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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Hey guys! I have a question for you guys!

How exactly do you think SSB4 will be like if it was owned by SEGA?

Post your SEGA rosters.

The Mario series will obviously be replaced by Sonic.

Also all Third Parties will be the same except Sonic=Mario.
This should be its own thread. I will work on mine. In alternate universe where Nintendo and Sega switched places.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Hey guys, do you think that everyone who says Dixie will make it in over K. Rool will change their minds if K. Rool is the surprise heavyweight for Tropical Freeze?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I don't think its fair to compare FE to Mother. Mother is a dead series with only three installments, while FE has had 13 games and far, far more popular.

Secondly, we have already had three characters in Smash Bros. so far (Marth, Roy, Ike) that mostly sum up what a character like Chrom would be about. I think people would be far more excited (especially those unfamiliar with FE) to see My Unit or Anna than Chrom get in, even though the latter has more exposure. Chrom as a standalone character probably has a bigger aura of "been there done that" than any other possibly newcomer choice.
Yes, definitely. But that's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Sure, Anna or My Unit would offer much more new stuff, but I wouldn't say they're more iconic to Fire Emblem Awakening than Chrom is.

Deleted member

You think? I mean, Ike is original, but so was Mewtwo, and he was cut for A MORE RECENT CHARACTER.
Sounds familiar, right? That's my logic, although I've only played Awakening, so, you know.
Mewtwo was not cut for a more recent character, it was cut due to time constraints, which are not the same thing. Sakurai planned to have both Mewtwo and Lucario in Brawl, but couldn't include Mewtwo due to time constraints.
Hey guys, do you think that everyone who says Dixie will make it in over K. Rool will change their minds if K. Rool is the surprise heavyweight for Tropical Freeze?
No. I still find King K. Rool highly likely (thought to be fair, I'm the same person who expects K. Rool and Dixie to get in).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
FE has untapped potential, but it's not like three sword users would be misrepresents the series. Every game has had at least one main sword user.
I actually think it would. I could easily see a stand alone Chrom becoming the most unpopular newcomer, and the butt of many meme jokes.

As to your earlier comment about creating an "original" character, I did not mean that. I meant a character that already exists.

Keep in mind that there already exists a precedent for Sakurai to take risks in regards to the FE franchise. Instead of going with a lord from the immensely popular FE4, Sakurai instead went with the unproven Roy because he felt that he would become a character that many people would want to play as.

It turned out that Sakurai's gambit payed off, as Roy proved to be an extremely popular newcomer, and even brought many people to the FE franchise, not just in the West, but in Japan as well.

I think Sakurai may try to to go with the unproven My Unit/Anna over the "safe" Chrom if he is truly interesting in bringing new things to the table.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
whoa bro calm down for a sec hes actually rightmewtwo is more advertised currently that doesent mean lucario hasnt been doing his work around the franchise Which he certainly has. The jigglypuff thing is just kinda hard to see her go after haveing her here in the smash family since the start so people are pretty sure she's coming back there is no real reason for her to be excluded now.
Except to make room for the rest. Being a 3 time veteran is a good reason to keep her, but I seriously doubt that this time around she'll take the place of any other Pokemon veterans or Mewtwo. Sakurai would likely keep her because she is easy to program and is probably why he did in Brawl. You really think Sakurai would refrain from having Mewtwo, Lucario, or Pokemon Trainer (the 3 who are currently most advertised) JUST because Jiggs is veteran!? No way. I only see Jiggs staying if there is time for 5 Pokemon characters.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Yes, definitely. But that's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Sure, Anna or My Unit would offer much more new stuff, but I wouldn't say they're more iconic to Fire Emblem Awakening than Chrom is.
Anna is actually.
Didn't she show up in almost every game as opposed to Chrom's one?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Yes, definitely. But that's exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Sure, Anna or My Unit would offer much more new stuff, but I wouldn't say they're more iconic to Fire Emblem Awakening than Chrom is.
See my latest post.

Sakurai has taken risks before in regards to the FE series.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Mewtwo was not cut for a more recent character, it was cut due to time constraints, which are not the same thing. Sakurai planned to have both Mewtwo and Lucario in Brawl, but couldn't include Mewtwo due to time constraints.
I question that. If Sakurai thought it was worth it, he could have delayed the game for it.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Mewtwo was not cut for a more recent character, it was cut due to time constraints, which are not the same thing. Sakurai planned to have both Mewtwo and Lucario in Brawl, but couldn't include Mewtwo due to time constraints.No. I still find King K. Rool highly likely (thought to be fair, I'm the same person who expects K. Rool and Dixie to get in).
I forgot about the time constraints, I just don't think Lucario makes it, although I can very well see it. I also think both will make it BTW.
Except to make room for the rest. Being a 3 time veteran is a good reason to keep her, but I seriously doubt that this time around she'll take the place of any other Pokemon veterans or Mewtwo. Sakurai would likely keep her because she is easy to program and is probably why he did in Brawl. You really think Sakurai would refrain from having Mewtwo, Lucario, or Pokemon Trainer (the 3 who are currently most advertised) JUST because Jiggs is veteran!? No way. I only see Jiggs staying if there is time for 5 Pokemon characters.
Jiggs gets priority over Lucario any day. And I honestly believe that Sakurai has a little soft spot for anyone from the original game.
I know I do.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Jigglypuff is going nowhere.
Jigglypuff Approves.

I'm calling that Mario and Pokemon will be at 5 characters each.

The 4 mains of Mario are confirmed, making me think they are saving one more for a nice reveal. My money's on Bowser Jr.

Pikachu, PKMN Trainer, Mewtwo and Lucario all are very much safe. The 1st 2 are way too iconic to the series, while Mewtwo and Lucario are massively popular and just got some new relevance. Jiggs is way too classic to Smash itself to be going anywhere either.

Zelda I'm not so sure about. I think it should stay at 4, but a 5th in my opinion would most likely be Tetra.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I actually think it would. I could easily see a stand alone Chrom becoming the most unpopular newcomer, and the butt of many meme jokes.

As to your earlier comment about creating an "original" character, I did not mean that. I meant a character that already exists.

Keep in mind that there already exists a precedent for Sakurai to take risks in regards to the FE franchise. Instead of going with a lord from the immensely popular FE4, Sakurai instead went with the unproven Roy because he felt that he would become a character that many people would want to play as.

It turned out that Sakurai's gambit payed off, as Roy proved to be an extremely popular newcomer, and even brought many people to the FE franchise, not just in the West, but in Japan as well.

I think Sakurai may try to to go with the unproven My Unit/Anna over the "safe" Chrom if he is truly interesting in bringing new things to the table.
I would love to see an Avatar or Anna! I think they could count as Awakening reps. Anna would lean heavily to her Awakening design, as she would be a fighter. The Avatar concept was phenomenally bigger in Awaken and would benefit from being in FE13 only class of tactician.

In my original comment I don't believe I mentioned Chrom. I just said an Awakening rep. I don't get why you keep bringing up Chrom. I really don't want the guy in unless he comes with Lucina.

Deleted member

I question that. If Sakurai thought it was worth it, he could have delayed the game for it.
Mewtwo was part of the Forbidden Seven (which had Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong, Toon Zelda/Sheik and maybe Plusle & Minun in it). All of these characters were planned at one point, but were cut for various reasons. Of the cuts, Mewtwo and Roy had the most data files left. Sakurai also commented on that he had a lot of characters he wanted in Brawl but couldn't add due to time constraints.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I question that. If Sakurai thought it was worth it, he could have delayed the game for it.
He already did delay the game, to put in Sonic. The fans raged like hell. Presumably, the fact that Dr. Mario, Roy and Mewtwo are all in Brawl's programming (albeit only scraps) suggests that at some point, they were going to include these characters. The file structure of Brawl compared to Melee is so vastly different that it's very unlikely they were simply remnants of Melee code. Of course, we don't know how early on these characters (along with Dixie and Toon Zelda) got dropped, but we do know with a fair amount of certainty that they made it past the planning stages if nothing else.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
People are still using the canon size of windows and stairs as their way of defending the canon size of a character?

Lol, good one!
Why? It's the same reason Falco gets priority over Wolf.
Veteran status means a lot, really. Although Jiggs is one of the less safe veterans (like Falco), I see her as an almost definite return.
But hey, if I'm wrong, I can get a big "I told you so" from you.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Rosalina? Two new Mario characters would be a bit too much for me to swallow, but I'd love to hear your reasoning for her.
The lack of R.O.B. kills it for me though.
Yet Melee introduced three new Mario characters.

If you guys dislike Chrom, there's someone else who could fill the spot..
Lucina has a much higher chance than Anna thank you very much

Mewtwo was not cut for a more recent character, it was cut due to time constraints, which are not the same thing. Sakurai planned to have both Mewtwo and Lucario in Brawl, but couldn't include Mewtwo due to time constraints.No. I still find King K. Rool highly likely (thought to be fair, I'm the same person who expects K. Rool and Dixie to get in).
Whoa, whoa, whoa, when the **** did you get back?!?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Mewtwo was part of the Forbidden Seven (which had Mewtwo, Roy, Dixie Kong, Toon Zelda/Sheik and maybe Plusle & Minun in it). All of these characters were planned at one point, but were cut for various reasons. Of the cuts, Mewtwo and Roy had the most data files left. Sakurai also commented on that he had a lot of characters he wanted in Brawl but couldn't add due to time constraints.
He already did delay the game, to put in Sonic. The fans raged like hell. Presumably, the fact that Dr. Mario, Roy and Mewtwo are all in Brawl's programming (albeit only scraps) suggests that at some point, they were going to include these characters. The file structure of Brawl compared to Melee is so vastly different that it's very unlikely they were simply remnants of Melee code. Of course, we don't know how early on these characters (along with Dixie and Toon Zelda) got dropped, but we do know with a fair amount of certainty that they made it past the planning stages if nothing else.
Exactly. I, myself, would not use something so unknown as proof. Were they really cut because of time? Or did he (or others) simply decide the character wasn't WORTH the time?


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
People are still using the canon size of windows and stairs as their way of defending the canon size of a character?
If you like, we could go back to comparing canon sizes of characters:

Pikachu's canon size is 0.4 metres. Mewtwo's canon size is 2 metres. Mewtwo is canonically 5x the size of Pikachu.

Mewtwo is 2 big 4 Smash guise
...Except people will still come up with excuses for why each and every size indiscrepancy in Smash Bros. gets a free pass (aside from Ridley).


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Well, adding Ike certainly wasn't risky. I don't know if I'd call that "risk" or "promotion."
Ike might also have been risky considering all the lords that had been created since Roy, and there was quite a few good choices between them all (an axe wielder, a spear wielder, etc.). Ike was definitely not the obvious pick.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
...Except people will still come up with excuses for why each and every size indiscrepancy in Smash Bros. gets a free pass (aside from Ridley).
Yep. Ridley is always the magical exception that can't be in Smash Bros. because of reasons X and Y that don't apply to any other character.

Ike might also have been risky considering all the lords that had been created since Roy, and there was quite a few good choices between them all (an axe wielder, a spear wielder, etc.). Ike was definitely not the obvious pick.
If Sakurai was going for "risky," he totally could have picked Micaiah. Would have been more unique moveset-wise, would have promoted Radiant Dawn.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Why? It's the same reason Falco gets priority over Wolf.
Let me stop you right there! How can you prove that any character who hasn't been removed from the succesor of their original appearance is locked in to Smash Bros permanently? There is no source for this.[/quote]

Veteran status means a lot, really. Although Jiggs is one of the less safe veterans (like Falco), I see her as an almost definite return.
But hey, if I'm wrong, I can get a big "I told you so" from you.
It does. My point is that in the event that Pokemon makes it to five characters means Jigglypuff ain't going nowhere. But, sometimes hard decisions have to be made. I see no reason for Jiggs to get in if it means the disposal of Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Mewtwo, Charizard, or Pikachu. I believe she got in Brawl over Mewtwo because there wasn't enough time to add him EVEN if you removed Jigglypuff.

What you need to understand is that veteran status means a lot. It does NOT mean everything nor does it confirm characters. Sakurai NEVER even stated anything about it.

Who do you think has lowest priority from Sakurai to return?
I say Wolf, but that's just me.
I'm going to have to go with Wolf if not Falco. I really don't see Toon Link leaving even in a cut roster.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something

Other junk:

Toad got deconfirmed!

Or not!

Thanks Sakurai for yet more teasing with your comments. First Riddles and now this.
probably not
I think Bowser Jr. has done less to separate himself from Bowser than Paper Mario has from Mario.

I think most would feel that Paper Mario would be "fresher" than Bowser Jr., not to mention it would give the Paper Mario sub-series much more attention within Smash Bros.

I still think Toad would be the best choice all around though, and I think people are being too hasty in writing him off. I said weeks ago that Peach special Toad and playable Toad co-existing was a plausible scenario, and Sakurai had already done a similar thing with ROB in Brawl.
hey look for once I agree with you mostly. It's possible that they co-exist. I think Toad is the best choice, technically speaking, but I'd much prefer Paper Mario so we can watch him get made into a clone and laugh our asses off
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