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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Rosalina? Two new Mario characters would be a bit too much for me to swallow, but I'd love to hear your reasoning for her.
The lack of R.O.B. kills it for me though.
The thing is, I'm just trying to keep the roster amount at 45, as that's probably the most realistic amount that we'll get when alternate forms are not applied. As much as I didn't want R.O.B. scrapped, I did have to make some sacrifices to keep the roster at a realistic level.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Let me stop you right there! How can you prove that any character who hasn't been removed from the succesor of their original appearance is locked in to Smash Bros permanently? There is no source for this.

It does. My point is that in the event that Pokemon makes it to five characters means Jigglypuff ain't going nowhere. But, sometimes hard decisions have to be made. I see no reason for Jiggs to get in if it means the disposal of Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Mewtwo, Charizard, or Pikachu. I believe she got in Brawl over Mewtwo because there wasn't enough time to add him EVEN if you removed Jigglypuff.

What you need to understand is that veteran status means a lot. It does NOT mean everything nor does it confirm characters. Sakurai NEVER even stated anything about it.

I'm going to have to go with Wolf if not Falco. I really don't see Toon Link leaving even in a cut roster.[/quote]
Good points on your end, although you haven't convinced me Jiggs doesn't return. Although it is a possibility.
I used Wolf and Falco as examples because they are both Fox semi-clones that people think are in danger, which is stupid.
Just like Jiggs, Falco is going nowhere, but Wolf, since he only appeared in Brawl, I predict to have less priority. It's not a fact, just an example that pops up every once in a while.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
If you like, we could go back to comparing canon sizes of characters:
That's what I'm trying to get people to do. There are so many ways to defend Ridley's size and you people come up with WINDOWS!?!? I heard a guy use REAL LIFE HANDS as an example because of Master Hand. People suck at defending why Ridley's size is not an actual problem. It makes Ridley cry at how much effort his defenders DON'T put into it.

Deleted member

Exactly. I, myself, would not use something so unknown as proof. Were they really cut because of time? Or did he (or others) simply decide the character wasn't WORTH the time?
Considering that Sakurai mentioned he had to cut a lot of characters due to time constraints and that Roy and Mewtwo had the most data, there's not any conclusion that works better than Sakurai wanted to include Mewtwo and Roy but had to cut them in mid-development to save time.

And link for everyone to see: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/4964/sakurai-cut-characters-from-smash-bros/


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I don't know about you, but I feel Anna appearing in 12 FE games seems viable to me.
Viable, yes, but I don't think her role is larger than other potential choices. She HAS been in many, many games...but it's usually as an NPC. A guide, tutorial, or merchant. Awakening is the first instance where she is playable. So yes, she is completely viable, but I don't think she has a bigger role than Marth, Ike, Chrom, Lucina, or the Avatar.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
This is thread is so hyper active. :eek:

Viable, yes, but I don't think her role is larger than other potential choices. She HAS been in many, many games...but it's usually as an NPC. A guide, tutorial, or merchant. Awakening is the first instance where she is playable. So yes, she is completely viable, but I don't think she has a bigger role than Marth, Ike, Chrom, Lucina, or the Avatar.
You could kinda say the same thing for Toad.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
That's what I'm trying to get people to do. There are so many ways to defend Ridley's size and you people come up with WINDOWS!?!? I heard a guy use REAL LIFE HANDS as an example because of Master Hand. People suck at defending why Ridley's size is not an actual problem. It makes Ridley cry at how much effort his defenders DON'T put into it.
I used the hands comparison... and it was a joke comparison, not a srs one. I think I speak for everybody when I say 99.5% of the Ridley supporters (or even just the people who think "Ridley is too big" is a bogus excuse) stopped taking it seriously somewhere around the time of 2006 or 2007. That people still argue it today baffles me, quite frankly.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Considering that Sakurai mentioned he had to cut a lot of characters due to time constraints and that Roy and Mewtwo had the most data, there's not any conclusion that works better than Sakurai wanted to include Mewtwo and Roy but had to cut them in mid-development to save time.

And link for everyone to see: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/4964/sakurai-cut-characters-from-smash-bros/
Yes, but what I mean is...this still means that he prioritized other characters over Mewtwo and Roy. Ultimately, when it came down to it, he chose to cut these two in favor of Ike, Lucario, and the Trainer.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Hey guys, do you think that everyone who says Dixie will make it in over K. Rool will change their minds if K. Rool is the surprise heavyweight for Tropical Freeze?
No, but I think it's telling which of the two characters is ultimately a better choice when people say "Dixie is getting in unless K. Rool is in Tropical Freeze, then he's getting in." Placed side by side, he's far more of a stand-out choice, only limited by users' arbitrary assumptions about MUH RELEVANCE.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of against "Robin" in SSB4.
Fire Emblem will get Chrom, and if there is a tag team sort of mechanic, then Lucina as well.
Robin, although an interesting idea, has little chance. Plus, I would rather have an actual character than an avatar, unless it absolutely needs to happen (Villager, Mii).

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
No, but I think it's telling which of the two characters is ultimately a better choice when people say "Dixie is getting in unless K. Rool is in Tropical Freeze, then he's getting in."
I hope you don't think I believe Dixie gets in over K. Rool.
I am a Kutthroat after all, I support K. Rool as much as Paper Mario and Little Mac.
In other words: A WHOLE LOT.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
The thing is, I'm just trying to keep the roster amount at 45, as that's probably the most realistic amount that we'll get when alternate forms are not applied. As much as I didn't want R.O.B. scrapped, I did have to make some sacrifices to keep the roster at a realistic level.
[collapse="Did you, now?"]

I've had this one around since the beginning of July. It's not only realistic, but it's one less than 45, and still has more veterans.

I'm not using it as a means to one-up you, I'm not striving for that at all, rather the point is that you didn't really need to replace R.O.B. if you focused less on newcomers.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Except to make room for the rest. Being a 3 time veteran is a good reason to keep her, but I seriously doubt that this time around she'll take the place of any other Pokemon veterans or Mewtwo. Sakurai would likely keep her because she is easy to program and is probably why he did in Brawl. You really think Sakurai would refrain from having Mewtwo, Lucario, or Pokemon Trainer (the 3 who are currently most advertised) JUST because Jiggs is veteran!? No way. I only see Jiggs staying if there is time for 5 Pokemon characters.
Jigglypuff isn't taking the place of another character. People need to stop making that stupid, baseless assumption that, "Oh Character A got in, guess Character B's chance was taken." Also Jiggs still had priority over Mewtwo in Brawl, seeing as, ya know, she's in the game and Mewtwo is not. Regardless of if she was easier to program. She was a 2 time Gen 1 vet VS a 1 time Gen 1 vet.

I question that. If Sakurai thought it was worth it, he could have delayed the game for it.
Woah there, I question what you say. Sakurai already delayed the game twice. Nintendo was pressuring him to get that game out, so he had to draw the line somewhere. Sonic delaying it a 2nd time was probably the only reason it was delayed twice. But a 3rd time for Mewtwo? Nope. My opinion is that the late and rushed addition of Sonic took a lot of the extra time Sakurai had for other character ideas (Mewtwo & Roy being the big ones with the most data).


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
@Anna supporters: You should add a character based on their importance to a game series, not how many they appeared in. Anna is just an icon for Fire Emblem. She really isn't important enough to the point where she needs to be playable. Just basing on the way Sakurai views things I don't think he is interested in Anna.

Hey guys, do you think that everyone who says Dixie will make it in over K. Rool will change their minds if K. Rool is the surprise heavyweight for Tropical Freeze?

I still think Dixie is more important. Why are people so confident that King K. Rool is going to be playable in Tropical Freeze anyway?

EDIT: His appearance would have no effect as the roster was finalized before the reveal of Tropical Freeze.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
@Anna supporters: You should add a character based on their importance to a game series, not how many they appeared in. Anna is just an icon for Fire Emblem. She really isn't important enough to the point where she needs to be playable. Just basing on the way Sakurai views things I don't think he is interested in Anna.

I still think Dixie is more important. Why are people so confident that King K. Rool is going to be playable in Tropical Freeze anyway?

EDIT: His appearance would have no effect as the roster was finalized before the reveal of Tropical Freeze.
Although our views couldn't be more different, you're a fellow Luigi lover, so I forgive all of it.
BTW, K. Rool in Tropical Freeze is VERY wishful thinking on my part. It's something that may happen, and I'm crossing my fingers that it will, but Funky probably makes it in honestly.

Deleted member

Yes, but what I mean is...this still means that he prioritized other characters over Mewtwo and Roy. Ultimately, when it came down to it, he chose to cut these two in favor of Ike, Lucario, and the Trainer.
You do have a point, but I still don't think Sakurai considers Lucario/Pokémon Trainer/Ike a replacement of Mewtwo and Roy. And if we're going by this, it could be argued more that Toon Link, Wolf and Sonic were chosen over Mewtwo and Roy, not that Lucario/Pokémon Trainer/Ike were chosen over Mewtwo and Roy.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Jigglypuff isn't taking the place of another character. People need to stop making that stupid, baseless assumption that, "Oh Character A got in, guess Character B's chance was taken." Also Jiggs still had priority over Mewtwo in Brawl, seeing as, ya know, she's in the game and Mewtwo is not. Regardless of if she was easier to program. She was a 2 time Gen 1 vet VS a 1 time Gen 1 vet.
Oh, so now we are just deciding what counts as a reason for a character's appearance over another? And what makes you qualified to say Jiggs didn't get in over Mewtwo because of the time it would take to program her???

I argue with myself.

I says DLC isn't really a Nintendo thing, but then I thinks: POKEMON, FIRE EMBLEM, and other Nintendo games.
It's the perfect solution to Smash Brothers. Just remember that the option of DLC will have no effect on the games original roster.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Woah there, I question what you say. Sakurai already delayed the game twice. Nintendo was pressuring him to get that game out, so he had to draw the line somewhere. Sonic delaying it a 2nd time was probably the only reason it was delayed twice. But a 3rd time for Mewtwo? Nope. My opinion is that the late and rushed addition of Sonic took a lot of the extra time Sakurai had for other character ideas (Mewtwo & Roy being the big ones with the most data).
Right, but what I mean there is that then...Sakurai still prioritized Ike, Lucario, and Trainer over Roy and Mewtwo. Even if those characters were cut for time-based reasons, Sakurai chose Ike over Roy and Lucario and Trainer over Mewtwo; it was still a choice. He felt that those characters were bigger priorities.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I hope you don't think I believe Dixie gets in over K. Rool.
I am a Kutthroat after all, I support K. Rool as much as Paper Mario and Little Mac.
In other words: A WHOLE LOT.
Oh, of course, everyone can believe what they'd like either way. My thoughts on the matter are, one, that users in general begin fabricating and buying into progressively stupider arguments as time passes without information (MUH RELEVANCE being an obvious one, but also stuff like "Dedede won't get in Brawl because Sakurai is humble" or "Olimar is too small"), and, two, that MUH RELEVANCE has always been a crutch for feeble-minded speculators, one that none of them gets called out on using, even when it falls flat on its face (which it does often, as Medusa and Zoroark can attest to).


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Ike might also have been risky considering all the lords that had been created since Roy, and there was quite a few good choices between them all (an axe wielder, a spear wielder, etc.). Ike was definitely not the obvious pick.
This maybe a little of hindsight speaking, but Ike was not a risky pick considering the options. There was no sense of sword user fatigue. He had the most recently released game. And other than Hector, the choice to make him powerhouse in line with RD form contributed most to balance. He also was the only one to come from a 3D game and a home console game. I thinking picking any of the post-Roy FE Lords would have not been risky, but Ike was probably the least risky choice as he stood out the most.
Cool. But I think if I make a thread it might be locked.
Would a Sega Roster thread be locked to any of the moderators on this thread? Additionally one of the rules would be to include a Nintendo character like how Sega got Sonic in Brawl.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
@Anna supporters: You should add a character based on their importance to a game series, not how many they appeared in. Anna is just an icon for Fire Emblem. She really isn't important enough to the point where she needs to be playable. Just basing on the way Sakurai views things I don't think he is interested in Anna.

I still think Dixie is more important. Why are people so confident that King K. Rool is going to be playable in Tropical Freeze anyway?

EDIT: His appearance would have no effect as the roster was finalized before the reveal of Tropical Freeze.
That sounds about right. Honestly, I wouldn't be convinced she could do a lot else that hasn't already been done with past FE swordsmen, save, what, using magic tomes simply because of reclassing? I'd rather see a javelin user like Chrom or Lucina, to be honest, for the fact that they're at least confirmed to be important characters in more than one Fire Emblem game (assuming the SMTxFE trailer gives us anything to go by).

And I think peoples' confidence in K. Rool mainly stems from hope more than real expectation. He's the more requested character as a whole, which is why he's even held in regard against Dixie at this point.

Just my two cents.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
You do have a point, but I still don't think Sakurai considers Lucario/Pokémon Trainer/Ike a replacement of Mewtwo and Roy. And if we're going by this, it could be argued more that Toon Link, Wolf and Sonic were chosen over Mewtwo and Roy, not that Lucario/Pokémon Trainer/Ike were chosen over Mewtwo and Roy.
That's entirely possible as well. I'm trying to avoid the word "replacement," because I don't think of them as that; Roy and Mewtwo represent their own characters and ideas. I do think, however, that Sakurai felt that the characters he put in Brawl were the best choices when compared to the characters he cut.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
[collapse="Did you, now?"]

I've had this one around since the beginning of July. It's not only realistic, but it's one less than 45, and still has more veterans.

I'm not using it as a means to one-up you, I'm not striving for that at all, rather the point is that you didn't really need to replace R.O.B. if you focused less on newcomers.
You're probably right there, as I did implement new characters without any regard towards some of the Brawl fighters.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Who think Snake is low priority in development. I could see Snake cut, but not Sonic.
Mmm...that's always a topic. I don't think Snake has become any less relevant now than when he was added in Brawl, but I DO think Sonic has become more relevant.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Who thinks Snake is low priority in development. I could see Snake cut, but not Sonic.
I want Snake out, I think Snake is out.
No questions asked. He never fit in, and with this art style, he won't fit in even more.
Sonic is completely safe though, I think we can all agree on that.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Oh, so now we are just deciding what counts as a reason for a character's appearance over another? And what makes you qualified to say Jiggs didn't get in over Mewtwo because of the time it would take to program her???
Uhmm....do you not know what regardless means? You used that in your argument, so I was pointing out the fact that your reason, or any reason, for her appearance over Mewtwo does not matter. She was in the game. He wasn't. Only Sakurai knows why.

However I think it's pretty obvious that programming Jiggs would be an easier task than Mewtwo. His attacks are all very quirky, he has items that float around him, he does many out of the ordinary things. Unlike Jigglypuff, who was clearly added late (IE lack of SSE appearance, almost identical movements to Melee, uninspired FInal Smash), meaning MOST LIKELY, she was easier to program.

I never said I was qualified, nor did I decide what counts. You took an opinion, as me saying a fact. Nice try though.
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