Here's a theory I've been working on for a little while now, but it never really worked out until today...
If you think about it, since the E3 reveal, including that week, there have been 16 weeks and we now have 16 characters. When trying to find a pattern, I stumbled upon this but it never really held water until our little guy was revealed this morning. So now that there is no one left to fill in the weeks, perhaps we might be getting a reveal a week? When you think about it, it was this time of year back in 2007 when we were getting a character just about every week up until Dedede.
I don't mean to get your hopes up, and my apologies if anyone has brought this theory up before, but so far it makes a little sense. Honestly I'm betting on a reveal about every two weeks. Considering we got TL exactly two weeks after Peach, and that the Pokemon X Y release is approx. 2 weeks from today, it only makes sense.
Just a thought. Let me know what you think.