Eh, I was (and still am) in different about Corrin
I mean, it's cool FE is getting some representation and he is definitely a unique character moveset wise
I really think when push comes to shove, I would have rather seen someone else in Smash.
While Corrin may be a unique character moveset wise, he just seems to be the most boring, blandest and uninteresting character i know. Seriously, hims personality is just bland, his name is Corrin (Seriously, they couldn't pick a better name than Corrin?!)
Plus Robin has already got the whole Costume character thing going for him.
And also, why did we need another FE rep? I like the series, but seriously, there are other series that were more deserving of the spot (Zelda, DK, Star Fox) that is just makes me scratch my head
Either way, he seems like a cool character but there are things about him that i just find super uninteresting....