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Ruler of The Land

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Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
At Omegas party.

Ace: Where is Marth?
Uiq: Over there making out with Peach.
Ace: *runs over there and hides behind the couch* Mehehehe.
Marth: ...
Peach: ...
Marth: Uahg!! *falls into his own blood on the floor*
Oiq: *stomps Marth a little then sits next to Peach*
Peach: My hero.
Uiq: Hey Omega nice one :D .
Oiq: Hey I heard Zelda is free.
Uiq: Huh? Ain't that Links girl?
Oiq: Nah, hes all over Saira *sees Link enter the bathroom with Saira*
Ace: Hey! who am I supposed take? all the girls are taken *sees Falcon charming Samus*
Oiq: Over there is a lonely girl.
Ace: No way! im NOT getting together with Jigglypuff.

Back at the castle.

Sak: Sure is boring here. I wonder if there are any fun at the party. THATS IT!! we are moving the throne too Omegaguys party.

Back too the party.

Ace: Soooooo, do you wanna dance?
Jigglypuff: Jiggly! *slaps Ace and rest combos him*
Ace: Agonee!!! *flies out of the party*
Sak: Hey lemme in!
Bouncer: You are not on the list Mr.man.
Sak: But im the ruler, I do not need too be on the list!
Bou: Sorry, no name, no game.
Oiq: Let him inn before he starts too cry.
Sak: *puts the throne in the middle of the room* Im the ruler of the party!
Oiq: No your not *pushes SakuraPichu off the throne* Throw him out bouncer team.
Sak: I'll kill Omega, and wound that mr Ultima.
Oiq: Sure you will, Ulti you be the ruler, me and Peach are gonna do something.
Uiq: Sure, now that im the ruler *points at a random worker* YOU make a throne for Zelda!

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*SoSh comes in hearing about a party. Sees Ace fly through the air. Goes to bouncer.*
Bouncer: You can't get in. Your not on the ...........
*SoSh puts away his blade*
SoSh: Sure.
*SoSh goes in to find Utli on the throne.*
SoSh: Evening gentlemen. ALL YOUR PARTY ARE BELONG TO US!
UIQ: What the heck did you just say?
SoSh: Did you not see the party entertainment? Invisible melee with nothing but motion sensor bombs. I believe there is one on your precious Zelda.
Zelda: Ahhhhh!! Someone set me up the bomb!
UIQ: What the heck are you people saying?! Can't you speak correctly?!
SoSh: Dude, there's a bomb on your girl.
*UIQ sees the MS (Microsoft) bomb on Zelda's back and starts to freak out.*
UIQ: What the heck are you thinking?!
*Takes Zelda to bomb squad headquarters to get bomb removed. SoSh moves in and takes throne.*

SoSh: Ha! Now, all your party are belong to us and I ruler of land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
*Cha: D*mn so much has happen while i was gone, there is even a party and no one inveited me:mad: * I got something for them

*Takes out cellphone and calls a secret number*
Cha:Yeah..come over him quick and bring some tear gas, AK's, bombs, missles,and the Golden gun*
Guy:Isn't that a lil too much
Cha:Shut up!! and do what i say!:mad: ...i'll show them

*Chaoser walks up to the door and sees a decapitated bouncer*
Cha:Dawg! What happen to u? Oh well....
*Knocks on door and SoSh answers*
SoSer:What the F..... you want!!
Cha: Kind sir, i want to participate in ur exciting activity.
SoSer:Well....since ur nice i'll let u in
Cha:Thank You! sir..i promise i won't be a burden
SoSer:Why are u so nice?
Cha: Sir? It is always best to treat someone in there house with the upmost respect
SoSer: Yeah I guess..
Cha:Where are my manners?
*Looks under the couch for them*
Cha: Here they are...My name is Chaoser, nice to meet u
SoSh:Same here, im sonicshift...well u can have any food, drinks,girls, or whatever u want...as long as u adon't sit in my chair.
Cha: Thanks Bye!
SoSh:What a nice guy..maybe i should invite him over for tea sometime
*5 minutes later*
*Chaoser buss in the door with a his personal swat team and throws tear gas everywhere*
SoSh:SoSh i thought we were cool
Cha:I did'nt get a invitation remember
SoSh: but i still let you co.......
*The team starts cap'n everywher and everyone til theres nothing*

Cha:Well boys get the chair and lets go to my grandmothers house.

Im the Ruler of the Land and my grandmothers house


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I am in deep thought about the party.

Ace: I can't belive I was trying for Jigglypuf! Bleh! Any ways I don't need smash chicks. The evangelion chicks are waaayy better. But I might as well go to the party and have fun anyways.

I show up at the party, with asuka rei and misato. .

Ace: Some party. Someone has killed everyone! But who?....
Asuka: I dunno.
Mis: Well, that sucks.
Ace: I guess I'll take the throne then. ( Finds someone who is actually alive) Hey eho did this.
Omega: Chaoser.
Ace: Well... thats a surprise. I didn't think he would kill this many people.

At Chaoser's grandma's house.

Ace:What did you do.
Cha: nothing... why? And what are THEY doing with you... you're an angel, aren't they supposed to be killing angels.
Ace: Yeah well, I didn't attack them, so they didn't attack me. Its great having all three to myself.
Cha: I don't care...
Ace: I know that you really do... deep down.
Cha: Well at least I am ruler of the land.
Ace: About that... I am going to have to kill you for what you did to all those people.
Cha: Bring it! ( We lock swords. Over and over, heated blows, perries, and hard hits. We are both tired and breathing heavily. Then...)
Cha Grandma: Would you boys like some cookies.
Ace: Oh, no thank you maam.
Cha: Grandmaaaaa. (whiny attitude)
ChaGrandma: I don't like the tone of your voice young man... ( grabs chasoer by the ear and drags him off.
Ace: Cool, now I don't have to kill him anf I am ruler.

I am ruler of the land.

Ace: Have a seat on my lap girls.;) :D :p :cool: :) :starman:


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
After attempting to charm the leg armour off Samus at the party, SabreAnt gives up and takes off his Falcon helmet and adjusts his purple tights. Taking a moment to regain composure he hears of the throne now being at a certain elderly persons house. Taking full advantage of the super speed that his costume gives him, SabreAnt tears out the frontdoor out into the street and races to granny's place.

Busting in the door, SabreAnt Up-B's the bodyguards and sends them packing. YHES! Running to the loung... err. throne room, SabreAnt spots the current ruler Ace(Fox) and shouts

SabreAnt, dressed as Falcon then dives into Ace's lap and starts writhing around like a baby and hugging him uncontrollably!


Totally freaked out by Falcon's gayness Ace screams loudly several times and turns pure white. SabreAnt takes this opportunity to Raptor Boost and Up B Ace! YHES! While Ace is is the air, SabreAnt uses the power of his costume to give him the electric knee of doom! Ace crashes through the window and lands in granny's well kept garden outside.

"Would you like a biscuit young man?" says Granny.

"Why yhes, little girl, oops I mean decrepit old bag, uhh.. I mean granny!" SabreAnt replies.

Taking a tasty biscuit or two, SabreAnt nestles his firmly toned and well worked buttocks into the chair so snugly and smoothly that it becomes almost sensual. OooOoOOoOoOo Yeah... OooOOoo

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Back at the dead party.

Uiq: Hey Link lemme borrow one of your tunics.
Link: ?
Uiq: The red one.
Link: *Rubs his hand*
Uiq: *hands over 200 rupees* Now I'll just use this 'flute' thingy and teleport too grannys houe.
Saira: IT'S A OCARINA!!!
Uiq: Yeye whatever *teleports*

Grannys house.

SA: Oh yeah, whos tha man? ME tha man!
Uiq: *appears* I the hero of time shall destroy the evil being.
SA: Link?
Uiq: ...:rolleyes: Yes.
SA: Link can't talk.
Uiq: ...
SA: Much better, now I shall hug you!
Uiq: :eek: *spincut*
SA: Offh!! Falcon Punch!!
Uiq: Uagh!! Heyaa!! *boomerang*
SA: Hey a toothpick :chuckle:
Uiq: Hut, hat heyaa!! *Slash, counter slash and spincut combo*
SA: Raptor boost!!
Uiq: *dodges the blow and SabreAnt falls off the 'cliff' wich is the big table* *Ultimaiq poses* Eh!
SA: You might have defeated me in a poorly recreated smash fight but I'll be back!
Uiq: *sits on the throne* ...

I am the ruler of grandmas house! wich now currently is the land!


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2004
Meanwhile, Ianiceboy has been pretending to be a shrub outside granny's house. This would have worked perfectly, were it not for an over-zealous Captain "Up-B"ing him on his way past. Now giving up the guise, Ianiceboy brushes himself off and politely knocks on the door. The raucous partygoers ignore him. He knocks again. Again, the rambunctious partygoers ignore him. Left with no choice, he charges through the window with the ferocity of a determined fridge magnet.

"Link," he bellows, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
"I'm not in the kitchen," replies UltimaIQ.
"Oh, well, you can't stand the heat," fires back Ianiceboy.
"I'm wearing a red tunic. Obviously it's fire retardant," UltimaIQ responds.
"Oh, well, anyway..." trails Ianiceboy. "Give me the throne."
"You can't have it!" answers UltimaIQ. "It's my couch and I'll recline as long as I please."
Ianiceboy runs at UltimaIQ and rams him with his shoulder, knocking them both over and transforms the couch into a collection of splinters and fabric samples.
"Now, flee!" barks Ianiceboy, much like a shrub. UltimaIQ scurries away in an uncharacteristic move.

"I have excellent control over the situation," Ianiceboy casually remarks to the partygoers, who are looking on in shock. "I can convince anyone of anything," he proudly states.

Ianiceboy is the ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I wake up in a garden.

Ace: OUCH! What the hel just happened? Oh yeah that freak came. That was horrible, I'm gonna go teach him a thing or two.

In the throne room.

ianiceboy: (singing over and over agian) I've got the throoooone!
Ace: so your the freak who burst in here and acted all gay! I didn't like that and now I am going to kick your ***!
ianioceboy: Uh... I don't know what your talking about.
Ace: Don't play dumb. (smacks ianiceboy off the chair)
Ace: You don't deserve this throne!
ianiceboy: I really don't know what your talking about!
Cha grandma: ( still pulling Chaoser ny the ear) Now you have a seat right hear young man! Your in time out.
Ace:..... what?! Oh man!

Well, I guess Chaoser is ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:uhhhhhhh......yeah thats right....im the ruler...punks..hehehe
Ace&Iboy:Give me that chair!!
Cha:Never..not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin.
Ace:You will pay!!
Iboy:Lets get him!!!

*they both jump choaser*
Granny:whats wrong sugarpie
Cha:Those bullies hurt my wittle finger:(
*Kissy noises*
Granny: Is that better..sweety?
Cha: A lil better
Granny: Now u stay here while grandma handles these two hooligans
*Granny takes out her frying pan*
Granny: Now how could u two boys hurt my darling little grandson?
Ace:.......it was all ianiceboy doing! Mam
Iboy:What!?...no..no..no..u were the one that said he'll pay
Ace:But u said lets get him
*Both Ace and Iboy starts fighting*
Granny:Well take this....
*Granny knocks both threw the roof of the house*

Granny: Now chaoser baby, u just sit here while i get some milk and cookies
Cha:Yes granny, ur my favorite granny

Im the Ruler of the Land!!.....Still
Granny:Shut up!!
Cha:HAa....yes granny


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Five minutes later...
Ace: AHHHHHHHHHH!( comes crashing back through the roof)

Cha: Your back?
Ace: Noooo!(sarcasm)
Cha: You can't take the throne, my grandma's here.
Ace: Oh, I'm gonna fix that. I have been too polite to that little, raving, lunatic.... person.
Cha: Oh, no....:confused:
Ace: Gimme the throne. (Grandma walks in.) And as for you...(grabs pan and smacks grandma unconscious) I told you I didn't DO anything.... Though I did. HeHe!
Cha: Aww crap.( I smack chaoser off the throne, no creativity needed)
Ace: Now to get this **** throne back were it belongs.( I take the throne and place it back in the castle)
Ace: This is much better.

I am finally ruler of the land agian.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
We all wonder why ianiceboy did not fall back into grannys house, here is what happened.

The past.

ian: *flying after being hit by Chaosers grandma* Ouch that hurt!
Ace: Bye bye *starts falling allready, Fox does this in the game while most other characters fly higher*
ian: Oh my goooooood!!!!! *sees a Jumbojet flying thowards him and he is sucked into the jet-engine*

The present.

Ace: Mwahahahaha *playing GTA Vice city and slaughters old people*
Uiq: Showtime! *drives through the wall with his Abrams Tank* Yours is gonna die biotch!!
Ace: It's biatch! you ignorant.
Uiq: Sooooo?... Anyway, how do you wanna die? shall I shoot you or should I just drive over you, slowly.
Ace: Haha, I got this! *flashes his stolen golden gun*
Uiq: :p *hides inside the tank*
Ace: Oh yeah? well I played MGS TS, I know how to take on a tank *throws a grenade into the cannon*
Uiq: Aaaah grenade! *fires the cannon anyway*
Ace: *gets blown up by both the Abrams bullet and his own grenade* I-still-live!
Uiq: Not for long *drives over Ace and parks the tank ontop of his body*

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I use my angel strength to lift the tank off of me.

Ace: I'm back!
Cha: So you are.
Ace: So uh.... I don't really want the throne.
Cha: Don't B.S. me like that.
Ace: Okay, I do want the throne. But I don't want to take it by force. Too many people have been doing that lately. So, I'll just out smart you.
Cha: You can't outsmart me!
Ace: Your right, we'll just flip a coin.
Cha: How do I know it's not double sided or wieghted?
Ace: Because it is your coin we are going to use.
Cha: Okay... what are the terms?
Ace: Heads I win... Tails you lose.
Cha: Deal!( Flips coin)Ha it is tails I LOSE!
Ace: Yeah, so I'll be having my throne.
Cha: What.. I siad tials I lose.
Ace: I know... give me the throne.
Cha: Dangit.

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*SoSh walks in*

SoSh: I saw it from the door. I can't believe you lost in a coin toss. You're a loser, Chaoser!
Cha: But he outsmarted me! And my name is Ultimaiq2!
SoSh: Yeah, that's what I mean.
Ace: Hey, SonicShift! Make yourself useful and get rid of...Ulti!
*SoSh, with a big grin on his face, gets in the tank while Ace straps UIQ to wall. SoSh drives tank toward UIQ until the cannon barrel hits UIQ's stomach, making his eyes BIG.*
Ace: Hey, I wanna try that!
SoSh: .................Sure, go ahead.....
*Ace, also with a big grin on his face, get in the tank while SoSh locks the hatch. Quickly SoSh runs to the throne and sits down. Relaxing! Replaces GTA VC with Tetris! *

Groovy! (yes, groovy) I am ruler of the land!

UIQ (gasping for air): Someone help me!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
*gags MassChaos with a sock of logic!*

Racing to Ulitmaiq2's side, SabreAnt reveals his pocket size industrial laser and carfeully cuts the end of the tank gun off, releasing Ultimaiq2. Gasping for breath, SabreAnt helps him to the corner and sets him down.

Turning to see MassChaos struggling with his shoelaces, SabreAnt brandishes his stave of light. It glows fully for a moment then Ace(Fox), Sonicshift and Chaoser squint as is emanates a glorious white light. Ace's wings fall off and he slumps slightly as his inner rhythym leaves him.

SabreAnt mutter 'Judicandus sausbru'

Another more powerful ray of light burns a hole in the castle wall and and gust of wind sucks the three perpetrators out into the wilderness beyond. Use a wand of restoration, SabreAnt mutter: 'Gzpure deis' and the holes in the walls, floor and roof seal themselves.

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: *after recovering his strenght* SabreAnt, im reallly sooory.
SA: Huh what? *smack!!*
Uiq: Even though we are friends now I still can't let you rule the land when its my destiny to rule.
SA: :( *faints*
Uiq: Guards throw him into the abulanse and drive to the hospital.
Guard: *picks up SabreAnt and hurls him into the abulanse that somehow got into the throneroom*
Uiq: Now I shall rule this land... <_< >_> where is everyone? Ah well *plays Golden Sun on his GBA SP* Die DeadBeard DIE!!! (haha defeated him at level 28)

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
I walk into the throne room and wack ultimaiq2 on the head.

ultimaiq2: Ow that hurt!
Sakura: i know, i did say i'd hurt you. now get off my throne.
ultimaiq2: NO! I WILL NOT!
Sakura: Ok, i'll take a leaf out of Dale's book.

I snatch the GBA SP and toos it out the window. ultimaiq2 dives out the window after it and falls into the moat full of crocodiles.

i sit on the throne and finally get my refreshments, peach sherbert and vanilla. cookies:D
i am ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I show up in my Pearlescent blue Nissan Skyline.

Ace: I love this car. It's so fast.
Sakura: Wow, it looks cool.
Ace: So, you want to go for a ride?
Sakura: With you, no way!
Ace: No, I meant take it for a spin?
Sakura: Okay!( Jumps in car and takes off into the sun set.)
Ace: The throne is mine. Mmm, ice cream and cookies.

I am ruler of the land!

Sakura is driving the car at insane speeds down a dessert highway.

Sakura: Hey thet little ******* took my throne. When I get a hold of him!

(Flips a U turn and heads for the castle. She hits the NOS and goes twice as fast. But there is something wrong, and the car starts to slow down and eventaully stop.)

Sakura: **** these cheap foreign cars.

Back at the throne room, I am sitting eith a tape recorder.

Ace: Note to self, remember to send AAA to pic up Sakurapichu. HEH Heh heh heh. (Ends recording.)

Ace: (Starts recording agian) HeH heh heh heh!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
i walk all the way back to the throne room and find Ace eating my long awaited refreshments. i get really angry now but i don't show it... yet.

Sakura: hey you! servent!
Servent: who me?
Sakura: yes you with the tray of more food, come over here.
*servent comes over and i put a very powerful sleeping potion in the food*
Sakura: now go and serve it to him and i'll tell you what to do afterwards.

Servent serves the food to Ace.

Ace: Yum, this tastes good but different. what's in thi...
*Ace falls asleep, falls off the throne and i come out from the corner*
Sakura: now take that body to the Nissan Skyline inthe desert! he should be asleep for a week, literally.
Servent: Yes, i'll do it now.

i sit on the throne as the servent takes Ace's unconsious body from the throne room.
i am ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Hi everybody!
All: Hi doctor Nick... Hey?!
Uiq: Now mr SakuraPichu, I shall cut you open with this dirty knife and replace your heart with this potato.
Sak: Huh? my heart works fine.
Uiq: You sure about that? *24 PSG1-T rounds is fired at Sakura's heart*
Sak: I think I'll take a nap *falls over*
Uiq: Now I will cut you open, hey I can't find my knife? Ah I'll use this plastic spoon instead *cuts Sakura*
Sak: *in his/her/its sleep* Ouch!!!
Uiq: Now I'll pull your heart out and replace it with this dirty 9 year old rotten potato, and sew your body together with this thin metal chain and XXXL large needle.
Nurse: Will he make it?
Uiq: I... im not too sure about that, but it was fun.

I am the ruler of the land!
(watch out for the SakuraPichu Zombie)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Wakes up in the middle of the dessert.

Ace: I'm in my skyline? Oh no, it's broken!(sarcasm)(I walk to the front and open the hood.)
Ace: I'll just flip the switch from broke to fixed. (Flips the switch, hops in the car, and speeds to the throne room.)

Ace: Hey Ult.!
Ult: What's up!
Ace: Oh my GOD... what's that?!
Ult: It is my Sakurapichu zombie. (Which is a girl. At least thats the impression I get)
Ace: Well you have taken all the fun out of my revenge. What am I supposed to do to a zombie!?
Ult: Well you are an angel, right? Just have a little fun helping her get into the afterlife.
Ace: You're right! ( Sword time! and one little stab. and it is over) Now I want my turn on the throne.
Ult: Okay! But I want it back after a while!
Ace: You got it!

I am ruler of the land! (For a while at least)


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
SakuraPichu has now joined with Ace as an angel, but i stay in heaven for a while and deside ti influence the events on earth.

Ace: Ha Now Sakura won't bother me anymore. Huh? what's that sound?

other angels come into the trone room.
angel 1: We are here to get the throne back for Sakura.
angel 2: yes and in order to do that, we have come to take you where you belong.
angel 3: now come with us and you won't be harmed anymore than you have to.
Ace: what do you mean "more than i have to?" i am not going to get off my throne!
All angels: very well, Sakura it is time.

I come down from the heavens after making Roy take Marth's place ( i might need him later), and get the three angels and i to make a hole that leads to purgatory

Sakura: i think he should think about what hes done.
All angels: yes Sakura.

we all push him into the hole and i float to the throne.
i sit on the throne, let the angels go back to heaven, and
i am ruller of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Hey Sakura you spelled ruler wrong and do you know what that means?
Sak: That im not the ruler?
Uiq: ...Yes that too, but do you know what 'ruller' is in Norwegian?
Sak: No.
Uiq: It is the same as 'rolling' so start rolling down to the hole.
Sak: No-can-do, my wings are in the way.
Uiq: <_< >_> *pulls up a huge scissor* I can fix that:chuckle: .
Sak: No way!! *flies out the window scared*
Uiq: Aw well, guess im the new ruler *plays his GBA SP again*

I am the ruler of the land!

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
Lightning Snake:You made a grave mistake-we're not in Norway!
Ultimaiq:Who cares?
Lightning Snake:Well, nobody, but if you like Norway so much I'll help you get there! *Puts Ultimaiq in a giant cannon and fires him towards Norway. I also steal his passport and burn it*
Lightning Snake* Oh deary me! I seem to have accidentaly dropped Ultimaiq's passport in a bonfire.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2004
NS, Canada
*Boils water on bonfire.*
*Makes Kraft Dinner with boiled water*
*Eats Kraft Dinner*



Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
*Ultimaiq lands in Norway and enters Hals house and sits in front of his PC*

Uiq: Ah I will get my revenge... WTF? a Kraft Dinner and s0c seems to have defeated Lightning Snake. Oh I'll get that s0c for this.

SWF world.
s0c: *singing camp fire songs* :bee:

But then suddently a fierce being is teleported into the throne room.

s0c: *with a scared look in his/her eyes* who are you?
???: I am Ultima IQ' shadow known only as IQ.
s0c: Whatever you want I wont give you my Kraft Dinner!
IQ: Fine, where is Lightning Snake.
s0c: He uuuh? went outside *rubs hi/her stomach* hehe.
IQ: You ate him?
s0c: What? how did you know that?
IQ: Look at my name.
s0c: ... ATTACK!! *jumps ontop of IQ' head and tries to eat him*
IQ: Nr 4! *a MP5 appears in his hand* (the caracter IQ has the ability to randomly summon any kind of weapon based on the number he say)
s0c: Ew, not very tasty.
IQ: Take this hungry evilness *fires at s0c*
s0c: Blargh im dead! *falls to the ground*
IQ: :) *stomps s0c' head*
s0c: Blargish im even more dead!

I am the ruler of the land! but since im not in the land IQ will take my place.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
Ahhh, he beat me to the post!

*After recovering being sucked into "the wilderness beyond," SoSh finds out that he is somehow caught in some sort of time dialation in which not only he moves slower on route to the castle, but also posts slower. After recovering from the time dialation, SoSh gets to the castle and sees IQ in the throne room.*

SoSh: So IQ, "We finally meet for the first time, for the last time...yeah."
IQ: Yeah. You must lose NOW!
SoSh: That's my line...no matter.

*SoSh takes out the Frost Nova from the SWF RPG and freezes the whole room and everything in it, including IQ (ha! user is immune! :p ). With much effort, SoSh is able to get IQ off the throne and places him in a corner for decoration. Decides to be nice and give IQ the flamethrower.*

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but my flamethrower is so delightful..."

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Mwahahahahaaaa. (Flames come out of the whole, followed by a fallen angel.)
Ace: Now it is time for me to make you all BURN for what you have done!......... Just kidding!( Flames dissapear)
Sosh: Oh man... I thought you were the devil or something.
Ace: Yeah, I have to admit that I played a mean joke.
Sosh: Yeah... how sis you get down there in the first place.
Ace: Well that devious Sakurapichu got some angel freinds along with angel powers ( took my idea... gues it was a good idea huh, lol) and he/she( I still don't know what Sakurapichu is) put me down there with the devil. Man that guy is an *******! But any angel can easily take him on. And I beat him and got out.
Sosh: And now you want the throne right?
Ace: Yeah! Um.. I really don't want to fight a member of my clan over a stupid throne, so why don't we draw straws.
Sosh: Okay... you better not cheat.
Ace: I can't I am an angel! ( Draw straws and I win.)
Ace: Sorry man, I won. But come back agian, I am sure you'll get it back.

I am ruler of the land.

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
*Next to Soc*'s dead body my soul tries to go to heaven but I am caught by Ace and taken to a ghost proof prison*
Lightning Snake: I guess Ace doesn't want another angel to deal with.
Guard: Lightning Snake we're going to be using this place as a graveyard, okay?
Lightning Snake: Fine then! Muahahahahahaha!
*I go into a coffin and possess abody and come out a Vampire.I proceed to easily break out and attack Ace, draining away his blood and life force.*
Sonic Shift: Die! *He Stabs me in the back and I die, only to pull myself out of the ground!*
Lightning Snake: Fool! I'm immortal! *Sonic Shift runs, but gets caught*

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
IQ: *frozen solid* ...
LS: Eh? you still here?
IQ: ...
LS: Mwahahaha, you can't move can you?
IQ: *uses psychic to talk to LS* 'I challenge you to a fight'
LS: Your on frozen boy.

Big flash appears and they are both facing each other real rpg style.

IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: Take this *command, attack IQ takes 20 damage*
IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: This is easy *command, attack IQ takes 22 damage*
IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: I laugh at your misery *command, magic Thundaga IQ takes 57 damage*
IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: You dead yet? *command, attack Critical HIT IQ takes 50 damage*
IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: This is getting lame *charges energy*
IQ: *Frozen solid can't move*
LS: Mega Lightning Bolt3 Thundaga Super flash something!! *IQ takes 304 damage*
IQ: *a smal crack appears on the ice*
LS: Your stronger than I thought! *must recharge*
IQ: *breaks free!!* Prepare to die biatch!
LS: ;) *command, runaway. but it failed* :(
IQ: 2 handed X-strike!! *cuts Lightning Snake 8 times*
LS: Desperation attack!! *both of them are teleported ontop of a huge snowy mountian* Blizzagaja!! *IQ is frozen again*
IQ: *starts slipping down the mountian and crushes LS on the way and the battle ends*

IQ is the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Hmmm... your frozen ehh. I'll just move you into this freezer next to the throne and take the throne for myself. Hah ha haaaa!(to keep with the trend of evil laughter)

I am ruler of the land.(Can't we all just get along?)

Venom Dream

Smash Champion
May 4, 2002
*I walk into room*
Ace(Fox): Can't we just all get along?
Venom: Sure.
Ace(Fox): Oh... yes, well... Victory is mine!
Venom: *blows off Ace(Fox)'s head with a shotgun, there is now a bloody corpse on the throne*
Oh... I don't want it now...
*I walk away*



Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Suddently an earthquake starts and the freezer is opened and IQ slides out of it and into the throne room where Ace lies dead, IQ slides right over too him and stops right on top of him.

IQ: *thinking* 'Victory is mine muahahahahaha'
Uiq: Not even close my shadowy self.
IQ: ...
Uiq: Im back and now im gonna be the ruler.
IQ: ...
Uiq: :chuckle: Megaton Bat attack *the ice cube is scattered into one million pices.
Uiq: I knew this would come in handy *does one of Cloud Strifes poses*
Cloud: *enters the throne room* I belive I invented that pose.
Uiq: Soooo?
Cloud: That means that we have too fight to the death.
Uiq: Nah, im gonna go and play some smash, you wanna play?
Cloud: Sure. I bet 1000 gil that I can beat you with my Marth.
Uiq: Your on, but first.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
My body disentigrates into a pile of ash, and moves off the throne. Then it forms back into my good old self.

Ace: ****, shotgun shells hurt like a MF. I love reverse psycology, just wish that itt didn't turn on my like that.
Ult: Yeah I'll bet. (Thinking: somebody please shut him up.)
Ace: WHAT!
Ult: I didn't say anything!
Ace: But you thought it!
Ult: Oh crap... you can read minds to?
Ace: No, but you just told me everything I need to know. Prepare to die!
Ult: AHHHH!( cowers on the throne)
Ace: April fools!
Ult: But that was a while ago.
Ace: Don't correct my jokes! Give me throne!
Ult: Okay..... Not! (Stabs me!)
Ace: (looks
down at wound in dissapointment) I thought you were smarter than that. Now I really am going to kill you. ( Take Ult's weapon out of my gut and chop his head off.
Ace: April fools..... oops! It was supposed to be another joke!

I am ruler of the land


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
Sakura comes floating into the throne room with Roy following.

Ace: what!? im thought that you mad only Marht as a body guard!
Sakura: Nope i got Roy too, Marth's in the hospital getting better.
Ace: so why do you have Roy?
Sakura: so i can copy you. roy send him to the tower before you cut off his head.
Roy: As you wish
*smiles as he lookes at Ace*
Ace: i don't like the way he's looking at me
Sakura: then i suggest you run.
Ace: good idea.
*Ace flees out the throne room for his life*

Sakura: thanks Roy, sit with me by my throne.

I am ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq' body starts walking around looking for its head.

Sak: Roy would you slice that thing up a little?
Roy: My pleasure.
Body: *pulls out Ultimaiq' sword*
Roy: Hah, he can't see me, so I think I'll fully charge my FlareBlade.
Body: *Swings his sword in thin air*
Roy: Uaaaagh!!!!
Body: *uses Roys counter*
Sak: You coward *jumps into the attack and uses her own counter*
Roy: Counter!!!

The three of them starts countering each others counters for 5 hours.

Ace: Hello im baaaack!!
Sak: Counter!
Roy: Counter!
Body: *counter*
Ace: Huh? Oh I get it *throws a smal rock into the counter melee and all of them are instantly Ko'ed* I am the ruler of the land!

Back home in Norway.

Hal: Hey thats not supposed to happen. I'll rewrite this a little.

In the castle. Ace is struck by a lightning and Ultimaiq is revived.

Uiq: Thanks Hal, I owe you one (nah Im too lazy for that).

I am the ruler of the land!

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
Noone has realized that I'm immortal because I'm now a Vampire and am hiding behind the throne ready to strike
Ultimaiq: I need to go to the toilet! I shouldn't have drank so much as my victory celebration!
Lightning Snake: Goodbye Ultimaiq! Now eat this!*I pounce only to find an empty throne and end up falling over the throne ina most embarrasing manner. Woops.*Ah well as long as I'm sitting on the throne-

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2004
NS, Canada
Using his super sneaky ninja powers, s0c* sneaks up and throws grease all over lightning. Hopelessly staining his silk pants*



Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
Wait, what?! I want silk pants!!!


Peeks head in doorway and sees s0c* with pan of grease and Lightning Snake with a big grease stain all over his silk pants. Throws flash grenade in the room and blinds all the peoples. SoSh comes in with "Cool, cool glasses" (Theme from Dangeresque II-- This Time It's Not Dangeresque I). Runs and sits on throne while peoples are stunned from the lights.

Hehehehehummmmm (evil laughter?) I am the ruler of the land with bad grammer! Several people at one time should be intresting...
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