DtJ Hilt
Little Lizard
Yellows don't outrange anything Lucario has that a red or blue wouldn't outrange. Conversely, if a red or blue would get beat by one of Lucarios attacks, so would a yellow. This is mainly because Yellows' disjoints are about the same as Lucario's, but Lucario's disjoints don't.. well, have a hurtbox. So he wins that battle. That said, yellows have lower damage output and knockback. We don't want Lucario to live long at all, so approaching the ending of his stock slowly is terrible for us, and we could easily end up taking a lot of damage or losing a stock (both due to aura). It's just that there aren't any benefits of using Yellows, which means that they're unnecessary, because of their low damage output and knockback.
Same with Snake, for the most part. But not as much.
Edit: What Vocal said, lol.
Same with Snake, for the most part. But not as much.
Edit: What Vocal said, lol.