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Ruler of The Land

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Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2004
Dale: Yes sir, here's some popcorn for your enjoyment
Chaoser: Indeed! What took you so long.
Dale: Umm...you just now asked for it.
Charizard: *flap, flap* BWAAARRG!
Dale: That sounded like a Seismic Toss
Chaoser: It was
Dale: Ahh...
At that moment I take the hidden chloroform rag out of the popcorn bowl and smother Chaoser's face and he falls into a deep sleep...at the same time Ace's body is just plain falling apart.

I take Chaoser's body and tie it to Charizard's back and I tell him to go home.

Charizard flys away.

Ace......well, there is no more Ace as far as I can see.

I am the ruler of the land.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Aha! Your eyes decieve you, for I am right here!
Dale: Where?
Ace: Here!
Dale: Uh... I can't see you.
Ace: Uh... Oh that is because I am a ghost. Ooga Booga!
Dale: Ahh! (runs)
Ace: That was easy, didn't think Dale would fall for it. (comes out from behind the throne and sits in it.)

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
*Wakes up and find myself tied to charizard*
Cha:Where am i...?
Zard:im taking you home
Cha:For what?
Zard:Some guy told me to
Cha:You stupid pokemon!..you only listen to me. Now take me back!
*When we arrive we find the ghost of Ace yelling at his guards.
Cha:Hmmm...i know...Charizard take me somewhere
*So we visit our secret place and come back*
Ace:What do you want?
Cha: I came here to destroy you
Ace: Uhhhhh..im a ghost..stupid
Cha:Ohhh...well...take this
*Pulls out luigi's vaccum and sucks Ace in it.
Ace:(muffled voice)Let me out....let me out!!!...now!
*Throws vaccum off the cliff*

Im the ruler of the Land!!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
First of all I was only pretending to be a ghost. I was hiding behind the throne.

Ace: I want that throne back!
Cha: No.
Ace: Well, first you couldn't have rightfully taken the throne, I wasn't a ghost.
Cha: But here I am.
Ace: Guess your right. (starts to walk away) Ya! ( sucker punches Cha)
Cha: (Goes flying off the edge of the ship.)
Ace: How the he** did we get on the Great Fox! Oh well, that means I rule over all I see!

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
But then Ultimaiq returns from his shift.

Uiq: Hey? im gone like 5 minutes and the castle is allready switched out with a space ship?
Ace: Any problem with that?
Uiq: Nope, it's just that... nah you don't wanna know.
Ace: Know what?
Uiq: It is written in the newspaper.
Ace: *starts reading* Hmmmm, it says that you could get motion sickness if you are reading while driving or flying. Guess im unaffected...*stomach rumbles* I gotta go to the 'little' boys room.
Uiq: Hey Omega let's hijack this ship.
Oiq: Only if I can controll the guns!
Uiq: Ok, lets destroy something for fun.
Oiq: How about we press 'this' button?
Uiq: What does it do?
Oiq: You'll see.

As Omegaiq press the button a hole is opened under the Great Fox and a large metal cube is dropped out into the sea.

Ace: Is it just me or does this bathroom feel like it's moving?
Uiq: You dropped the portable bathroom into the sea!
Oiq: Yeah. Anything wrong with that?
Uiq: Nooooo, but it would be smarter to just dump Ace.
Oiq: Nonono, I got it all under controll *aims the main guns at Ace* Fire in the hole!!

I am the ruler of the land! and the Great Fox!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
i come back from a long climb over the cliff and since im so tired and ultimaiq2 isnt sitting on the throne, i sit on it.

ultimaiq2: hey that's mine.
Sakura: not right now it isn't.
ultimaiq2: Well get off!
Sakura: NO!
ultimaiq2: Yes.
Sakura: i'm too tired after climbing that cliff, you try it and see if you can. i'll get off if you do.
ultimaiq2: OK

ultimaiq2 goes and falls down the cliff to start the climb.
Well that was easy
Falls asleep in the throne:sleep:

I am ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
Realising his folly, SabreAnt gonged a cardboard cutout and had taken the unoccupied throne anyway. What was the ruler doing? Out to lunch we suppose. Running to the cliff SabreAnt sees ultimaiq2 climbing down slowly so SabreAnt drops a saucepan down after him and waits for it.... Gong!!"Son of a.." HA!

Racing back to the throne SabreAnt realises his ISP is about to disconnect so he cuts his shenanigans short. Telling SP about a wandering salesman with free T-Shirts, he claims the throne in Sakura's absence!

SabreAnt is now Ruler of the Land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Man! climbing is hard work. Actually I should start climbing up now. *get hit by a falling saucepan. GONG!!* son of a... uaaaaaaah!!!
SA: Hehe, he lost his grip, good for him. Now I will rule the land!
Uiq: Dang! I can't get a grip on the wall, and this pit is supposed to be bottomless, but I can see tiny dead bodies on sharp cliffs down there... GULP!
SA: I hope he enjoys the new installment in the bottomless cliff I made *turns on a TV* and I put a camera there too. Gotta zoom onto him so that I can watch the fun.
Uiq: Float magic!! *casts float on himself* Hey it dosen't work!
SA: My anti-magic field device works great.
Uiq: Hey what is that huge sphere thing on the wall 5000 meters under me? Looks like a anti-magic field device thingy *picks up his PSG1 from a earlier post and shoots the device*
SA: Hmph! he still won't have time to cast another spell, if he do I'll be sure to supprise him.
Uiq: Teleport! *back to the throne*
SA: Ah I have been expecting you I will now *get interupted*
Uiq: Is this yours? *holds up a saucepan*
SA: Yes.
Uiq: You want it back?
SA: Let me think about it... Yes!
Uiq: *throws it off the cliff* Go and get it!
SA: What do you think I am? a dog?
Uiq: *throws a pice of cheese off the cliff*
SA: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *jumps after it*
Uiq: And now I will destroy this cliff once and for all *grabs a smal garden hose and starts filling the non-bottomless bottomless hole with water and picks up 'his' cellphone* Hello ebay? I want to order 1'000'000 packs of cement please, and send the check to the owner of this phone.
ebay: Thank you for your purchase Mr SabreAnt.
Uiq: No thank YOU.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: So the pit wasn't bottomless after all?
Ult: Nope! :******:
Ace: Well then I'm happy. You saved me the trouble of exploring the pit.
Ult: Okay then, what do you want?
Ace: Wow, you mean you honestly don't know why I'm here!
Ult: To take the throne?
Ace: Actually I wanted to have a pot lock, but sice you offered...
Ult: A pot lock sounds great, what are we having.
Ace: YOU!!!!!!!(Throws Ult into pot and locks the lid on tight.) Now thats what I call a Pot... Lock. Lol! (Ba da BA!)

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2004
Lost in the Stream of Consciousness
i sneak up on ace and quickly unlock the pot and shove ace in with ult and then i double padlock it shut and weld the lid to the pot, then i throw it in a hole and cover it with six feet of dirt.
which makes me say:

I am Ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2004
Dale: Umm...MassChaos?
MC: What?
Dale: Do you have any clue how to read?
MC: no, just no
Dale: So, you never actually read the rules for this game?
MC: no, just no
Dale: Well then I'm going to have to ask you to leave my castle bub
MC: no, just no
Dale: I have no choise but to shoot you then
MC: very well
*floof* (what, you were expecting a *bang*?)
Dale: what a pathetic waste of life...oh well

I am the ruler of the land. But because I'm such a nice guy I give it back to DARKsideofMARTH...for now. because he has no real clue why he was dethroned...neither do I.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Ace! could you move a little?
Ace: Why?
Uiq: Your elbow is in my eye!
Ace: *tries to move, but to no help* Hey, can you get us out of here?
Uiq: Dead or Alive?
Ace: I prefer alive.
Uiq: I hope your HP is high enough.
Ace: Huh? no you don't dare!
Uiq: *plants a big C4* 3. 2. 1 *kaBOOOOOM!!!*

Both Uiq and Ace are blown out of the lockpot and the 6 feet hole of dirt and lands outside of the castle. But only one of them survived.

Ace: .....
Uiq: Now to take the throne!
Dale: Ew, whats that smell.
Uiq: Where are you going? Your the ruler.
Dale: Meh! I gave it back to DARKsideofMARTH.
Uiq: Hey watch out for that!
Dale: What? *falls into the hole* Get me out of here!
Uiq: Sorry no time, must get my throne.


DARKsideofMARTH: I have no idea how I got here but as long as im the ruler, it dosen't realy matter.
Uiq: I have come to claim the throne!
Dar: Come forth my army of rubber henchmen!
Uiq: Rubber henchmen? whats so special about that?
Dar: They are made of rubber.
Uiq: So no lightning spells would hurt them?
Dar: Dunno, haven't tried.
Uiq: May I try?
Dar: Go ahead.
Uiq: *evil grind* ULTIMA!! *all the henchmen die*
Dar: Hey! you used the wrong spell you (...)!
Uiq: Your point being?
Dar: *draws his sword and puts on his tiara* Tier power!
Uiq: *giggle* Your wearing a tiara!
Dar: What? it holds my hair back.
Uiq: Megaton blade attack ultima! *slashes Dar with his sword*
Dar: Hah! I still live... Uahg!!
Uiq: No you don't.

I am the ruler of the land!
Dale: Get me out of here!!!!!!!

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
*Lightning Snake,dressed as a ninja waits on the castle roof, standing by a large hole that no-one noticed.*

Meanwhile, in another big hole...
Dale: Yes! I'm finally out! *Lightning Snake jumps down from the roof, stabs Dale, throws his body back in the hole and covers up the hole with a big rock.*
*Lightning Snake walks on a little, sees Omegaiq and kills him with a pair of throwing knives.*

Ultimaiq: Omegaiq is dead... Hal, take his place.
*Lightning Snake sneaks up above Ultimaiq and throws a blade down, not only destroying the Auto life ring, but cutting one of Ultimaiq's fingers off. Lightning Snake then takes out a chain with a sharp hook on it, impales Hal's left leg and throws him into the moat.*
Ultimaiq: Die! *He takes out a sword and attacks, only to find that I have dissapeared! He is so shocked that he didn't hear the shruiken coming from behind him and is then flailing around wildly on the floor only to be tied up, gagged, and locked in a closet.*

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2002
*SabreAnt, dressed as a Jester waits on the Castle roof, standing by the large hole that most people have noticed by now*

Meanwhile, in another big hole...
Dale: Noo! I've been stabbed by Lightning Snake! *SabreAnt jumps down from the roof, slaps Dale, throws him a candy bar in his hole and covers him with a blankey.* (awww)
*SabreAnt walks on a little, sees Omegaiq and poke him with a pair of spoons.*

Lightning Snake: Elvis is dead... HAL, make a new Smash Bros.
*SabreAnt sneaks up above Lightning Snake and throws his pants down, not only destroying the stitchwork in the hems, but cutting off one of Lightning Snake fingernails. SabreAnt then takes out a belt with a nasty buckle on it, tickles HAL's left leg with it and throws him into a boat, in the moat.*
Lightning Snake: Die! *He takes out a sword and attacks, only to find that I have disappeared! He is so shocked that he didnt hear me coming from behind him and is then flailing around wildly on the floor only to be tied up, gagged, strapped to a pole and Up-B'ed Capt. Falcon style! OOooOHOOHHOOOH! YHES!*

I am Ruler of the Land!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
I see Lightning Snake fly in through the air and SabreAnt celebrating his victory. i also see him up-b Capt. Falco style.

Hmm... who could beat Falcon?
i know.

Sakura: Hey Marth could you do me a favor?
Marth: sure. what do you want?
Sakura: Could you use your sword and chop that guy off the castle walls?
Marth: OK.

Marth goes up to SabreAnt and says hi, then he grabs him, throws him, and chops him out of the castle.

Marth comes back and says mission accomplished.

i thank him and sit on the throne.
Iam ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2003
Alcorn State, Mississippi
*I enter the castle and see SakuraPichu sitting there*
SP:What do you want?
Sp:What are you deaf?
*Chaoser did'nt say a word but kept giving Sakura a disturbing stare*
SP:Your freaking me out
*Then Chaoser's starts to slowly walks toward Sakura
SP:uh....stay where you
*No, guards came
Sp:....gasps:eek: ...no..no..noooooo
*Just as Chaoser was going to stike...........out of no where.....Barney, hit Sakura acroos the head wit a pipe and falls uncouncious*
Barney: Well i guess i laid pipe;)
Cha:heres the $5, now get out of my face.

Im the Ruler of the Land!!

Barney: Wait lets have a sing along..."I love you, you love me.....
Cha: Someone please kills him!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I am in heaven... due to C-4

Ace: Man this sucks.
God: You do not want to be here.
Ace: No but I feel like my life was a bit short lived.
God: True, I have a mission for you. I will give you your life back, and some increadible new powers, only if you use them to regain the throne?
Ace: Um... how does this help you?
God: Do not ask MY notives! Remember I am the one giving your life back!
Ace: No problem!

I spring back to life at the castle. Only to see mass chaos and an exteremly annoying purple thing singing in the corner.

Cha: Make it stop!
Ace: Yes, i shall make this infernal racket end. Whoa I said infernal racket, what the **** is wrong with me.
Cha: I don't know and I don't care, just kill the purple thing.
Ace: Oh yeah, God gave me powers. How useless! ( Runs over to Barney with blurring speed) HAAAAA! ( A mysterious, and blinding, light emerges from my hand) But it is not a beam, it is a sword of light, used only by angels, until now!
Barney: Ahhhh! (Head fells off revealing a demon)
Ace: It was a costume? Oh well! (Uses bluring speed to stab the evel bieng millions of times before his death)
Cha: Thanks! God it just wouldn't stop.... hey how come the song had no effect on you?
Ace: I think I am an angel!?
Cha: Well to show my gratitude I'll give you the throne.
Ace: That is why God gave me life and more powers... to kill the demon!

I am ruler of the land... and an angel!


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*Ace with all his powers. I see him on the throne. Time to think clever:cool: *

SoSh: Hey, Ace! The Cheat wants to see you at the Stick!
Ace: The Cheat! (acts in awe at name)

*Ace goes to see the Cheat, where he is then tormented by Homestar's stupidity...*

SoSh now takes the throne! I am now ruler of the Land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Yeah... Um... who is Homestar?

After being tormented by this "Homestar", I return to sit in my throne only to find....... what was you name agian?

SoSH: Sonicshaft!
Ace: Ahh, yes I remember.
SoSH: But I never told you my name!
Ace: Ahh, but you did.
SoSH: Your a freak man!
Ace: If that is your piont of view then far be it from me to change it.
SoSH: Thats right!
Ace: But know this... I am an angel, and I would like my throne back!
SoSH: Prove it!
Ace: In order to do so i would have to kill you, and I do not like meaningless killing.
SoSH: Then I geuss your not getting your throne back!
Ace: It just means that I have to remove you from it. (I stretch out my wings. In a flash of blurr and light. In less time then the most concievable of human moments. I have struck Sonicshaft with the handle of my angel blade, leaving him alive, unconscious, and off my throne!)
Ace: I guess that means that you don't believe I am an angel, because I didn't kill you. But like I siad... I don't like meaningless killing. So I have spared your life!

I am ruler of the land!(I like this angel thing... its fun!)


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
In Japan.

Hal: Hi I have come to take HALs place and make a new Smash game.
HAL co: Ah we have long waited your arrival.
Hal: Time to make a game, now how much do I get paid?
HAL co: 200 $ per hour.
Hal: Woohoo! let's make Link top tier!
HAL co: Tier? whats a tier?
Hal: Uh, nothing.

Back to where ever the castle is.

Uiq: *in a closet* Mmpfh!!
Ace: Huh? I heard something?
sonicshift: It was nothing.
Ace: You sure, cause I have angelic hearing.
Uiq: Mmpfh!!!
Ace: NOW I know I heard something.
son: I'll buy you a pizza if you don't open that closet.
Ace: Shut up you *gags sonicshift with a old pair of socks and opens the closet* Hey it's Ultiguy.
Uiq: :mad:
Ace: Since im such a nice guy I'll release you. If you give me 5 bucks.
Uiq: :D
Ace: Now hand over the money.
Uiq: Here you go.
Ace: Not canadian dollars!
Uiq: Sorry, take these.
Ace: I got to go now. Gonna buy me some candy at the store.
Uiq: I promise I wont take your throne (yeah right).
Ace: Thanks, and im off!
son: Mmpfh!!
Uiq: You will take my place in the closet *big push* Now to guard the throne by sitting on it.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*in closet: SoSh gags on sock until death. THUD! Enter Ace with a mouthful of candy.*

Ace: What are you doing on my throne?!
Uiq: Uhhh...guarding it?
*Ace throws Uiq out of the castle*
Ace: Now back to my throne...What?!
SoSh: I'm back and angel-like!
Ace: Dang! I foresee a fight of angels coming.
SoSh: That's right. I want my throne back.
*Ace gets up and begins to fight with SoSh. SoSh throws coin that says "SONICSHIFT" onto throne that claims throne. Ace is too busy fighting to notice.*
SoSh: That throne is mine!

Away at battle, but still Ruler of the Land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Woa.. I know you din't just copy MY idea!

Ace: Oh man, now your gonna get it. I am the better angel here. I got my graces stright from the big guy himself. Not to mention I make the fighting better.
Sonic: Um... well I am still an angel as well.
Ace: True, but you still shouldn't have taken MY throne.
(A tremendous battle starts. Angel against angel. Both blades glowing. Swords strike, punches are thrown, and huge shock waves emit with each blow.)
Ace: Now this is a fight!
Sonic: Um... yeah well, I don't think we should be fighting like this.
Ace: Well I have to have my throne back... no exceptions.
Sonic: Well, as you can see I never took your throne. But um.... reserved it for you. So, nobody would take it while we were fighting.
Ace: Okay then thanks!
Sonic: Sucker!( In an instant he glides over to me and slices to quick for me to perry.)
Ace: Ahhh! You sucker punched me!
Sonic: I belive it would be sucker cut you.
Ace: But you didn't! You see an angel blade CANNOT cut an angel. Therefore... you cannot win!
Sonic: Thats what you think!
Ace: Okay I have treid to warn you. But you simply do not care. And now I am REALLY agry!:mad: (With my angelic power that I have yet to understand, I tear open a hole in this dimension, and send sonic right through with a swing of my blade.)
Ace: Now I have my throne back... but for how long.

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: I summon the Ultimate power!!!! *lots of glowing lights* The power of ULTIMA GEAR!!!!

A huge hole appears in the ground and lots of evil spirits emerge into the light and fuses with Ultima IQ to form Ultimate IQ the Infinity Doom Bringer.

UIQ: I have come to doom thy angelics!
Ace: You don't scare me Ultimateguy!
UIQ: Then I shall make you dive deeply into thy darkness *draws phantom ultima dark blade*
Ace: Light allways beat dark *draws light sword*
UIQ: Fear my power *strikes Ace and chops of his left arm*
Ace: Argh! Your not supposed to be able to hurt a angel.
UIQ: Why don't you ask your power source.
Ace: God how come he could hurt me?
God: You are not fully immortal my child, he can and probably will kill you, but he has 1 weakness.
Ace: And what is that?
God: ... You have to find out that yourself. Or you are not worth being a angel.
Ace: Thanks a lot (sarcasm)
UIQ: Now shall I obliberate you?
Ace: Take this! *throws a holy circle at Ultimate IQ*
UIQ: Eh? *cuts the circle in half* Got anything better mortal one?
Ace: You... you mean your not mortal?
UIQ: You shall only live long enough to know that.
Ace: How?
UIQ: Fight me or face your doom.
Ace: No! I won't fight you unless you tell me!
UIQ: There is no need.
Ace: *sits down* ...
UIQ: Fight me!!:mad:
Ace: I love you, you love me:bee:
UIQ: If you think love and peace shall stop me you are wrong.
Ace: Well I tried.
UIQ: Now face thy darkness as I will send you into infinity oblivion.
Ace: Gulp!
UIQ: Any last wish?
Ace: Could you wait till tomorrow?
UIQ: Granted *chains Ace to the castle wall and waits 24 hours*
Ace: D'oh!
UIQ: Oblivion Ultima Doom Nova Strike!! *Ace is reduced to nothingness* Ugh!! What happening? *turns back to normal* Guess it was time limited.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2004
Within the realms of this reality.
*Another Dimension. SoSh hears someone call out to him.*

Unknown1: I wish him back!
Unknown2: Why him?
1: I dunno, I always do things random.
SoSh: What?! I'm back. Wait! You wished me back to life. My immortality!!!
Whatever, I'm back and ready to take over the castle.


UIQ: Man, that move used up too much of my power.
SoSh: Hello ultimaiq.
UIQ: What!? I thought you were in the closet.
SoSh: That was my former mortal self.
UIQ: You mean that your alive again?
SoSh: Yeah, and it's time for me to retake the trone.
UIQ (to self): I can't use Ultima Gear right now...too...soon...
*SoSh and UIQ draw swords and prepare to battle. SoSh picks up Ace's left arm and attempts to beat down UIQ with it, but to no avail. SoSh sees a dark hole in the floor. They engage in battle, lock swords, but SoSh kicks UIQ into hole and portal closes.*

SoSh takes throne. I'm now ruler of the land!


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2004
Lost in the Stream of Consciousness
MArth walks in, slightly limping
UIQ: Ahhh..you again...wait, you are going to try to de-throne me with what little hp you have?

MArth: (produces MAAxim tomatoe from behind his back and eats it) no. I plan to de-throne you with the hp I just got back mwahahaha **devilish laugh** (throws whats left of tomatoe at UIQ)

UIQ: Infedial!! you will pay!!! ULTIMA SOMETHIN' OR ANOTHER!!


UIQ is hit with the counter and is sent flying into a freshly delivered cask of PIckles, which MArth quickly closes and nails shut, wich is then tossed into a new slighty bottomed bottomless pit.



Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: I'm normal again? Aw, now I got to find a way to become an angel agian.
DSM: What are you blubbering about?
Ace: My lost angelic powers.
DSM: Who cares?!
Ace: Your right, angelic powers or not, that is MY throne!
DSM: It would apear that I am sitting in it, therefore, it is MY throne!
Ace: Oh yeah!
DSM: yeah!
Ace: Well, I'll find a way to get it back!
DSM: You'll never defeat me!
Ace: Your probably right, but I'l try.
( Both engage in a long battle, both are tired and weak. I charge, buit to no avial, he counters, and I am near death...)
DSM: I... told you... You cannot deafeat me!
Ace: Kill me already!
DSM: You asked for it!
Ace: Your a fool! (DSM kills me unaware of what he has just done!)

I am in heaven once agian!

Ace: My plan to get here agian worked out perfectly!
God: Yes that was smart. AndI can't really count that as suicide, even though you lost on purpose!
Ace: Yes... just give me my powers back.
God: I'm afraid I can't do that...
Ace: Why?
God: Because you could not figure out his waekness....

To be continued... I will regain my throne!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Gah, how sad am I? being defeated by 2 people at the same time. Aw I'll just wish my life back at Wish corruptor.

Back at the castle.

DSM: Mwahaha, I smithed Ace good.
Uiq: Oh honey im back!
DSM: Do I know you?
Uiq: Sure you do.
DSM: How?
Uiq: You owe me money.
DSM: How much... Hey I won't fall for that trick... again.
Uiq: Then prepare to be dethroned.
DSM: Go ahead and try, I just wasted Ace.
Uiq: It looked like he did it on purpose.
DSM: No! it was I that smithed him!
Uiq: Smithed?
DSM: And now I shall smithe you too! *hits Uiq*
Uiq: Im not sure, but I think I allmost felt that.
DSM: :eek: How? Im strong I got leveled up for killing Ace too and all.
Uiq: And still you think you beated him fair and square?
DSM: Im gonna go and hide in the closet:(

I am the ruler of the land!
(man I like those smilies :) )


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2004
Lost in the Stream of Consciousness
*in closet*

DSM: yay a grenade
*opens door and throwsit out of closet and into uiq's lap*
uiq: arggg!! get it off
*throws it down bottomless pit*
dsm opens door and comes out, sword drawn
DSM: prepare, once again, to be smithed
uiq: you never smithed me.
DSM: oh yah.....hmmm...oh well.
uiq: soo, you want a fight?
DSM: no, I just wish for my rightful throne and for no more jokes about my tiara....my mommy gave me it.
UIq: really, how is she?
DSM: she's dead
uiq: well thats just to bad you motherless tiara wearing freakboy.
DSM fight back tears,
UIQ: what are you gonna do, slash me with your sword?
DSM pulls out his 9mm pistol
DSM: no.
KERBLEWAGUWAGUWAGEW!!(you were expecting a bang or blam eh?)
DSM stands over UIQ's body, smoke still rising from his gun, thousands or discharged cartriges scattered the floor, appearantly, DSM's first shot was a warning and UIQ fought bravely, but perished and left to join ace and get some angelic powers of his own.

*out of breath*
DSM: I.....am....ruler..of....the...land
(colapses onto throne, knocked out)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Continuation in heaven.

Ace: Come on! God, there has to be another way.
God: Well, you could have just asked three times.
Ace: What the heck.... that is completely out of the blue!
Ace: Once agian, I will say okay!
God: Can you make me an angel? Can you make me an angel? Can you make me an angel?
God: 1...2...3..., you asked three times. Okay I will.
Ace: Geez, seemed a little easy.
Ace: Nothing!

Iam an angel once agian! And back at the castle...

Ace: I back! Whats this I hear of you bragging about beating me!
DSM: Well I did.
Ace: Oh no, far from it. The only way back into heaven was to lety a loser like you kill me. And now I have my angelic power once agian... so you don't stand a chance!
DSM: What! Angelic powers, they mean nothing to me.
Ace: Okay weel it is a known fact that I do not like to kill meaninglessly. So I will give you the opurtunity to leave now.
DSM: Ha, I will kill you!
Ace: Just to show you that you never stood a chance, I wont go angelic on your ***!
(We begin to fight. My fists against his sword! He swings I dodge. Over and over agian.)
Ace: You just don't get it do you!( One swift punch and DSM goes flying back into his closet.)
Ace: And now for my throne. This feels good!

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
now what you hear is not a test--i'm rappin to the beat
and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet
see i am wonder mike and i like to say hello
to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow
but first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie
say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie
let's rock, you dont stop
rock the riddle that will make your body rock
well so far youve heard my voice but i brought two friends along
and next on the mike is my man hank
come on, hank, sing that song

check it out, i'm the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-a
and the rest is f-l-y
ya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mix
and these reasons i'll tell ya why
ya see i'm six foot one and i'm tons of fun
and i dress to a t
ya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress so viciously
i got bodyguards, i got two big cars
that definitely aint the wack
i got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillac
so after school, i take a dip in the pool
which really is on the wall
i got a color tv so i can see
the knicks play basketball
hear me talkin bout checkbooks, credit cards
more money than a sucker could ever spend
but i wouldnt give a sucker or a bum from the rucker
not a dime til i made it again
ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)
ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin
drive off in a def oj
everybody go, hotel motel holiday inn
say if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friend
master gee, am I mellow
its on you so what you gonna do

well it's on n on n on on n on
the beat dont stop until the break of dawn
i said m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double e
i said i go by the unforgettable name
of the man they call the master gee
well, my name is known all over the world
by all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls
i'm goin down in history
as the baddest rapper there could ever be
now i'm feelin the highs and ya feelin the lows
the beat starts gettin into your toes
ya start poppin ya fingers and stompin your feet
and movin your body while youre sittin in your seat
and the **** ya start doin the freak
i said ****, right outta your seat
then ya throw your hands high in the air
ya rockin to the rhythm, shake your derriere
ya rockin to the beat without a care
with the sureshot m.c.s for the affair
now, im not as tall as the rest of the gang
but i rap to the beat just the same
i dot a little face and a pair of brown eyes
all im here to do ladies is hypnotize
singin on n n on n on n on
the beat dont stop until the break of dawn
singin on n n on n on on n on
like a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie
pop da pop pop ya dont dare stop
come alive yall gimme what ya got
i guess by now you can take a hunch
and find that i am the baby of the bunch
'but that's okay i still keep in stride
cause all i'm here to do is just wiggle your behind
singin on n n on n on n on
the beat dont stop until the break of dawn
singin on n n on n on on n on
rock rock yall throw it on the floor
im gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya there
im gonna move you outta this atmosphere
cause im one of a kind and ill shock your mind
ill put t-t-tickets in your behind
i said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get on the floor
a-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya got
cause im guaranteed to make you rock
i said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for?

i said a hip hop the hippie to the hippie
the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
skiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie doo
and guess what america we love you
cause ya rock and ya roll with so much soul
you could rock till you're a hundred and one years old
i dont mean to brag i dont mean to boast
but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast
rock it up baby bubbah
baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang da boogie
to the beat beat, its so unique
come on everybody and dance to the beat


i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang
the boogie to the boogie da beat

i said i cant wait til the end of the week
when im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat
and attempt to raise your body heat
just blow your mind so that you cant speak
and do a thing but a rock and shuffle your feet
and let it change up to a dance called the freak
and when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beat
rest a little while so ya dont get weak
i know a man named hank
he has more rhymes than a serious bank
so come on hank sing that song
to the rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bong

well, im imp the dimp the ladies pimp
the women fight for my delight
but im the grandmaster with the three mcs
that shock the house for the young ladies
and when you come inside, into the front
you do the freak, spank, and do the bump
and when the sucker mcs try to prove a point

we're treacherous trio, we're the serious joint
a from sun to sun and from day to day
i sit down and write a brand new rhyme
because they say that miracles never cease
i've created a devastating masterpiece
i'm gonna rock the mike til you cant resist
everybody, i say it goes like this
well i was comin home late one dark afternoon
a reporter stopped me for a interview
she said she's heard stories and she's heard fables
that i'm vicious on the mike and the turntables
this young reporter i did adore
so i rocked a vicious rhyme like i never did before
she said **** fly guy im in love with you
the casanova legend must have been true
i said by the way baby what's your name
said i go by the name of lois lane
and you could be my boyfiend you surely can
just let me quit my boyfriend called superman
i said he's a fairy i do suppoose
flyin through the air in pantyhose
he may be very sexy or even cute
but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit
i said you need a man who's got finesse
and his whole name across his chest
he may be able to fly all through the night
but can he rock a party til the early light
he cant satisfy you with his little worm
but i can bust you out with my super sperm
i go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , do it
an i'm here an i'm there i'm big bang hank, im everywhere
just throw your hands up in the air
and party hardy like you just dont care
let's do it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stop
go hotel motel what you gonna do today(say what)
im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spank drive off in a def oj
everybody go hotel motel holiday inn
you say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friend
i say skip, dive, what can i say
i cant fit em all inside my oj
so i just take half and bust them out
i give the rest to master gee so he could shock the house

it was twelve o'clock one friday night
i was rockin to the beat and feelin all right
everybody was dancin on the floor
doin all the things they never did before
and then this fly fly girl with a sexy lean
she came into the bar, she came into the scene
as she traveled deeper inside the room
all the fellas checked out her white sasoons
she came up to the table, looked into my eyes
then she turned around and shook her behind
so i said to myself, its time for me to release
my vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece
and now people in the house this is just for you
a little rap to make you boogaloo
now the group ya hear is called phase two
and let me tell ya somethin we're a helluva crew
once a week we're on the street
just a-cuttin' the jams and making it free
for you to party ya got to have the movies
so we'll get right down and give you the groove
for you to dance you gotta get hype
so we'll get right down for you tonight
now the system's on and the girls are there
ya definitely have a rockin affair
but let me tell ya somethin there's still one fact
that to have a party ya got to have a rap
so when the party's over you're makin it home
and tryin to sleep before the break of dawn
and while ya sleepin ya start to dream
and thinkin how ya danced on the disco scene
my name appears in your mind
yeah, a name you know that was right on time
it was phase two just a doin a do
rockin ya down cause ya know we could
to the rhythm of the beat that makes ya freak
come alive girls get on your feet
to the rhythm of the beat to the beat the beat
to the double beat beat that it makes ya freak
to the rhythm of the beat that says ya go on
on n on into the break of dawn
now i got a man comin on right now
he's guaranteed to throw down
he goes by the name of wonder mike
come on wonder mike do what ya like

like a can of beer that's sweeter than honey
like a millionaire that has no money
like a rainy day that is not wet
like a gamblin fiend that does not bet
like dracula with out his fangs
like the boogie to the boogie without the boogie bang
like collard greens that dont taste good
like a tree that's not made out of wood
like goin up and not comin down
is just like the beat without the sound no sound
to the beat beat, ya do the freak
everybody just rock and dance to the beat
have you ever went over a friends house to eat
and the food just aint no good
i mean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed
and the chicken tastes like wood
so you try to play it off like you think you can
by sayin that youre full
and then your friend says momma he's just being polite
he aint finished uh uh that's bull
so your heart starts pumpin and you think of a lie
and you say that you already ate
and your friend says man there's plenty of food
so you pile some more on your plate
while the stinky foods steamin your mind starts to dreamin
of the moment that it's time to leave
and then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottin
into something that looks like cheese
oh so you say that's it i got to leave this place
i dont care what these people think
im just sittin here makin myself nauseous
with this ugly food that stinks
so you bust out the door while its still closed
still sick from the food you ate
and then you run to the store for quick relief
from a bottle of kaopectate
and then you call your friend two weeks later
to see how he has been
and he says i understand about the food
baby bubbah but we're still friends
with a hip hop the hippie to the hippie
the hip hip a hop a you dont stop the rockin
to the bang bang boogie
say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat
i say hank can ya rock
can ya rock to the rhythm that just dont stop
can ya hip me to the shoobie doo
i said come on make the make the people move

i go to the halls and then ring the bell
because i am the man with the clientele
and if ya ask me why i rock so well
a big bang, i got clientele
and from the time i was only six years old
i never forgot what i was told
it was the best advice that i ever had
it came from my wise dear old dad
he said sit down punk i wanna talk to you
and dont say a word until i'm through
now there's a time to laugh a time to cry
a time to live and a time to die
a time to break and a time to chill
to act civilized or act real ill
but whatever ya do in your lifetime
ya never let a mc steal your rhyme
so from sixty six til this very day
ill always remember what he had to say
so when the sucker mcs try to chump my style
i let them know that i'm versatile
i got style finesse and a little black book
that's filled with rhymes and i know you wanna look
but there's a thing that separates you from me
and that's called originality
because my rhymes are on from what you heard
i didnt even bite and not a god d--m word
and i say a little more later on tonight
so the sucker mc's can bite all night
a tick a tock yall a beat beat yall
a lets rock yall ya dont stop
ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)
ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin
drive off in a def oj
everybody go hotel motel holiday inn
ya say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friends
a like that yall to the beat yall
beat beat yall ya dont stop
a master gee am I mellow?
its on you so whatcha gonna do

well like johnny carson on the late show
a like frankie croker in stereo
well like the barkay's singin holy ghost
the sounds to throw down they're played the most

its like my man captain sky
whose name he earned with his super sperm
we rock and we dont stop
get off yall im here to give you whatcha got
to the beat that it makes you freak
and come alive girl get on your feet
a like a perry mason without a case
like farrah fawcett without her face

like the barkays on the mike
like gettin right down for you tonight
like movin your body so ya dont know how
right to the rhythm and throw down

like comin alive to the master gee
the brother who rocks so viciously
i said the age of one my life begun
at the age of two i was doin the do
at the age of three it was you and me
rockin to the sounds of the master gee
at the age of four i was on the floor
givin all the freaks what they bargained for
at the age of five i didnt take no jive
with the master gee its all the way live
at the age of six i was a pickin up sticks
rappin to the beat my stick was fixed
at the age of seven i was rockin in heaven dontcha know i went off
i got right on down to the beat you see
gettin right on down makin all the girls
just take of their clothes to the beat the beat
to the double beat beat that makes you freak
at the age of eight i was really great
cause every night you see i had a date
at the age of nine i was right on time
cause every night i had a party rhyme
goin on n n on n on on n on
the beat dont stop until the break of dawn
a sayin on n n on n on on n on...
like a hot buttered de pop de pop de pop
a saying on n n on n on on n on
cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike
i am the definate feast delight
cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike
i am the definate feast delight
come to the master gee you see
the brother who rocks so viciously

I'm ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Ace: Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!! my ears!!!! I gotta get out of here!! *flees*
Cho: Hehehe, Im-a-rapper.

In heaven.

God: Uh why are you here? I thought you use demon powers.
Uiq: Uh, I did, but DARKsideofMARTH said I should get powers like Ace.
God: Does DARKsideofMARTH think he can decide what I shall do?
Uiq: I think you should do something about it.
God: Maybe a little lightningstrike could be fun.
DSM: Lalalallaaa *gets hit by lightning* Ouch!!
God: Mwahahaha, that felt good.
Uiq: Hey strike choknater too.
God: Only I will decide what I shall do!! *lightning strikes choknater*
Uiq: Mmmmkaaaay.
God: I shall now grant you your life back, and I'll revive Omega as well.
Uiq: Hey I want angelic powers too.
God: What do you think I am? an allmighty ruler?
Uiq: Yes.
God: You got a point, now prepare to recive a totally random power.
Uiq: (please make it Ultima Gear) Im ready.

Ultimaiq recives a power and is sent back to the castle where the rapper choknater is the ruler.

cho: Im-a-rapper! Im-a-gonna-ween!
Uiq: Hey a Mario wannabe.
cho: Yours-is-a-gonna-die! *picks up his mic* Now-I-shall-a-rap-you-a-too-death.
Uiq: Firestorm! *choknater is engulfed into flames* hey, nice.
cho: Ah it burns, it burns!
Uiq: Im not done with you yet *hurls 10 throwing knifes at choknater* And here is some more *throws a few C4's in there too*
cho: *firestorm subsides* I... am not defeated?
Uiq: Persistent aren't we?
cho: Im-a-gonna-take-a-nap.
Uiq: *folds his hands and pray* ...
God: Let the fun begin!
cho: *is having a nightmare* No! please don't! uagh!! no I like my bones not broken mommy! Aaaagh!!!
Uiq: Should I wake him? nah.
cho: ZzZzZzZzZ Hey that tikles. why are you starting at me? what is that thing behind your back? ... Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!! please stop!! that chainsaw is rusty!
Uiq: Your overdoing it you know.
God: You don't have to tell me whats right!
Uiq: Then I'll take the throne.
God: Do it, I'll have some more fun with choknaters mental state.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2004
Lost in the Stream of Consciousness
DSM in closet

DSM: how could lightning come through the roof? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!
GOD:IT'S not supposed to.
DSM: hey your GOD right?
GOD:yeah who wants to know?
DSM: the one who is speaking with you right now
GOD: oh....yah.....I knew that
DSM: hey o-mightyful one, Can I get me one of those totally random skillz?
**gives him random skill**
DSM: ahhh..I feel the power
* kicks out closet door*

:demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon:

UIQ: what?!?!? the ability to summon mass armies of demons?
*demons beat the pee out of UIQ*
DSM: yesss....go forth my minions.....wreck havok onto this puny world!!!
GOD: oh man if I had known that was how he would use that power I would have made it the power to summon large quantities of fuzzy bunnies....oh how I love them.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
I find the world in mass chaos. The demons reaking havoc are chanting DSM's name.

Ace: I knew I should have killed him. **** my forgiving self!

(I start demolishing demons. But they start to overpower me.)

Ace: They are to great in number! I am going to die!
God: Um... Dude you aren't even using the powers I gave you!
Ace: Shut up! I'm putting on a good show!
God: Oh... I knew that!

(I summon my powers, wings sprout from my back, a sword apears in my hand and I am ready to go!)

Ace: DIE! (I start slashing away. The demons that were once beating the **** out of me are now running in fear!)

Ace: Now for DSM!

Back at the castle...

Ace: I knew I should have kille you!
DSM: Ha, with my powers you can't win.( Telepoerts in a blurr and is behind me.)
DSM: See what I mean, your feeble eyes cannot even track my movements!
Ace: Oh no!(DSM stabs me, and I fall to the ground)Now I have been deafeated and there is nobody left to stop his rule! Now the world is going to end and its my fault!
( Suddenly a light emminates from me like one never seen before)
Ace: What is going on!
God: You have discovered the way to find the true angelic power!
Ace: I knew it would be something corny, like caring for the fate of the world.
God: Yeah well... I try...
Ace: Okay DSM, now its time to DIE!
DSM: OH NO! (sarcasm) I am so scared!
Ace: You should be... now I am immortal.
(DSM comes at me sword in hand, and takes a stab. But an unseen force stoppes him just in front of me.)
Ace: This is an AT feild! You cannot penetrate it!
DSM: an AT what!
Ace: No more forgiving you, I gave you to many chances.
(I take my up sword, lift DSM into the air... and stab him through the head!)
Ace: You brought this on yourself!

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Since God likes me allmost as much as Ace, I am revived again.

Uiq: No more mercy Ace.
Ace: I am immortal.
Uiq: There is one way you know.
Ace: What?
Uiq: *draws his new sword*
Ace: A Masamune? Shepiriots sword? Bah that won't kill a immortal.
Uiq: Your right, Omega Let's forge this blade into OmegaUltimaBlade and the special plan.
Oiq: Gimme a dollar to this wending machine first.
Uiq: Just shoot it *shoots the wending machine*
Oiq: Yay free candy.
Uiq: You done yet?
Oiq: Yes. Let's forge the blade and activate 'it'.

Lot's of magic appears as the two fuses themselfes into eachother and the blade starts to glow.

Aiq: We are Atma IQ! The Optimal destroyer of good, and this blade can cut through anything, even emptiness.
Ace: Atma eh? *remembers FinalFantasy 6* Your not so though!
Aiq: Hah! *slices Aces sword into half*
Ace: Hey, that was made of the purest light.
Aiq: You still belive we can't harm you?
Ace: I still got my super melee skills.
Aiq: Won't do you any good against a 2.5 meter long sword.
Ace: Hey! gimme a chance will ya?
Aiq: Here *throws a Itembox from resident evil in front of Ace* choose a weapon, but choose wisely, only one weapon can defeat us.
Ace: God, wich weapon shall I choose?
God: The lighter.
Ace: What? No I'll take the rocketlauncher.
God: Wise choice.
Ace: Allways.
Aiq: Now we shall give you the first strike.
Ace: Fire in the hole! *boom!! (what else?)*
Aiq: ... Tikles.
Ace: D'oh, should have picked the Magnum.
Aiq: Here we go! *chops Ace's wings off*
Ace: :( mean.
Aiq: Hut, hat, heeyah!! *Ace falls to the ground and dissapear* We are victorious!

We are the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Ace: Okay, well I am an angel and I use my angels wish for my wings back.
God: Granted!

Back at the castle.

Aiq: We sure showed him.
Ace: I have aplan to defeat you.
Aiq: Haven't we been through this aleady.
Ace: Yeah, butI have a card.
Aiq: A card! Ha, If the sword of the purest light could not deafeat us, how can a card.
Ace: By separating you! I play diffusion!
Aiq: No, I will be separated and become easy prey for an angel! Wait how come your still an angel... I cut your wings off!
Ace: I am an angel, whatever I wish comes true!
Aiq: Aw man.... I acn't compete with that!
Ace: I will spare you Ultiq, but as for that other thing. I cannot allow that to live.( My sword appears, bigger than ever.) Goodbye evil thingy. ( Can't come up with a creative way to kill it, so I'll just stab it)
Ace: Now go Ultiq.
Ult: I'll be back!( Walkes away)
Ace: I know....

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
I see Ace, and ultimaiq2 walking away.
I come out of the corner clapping.

Sakura: bravo, i always wanted to see a sword fight and my head feels better too.
Ace: OK? and you getting to...
Sakura: i getting to the point that i want to see a bigger fight. Marth, i need you again.
Marth comes in and smiles.
Ace: You're kidding me!
Sakura: nope. i tell you what, if you win, you get to keep the throne, if i win, i keep the throne and you jump in that hole i just created in the corner.
Ace: Deal.

Ace and Marth battle. Marth chops, Ace dodges. the battle is so intence that the servents that no one knew existed comes and cheers in the fight. After some time, Ace tires out and fall to the ground.

Marth: i win.
Ace: two out of three?
Sakura: no, a deals a deal now go in your black hole!
Ace: i can't too weak.
Sakura: i can fix that. *picks Ace up and throws him in the black hole* thanks again Marth.
Marth: no problem.

I sit on the throne and send the servents to get me some refreshments.
I am ruler of the land.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2003
Sarpsborg, Norway, Earth
Uiq: Arrrgh!! *returns to the throneroom* My name is NOT ultimaiq2!!
Sak: Yes it is.
Uiq: Prove it!
Sak: Your profile says so.
Uiq: Thats just because I screwed up making my first acount.
Sak: Not my problem.
Uiq: Then you will die with your ignorance.
Sak: Marth come here a sec.
Marth: *enters while cleaning blood from his sword* Yes?
Sak: Battle him.
Marth: I shall do as you wish my lord.
Uiq: Hey Marth, are you brainwashed?
Marth: Yes, I mean NO.
Uiq: Then I will free you from your pain.
Marth: *deep inside his head where his free mind is locked up* No don't fight him. *Controlled Marth* You will die trying!

Marth and Ultimaiq fights 2 hours without growing tired but then suddently a messenger enters the throneroom and gives SakuraPichu a letter.

Sak: Hmmmm, I seem to have been invited to a birthday and I get to bring a friend. Hey Marth we are leaving.
Marth: But I want too finish him off.
Sak: :mad: NOW!!

They leave the castle.

Uiq: Hey messenger, who send you?
Messenger: A man that looked just like you but with a white colored armor.
Uiq: Heh Omega is having a party? I wonder why, anyway.

I am the ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2004
Anaheim, Ca
Enters the throne room.

Ace: Party? I want to go!
Ult: Go ahead and go, omega is holding it.
Ace: Why aren't you going?
Ult: Because I am ruler of the land.
Ace: Tell you what, you can go to the party, I'll save the throne till you get back. See no fighting involved.
Ult: How do I know you'll give it back?
Ace: Dude, you have the promise of an angel.
Ult: Okay!
Ace: Do me one favor, find out the reason for the party.
Ult: Why?
Ace: Because I want to know what kind of party I'm missing.
Ult: Alrighty then... later!
Ace: Yeah, later.... much later!

I am ruler of the land!


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2003
I get back from the party early and find Ace in the throne room.

Sakura: Where's ultimaiq2?
Ace: he went to the party.
Sakura: oh well, it's still going on. why dont you go?
Ace: because you pull the same trick on me that i did on ultimaiq2.
Sakura: no i won't, i promise.
Ace: Hey, where's Marth?
Sakura: he's still at the party. i let him stay because he started making out with Peach.
Ace: OH, i want to see! you'll watch my throne wont you?
Sakura: Sure, have fun.

Ace run to the party to watch Marth and Peach make out.
I sit on the throne and i am ruler of the land.

Sakura: where's my refreshments?!
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