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Ruler of The Land

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Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I repeatedly try to give ult a present, but he refuses. "He's too smart!", I secretly say behind his back.

I mail the package via ACME Mail. It arives at the throne next to me in seconds. ult says "Ooooo, a present". He opens it only to be sucker puched by a giant fist with spring.

I'm Ruler of the Land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
*After dieing my fairy in the bottle brings me back alive.*

Cha:YAY!!!..not to get back my throne.
Ace:What do you want!!!
Cha: Chill..i just want to know if you'll go to the store for me?
Ace:What do i get out of this?
Cha: Uhhhhh....the change
Ace:Ok!.....wait a minute, you just want my throne.:mad:
Cha:...................no i don't
Ace:prove it
Cha:Ok...see heres the $3
Ace:Good enough..so what did you want?
Cha:A pop, 2 bags of hot fires, snicker, honeybun, tic tacs, and rest of it candy or something.
Ace: Are you suire they'll be change?
Ace:Ok..im off
Cha:Bye *waves*.....heh!..such a dumby:)....well i guess i'll sit in this golden chair and tell ppl what to do for awhile.

Im the ruler of the Land!!


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2004
Ianiceboy approaches the throne, holding his hip in a disconnected and almost fashionable way. "I come in pieces; some assembly required," he declares
Chaoser orders some palace servants to do the tricky work. Very slowly but very surely, they click the different components of Ianiceboy into their appropriate sockets, and soon a fully operational boy replaces the shrub that shot from the hip. (And was shot in the hip.)
"I brought back your change, Lord Chaoser," he intones. "I had to kill that foxy Ace, but it was worth it: there's a whole $1.45 here."
Enraged with jealously and filled with the passion of wanton revenge after a recent mop-bucket drowning, Chaoser leaps from his throne, punching Ianiceboy in the mouth, and subsequently into a bloody heap.
There shall be a short service on Friday.

Chaoser is ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Comes back from store. After thought to be dead!

Ace:Hey I bought a winning lotto ticket with your money.
Cha: Liar.
Ace: Okay then. I'll just put it here for now. (sets it on ground far from throne.)
Cha: Sucker!(Runs for ticket to find that its a fake.)
Ace: Now Who is the dummy! (sits on throne and pulls out bag of good bought with Chaoser's money)
Ace:Looks like ianiceboy lied to you! He never got MY money! HAHAHAHA!

I'm the Ruler of the Land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:Hold up..Hold up...Hold up...I know YOU did'nt just spent MY money on yourself!!
Ace: So what are you going to do about it?
Ace:Thought so!:p
*Chaoser leaves for about thirty minutes and comes back wit a package*
Cha: Hey! Ace, i have a present for you
Ace:Im not stupid,its a trick
Cha:Really is isn't..see
*opens box up to find a bracelet*
Ace:Looks safe enough..well ok
*puts on the bracelet*
Cha:Well do you like it?
Ace:Its a ok.
*Chaoser pushes remote*
*long silence*
Cha:huh? what's wrong..oh the batteries...give me a sec
Cha:aight lets try this again
*pushes the button*
*long silence*
Cha: Forget it!..Alakazam...transport him to Iraq.

Im the ruler of the Land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:Hold up..Hold up...Hold up...I know YOU did'nt just spent MY money on yourself!!
Ace: So what are you going to do about it?
Ace:Thought so!:p
*Chaoser leaves for about thirty minutes and comes back wit a package*
Cha: Hey! Ace, i have a present for you
Ace:Im not stupid,its a trick
Cha:Really is isn't..see
*opens box up to find a bracelet*
Ace:Looks safe enough..well ok
*puts on the bracelet*
Cha:Well do you like it?
Ace:Its a ok.
*Chaoser pushes remote*
*long silence*
Cha:huh? what's wrong..oh the batteries...give me a sec
Cha:aight lets try this again
*pushes the button*
*long silence*
Cha: Forget it!..Alakazam...transport him to Iraq.

Im the ruler of the Land!

(Sorry about the double post..i clicked submit twice)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca

That was a great one. I have been taking the throne alot so I have decided to quit going for it for a while..................oh who am I kidding.

Ace: (Jumps in R-Wing and flies back to the throne).
Ace: I'm back! (Walks over to Chaoser. Pulles out laser gun and sets it to stun. I put the gun right to the side of his head and BANG.......)
Ace: What, nothing happened! I slam the gun up against the wall and it goes off hitting myself in the foot. Ouch!
Cao:HaHaHa, your so stupid!
Ace: Yeah I know that probably looked stupid!(I throw the gun and it accidentally hits Chaoser in the head knocking him off the throne and unconscious.)

I'm the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2004
Jebus! what a freakin' adventure my ghost has been having all these past...37 posts without me posting. Geez! I'm not here to take over the throne today though, no. I'm just going to get the heck out of here before I get locked in a cell with the Wiggles...I know that's going to happen sooner or later. I think I'll just mosey on over to Ibiza and haunt Rovalles for a while. Yes, that sounds like a most excellent idea.
Hey, what exactly happened to the castle I had on St. Croix? did that get blown up or something?


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
Did Dale ever become ruler of the land?
O well, i come up to Ace and step on his sore foot that got shot. he hobbles away for fear of more pain.
i sit on the throne and laughs as he hobbles.
tallk about Agony of defeat.

I am the Ruler of the Land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: I challenge you to a duel *smacks SS4Ricky with a French glove*
SS4Ricky: I Accept, you choose the weapon.
Uiq: Link vs anyone you choose in smash.
SS4R: I think I'll crush you with my own Link.
Uiq: Fine then, but I will not let you win... Easy.

Ultimaiq and SS4Ricky have a fierce battle between the two Links and is on they're last stock and have 150% damage each. (btw, I've seen a few vids of you playing as Link, YOU RULE!)

SS4R: Got ya now *throws a bomb*
Uiq: Haha *grabs the bomb and toss it back*
SS4R: *grabs it too* Take this *throws the bomb back again*
Uiq: Got it *grabbed the bomb again* and back it go *actually threw a boomerang and then the bomb*
SS4R: *while in the air after getting hit by a bomb* Cheap!
Uiq: Charge! *forward aerial A*
SS4R: Noooooooooo!! a Norwegian Ultiguy defeated my Link.
Uiq: Now scram you... something.
SS4R: Haha, you coulden't insult me.
Uiq: <_< >_> *shoots SS4Ricky in the head* You feeling lucky... Punk?

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Yes I'm feeling very lucky.
Ult: Oh really?
Ace: Care to play a game of black jack. Winner takes the throne.
Ult: Why? I already have it.
Ace: True, but I am also wagering a winning lotto ticket. (the reason why I feel so lucky).
Ult: Fine then!
(Ult. and I play the game and I lose)
Ace: How could this happen? I had so much luck on my side.
Ult: Now about that lotto ticket.
Ace: (hands the ticket to Ult., with a nice little package)
Ult: What's this?
Ace: I'm just going to tell you since you only have about two seconds left.
Ult: ( doesn't do anything)
Ace: Geez your dense! I just told you it was a (BOOM)... bomb.

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2004
Dale walks in to the throne room and looks for Ace(Fox) because Dale needs to have a little talk with him...no doubt he is cowering behind some furniture. But because I am so infuriated I start ranting right then and there:
Ok, apparently Ace(Fox) has personally called me out in this message that he sent me a little while ago stating that I do not know how to stand up for myself? And also that my last post was spam and no one cares and everyone is taking his side...
Let's see now...since I posted SakuraPichu states "Did Dale ever become ruler of the land?" Thats all she said about me.
SS4Ricky doesn't mention my name
Ultimaiq doesn't mention my name
and Ace(Fox) himself also, didn't mention my name. Ahh i see it now, clearly everyone is on his side. (btw ace(fox) that last sentence was called sarcasm)
Also he says that because I would not say to him that I do not like him in the threads it makes me less of a man. I see not how... but I shall humor him...
I do not like you Ace(Fox)
I would not like you in clean socks
I would not like you in this box
I will not eat it Sam I am
I will not eat green eggs and ham.

Oh, here's the best part...he ended his little "vent" session with this statement, "God, you sure are dum!" quoted right from the PM.

Ok Ace(Fox) that's all I had to say, no actually I also should say that you are a waste of a sentient body.

Walks to the throne and sees a message that reads, "Gawrsh Dale, I'm not smart enough to be the ruler of this here castle. You take it." So I do.
I am now the ruler of the land and I hate Ace(Fox) with such a passion it's not funny.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2004
Apparently Ianiceboy is less dead than previously indicated.

He requests an audience with His Majestesy Dale and tries to delight the Poet King with the following verse:

I do not like you, oh King Dale,
I do not like you - hope you'll fail.
I shall usurp you, thus I've planned,
To rid monarch from the land.

Dale holds his ears, then runs from the throne room crying for his harem.
With no one else around, Ianiceboy tiptoes to the throne and coronates himself with the aid of tomato paste and basil.

Ianiceboy is ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: My point is clear. Dale did spam. He should notice that after sakurapichu stated what he/she had to say , she continued on with MY wish, thus taking my side. After that nobody seemed to stand up fo you. Your annoying.
Ianiceboy: but I am not Dale.
Ace: oh, he lost the throne already.
Ianiceboy: yeah.
Ace: well it would seem that he doesn't like me. I called him out and I was surprised that he actually said what he had to say in a form that was not spam.
Ianiceboy: what does this have to do with me.
Ace: nothing really, this is the only way I could let people know. I simply tried to help the fool. The one post about his ghost or something was spam.
Ianiceboy: Oh.
Ace: he didn't continue with the story, thus making it spam, so I thought I would just tell him before he got a warning. I have four so I know what not to do from expirience. He replied by telling my he didn't like me and that I shouldn't be warning him because of my points.
Ianinceboy: Yeah, and what does that have to do with me?
Ace: Just thought I'd tell ya. Seeing as how your ruler and all.
Ianiceboy: Well since your the honest one, having told the other part of the story along with Dale's stupid post, I shall give the throne to you.

I Am Ruler of the Throne!

P.S. Just thought I would clear that up. Seeing as how Dale only told half the story.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2004
After demoting himself to the position of Royal Jester, Ianiceboy gets to thinking. "Hey, I killed the real Acey Fox guy when I stole his change. This must be an imposter."
Several hours of astute monitoring brings to light that this is not the real Ace(Fox), but someone with similiar moves and game history. Yes, it is Ace(Falcon).

"The thespian must be confronted," Ianiceboy thinks in a very loud aside. He hatches a plan. After a jester routine involving an unhygienic use of spoons, he says this. "Ahh, my King, would thoust indulge me by answering a riddle?"
"Verily," doest reply the Ace(Fox)(Weasel).
"This is a question that only the real king could answer both affirmatively and truthfully. Are you the real king?"
"Well, no," trails the Pseudo Ace(Fox).
Ianiceboy has won this epic battle of wits. "Then if thou wouldst give me thine honour, then thou will be pardoned and allowed to take on this jester role, as long as thou doest not kill me later in my royal slumber."
"Err, cool, whatever," replies the Fox of pretend Aceness. He gets up, curtsies, and returns the thone to its rightful (or at least previous) owner.

I am ruler of the land. (Probably for at least twenty minutes.)


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: I've got enough of this!
ianiceboy: What?
Uiq: There is no more good people left playing Yuris Revenge anymore.
ian: How about choughCSchough!
Uiq: Nah too much team work, I play solo.
ian: choughfoolchough.
Uiq: *smacks ian with a paper fan* What you say?
ian: C'mon, admit it is fun playing as a team.
Uiq: Yeah, but only if the other people is good (hopefully better than me, exept in Yuri where I am better than most people)
ian: You know, you should run home right now so that you can play your games.
Uiq: How did you know im not home?
ian: 1- The computer you are on is located at a school and it lags. 2- You are here in the throne room.
Uiq: Makes sense. Hey what happen to Ace?
ian: He ran of somewhere.
Uiq: And Dale?
ian: He is pissed at Ace.
Uiq: They should just forget about everything and be friends choughimonyoursideDalechough.
ian: Your are wasting my time Ultiguy.
Uiq: Hey look! a new throne.
ian: *sits on the new throne that wasen't there 5 minutes ago* Hmmm comfy. Hey who have spilled super glue on the throne?
Uiq: Bye bye now *button sound and the roof opens* Ready for launch.
ian: You don't daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare!!!!!!! *got katapulted out of the castle*

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I walk into the throne room with true ace style. And proceed to deal a hand of five card draw.

Ult: What are you doing.
Ace: Simply dealing you and me a hand, it's only for fun.
Ult: Okay then.
Ace: Okay then show me what you got.
Ult reveals a striaght.
Ace: Ohh no.... I seem to have beat you with my five aces.
Ult: Awww, dangit!
Ace: Now for your throne!
Ult: Okay you won fiar and square.
I take the throne.
Ult: Wiat we never bet on that game......... and there are only four aces in a deck of cards.
Ace: Oh, I guess your right.
Ult: Give my throne back!
Ace: Uh...... no.
Ult tries to take it back by force, but I repeatedly knock him back with my defelector sheild. This continues for quite a while.....

And isn't it possible that ianice guy only defeated an imposter, and not the real me? That is the truth and I am the real Ace(Fox)


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2003
Northern VA
*walks in with big bullet hole in head and bruses everywhere*
SS4Ricky: Man...SakuraPichu sure gave me a beating for that cookie comment, i'm still sore.
*see's negative vibes coming from Ace and Dale, reflectors and cards*
SS4Ricky: hmm...looks like trouble.
*Ace stops reflecting ultimaiq, both stare at SS4Ricky*
Ace:...you've got a bullet hole in your head.....
Ultimaiq:....you're not dead.....
SS4Ricky: oh, that, it's no biggie.
Ace: OK that's just wrong, i don't know if i wanna play this guy in cards or try and kill him or what.
SS4Ricky: How 'bout you gimme that throne of yours?
Ace: uhh....OK, i think i'm gonna throw up *runs to the bathroom, ultimaiq follows ace*
SS4Ricky: Well, that worked well. *peels fake bullet hole off his head*

I am the ruler of the land! (but what happened to the real bullet hole? dum dum DUUMMMM)


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2004
Ace and Ultimaiq return from their vomiting, miscellaneous activity, and further vomiting. They challenge SS4Ricky to a game of life-or-death Blackjack.

"So, you think that you can challenge my magnificence?" asks SS4Ricky, flexing his biceps.
"Yes," retorts Ultimaiq.
"His IQ is, like, ultimate-like," interjects (the real) Ace.

Ulitima goes bust in Blackjack. Ace goes bust in Blackjack. SS4Ricky gets the highest score - 4.
"Time to die, pests," he cackles raucously. He presses a button and it makes a buzzing sound. It fails to operate. He presses it a bunch more times, slowly making a cage descend over their heads.
"We should move," says Ultimaiq insightfully.

Suddenly Ianiceboy's scream can be heard through the open roof. Still glued to his chair, he lands right on SS4Ricky, his chair stacking with the throne like a pair of moulded plastic chairs. SS4Ricky chokes to death between the layers on his own ego.

"Umm, I'm on the throne now. Bow to your ruler," he commands. Ace and Ultimaiq dance like Egyptians in response.

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2004
Woodbridge, Va
From his throne in Ibiza.

Rov: there has been a disturbance in the force. Chaos seems to reign supreme but where.
Checking his veiwing sphere (not wanting to say the real thing to ensue further lawsuits from Haim Saban for taking the DragonZord...oops there I go again)
rov's Peronal assistant: Where is it coming from
rov in disbelief: not from Germany again. Curse those fools for trying to ursurp the throne. NO. 2 summon the ibizian army. We overthrow.

Moments latera giant resistance of partygoers appear at the castle gates
:knock knock:
Ian still choking the life out of ricky:I wonder who that could be. Ace open that.
Ace: Why don't you, its your kingdom remember?
Ian: insubordanant fool......fine(stops choking ricky to answer the door and suddenly gets crushed by the partygoers.)
Ace: holy hall of drunks guys.
Rov: ricky, Ult, ace, and da......(looking around ) wheres dale?
All three including a nearly trampled to death ( cause i do have mercy ) Ian point to the corner where Dale's been hiding.
Dale: You saved me again.....Cmon I can save myself.
Rov: what ever continue the fight for the throne but just remember you have an audience.....oh and Ace you have the throne for now.
Ace: Thanks......I guess. I'm only about to lose it in a few minutes.
Rov: Then put up a good fight.

Ace rises to power......but for how long? Stay tuned....


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
:love: ^ nibble nibble ^ :love:
this cookie is yummy! HEY where's my milk?!

I throw the rest of the cookie at Ace and he falls off the throne.

I sit on the throne with another cookie and milk.

i am ruler of the land!

:shyguy: :beezo:


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2004
I see Ace on the floor and he's crying because he lost his throne due to cookie pieces, I laugh at him and he runs away...

I then see SakuraPichu sitting in the throne. I devise an evil plot to make it mine.

Dale: "SakuraPichu?"
SP: "Nani?"
Dale: "I want the throne"
SP: "Amo"
Dale: "Please?"
SP: humph!

*I run up to SakuraPicku and take the Stitch pin out of her hat and I throw it out the front door and she goes running off after it*

I sit down in the throne only to realize that SakuraPichu ran off with my right arm...dang. So I am the ruler of the land...with one arm.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: Im realy sorry Dale.
Dale: Huh? for what?
Uiq: For this! *throws a sticky grenade at Dale*
Dale: CANDY! *eats the sticky grenade, but it wont go down his throath because its sticky*
Uiq: LEG IT!! *hides outside*
Dale: Whuts uwp wit thud guy? *whats up with that guy*
Ace: I dont know, maybe he hates you too.
Dale: Nah, hee gove mu candee *nah, he gave me candy*


Uiq: Its been a while now, why has not the grenade exploded?
ian: *still alive, but realy close to death* You could just use your speciality.
Uiq: Dont make it so hard. what is my speciality?
ian: C4.
Uiq: Oh, here have a present *gives a smal package to ian*
ian: Hey thanks, but where are you going? *kaBOOM!!!!*

Inside. Dale have falled asleep and Ace is puting his hand in a bowl of water.

Ace: Hehe, im so smart I could have finished grade school.
Uiq: Hey what are you doing?
Ace: <_< >_> Nothing.
Uiq: Hey Dale! wake up!
Dale: Huh? *looks at is pants* I gotta go to the bathroom!
Uiq: Why is he talking normaly?
Ace: Dunno.
Uiq: Here have a present. *gives a medium sized package to Ace*
Ace: Thanks, what is it?
Uiq: You will see, but dont open it before you are outside.
Ace: *allready gone outside, and opens the gift* huh? C4? *BOOOOOM!!!*
Uiq: *sits on throne* Ewww, I should have cleaned it first.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
comes back and sees ultimaiq2 cleaning the throne.

SakuraPichu: wow thank you for cleaning the throne for me.
ultimaiq2: i'm not cleaning it for you, i'm cleaning for me.
SakuraPichu: Oh well you missid a spot over on the floor.

ultimaiq2 goes to the spot he missed but slips and slides out the door.

SakuraPichu: well, i best put his hard work to good use.

i sit on the throne and am ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I walk in to find sakurapichu on the throne.

Ace: Hi!
Sakura: ...... (Glares at me)
Ace: Whoa... that time of the month?
Ace: Well, then I'm not going to mess with ya...... Or am I!
Sakura: Get out of my throne room!
Ace: Okay.... not.
Sakura: God, your getting annoying.
Ace: I do that a lot, It's not intentional.
Sakura: (comes after me with a knife)
Ace: Yikes. (I dodge the knife, and send Sakura over the cliff behind me)....... Oooops!
Sakura: AHHHHH! You'll never get my throne!
Ace: Uh, I just did!

I am ruler of the land! (Where did that cliff come from?)


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: Wow that was like the bigges post I've ever seen.
s0c: Really?
Uiq: No.
s0c: You meanie *picks up a bucket*
Uiq: Hey, what are you doing *thud* Oh no! im blind!
s0c: Looks like im the ruler.
Uiq: It's all dark and stuff.
s0c: Hmmmm, I could take advantage of this *kicks Ultimaiq*
Uiq: Hey, no fair.
s0c: Look a quarter.
Uiq: Were? *crashes into a wall*
s0c: To your right.
Uiq: *trips on a table* ...
Ace: *pulls the bucket of his head* Im free!
Uiq: What? whos there? you better not try to take my quarter.
Ace: You mean this? *picks up a quarter*
Uiq: I'll kill you! Super Omega Blade Attack! *hits a wall*
s0c: Lol.
Ace: I don't think your name fits your real IQ.
Uiq: *pulls of bucket* Ah but this is all a big charade.
Ace: What? you was acting?
s0c: Why?
Uiq: Becuase... I don't know.
s0c: Your dumb.
Ace: I agree.
Uiq: Look over there, it's Dumbo!
s0c&Ace: Huh? where?
Uiq: Look closer. *uses a Home run bat with a Dumbo sticker on it on s0c, but Ace dodges it*
s0c: Uaaaaaaaaah! I'll geeeeeeeeet yoooooou foooor thiiiiis!!! *star KO*
Ace: Now that s0c is gone, im once again the ruler of the land. Hey whats that green light on my throne? I feel like I wanna touch it, but I also feel something bad is gonna happen.
Uiq: Looks like its the new remote controll for the 80 inch plasma TV.
Ace: Hey, no one told me we got a TV !
Uiq: You never asked. What are you waiting for, try it out.
Ace: Your right, as the ruler it is my duty to check out the TV *touches the 'remote controll' and is blasted out of the hole in the castle roof and is star KO'ed*
Uiq: Hmmmm wonder how Ssbm will look like on the big screen.

I am the ruler of the 80 inch plasma TV, errrh and the land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:Hey! Nice TV...........can i touch it?
Cha:Its really shiny
Uiq:So im the ruler
Cha:Hey! you want to see something?
Uiq:See what?
Uiq: Where i can't see...its behind ur back
Cha:Come here..its really something
*Runs toward chaoser*
Cha:Its right HERE!!!
*Throws a proxmity mine on Ultimaiq*
Cha:Now let me explain a lil something..see if you move the you'll set off a chain reaction which makes the bomb on your back explode...in other words you move..you die.:rotfl:
Cha: Hey..Hey..watch this!
*Takes out a bat*
Uiq:What are you going to do wit that?
Cha:play smash
*Chaosers start smashing the 80 inch plasma TV
Cha:Whatcha your going to do about it?.....Punk.:laugh:

Im the ruler of the Land!!!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
In a dramatic turn of events, nothing happens! SabreAnt unplugs the plasma TV and uses the same cord to choke Chaoser until he turns blue and rasps for mercy. SabreAnt lets him drop to the floor and boots him in the guts. Unfriendly, and not pulling and punches SabreAnt picks up Chaoser and hurls him from a balcony out into the night. A splash is heard as Chaoser hits the water below. SabreAnt scours the castle for all forms of modern day technology that have no real defense value to the castle and throws out the deadweight. The castle now resembling more of a dungeon than a home. Stone walls retaining nothing but the bitter cold outside. A fireplace is lit and SabreAnt sits in front of it, contemplating the move of the next assailant to liberate rulership. As the fire crackles, Sabre watches and waits. Rubbing his palms together...

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: What have you done to my castle:confused: ?
SabreAnt: Your castle?
Uiq: It's gonna be mine in about 5 minutes.
SA: Well, I think this is an improvement.
Uiq: *looks around* Where is the fridge?
SA: Doh, I mean... Doh!
Uiq: Looks like you will starve.
SA: Nah, I can cook things in my fireplace.
Uiq: Like what?
SA: Like this apple *picks up a rock from the floor* big and tasty *mimicks taking a bite from it*
Uiq: Ok, I'll just go home a few days and come back when you have starved to death *leaves*
SA: Haha, what a fool, I can just order chinese food or something, what? where is my cellphone?
Slave: You threw it out sir.
SA: Hurry go and get it *SA's stomach rumbles*


Slave: Where is it? *looks around*
Uiq: Oh whats this? a cell phone?
Slave: That cell phone is property of the ruler, give it back.
Uiq: Nah, Its better than mine, so I think I will keep it *jumps into his realy fast car and drives home*


SA: Did you find it?
Slave: That Ultiguy took it sir.
SA: Oh no, I'll starve *later that night* This beef sure tastes good.
Chaoser: Your right. What kind is it?
SA: Uh <_< >_> Cow beef.
Cha: Well whatever a cow is, it sure taste good.

A few days later.

Uiq: Now that SabreAnt has starved to death, I can rule the land once and again. *enters the throne room*
SA: Hello, how you been?
Uiq: WTF? you not dead?
SA: Nope.
Cha: *is eating a burger*
Uiq: Hey where did you guys get that food? and where are all the slaves?
SA: Dunno *burp!*
Cha: You gotta try this burger.
Uiq: (2+2=22) I know whats going on. You two have been hunting in the forest after food and left all the slaves out there.
SA: Nope.
Cha: Wich reminds me, I haven't been out of the castle for several days.
Uiq: (2+2=4) I think I gotta puke *does it on the floor 2 centimeters from the throne*
SA: Ewww, im out of here.
Cha: Me too, wanna go to BurgerKing?
SA: Sure.
Uiq: *uses SabreAnts cell phone* Hello TV-shop? I wanna order a lot of things to my castle, and just send a check to the owner of this cell phone.
TV-shop: Sure thing mr SabreAnt, well be there with your stuff in 37 seconds.

I am the ruler of the land!

Chaoser: Hey this burger tastes funny, it looks the same as the burgers I ate at the castle, but it does not tase good at all.
SabreAnt: You don't want to know.
Cha: Know what? *hears SabreAnts story* EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!

Edit: Wow this has to be my longest post ever.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I walk in clueless as to what has been going on...
Ace:Your ruler agian!?
Ult: Yep!
Ace: Well I've been gone for a while. I was exploring places and I have a pretty interesting story.
Ult: OHHH! DO tell....
Ace: (tells story)
Ult: (two days later) ZZZZZzzzzzzz.
Ace: He's asleep. That made-up story worked well.... guess I'll just take the throne then. (gently pushes Ult off the throne, and accidentaly over the cliff.)
Ace: That cliff agian.... were does it keep coming from, I didn't see it when I walked in here. I must solve this mystery!

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
*I walk in wondering how can ultimaiq can move and not explode after i planted the mine on him?*
Ace:Hey!!..I thought you were sick from eating the slave burgers?
Cha:Dr.Mario gave me some pills
Ace:Sooooo........I assume your here to dethrone me somehow and claim my kingdom as ur own?
Cha:Uhh.....i guess so....
Ace: Well lets make this easy for both of us
Ace: See ya!!
Cha: Aight dawg!....til next time;)

Im the ruler of the Land!!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ultimaiq: *got pushed off a cliff and awakes* Huh? Of man im falling!! *beep beep* And the mine got activated again!! And there is the kill-line!! im doomed *big flash with an explotion*
Chaoser: Mwahahaha! Time for to be the evil ruler of the land! But I sould first recruit some new slaves, since SabreAnt told me that all his slaves got 'lost' into the forest.
Uiq: Hi im back!
Cha: What the fuc_? you had a mine on you AND you got pushed off a cliff!
Uiq: Well as long as the creator of Ultima IQ is alive I cannot be truly defeated, and you don't know where he is nanananaaaaa!
Cha: Oh we will see about that *calls someone with his phone* Hello is this the Chaoser's personal army of doom and oblivion?
CPA: Yes sir Chaoser, what can we do for you?
Cha: Nuke Norway.
CPA: Yes sir, would be my pleasure sir.
Uiq: Not good, I have a nuke to stop *teleports away*
Cha: Hah! he fell for it.
Ace: Fell for what?
Cha: Your not gone? who cares. Well when Ultimaiq reaches the nuke he will soon find out that it will explode on him, then a secondary nuke will destroy Norway where that Hal guy lives.
Ace: Your a smart one.
Cha: I know, now get the **** out of here.

Somewhere in Texas.

Uiq: Where is that nuke? (warning Missile launced!) Oh there it is! Now I just gotta be at a safe distance and fire something at it *missile is aimed for Uiq* Holy!

Back at the caslte.

Slave1: Sir we have reports of Ultimaiq has been destroyed.
Cha: Exellent, now nuke Norway.
Slave2: We are out of nukes! sir!
Cha: What, how?
Slave2: You sold them to Sweden remember?
Cha: No I diden't *shoots slave2* Take him to the 'citchen'. Well at least that Ultiguy is dead for a few minutes. I think I'll take a nap.

A reviving platform appears and this time it is Omegaiq that appears.

Oiq: *carefully ties up Chaoser with lots of chains and locks and slaps Chaoser in the face*
Cha: Huh? who woke me up?... Someone help me! it's Ultiguys chost that has come to haunt me! (Oiq looks just like Uiq but has a white colored armor).
Oiq: BOOOOOO!!!!
Cha: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! *faints*
Oiq: Bwahahahaaa!! that was fun *tosses Chaoser off the mystery cliff*

OmegaIQ is the ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Rummaging around in a bin outside, nothing catches SabreAnts eye as he searches for a nice filling for his stale bread to make his sandwich. Suddenly after all that... meat, he develops and odd craving for human flesh. He whacks his hand between the bread slices and -- CHOMP -- takes a massive bite out of the nearby postman! He then pops the bread in his mouth afterward and washes it all down with a gallon of Strawberry Quik.

Spying no real opportunity to sneak into the castle grounds, SabreAnt attempts to pole vault the wall and lands in a pit of rabid weasels! ARGH GET EM OFF ME GET OFF ME!!!! OH OOHHH AARRRR GET EM OFF ME!!!! AHAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Quickly leaping to safety SabreAnt removes the remaining critters that had latched onto his face and moves stealthily, (and frothing at the mouth) toward the front door.

Upon entry, someone in the shadows attempts to hurl a javelin through my chest, but hark! I have with me a very special life saving device called.... oh crap... where did I put it..? SHLUNK Whew, good thing they hit the doorman. Deserves to die anyway, what a jerk. He let me in! I'm about to usurp the bloody throne for crying out loud!! Attempting to keep a low profile, SabreAnt trips over as few piles of kitchen utensils as possible.

Once inside the throne room, I deftly swing a pan at ultimaiq2 and gong him in the head. Hmm, strangley familiar. *remembers childhood* Ooohoo!!!

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:A what's up Sabre!!
SAB:Nothin...just chillin..you know how it is. Everytime i gots to get someone up out of my throne and some other pathetic fool comes to take me out.
Cha: Yeah!..I feel ya. I hate when stuff like that happens.
SAB:But this time, im ready foh anybody to walk up on me
Cha: Yeah!..I feel ya. I hate when stuff like that happens
SAB: I mean look everytime i get my throne back, its like i get to enjoy being ruler for about a day or even less.
Cha:Yeah!..I feel ya. I hate when stuff like that happens
SAB: Yeah! and then some idiotic person walks in here and uses some kind of gadget to dethrone me. But i got news for them.
Cha:Yeah!..I feel ya. I hate when stuff like that happens.
SAB: See, Chaoser i can talk to you cause...............................................:confused:...hold up
Cha:Yeah!..I feel ya. I hate when stuff like that happens
SAB:What D.....how did you get back here?
*Charizard uses seismic toss on SabreAnt off the Mystery Cliff*
Cha:Charizard return!!

Im the ruler of the Land!!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I'm back after much reasearch.

Ace: Yo!
Cha: Hey!
Ace: I'm ready to take my throne back now.
Cha: Uhhhhhh...... NO!
Ace: But I just gave it up last time. We were so diplomatic about it.
Cha: Oh well. Nothing I can do about that.
Ace: Guess your right! I found out the origen of the mystery cliff!
Cha: Oh yeah!
Ace:Well, it turns out that when the earth was created, there was a bottomless pit, also created. Legend has it that at the bottom of the pit there are untold riches.
Cha: Really! I'm there!(Runs and dives into the pit.)
Ace: Doesn't he realize that it is bottomless. Therefore, he can't get gold at the bottom. Oh well! Guess he was a jerk about giving the throne back anyways.

I'm ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Let us now correct some past mistakes made by a certian person. First of all 'ultimaiq2' could not be hit in the head with a pan by SabreAnt because he was in Texas while getting blown up by a nuke. And Omega IQ was the current leader of the land and since SabreAnt hit 'ultimaiq2' he remained unharmed.

Oiq: *comes out of the bathroom with a newspaper* ...? hey what are you doing here?
Ace: Im the ruler of the land!
Oiq: Guess I was in there a little too long. Hey whats is that dead body doing on the floor?
Ace: Ah, it's just a cardboard figure of Ultiguy that SabreAnt hit with a pan. I like imagining it being Ultiguy in pain.
Oiq: And where are both of them now?
Ace: Chaoser threw SabreAnt of the cliff, then I threw him over the cliff too. And Ultiguy is well... Look at the headline on your newspaper.
Oiq: "Nuke missile strikes 1 person in Texas, no signs of life left". Oh well, he wheren't worth it anyway.
Ace: Wich reminds me. Guards remove Omegaguy!! *349 guards enter the throneroom*
Oiq: Oh please, you think they stand a chance against me?
Ace: Yeah!
Oiq: *kills 348 guars within a minute* 1 more to go *the guard dies of fear*
Ace: Eeep! How could this happen? Ultiguy where never this strong.
Oiq: Diden't you know? I am much stronger than Ultima (play a FF game and you'll know why), but he got that auto-life ring and that strong magic, Ultima (different form FF).
Ace: Can you please close your eyes so that I can escape?
Oiq: Sure, it will be much more fun to chase you to your death.
Ace: Runaway!!!
Oiq: Oh no you don't *runs after Ace*
Uiq: *revived in Texas* Hey that hurt! good thing im immune against radioactivity or else I would have died each second just by standing here. Time to reclaim whats rightfully mine *teleports back to the castle*
Ace: Please don't kill me!! *passes Uiq on the way out*
Oiq: It won't hurt... much!!!
Uiq: *goes inside* Hey the cliff is still here *throws a smal rock into the bottomless hole* Guess it is bottomless, anyway...

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ult got rid of Omega for me. How convieniant!

Ace: Omega's got nothin on me.
Ult: Get outta my throne room.
Ace: Easier siad than done pops.
Ult: Wha...
Ace: Yea, thats right dawg. My amazing white boy slang powers come into action.
Ult: Ha, your powers do not effect me.
Ace: I know I just wanted to say DAWG.
Ult: Well, well. Is it time to change shifts already.
Ace: Uh......................( scratches head in thought) sure!
Ult: I'll be back on the morrow.
Ace: On the morrow?..... WTF does that mean.

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Cha:I just notice something....that there isn't any riches in a botomless pit.
Ace:What in the f..... you doing here?
Cha: Charizard saved me again.
Ace:Hmmmm....i see, well were going to have to do something about him are'nt we.
Cha:Try....if you want.....but i have to warn you...
Ace: Silence!:mad:
Cha:Well.....ok :rolleyes:
Ace: Well Charizard prepare to die!
Zard:Bring it on!
*Chaoser's sits on the throne while Ace and Charizard have there duel*
Cha:Well this is good entertainment.......Slave!..bring me some popcorn

Im the Ruler of the Land!!
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