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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Deleted member

I could've worded that better. I'm just saying two things:

1: These designs can almost be considered jokes among the fanbases of Megaman and Pac-Man, so they shouldn't actually be taken seriously as possible references for a moveset.

2: Pac-Man's inclusion in a fighting game not featuring all Tekken over Lloyd Irving promotes Pac-Man. But, now that I think about it, Project X Zone may contradict this.
I think the Mega Man fan base seriously overreacted to the Street Fighter X Tekken joke. It wasn't meant to insult the fan base; it was just a really badly timed joke. Personally, I found the Bad Box Art Mega Man to be funny.

Not sure how Pac-Man's appearance in the game promotes Pac-Man over Lloyd Irving; especially when there has been interest expressed for a Tales rep and so far, not Pac-Man.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
6. If you give me a list of FACTS posted about why Dark Samus makes more sense then a REDESIGNED Ninten makes more sense. I'd gladly accept it right here in now. Dark Samus makes more sense than the ORIGINAL Ninten.

Fact #1: Dark Samus has abilities that differ from the Samus we already have, which makes her more interesting

Fact #2: Nobody gives two ****s about Ninten.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I wonder what would happen if we put Ness's hat on Lucas.............

(still kindly waiting for Scoliosis)
Funny you mention that. Lucas's initial design from Earthbound 64 was almost the same as Ness.

If Lucas's initial design had been kept, I'm rather sure that he wouldn't have been in Smash either.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Lucas would still be a little blonde boy. He'd just be wearing a hat. I repeat for the eighth time, the appearance similarities are NOT important and NOT why we think Ninten is a bad choice.
just saying: I put Ness's hat on Lucas and it's basically a different colored Ninten/Ness. Same shirt, same head, same face, but different color. Even the Mother 3 sprite would be the same besides a slight change in height.

But, if you have other reasons I'd like to hear as I don't believe I have yet.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Before the flaming begins im gonna go ahead and repost my realistic roster for discussion so it may act as flame retardant. (maybe)

More Predictions

1. I could easily see another zelda rep due to it being such a huge franchise and getting a new rep every game, I just dont know which one.

2. I could easily see toon link and dr. mario returning if sakurai wishes or he will most likely make them costumes.

3. Mewtwo will transform or always be in that new form.

4. F Zero could easily get a character since they have had only captain falcon for several games but this is also hard to determine.

5. Depending on whether sakurai wants to recognize luigi as his own ip I could foresee the inclusion of king boo (popular or not).


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Lucas would still be a little blonde boy. He'd just be wearing a hat. I repeat for the eighth time, the appearance similarities are NOT important and NOT why we think Ninten is a bad choice.
Similar appearance still a bad thing for newcomer. There is a reason why you still hear people crying clone over Wolf, and why Falco was chosen to be the Fox clone over Wolf in Melee.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Personally, I think Dark Samus is more likely because she/it was a recurring character in the 2nd and 3rd Prime games, while Ninten has only appeared in a Japan-only NES game that tends to be overshadowed by Mother 2 and 3.
That's a good reason. I agree with that defense. I PERSONALLY feel Ninten MIGHT still get in though. Either that or they should remove Ness and just keep Lucas. They WERE gonna do that, but you know people really like Ness. I think with Lucas there is no point in having Ness he's CLEARLY weaker than Lucas.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
1. I have always been aware of Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik, Roy, Mewtwo, Dixie, Dr. Mario. "Prai_Mai" codes. I've kinown about it for years

2. I knew about Pauletena's popularity. I simply said she was an unlikely character because she was a godess. Just because I appose Geno doesn't mean I said he wasn't WANTED.

3. I don't act like this anywhere else. I act like this to you guys for one reason. You won't allow me to be nice even if I apologize or DO admit I'm wrong about Shulk. Just because you don't recall or look for posts of that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Heck I'll even say it now: I was wrong about Shulk not being Nintendo. I WAS sorry for getting mad about the inclusion of Pac-Man, Frogger, or Space Invaders. But, you guys get mad and mean simply over smash reps. You will find that pretty much any rude comment by me was a REPLY to a rude comment by you. Go back and look, I'll even Bring back evidence myself of that if I HAVE to.

4. Whether I post this or not is a waste of time. You guys don't know the meaning of forgiveness. If you ALL wanted to make peace I'd GLADLY accept it. This is the only thing I claim to be more mature in the area of.

5. When I said "Ike wasn't on the cover" That was me saying "I didn't notice" NOT "Oh, that's a reason to say he's not the main character."

6. If you give me a list of FACTS posted about why Dark Samus makes more sense then a REDESIGNED Ninten makes more sense. I'd gladly accept it right here in now. Dark Samus makes more sense than the ORIGINAL Ninten.



But, NOT so much this:
This is a REDESIGN, Nintendo can do even better.

So yeah, even after THIS Ninten VS Dark Samus stuff, you STILL refuse to back down until I agree with Dark Samus being a better choice. And by sending me personal messages begging me to do so and then making smirkish responses about what you DISAGREE with. I consider that trolling.

You can't prove Dark Samus would look more different because there is NO redesigned Ninten yet. So until there IS one you can't say it WOULDN'T be. That's like saying Ganondorf not being in SSB4 is a FACT. You can't say that because it something like that hasn't happened yet.

And please bring back posts of me calling you names in posts that WEREN'T replies to you being rude or trolling.

The only time I STARTED a flame was the debate about Pac-Man

If you have evidence of me BEGINNING a flame over any other subject, please post it HERE.

Also my threads got blocked because of these reasons.

1. Too similar to other threads
2. You guys were spamming it with arguements I didn't even respond to Take my SSB4 Prediction thread for example. And go back and check it if this is not accurate:


Noah: This one doesn't encourage trolling. I'm promoting this for Newcomers to the website.

Scoliosis: The other thread doesn't encourage trolling either.

Noah: I disagree

Scoliosis: Ok, Explain your side

Noah: No, I can save that for the other thread. Not this one.

Neandrathal: And the trolling begins...

Noah: Nope, not here.

No offense to you, but every time someone has asked you to explain something, you seem to just sweep it under the rug and not have another thought about it.​
When I made that thread, nowhere in it did I put up any idea that it was a troll gathering area. I'm going to try to explain this as best I can.​
When the other users are commenting toward you that "Eirika is unlikely" or something like that, they aren't trying to personally attack you. Based on the fact that Roy and Chrom are more popular among the Smash fans, that is where their basis comes from when they disagree.​
Maybe everything that happens in the other thread originates from misunderstandings, but people are going to think you're a douchebag if you come into a forum for the first time and preach that your roster is the "realistic" choice. Especially when you hardly answer anyone's questions. It gets irritating.​
But go ahead. Go post it back in the other thread. I'm not going to tell you what to do.​

(*NOTE: Before I continue what happened in the above thread. I'd like to point out I have said several times why Eirika works. She is a female FE protagonist. We don't have any of them. She is also popular among fans as a female FE hero. I never got mad of you disagreeing on that. I also NEVER said she was more likely than chrom or Roy. Not to mention Chrom is in ALL of my rosters. And I have many rosters with Roy as well, one posted, several NOT posted. Meaning I DID answer questions and had defenses several times for several characters as a matter of fact. And if you don't believe me I'll do it again for each character you list. Now back to the thread I was talking abut*)

N3ON: Yeah, so this one should totally be closed. Hint, hint. It's just going to end in massive arguments because of Noah.

(*Another note: Notice how he claims that there is an argument or is going to be one is completely senseless as I have posted nothing so far in this thread that is an argument and in fact don't post ANYTHING after this post. Now back to the thread*)

Banjodorf: Oh. Wow, I thought this was a post by Scoliosis, and it honestly made ZERO sense, but then I realized I had Noah on ignore. It definitely made this a funny experience!

Scoliosis Jones: Me with a Pony picture and terrible knack of ruining this forum?

You got me :troll:.

Moderator: Sure. This is outside of my moderation privileges, so I'll have to politely ask that you refrain from posting until Mario & Sonic Bro locks it.



You also said: Especially, when you accuse me of trolling, and then threaten me with being reported because I asked you a simple question. Not to mention sending me a private message to do so. The best part was, the mods themselves called you a troll, and have locked every single thread you have made.

I accused you of trolling because you were starting an argument about characters I have defended and you refused to accept these defenses on a thread that had nothing to do with the argument. Here is what I sent you

Noah: You are bringing up subjects that have nothing to do with my thread, regardless of me not responding. Which is a form of spamming and simply admitting how much you can't stand NOT arguing. And I must report spamming on my thread.

So I was reporting you for SPAMMING.

Another note: That video I made from the show "boondocks" was a response to people like Swampasaur saying

Either admit you're wrong about your roster or leave.

I was represented by the man bringing up defenses you claim I DON'T have and trying to stay on the subject of newly brought up topics. Where as smashboards is saying "Say it, or shut up. Similar to admit it or leave.

So there.

I'd be glad to back up any other characters with PROOF right here and now.

CHALLENGE: You will post a list of characters on my roster and why they don't work. And I will POLITELY post proof/defenses of why they do.

Unless you wanna continue making Unless you wanna continue making snide remarks to admit you cannot succeed in this challenge and any proof I have.

In which case you lose.

I wanna see if you can do it.
Starting this out by saying that at least I haven't said that none of your characters could work for the game. Just that several other characters are likely over them.

Eirika- Could work in Smash (basically any character can) but is completely out shined by Chrom, Roy and Lucina in almost every aspect. Putting a female character in because she is female is a bad reason to include a character anyway.

Starfy- has very little moveset potential, and has basically already been shot down by Sakurai.

Ray- has very little support, and again will likely not be prioritized over characters with immensely more potent popularity.

Ninten- your basis on his inclusion is assuming Nintendo would put in the time to differentiate him from Ness. The difference between Ninten and Dark Samus, is that Dark Samus is already different from Samus from the get go. Ninten would require changes that would not represent his character properly, thus defeating the purpose of his inclusion. Besides, if Sakurai wanted him in, he would've put him in the first one most likely. Your reasoning that we can't say there isn't going to be a redesigned Ninten is just as applicable to you. There is no guarantee that there will be a redesigned Ninten, so you are using a reason that may not even exist.

Sheriff and basically everyone else is fine for the most part.

There you go.

When people tell you to leave, it isn't because you don't agree. It is because you're a complete a**hole when people ask you questions. Show me some sort of this "proof" that you have that you have knowledge of how the game works. You have yet to do that by the way.

The post in which I told you that you can do what you want in that thread was in good spirit. It wasn't like, "OMGZ KID YOUZ STUPID" type deal.

Calling me names =/= being overall rude, childish, ignorant and arrogant. AT ALL. Your thread was only closed based on the first reason you posted, not the other. My question was completely relevant to your original post in that thread because I wanted to know why you thought that this very thread was for trolls. You mentioned that yourself, did you not?

Oh well. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with this.

You may not act like this anywhere else, but your VERY FIRST POST was hostile in a place that you had never been before. First impressions are incredibly important when judging if people like someone or not. Your first impression was awful, and they are incredibly hard to change.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
That's a good reason. I agree with that defense. I PERSONALLY feel Ninten MIGHT still get in though. Either that or they should remove Ness and just keep Lucas. They WERE gonna do that, but you know people really like Ness. I think with Lucas there is no point in having Ness he's CLEARLY weaker than Lucas.
Actually Ness is one of my side characters, I like him way more then lucas, his tools seem more effective to me, lucas needs an overall on his special moves to help give him even more of a unique character flavor.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
just saying: I put Ness's hat on Lucas and it's basically a different colored Ninten/Ness. Same shirt, same head, same face, but different color. Even the Mother 3 sprite would be the same besides a slight change in height.

But, if you have other reasons I'd like to hear as I don't believe I have yet.
I hate repeating myself. Mother 1 is overshadowed by Earthbound/Mother 2 because of it's lack of a worldwide release. Because of this, people like Ness, and don't particularly like his predecessor. Ninten isn't requested, and there is no need to represent the first, and least significant, game.

Similar appearance still a bad thing for newcomer. There is a reason why you still hear people crying clone over Wolf, and why Falco was chosen to be the Fox clone over Wolf in Melee.
I don't consider similar appearances to be a big deal. If Ninten were actually important and got in, the redesign with the kerchief and new hat direction would be enough to satisfy me (besides the fact that it's Ninten who got in over Masked Man).

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I have a feeling that's what he wants to happen.

Either way, some questions about Advance Wars?

1.Do you think it will get a character?
2. Do you think it SHOULD get a character?
3. Do you want it to get a character?
4. How would you pick for an Advance Wars character?
5. Stage?
6. Assist Trophy?
7. Music?
8. Item?
9. Discuss a couple of moveset ideas.

1. No, seems unlikely to me at this point.
2. No, not until a new game or two gets released, So maybe whenever a Smash 5 happens.
3. Not really, I'm not into the series all that much.
4. Go for the main character, so Andy or that one blonde haired guy.
5. Maybe, can't really imagine what they would do though.
6. Why not the same as Brawl's?
7. Yeah. I'm sure there is a few good tracks in the series to use.
8. I dunno, a Missile silo might work.
9. Using the weapons of various ground units might work. And riding on air units could be used for a recovery. Various CO powers could be implemented in new ways to act as Final Smashes. Or they can borrow the missile attack from that Sturm dude.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
This is the first time I'm replying about Noah... why?

1. I have always been aware of Toon Zelda/Toon Sheik, Roy, Mewtwo, Dixie, Dr. Mario. "Prai_Mai" codes. I've kinown about it for years
can everyone shut up about this it's not even like other characters in the past

2. I knew about Pauletena's popularity. I simply said she was an unlikely character because she was a godess. Just because I appose Geno doesn't mean I said he wasn't WANTED.
this doesn't even make sense




3. I don't act like this anywhere else. I act like this to you guys for one reason. You won't allow me to be nice even if I apologize or DO admit I'm wrong about Shulk. Just because you don't recall or look for posts of that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Heck I'll even say it now: I was wrong about Shulk not being Nintendo. I WAS sorry for getting mad about the inclusion of Pac-Man, Frogger, or Space Invaders. But, you guys get mad and mean simply over smash reps. You will find that pretty much any rude comment by me was a REPLY to a rude comment by you. Go back and look, I'll even Bring back evidence myself of that if I HAVE to.
I haven't seen all of your posts but sometimes you do act like an ass. Not going to sugarcoat that.

4. Whether I post this or not is a waste of time. You guys don't know the meaning of forgiveness. If you ALL wanted to make peace I'd GLADLY accept it. This is the only thing I claim to be more mature in the area of.
I don't know too much about the others but the only thing I do is be a sarcastic asshole in my posts. I'm tame.

5. When I said "Ike wasn't on the cover" That was me saying "I didn't notice" NOT "Oh, that's a reason to say he's not the main character."
...okay sure enough. Radiant Dawn is very different from other games anyways

6. If you give me a list of FACTS posted about why Dark Samus makes more sense then a REDESIGNED Ninten makes more sense. I'd gladly accept it right here in now. Dark Samus makes more sense than the ORIGINAL Ninten.

1. Ness was already intended to be replaced by Lucas in Smash 64 and Melee; doesn't that on it's own kind-of say something? Masked Man is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, and even this makes me feel unweary (Granted things have changed since then and Mother 3 is now a game)
2. Canonically, Ness and Ninten are almost considered the same character. Check interviews. Hell, play Mother 1
3. The only logical reasoning is kind-of like Pokey with "He's been in more games" - Ninten just has been a protagonist in Mother 1
4. Seeing other redesigns make more sense. While Pit was a total redesign, it still looked like Pit. To make Ninten differentiate from Ness...
5. Ninten literally doesn't have any character. Ness doesn't have much either, but play Mother 3 and Earthbound along with Mother 1 to opinionate
6. He's not a character that would entice people to buy the game. You just clearly have a bias
7. While I don't care for Dark Samus and think she fits as a costume better, even I can see how they canonically have different moves and different appearances. It's like Cole and evil Cole in PSABR.
(*NOTE: Before I continue what happened in the above thread. I'd like to point out I have said several times why Eirika works. She is a female FE protagonist. We don't have any of them. She is also popular among fans as a female FE hero. I never got mad of you disagreeing on that. I also NEVER said she was more likely than chrom or Roy. Not to mention Chrom is in ALL of my rosters. And I have many rosters with Roy as well, one posted, several NOT posted. Meaning I DID answer questions and had defenses several times for several characters as a matter of fact. And if you don't believe me I'll do it again for each character you list. Now back to the thread I was talking abut*)
...im not even replying to this part

and heavens forbid sarcasm[/quote]

Where? The tier list disagrees.
he's good in doubles and in match-ups, though


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Starting this out by saying that at least I haven't said that none of your characters could work for the game. Just that several other characters are likely over them.

Eirika- Could work in Smash (basically any character can) but is completely out shined by Chrom, Roy and Lucina in almost every aspect. Putting a female character in because she is female is a bad reason to include a character anyway.

Starfy- has very little moveset potential, and has basically already been shot down by Sakurai.

Ray- has very little support, and again will likely not be prioritized over characters with immensely more potent popularity.

Ninten- your basis on his inclusion is assuming Nintendo would put in the time to differentiate him from Ness. The difference between Ninten and Dark Samus, is that Dark Samus is already different from Samus from the get go. Ninten would require changes that would not represent his character properly, thus defeating the purpose of his inclusion. Besides, if Sakurai wanted him in, he would've put him in the first one most likely. Your reasoning that we can't say there isn't going to be a redesigned Ninten is just as applicable to you. There is no guarantee that there will be a redesigned Ninten, so you are using a reason that may not even exist.

Sheriff and basically everyone else is fine for the most part.

There you go.

When people tell you to leave, it isn't because you don't agree. It is because you're a complete a**hole when people ask you questions. Show me some sort of this "proof" that you have that you have knowledge of how the game works. You have yet to do that by the way.

The post in which I told you that you can do what you want in that thread was in good spirit. It wasn't like, "OMGZ KID YOUZ STUPID" type deal.

Calling me names =/= being overall rude, childish, ignorant and arrogant. AT ALL. Your thread was only closed based on the first reason you posted, not the other. My question was completely relevant to your original post in that thread because I wanted to know why you thought that this very thread was for tolls. You mentioned that yourself, did you not?

Oh well. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with this.

You may not act like this anywhere else, but your VERY FIRST POST was hostile in a place that you had never been before. First impressions are incredibly important when judging if people like someone or not. Your first impression was awful, and they are incredibly hard to change.
My FIRST impression was VERY out of line and apologize to all. But, that is NOT something that can't be forgiven unless one is too stubborn. But, I try to make up for it. Some peoples just keep bringing it back.

And since I promised to POLITELY back up these statements I will do so

Eirika- actually I put her in because she was a female FE character. Not just a female character in general. So she may OR may not make it. We MAY just have 3 FE reps. I have no idea. But, she is a possibility. I think it would be a bad idea NOT to have a Female Fire Emblem hero seeing as they are so popular. I don't think we'll get Lucina because she is a side character that only recently appeared in FE. I think it would be unnecessary.

Ray- Yeah, I'm thinking about removing him.

Starfy- Starfy was recently released in the West and actually has more moves now. He could use his spin attack, a water splash attack (Maybe to act as a more usefyl replacement or Mario's god awful fludd attack. He could use a flip as a third jump. And he has a move similar to Meta Knight's B forward move. Also great potential for A attacks. But if Sakurai STILL doesn't want him after the western release he probably won't get in.

Matthew- I know you didn't mention him, but I feel Golden Sun isn't THAT popular to begin with so I think the only people who will CARE whether or not it is Issac are the REALLy hardcore Smash fans like on Smashboards.

I mean think back to SSB64. Earthbound did NOT sell well in the west so logically nobody would care whether they used Ninten or Ness. Golden Sun is a similar situation.

Clearing up everything else: Shulk Dillon, and Mallo ARE Nintendo Characters.

Random comment: Also I believe Dillon and Mallo will be ASSIST TROPHIES so that's where currently stand on their inclusion.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
This is the first time I'm replying about Noah... why?

can everyone shut up about this it's not even like other characters in the past

this doesn't even make sense




I haven't seen all of your posts but sometimes you do act like an ***. Not going to sugarcoat that.

I don't know too much about the others but the only thing I do is be a sarcastic ******* in my posts. I'm tame.

...okay sure enough. Radiant Dawn is very different from other games anyways


1. Ness was already intended to be replaced by Lucas in Smash 64 and Melee; doesn't that on it's own kind-of say something? Masked Man is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, and even this makes me feel unweary (Granted things have changed since then and Mother 3 is now a game)
2. Canonically, Ness and Ninten are almost considered the same character. Check interviews. Hell, play Mother 1
3. The only logical reasoning is kind-of like Pokey with "He's been in more games" - Ninten just has been a protagonist in Mother 1
4. Seeing other redesigns make more sense. While Pit was a total redesign, it still looked like Pit. To make Ninten differentiate from Ness...
5. Ninten literally doesn't have any character. Ness doesn't have much either, but play Mother 3 and Earthbound along with Mother 1 to opinionate
6. He's not a character that would entice people to buy the game. You just clearly have a bias
7. While I don't care for Dark Samus and think she fits as a costume better, even I can see how they canonically have different moves and different appearances. It's like Cole and evil Cole in PSABR.

...im not even replying to this part

and heavens forbid sarcasm

The point where you compare good/evil cole to dark samus and samus I disagree with as they are actually to separate entities while good cole and evil cole are actually the same except for being good or evil.

The point where you compare good/evil cole to dark samus and samus I disagree with as they are actually to separate entities while good cole and evil cole are actually the same except for being good or evil.[/quote]
My FIRST impression was VERY out of line and apologize to all. But, that is NOT something that can't be forgiven unless one is too stubborn. But, I try to make up for it. Some peoples just keep bringing it back.

And since I promised to POLITELY back up these statements I will do so

Eirika- actually I put her in because she was a female FE character. Not just a female character in general. So she may OR may not make it. We MAY just have 3 FE reps. I have no idea. But, she is a possibility. I think it would be a bad idea NOT to have a Female Fire Emblem hero seeing as they are so popular. I don't think we'll get Lucina because she is a side character that only recently appeared in FE. I think it would be unnecessary.

Ray- Yeah, I'm thinking about removing him.

Starfy- Starfy was recently released in the West and actually has more moves now. He could use his spin attack, a water splash attack (Maybe to act as a more usefyl replacement or Mario's god awful fludd attack. He could use a flip as a third jump. And he has a move similar to Meta Knight's B forward move. Also great potential for A attacks. But if Sakurai STILL doesn't want him after the western release he probably won't get in.

Matthew- I know you didn't mention him, but I feel Golden Sun isn't THAT popular to begin with so I think the only people who will CARE whether or not it is Issac are the REALLy hardcore Smash fans like on Smashboards.

I mean think back to SSB64. Earthbound did NOT sell well in the west so logically nobody would care whether they used Ninten or Ness. Golden Sun is a similar situation.

Clearing up everything else: Shulk Dillon, and Mallo ARE Nintendo Characters.

Random comment: Also I believe Dillon and Mallo will be ASSIST TROPHIES so that's where currently stand on their inclusion.

Dont give up on starfy and ray for ssb5 though by that time the selection pool wont be as big for characters who are important and it will be easier to get lesser know important characters into the game.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
My FIRST impression was VERY out of line and apologize to all. But, that is NOT something that can't be forgiven unless one is too stubborn. But, I try to make up for it. Some peoples just keep bringing it back.

And since I promised to POLITELY back up these statements I will do so

Eirika- actually I put her in because she was a female FE character. Not just a female character in general. So she may OR may not make it. We MAY just have 3 FE reps. I have no idea. But, she is a possibility. I think it would be a bad idea NOT to have a Female Fire Emblem hero seeing as they are so popular. I don't think we'll get Lucina because she is a side character that only recently appeared in FE. I think it would be unnecessary.

Ray- Yeah, I'm thinking about removing him.

Starfy- Starfy was recently released in the West and actually has more moves now. He could use his spin attack, a water splash attack (Maybe to act as a more usefyl replacement or Mario's god awful fludd attack. He could use a flip as a third jump. And he has a move similar to Meta Knight's B forward move. Also great potential for A attacks. But if Sakurai STILL doesn't want him after the western release he probably won't get in.

Matthew- I know you didn't mention him, but I feel Golden Sun isn't THAT popular to begin with so I think the only people who will CARE whether or not it is Issac are the REALLy hardcore Smash fans like on Smashboards.

I mean think back to SSB64. Earthbound did NOT sell well in the west so logically nobody would care whether they used Ninten or Ness. Golden Sun is a similar situation.

Clearing up everything else: Shulk Dillon, and Mallo ARE Nintendo Characters.

Random comment: Also I believe Dillon and Mallo will be ASSIST TROPHIES so that's where currently stand on their inclusion.
I appreciate this post. I mean that entirely truthfully too. However, the only point I will argue on is the Ninten and Ness one.

If nobody would care, and Ness was chosen, then clearly Ness was picked over Ninten for some other reason. However nobody knows what that reasoning is, so i'm not going to say I know it either.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something

Matthew- I know you didn't mention him, but I feel Golden Sun isn't THAT popular to begin with so I think the only people who will CARE whether or not it is Issac are the REALLy hardcore Smash fans like on Smashboards.
the series that has sold around as much as pikmin and is one of Nintendo better selling series with few games?

what are you on?

also what you just said applies to a lot of characters. zing.

The point where you compare good/evil cole to dark samus and samus I disagree with as they are actually to separate entities while good cole and evil cole are actually the same except for being good or evil.
i dont know much about metroid prime nor infamous so i can't really comment on that but my point was dark samus CAN be her own entity


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I hate repeating myself. Mother 1 is overshadowed by Earthbound/Mother 2 because of it's lack of a worldwide release. Because of this, people like Ness, and don't particularly like his predecessor. Ninten isn't requested, and there is no need to represent the first, and least significant, game.

Noah: That's a good reason why he MAY not get in.

I don't consider similar appearances to be a big deal. If Ninten were actually important and got in, the redesign with the kerchief and new hat direction would be enough to satisfy me (besides the fact that it's Ninten who got in over Masked Man).
Noah: That's exactly what I think. But, hey we could have both Masked Man and Ninten. But, I still think Ninten has a chance even if he isn't THAT popular, he's more popular NOW and I mean there are people who have Sukapon on there roster, so it's not the worst choice in the world.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I think Ness was chosen over Ninten for two reasons:
  • Ness's game was released in the USA, unlike Ninten's which was Japan-only.
  • The above point combined with the fact that the original Mother was released at the end of the NES's lifespan likely hindered Mother's success and recognition.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Wait. Where was I for this Dark Samus v. Ninten debate??

Dark Samus, while not likely, dwarves Ninten's chances in bring included. Anything else is delusion. Earthbound, at the moment, is a finished series with no plans for a reboot. Ninten is a fairly obscure character and stands behind Ness' shadow. Why would Nintendo give a **** about him enough to redesign his character when his inclusion wouldn't boost sales or hype. As well, most consider them clones of other characters but DS is more relevant and recent compared to Ninten.

See Noah, you back up stuff with empty arguments and "oh you guys are mean to me" when you seem to lack any type of etiquette. When people disagree with you, you become a douche. Then, when people flame of troll you for your behavior, you enter into the victim state and say you are being polite; it's merely everyone's fault.

Why don't you stop trying to rule **** up and learn to become a constructive member of this site.

I wanted to post this about advanced wars but my iPhone went nuts.

Yes, is love to see an AW rep. Will we? I don't think so. I'd love to see Andy, Sami, or Grunt. Orange Star HQ would make a great level.

Andy could make units and improve/repair them. Sami could create some units but mostly a all around weapons expert. Grunt would be mostly a projectile fighter with a few close up combat options.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I think Ness was chosen over Ninten for two reasons:
  • Ness's game was released in the USA, unlike Ninten's which was Japan-only.
  • The above point combined with the fact that the original Mother was released at the end of the NES's lifespan likely hindered Mother's success and recognition.
Well, yeah!


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Matthew- I know you didn't mention him, but I feel Golden Sun isn't THAT popular to begin with so I think the only people who will CARE whether or not it is Issac are the REALLy hardcore Smash fans like on Smashboards.
I believe I'm going to have to disagree with you.png

Isaac is flat out more important to the series than Matthew, being playable in TWO games in a series of THREE.

His appearance as an AT in Brawl only increased his popularity and awareness among casual gamers.

Also. GS1 and GS2 sold way more than Dark Dawn, so Isaac is more well known than Matthew no matter how you look at it.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I believe I'm going to have to disagree with you.png

Isaac is flat out more important to the series than Matthew, being playable in TWO games in a series of THREE.

His appearance as an AT in Brawl only increased his popularity and awareness among casual gamers.

Also. GS1 and GS2 sold way more than Dark Dawn, so Isaac is more well known than Matthew no matter how you look at it.
He is, so he might get in over Matthew.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
also matthew and isaac are basically the same in almost everything

isaac makes more sense really

Sukapon was shot down by Sakurai if I remember correctly.
not completely from what i read, but yeah. i'm not saying he's likely, but I'm saying he's honestly one of the better choices for a game like this asides from Programmer vs Artist issues.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Really, any choice is fine. As long as the person who includes said characters will admit that they may get excluded in favor of another characters. I have little problem with that. Hell, I have Paper Mario in mine, and he could EASILY be a pass to Sakurai.

I just get fired up when people try to argue things that don't need to be argued, and then it winds up getting argued anyway :cry:


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Noah: That's a good reason why he MAY not get in.

Noah: That's exactly what I think. But, hey we could have both Masked Man and Ninten. But, I still think Ninten has a chance even if he isn't THAT popular, he's more popular NOW and I mean there are people who have Sukapon on there roster, so it's not the worst choice in the world.
Lotus: May is vague, which is basically 50/50. No, Ninten is not popular, not relevant, and not necessary. There are two better choices to pick as a new Mother rep (Porky and Masked Man, while they aren't overly demanded either, they're more popular than Ninten and much more iconic to the series), and that's assumng we get one at all.

Lotus: Why would you possibly think 4 reps for Mother reps is a good idea!? :facepalm: I repeat once more, there are better choices than Ninten, so Ninten is highly unlikely.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
it's even more stupid to be arguing about smash 4 characters since not only are we on limited spaces but there are certain characters sakurai may have little to no interest at all (Paper Mario) and many series have a pretty obvious choice, and most don't even need two reps, or i'd never think about adding 2 at least if i was part of the producer team...


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I think the Mega Man fan base seriously overreacted to the Street Fighter X Tekken joke. It wasn't meant to insult the fan base; it was just a really badly timed joke. Personally, I found the Bad Box Art Mega Man to be funny.

Not sure how Pac-Man's appearance in the game promotes Pac-Man over Lloyd Irving; especially when there has been interest expressed for a Tales rep and so far, not Pac-Man.
Idk I think capcom was trolling, they do it alot, (like megaman x costume in umvc3).

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Noah: That's exactly what I think. But, hey we could have both Masked Man and Ninten. But, I still think Ninten has a chance even if he isn't THAT popular, he's more popular NOW and I mean there are people who have Sukapon on there roster, so it's not the worst choice in the world.
I absolutely do not see Earthbound getting 3 reps and, if they do, it would be ridiculous. Earthbound is a finished series with no plans to reboot it. If we were to get Ninten/Masked Man, I should be to replace Ness/Lucas which I don't see. Assuming they add a third rep, that means it has one more rep over DK, Fire Emblem, two over Metroid, Nd the same as Star Fox despite being not as popular or relevant as those mentioned. A fourth rep would be both ridiculous, over-represented, and even criminal because there are many other deserving characters out there. Oh btw I do support Masked Man but I don't support a 3rd EB rep.
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