
Tyco:Where did you go
Tyco:Hmm..Oh..hmm maybe i should take a relaxing vacation. I beleive i do need to get away from all this stress
Cha:Whateever floats your boat
Tyco:Yeah! Well must be getting packed..see ya around
Cha:Ok...bye...*idiot... j/k*

I'm the Ruler of the Land!!


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2004
On planet Earth
Tyco: Well back from my vacation
Cha: WHAT! Already!
Tyco: Huh? Guards, throw him in the moat!
Cha: No wait, I can explain...!
Tyco: Explain what? That I am once again RULER OF THE LAND?


Grimer Elitist
Jul 23, 2003
Perth, Western Australia
While i am regaining strength, tyco keeps posting untill the entire throne room is filled with his lame-o-posts. I devise an extremly complex way to get back the throne. On arrival to the castle, i discover that it was crushed under the weight of all of tycos accidentaly posts.

C64: oh well, looks like i will just have to build another castle in a different location

I use my light powers to take all of the rubble and use my powers to rebuild the castle, right where the Statue of Liberty used to be.

C64: now what to do with this pesky statue. I know, ill give it back to the French

I fling the statue at france where it destroys the Eiffel Tower.

C64: Two birds with one stone

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